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Principles of Ex Ovo Competitive Exclusion and

In Ovo Administration of Lactobacillus reuteri 1

*Department of Poultry Science and †Department of Microbiology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
North Carolina 27695-7635, and ‡BioGaia Biologics, Inc., 6213D Angus Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27613

ABSTRACT The data that have been presented and crypt depth, and Gentamicin in ovo causes a
indicate that the in ovo use of competitive exclusion (CE) shortening and blunting of the villus. Both Gentamicin
agents is feasible for both chickens and turkeys. and L. reuteri in ovo suppress potentially pathogenic
However, there are many pitfalls that await the use of in enteric microbes, but with diminished antibiotic effects
ovo application of CE agents, including the use of shortening and blunting of the intestinal villi does not
nonspecies-specific intestinal microbes and the use of correct itself. Goblet cell numbers increase significantly
harmful proteolytic, gas-producing and toxin-producing on the ileum villus of chicks treated with Gentamicin in
intestinal microbes. Of the potential CE agents that have ovo, and this is presumably due to the increase in
posthatch application, only Lactobacillus reuteri has been potentially pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract.
shown to be safe and effective in terms of not affecting Diminishing antibiotic effects posthatch would then
hatchability and in having a prolonged effect in the negatively affect the absorption of nutrients and reduce
hatched chick or poult. Lactobacillus reuteri administra- growth at least in a transitory manner. Thus, L. reuteri
tion in ovo increases its rate of intestinal colonization and administration in ovo singly or in combination with
decreases the colonization of Salmonella and Escherichia Gentamicin followed by L. reuteri via drinking water or
coli in both chicks and poults. Additionally, mortality feed appears to have potential to control many enteric
due to in-hatcher exposure to E. coli or Salmonella is pathogens in poultry.
reduced with in ovo L. reuteri. Use of antibiotics in ovo Additional work in the use of in ovo CE cultures is
may preclude the use of co-administered CE agents, but mandated because there is a world-wide movement to
Gentamicin and L. reuteri are a compatible mixture reduce antibiotic use in poultry due to increased
when administered in ovo in separate compartments. microbial resistance to antibiotics. Use of naturally
Nevertheless, the intestinal morphology can be affected occurring intestinal bacterial cultures, either in mixed
by both the CE agent and by antibiotics. Lactobacillus culture or as single well-defined cultures, has potential
reuteri both in ovo and ex ovo will increase villus height for immediate use in the poultry industry.
(Key words: competitive exclusion, Lactobacillus reuteri, in ovo, hatchability, livability)
1997 Poultry Science 76:179–196

INTRODUCTION Hollister et al., 1994a,b,c, 1995; Nisbet et al., 1994) signal

the importance of this technology and its application to
The advent of competitive exclusion (CE) technolo- the poultry industry.
gies for the control of pathogenic enteric bacteria in The CE concept was applied first to the domestic fowl
poultry as well as humans has received considerable by Nurmi and Rantala (1973) and Rantala and Nurmi
interest during the past two decades. Intensive efforts by (1973) when they attempted to control a severe outbreak
groups of USDA scientists (Bailey, 1987, 1988; Bailey et of Salmonella infantis in Finnish broiler flocks. In their
al., 1988; Ziprin et al., 1989, 1990, 1991; Cox et al., 1990, studies, it was determined that very low challenge doses
1992a,b; Corrier et al., 1990a,b, 1991a,b, 1992a,b,c, 1994, of Salmonella (1 to 10 cells into the crop) were sufficient
1995a,b; Hinton et al., 1990, 1991a,b; Hume et al., 1993; to initiate salmonellosis in chickens. Additionally, they
determined that it was during the 1st wk posthatch that
the chick was most susceptible to Salmonella infections.
Received for publication August 13, 1995. Use of a Lactobacillus strain did not produce protection,
Accepted for publication August 27, 1996. and this forced them to evaluate an unmanipulated
1Mention of trade names in this publication does not imply
population of intestinal bacteria from adult chickens that
endorsement by North Carolina State University or the North Carolina
Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695 of the product were resistant to the S. infantis. On oral administration
named nor criticism of similar products not mentioned. of this undefined mixed culture, adult-type resistance to


Salmonella was achieved. This procedure later became countries, fecal and cecal contents are used to induce CE
known as the Nurmi or CE concept. The term “competi- in growing poultry (Wierup et al., 1988). Several
tive exclusion” was applied first in poultry by Lloyd et attempts have been made to isolate pure cultures of
al. (1974). protective microflora (Impey et al., 1982, 1984) and
In traditional terms, CE in poultry has implied the mixed cultures (Impey et al., 1982, 1984; Stavric et al.,
use of naturally occurring intestinal microorganisms in 1985; Stavric, 1987; Gleeson et al., 1989) to induce
chicks and poults that were ready to be placed in competitive exclusion of Salmonella, but Mead and
brooder houses. Competitive exclusion products ex- Impey (1986) have shown that there are many problems
ploded onto the market after the initial report by Nurmi associated with this method because there is a decided
and Rantala (1973); however, many of the products were lack of adequate selective isolation media that would
simply not effective in the control of potential enteric permit the detailed analysis of the cecal microflora, a
pathogens. Therefore, for a short period of time, lack of clear means to determine in vitro whether a
development of probiotics for CE of potential pathogens particular strain is protective, and the need to identify
in chickens slowed. Nevertheless, research is now all component cecal microorganisms.
widespread in this area, and potential new products are
being introduced regularly.
Many of the CE products can be applied to the
surface of embryonated chicken and turkey eggs; COMPETITIVE EXCLUSION
however, little has been done to extend the concept of The mechanisms used by one species of bacteria to
CE to in ovo administration. Work published by Cox et exclude or reduce the growth of another species are
al. (1992b) was the first to show that the Nurmi concept varied, but Rolfe (1991) determined that there are at
of CE could be extended to administration to hatching least four major mechanisms of CE. These mechanisms
embryos. Edens et al. (1991) also had demonstrated the are: 1) creation of microecology that is hostile to other
potential for the use of Lactobacillus reuteri for in ovo bacterial species, 2) elimination of available bacterial
administration for induction of CE in hatching chickens receptor sites, 3) production and secretion of an-
and turkey poults. timicrobial metabolites, and 4) selective and competitive
It is known that many commercial hatcheries are depletion of essential nutrients.
contaminated with Salmonella and many other enteric The microecology of the intestinal tract is the
pathogens that may limit CE activity in chickens and determining factor in specific microorganismal viability.
turkeys (Cox et al., 1990, 1991; Goren et al., 1988). The in
The production of volatile fatty acids at a pH below 6.0
ovo route of administration is an attractive method of CE
is known to decrease the populations of Salmonella and
application because chicks and poults will hatch with an
Enterobacteriacea (Meynell, 1963). Disruption of the
intestinal tract colonized with beneficial bacteria.
normal intestinal microbial populations with antibiotics
will abolish this mechanism of CE because the concen-
CONCEPT OF COMPETITIVE EXCLUSION trations of volatile fatty acids produced by the intestinal
bacteria will decrease and gut pH will increase toward a
The idea that intestinal bacteria played a role in
more alkaline range. In newly hatched chicks, the
maintenance of health was originated by Metchnikoff
volatile fatty acid concentration and pH are not
(1908) when he studied “lactic acid bacteria” in fer-
mented milk products and their use to increase lon- sufficient to chemically exclude pathogens (Barnes et al.,
gevity and maintenance of youthful vigor in humans. 1979, 1980a,b).
His landmark publication sparked research efforts In order for pathogens to attach to the intestinal
around the world, and by the 1930s, evidence was epithelium, there must be available sites for adhesion to
accumulating to show that normal intestinal microflora occur. The adhesion is mediated through the
inhibited the growth of intestinal pathogens. polysaccharide-containing components attached to the
However, Greenberg (1969) first used the term CE for cell wall (Soerjadi et al., 1982). This cell wall component
the situation in which one species of bacterium more mediates adherence of common bacteria to each other
vigorously competed for receptor sites in the intestinal and to the intestinal epithelium, preventing other
tract than did another species in a report dealing with bacteria from attaching to the epithelium and effectively
total exclusion of Salmonella typhimurium from maggots blocking all receptor sites.
of blow flies. He observed that S. typhimurium would Antimicrobial substances produced and secreted by
only survive if there was a reduction or elimination of natural inhabitants of the intestinal tract can either kill
the normal intestinal microflora. In 1971, van der Waaij or inhibit growth of pathogens (Rolfe, 1991). In this
and associates used a synonymous term “colonization capacity, research with the acid-loving Lactobacillus has
resistance” when studying pathogen colonization in shown that as a group, they produce significant
mice. amounts of bacterial growth inhibitory substances. Of
Competitive exclusion against Salmonella can be these, reuterin, a product of glycerol metabolism that is
induced by exposure of day-old chicks to fecal and cecal secreted by L. reuteri, has broad-spectrum killing abilities
bacterial flora from adults. Indeed, in some European in the intestinal tract of chickens (Talarico et al., 1988).
The importance of L. reuteri as a CE agent is being ens, as there were no differences in body weight or feed
investigated by the authors of this review. conversion.
Competition for available nutrients as a means to Francis et al. (1978) and Potter et al. (1986) observed
control intestinal bacterial populations is probably not increased growth in turkeys fed L. acidophilus and other
the most effective means for CE. Rolfe (1991) indicated Lactobacillus cultures and zinc bacitracin, but the effect of
that there were many environmental factors that came the two dietary supplements on the growth of the
into play that either enhanced availability of nutrient turkeys was not additive. Nevertheless, both Lactobacil-
from the diet of the host or, through manipulation of lus and zinc bacitracin decreased the coliform and total
dietary ingredients, enhanced the growth of certain aerobic counts in the feed and in the intestinal tract of
microbial populations that may result in exclusion of the poults, and zinc bacitracin also decreased intestinal
other bacterial species. However, we have shown that by Lactobacillus colonies. Damron et al. (1981) did not find
manipulating the lactose concentration in the diets of any beneficial effects of L. acidophilus and other Lac-
chicks and poults, we can selectively provide an tobacillus cultures in turkey breeder hens in terms of egg
advantage for the enhancement of L. reuteri (Casas et al., production, body weight change, fertility, hatch of fertile
1993). eggs, hatchability of all eggs set, or egg specific gravity.


Tortuero (1973) determined that Lactobacillus acidophi- Watkins et al. (1979, 1982) reported that broiler chicks
lus inoculation to day-old broiler chicks improved inoculated with L. acidophilus were more resistant to the
weight gain, feed conversion, fat digestibility, and pathogenic effects of E. coli. The addition of L. acidophilus
nitrogen retention. Additionally, cecal weights were acidified the crop, cecum, and colon of the inoculated
reduced and the production of fecal material (the prime chicks, and this acidification appeared to increase the
source of carcass microbiological contaminants) was competitiveness of the L. acidophilus against the other
reduced significantly. Along with these determinations intestinal microflora. Watkins et al. (1982) found that
was the observation that intestinal microflora was shedding of L. acidophilus increased from 34 to 76% but
altered significantly in that there was a significant did not increase further with subsequent dosing.
increase in Lactobacillus colonies and a total decrease in Nevertheless, prophylactic treatment with L. acidophilus
Enterococci colonies. The conclusion from this work was decreased the shedding of pathogenic E. coli 100 to 47%,
that Lactobacillus intestinal flora could increase the but this did not occur with therapeutic dosing with L.
weight of the growing bird through a correction of fat acidophilus. Watkins and Miller (1983a) further suggested
malabsorption. The observations by Tortuero (1973) that that L. acidophilus increases competitive gut exclusion
L. acidophilus improved these growth performance against harmful organisms (S. typhimurium, Staphylococ-
characteristics seemed to be even better when the birds cus aureus, and E. coli) in the intestinal tract, especially in
were raised on built-up litter. This observation sug- the crop but not to the same degree in the ceca and
gested that there was something in the litter that colon, of the chicken, as suggested earlier by Fuller
interacted with the L. acidophilus to further improve (1973, 1977, 1978). Shahani et al. (1976) suggested that L.
performance. The litter constituent is now known to be acidophilus competed against other bacteria through the
related to the kinds of microbial flora that were shed production of a bacteriocin much like many other lactic
from birds previously on that litter and is now referred acid bacteria that produce bacteriocins for bacterial
to as CE. exclusion (Klaenhammer, 1988). Watkins and Miller
Earlier work by Larousse (1970) indicated that L. (1983b) also demonstrated that L. acidophilus colonized
acidophilus inoculation resulted in equal or superior the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract through a
growth performance in chicks given antibiotics as close relationship and through actual physical attach-
growth promotants (Kol’cova, 1962; Tortuero, 1970). In ment.
fact, the L. acidophilus colonies were increased even Therefore, the colonization of lactic acid bacteria in
further with antibiotic treatment. the chicken and turkey intestinal tract appears to have a
Krueger et al. (1977) found that the addition of a beneficial effect in these species. The benefit appears to
complex of Lactobacillus to the diets of laying hens be associated with the production of bacteriocins of
improved egg production and hatchability. Growth of some species and by reuterin (a metabolic product
broiler chickens was improved when Lactobacillus cul- secreted by L. reuteri), which aid CE of harmful and
tures were added to diets, and when suboptimal amino pathogenic microorganisms (such as Salmonella, En-
acid composition of the diet was a confounding factor, terococci, and Escherichia).
birds fed Lactobacillus cultures grew at a rate that was Competitive exclusion against Salmonella can be
equal to the growth of control broilers (Dilworth and induced by exposure of day-old chicks to fecal and cecal
Day, 1978). In contrast, Watkins and Kratzer (1984) did bacterial flora from adults. In Finland and Sweden, adult
not find any advantage in the continuous use of a fecal and cecal contents are used to induce CE in
Lactobacillus culture in the production of broiler chick- growing poultry (Wierup et al., 1988), and in the last 2

yr, several European countries have allowed fecal and Parkhurst et al., 1991); 2) Lactobacillus reuteri cells are able
cecal cultures for the CE of Salmonella. Several attempts to convert the natural substrate glycerol into reuterin,
have been made to isolate pure cultures of protective which is secreted by L. reuteri and has potent an-
microflora (Impey et al., 1982, 1984) and mixed cultures timicrobial activity; 3) Reuterin in concentrations as low
(Impey et al., 1982, 1984; Stavric et al., 1985; Stavric, 1987; as 10 to 30 mg/mL can kill Salmonella, Escherichia, and
Gleeson et al., 1989) to induce CE of Salmonella, but Campylobacter (and other bacteria) within 30 to 90 min;
Mead and Impey (1986) have shown that there are many and 4) The number of chickens and turkeys that test
problems associated with this method, as there is a positive for Salmonella increases significantly when they
decided lack of adequate selective isolation media that are harvested and delivered for processing.
would permit the detailed analysis of the cecal
microflora, a lack of clear means to determine in vitro
whether a particular strain is protective, and the need to
identify all component cecal microorganisms. In 1995, an REUTERIN SYSTEM
effective continuous flow intestinal culture of 29 differ- The L. reuteri—reuterin system is a natural system of
ent microbes was licensed by USDA for use as a CE broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity associated with
culture in the U.S. (Corrier et al., 1995a,b). anaerobic metabolism of glycerol by L. reuteri (Axelsson
et al., 1989; Chung et al., 1989). A considerable amount of
LACTOBACILLUS REUTERI IN THE background information on this system is now available.
NORMAL INTESTINAL MICROFLORA Lactobacillus reuteri was first isolated by Lerche and
Reuter (cited by Kandler et al., 1980), but until 1983 it
Of all of the intestinal microflora of the avian was classified as Lactobacillus fermentum (Kandler and
intestinal tract, the Lactobacillus genus predominates Weiss, 1986). It is now a recognized species of obligately
similar to the condition found in the mammalian heterofermentative Lactobacillus residing in the gastroin-
gastrointestinal tract (Fuller, 1973, 1977, 1978; Kandler et testinal tract of healthy humans, cattle, swine, poultry,
al., 1980; Soerjadi et al., 1981b; Sarra et al., 1985; Axelsson and other animals (Kandler and Weiss, 1986). It,
and Lindgrin, 1987; Axelsson et al., 1989). In the chicken, perhaps, is the dominant heterofermenter in this
there are three predominant species of Lactobacillus (L. ecosystem (Sarra et al., 1985). It has been shown that L.
reuteri, Lactobacillus salivarius, and Lactobacillus animalis), reuteri is in all regions of the proximal gastrointestinal
but only L. reuteri has the potential to produce reuterin,
tract (stomach to ileum) in nursed piglets within 1 to 2 d
a clearly defined antibacterial substance that is an
after birth. In comparable colostrum-deprived piglets it
intermediary metabolite of glycerol (Talarico et al., 1988,
took approximately 2 wk for a similar colonization to
1990; Axelsson et al., 1989; Chung et al., 1989; Talarico
occur (Dobrogosz et al., 1989).
and Dobrogosz, 1989, 1990). This observation is signifi-
Reuterin has-broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.
cant as one considers the importance of Lactobacillus in
Concentrations of 15 to 30 mg/mL inhibit growth of
the process of CE of organisms such as the Salmonella,
Gram-negative and most Gram-positive bacteria, yeast,
Campylobacter, Listeria, Enterococci, and E. coli from the
fungi, and protozoa. Concentrations of reuterin 60 to 150
intestine of the domestic fowl.
mg/mL are required to kill lactic acid bacteria, including
Reuterin, secreted by L. reuteri, has broad-spectrum
antimicrobial activity extending to the inhibition of at L. reuteri itself (Chung et al., 1989). It is unknown why
least 25 different genera of prokaryotic microbial the latter group of microorganisms is more resistant in
pathogens (both Gram-negative and Gram-positive) and this regard. It is suspected that this differential sensitiv-
to at least 10 different eukaryotic protozoan pathogens ity may have ecosystem (i.e., the gastrointestinal tract)
frequently found in intestines of most mammalian and implications.
avian species (Chung et al., 1989). It was proposed by Lactobacillus reuteri is the only bacterial species able to
Dobrogosz et al. (1989) that L. reuteri, through its in vivo produce and secrete reuterin. Reuterin has been isolated,
ability to produce reuterin, confers an ecological advan- purified, and identified as an equilibrium mixture of
tage allowing L. reuteri to play a modulating role in the monomeric hydrated monomeric and cyclic dimeric
growth of all enteric microflora (Axelsson et al., 1989; forms of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde (3-HPA) (Talarico
Chung et al., 1989; Talarico and Dobrogosz, 1989; and Dobrogosz, 1989). A purified and characterized
Talarico et al., 1988). It is known that: 1) L. reuteri cells enzyme, B12-dependent glycerol dehydratase, is respon-
normally reside in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy sible for conversion of glycerol into reuterin (Talarico
chickens, with the highest numbers found in the crop and Dobrogosz, 1990). Additionally, a nicotinamide
and ceca (Casas, unpublished data). Inclusion of lactose adenine dinucleotide (NAD)+-dependent oxidoreductase
(whey) in the diet increases the number of L. reuteri is responsible for reducing reuterin to 1,3-propanediol
found in the ceca (Edens et al., 1991; Parkhurst et al., (Talarico et al., 1990). These two enzymes constitute a
1991), and dietary lactose supplements have been pathway by which L. reuteri cells can use glycerol as an
reported to reduce the numbers of Salmonella found in alternate hydrogen acceptor during carbohydrate fer-
the gastrointestinal tract of chickens and turkeys (Cor- mentation. Use of this pathway increases available
rier et al., 1990a,b; Hinton et al., 1990; Edens et al., 1991; cellular adenosine triphosphosphate yields and growth
rates significantly above those observed in the absence Gast and Beard (1989) found that chicks inoculated
of glycerol (Talarico et al., 1990). orally between 1 and 8 d posthatch with S. typhimurium
A few other bacterial species (e.g., Enterobacter) are showed decreasing mortality with increasing age, but
able to use glycerol in a similar manner. These species, the pathogenic organism persisted in the ceca of the
however, produce 3-HPA only as a transient metabolic 7-wk-old broiler. They also noted that the birds
intermediate that is immediately reduced to 1,3- inoculated at 1 d posthatch had greater numbers of S.
propanediol. Lactobacillus reuteri is unique in its ability to typhimurium cfu at 7 wk than did the birds inoculated at
1) produce more 3-HPA than is reduced, and 2) secrete 8 d posthatch. Furthermore, S. typhimurium adhered to
the excess 3-HPA, thereby imparting antimicrobial the epithelium of the ceca in the birds inoculated at 1 d
activity to the surrounding environment (Talarico et al., more readily than in the birds inoculated at 3, 5, or 7 d
1990). Reuterin production is believed to occur in vivo in posthatch, but age did not affect the recovery of the
the gastrointestinal (and perhaps genito-urinary) tract, organism from the spleen or the liver. These observa-
providing an ecological competitive advantage to L. tions by Gast and Beard (1989) strongly suggest that a
reuteri cells among other benefits to the host animals. symbiotic relationship between the avian host and
The L. reuteri—reuterin system is believed to play a role protective microflora in the intestinal tract develops
in colonization resistance against potential pathogens. after hatch so that S. typhimurium inoculation after 1 d
Also, significantly deeper crypts and higher villi are posthatch was less severe. Additionally, the age-related
observed in the ileal regions of chickens supplemented decrease in mortality further indicated that some kind of
with 105 cfu L. reuteri per gram of feed than in adaptation or developed resistance had occurred.
corresponding control birds (Casas, unpublished data). Soerjadi et al. (1981a,b) and Stavric et al. (1987) have
Villus damage during weaning in piglets is ameliorated shown that resistance to Salmonella is developed only
by L. reuteri 1063 (a swine-specific strain) supplementa- when there is colonization of the intestinal tract with
tion to sows and piglets during the weaning process beneficial microflora. Based upon the work by Gast and
(Lindgren, 1990). Beard (1989) and others (Snoeyenbos et al., 1978, 1985;
Reuterin is a natural metabolite, and it is nonmuta- Rigby and Pettit, 1980a), it is readily apparent that
genic based on the Ames test. It exerts rapid killing and beneficial organisms can induce CE of Salmonella.
appears to “self destruct” (most likely through cell Because there is a predominance of Lactobacillus in the
uptake followed by derivatization). Resistance to reute- intestinal tracts of chickens that are capable of resistance
rin’s antimicrobial activity has not been detected to Salmonella colonization, it was believed that the
(Dobrogosz et al., 1989). Lactobacillus population was responsible (Fuller, 1977,
Smith and Tucker (1980) and Ziprin et al. (1989) have 1978; Kandler et al., 1980; Soerjadi et al., 1981b; Sarra et
reported that the newly hatched chick is very suscepti- al., 1985; Axelsson et al., 1987).
ble to Salmonella infections, but as the chick ages through However, an interesting observation by Soerjadi et al.
5 d posthatch its resistance increases. Ziprin et al. (1989) (1981b) indicated that a single application of a mixture
concluded from their study that increasing resistance to of two crop and cecal isolates of Lactobacillus ssp. into
Salmonella infections could be attributed to development
the crop of newly hatched chicks did not prevent
of a competent T cell-dependent immune system;
Salmonella colonization in the cecum and only played a
however, this did not rule out the contributing effects of
minor role in CE of Salmonella in the crop. Barnes et al.
acquired resistance through colonization of the intestinal
(1980b) also reported that Lactobacillus ssp. obtained
tract of beneficial microflora, such as L. reuteri, as well.
from sources other than the chicken host did not
In fact, the increasing resistance to Salmonella infections
establish colonies in the intestinal tract of chickens. More
after hatch may well be dependent upon both the
development of the T cell-mediated immune response importantly, Barnes et al. (1980b) reported that a mixture
and the acquisition of beneficial microflora, such as L. of L. acidophilus, L. fermentum, and Lactobacillus salivarius
reuteri, in the gut. The timing of these two independent did not prevent Salmonella colonization, whereas a
events would appear to be more than a simple complex mixture of cultured facultative anaerobes plus
coincidence. anaerobes from adult chickens did prevent Salmonella
Because the newly hatched chick is very susceptible colonization. Additionally, Barnes et al. (1980b) made
to Salmonella infections and colonizations, many at- another significant observation when they reported that
tempts have been made to make the chick more resistant E. coli isolated from the same habitat as that of the
to these potentially harmful non-host-specific Salmonella Lactobacillus ssp. survive when co-administered with the
(Impey et al., 1982, 1984; Stavric et al., 1985; Mead and Lactobacillus ssp. Barnes and Impey (1980) further
Impey, 1986; Stavric, 1987; Gleeson et al., 1989; Impey implied that organisms that are inhibitory for Salmonella
and Mead, 1989). In addition to attempts to make the may also be inhibitory for other bacteria, thus disturbing
bird more resistant to colonization, attempts are being the ecological balance of gut microflora. Barnes and
made to define the age- and environment-related factors Impey (1980) also suggested that Lactobacillus ssp. may
that influence the persistence and pathogenicity of many help to confer intestinal protection when applied
organisms, especially the Salmonella (Gast and Beard, together with other organisms from a cecal suspension,
1989). but can make the situation worse when added alone.

Because in the chicken there are three predominant LACTOBACILLUS INVOLVEMENT IN

species of Lactobacillus (L. reuteri, L. salivarius, and L. REDUCED PATHOGENICITY OF
animalis), it seems reasonable to make the assumption SALMONELLA
that it is these beneficial microorganisms that impart the
advantage against Salmonella that we term CE. Impey Factors that would violate the integrity of the mucosa
and Mead (1989) are very clear as to their conviction allow the invasion of pathogenic organisms such as S.
that it is Lactobacillus that provide the means of CE, as typhimurium more readily than if the mucosa were not
they were able to show that administration of the adult damaged. Chicks reared in cages and subjected to either
cecal cultures rich in Lactobacillus immediately arrested a coccidial challenge (Eimeria tenella), a S. typhimurium
the growth of Salmonella organisms. challenge, or both were more susceptible to salmonello-
With the discovery that L. reuteri is a major compo- sis in the presence of E. tenella (Kosugi et al., 1986) There
nent of the intestinal microflora of chickens and other is a greater recovery of S. typhimurium from the cecal
epithelium of gnotobiotic chicks with E. tenella infection
animals (Dellaglio et al., 1981; Sarra et al., 1985;
24 h after inoculation with S. typhimurium than in
Dobrogosz et al., 1991; Edens et al., 1993), it appeared
control chicks (Fukata et al., 1987).
that the population dynamics of L. reuteri might be
However, coccidiosis infection is not the only exacer-
involved in establishing a favorable microecology in the bating factor that allows pathogenic organisms, such as
intestinal tract via its ability to secrete lactic acid, acetic the Salmonella, to penetrate the mucosa and infect the
acid, and reuterin, which act as modulators of intestinal chicken. Low environmental temperature is a strong
tract microbial populations (Dobrogosz et al., 1991). The inducer of salmonellosis in the chicken (Thaxton et al.,
earlier that L. reuteri is given to chicks and poults, the 1974). In fact, any factor that alters the body temperature
more capable they were in developing CE potential control of the chicken or turkey tends to make it more
against Salmonella (Casas et al., 1993). susceptible to bacterial infections of all sorts (Pasteur et
al., 1878; Hess, 1887; Wagoner, 1890; Keyes, 1916; Fenn,
SITE(S) OF ACTION OF LACTOBACILLUS 1922; Scholes and Hutt, 1942; Ram and Hutt, 1955; Hutt,
1958; Edens et al., 1984).
IN THE PROCESS OF CE Rigby and Pettit (1980b) and Rigby et al. (1980)
The site of Lactobacillus-induced inhibition of further demonstrated that the potential to increase the shed rate
growth of the Salmonella organisms would appear to be of Salmonella was greatly increased as the result of
at the level of the mucosal region in the intestinal tract. preparation for transport to market, catching and
loading in shipping crates, and transport to the slaugh-
It is our hypothesis that it is the reuterin (Talarico et al.,
ter house. In fact, the crates in which the birds were
1988; Axelsson et al., 1989; Chung et al., 1989; Talarico
transported became infected with Salmonella and re-
and Dobrogosz, 1989) produced by the L. reuteri, the mained infected even after washing. Not only did the
predominant Lactobacillus in the chicken (Talarico et al., rate of shed increase during transport, but chickens
1988), that would interact with the pathogens at this found to be clean of Salmonella also showed infection
level to inhibit further growth. Because it is the after arrival at the slaughter house. In this case, the
adherence of Salmonella organisms to the mucosa that normally commensal relationship between the colonized
predisposes the chick to colonization and infection, it organism and the host had been severely interrupted,
appears that the precolonization of the mucosa by allowing the organism to be shed to infect other,
Lactobacillus is the initial step in establishing CE of the formerly clean, animals. If Salmonella are to be persistent
pathogens. Lactobacillus must colonize the entire gas- in the environments in which poultry are to be grown, it
trointestinal tract in order for them to be effective in CE. is important to make sure that the birds are exposed to
Gast and Beard (1989) and Impey and Mead (1989) have the beneficial bacteria, ostensibly Lactobacillus, that
shown that timing of Salmonella challenge to newly would potentiate CE of the Salmonella, as soon as
hatched chicks is critical in the development of possible.
salmonellosis. Although Gast and Beard (1989) did not The fact that Salmonella are persistent in the environ-
find a significant reduction in the frequency of recovery ment (Rigby and Pettit, 1980b; Rigby et al. (1980) points
of S. typhimurium from the liver and spleen of chicks out the importance of existing Salmonella and their role
in the infection of new flocks. Lahellec et al. (1986)
inoculated at different times posthatch, their data do
studied the role of resident Salmonella in broiler houses
suggest that penetration may be affected by prior
at the time of placement of chicks and determined that
exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to Lactobacillus. they were the most important in the developing
This hypothesis would be in agreement with the salmonellosis than those Salmonella isolated during the
conclusion of Turnbull and Snoeyenbos (1974), who rearing period. Soerjadi-Liem and Cumming (1984)
found decreased penetration of Salmonella through the surveyed 20 broiler flocks in Australia and found that
intestinal mucosa of chicks of increasing age. Presuma- the level of Salmonella-positive birds could range from 0
bly, this phenomenon could be associated with the to 30%, but in flocks that had been reared on built-up
increased numbers of Lactobacillus in the intestinal tract litter the incidence of Salmonella-positives was signifi-
and in association with the mucosa. cantly lower than from flocks reared on new litter. This
finding, once again, points out the necessity of early was not affected. Regardless of the chlorination treat-
seeding of the chicks with beneficial microflora such as ment of the drinking water, poults automatically
L. reuteri. decreased their enteric populations of Salmonella be-
Another factor of consideration for the use of L. tween 14 and 21 d of age. The results from Poppe’s
reuteri to induce CE of Salmonella is that L. reuteri and study were in agreement with those of Al-Chalaby et al.
other members of the Lactobacillus family utilize lactose (1985), who found that drinking water sanitation failed
readily in their metabolism. A study by Ofek et al. (1978) to inhibit the incidence of natural Salmonella in broiler
indicated that residues of various sugars on the gut chickens. These results again suggest the development
epithelium may serve as receptors for the binding of of naturally occurring beneficial microflora of the gut,
certain human and animal pathogens to the intestinal presumably L. reuteri and other Lactobacillus species,
mucosa. Ofek and Beachey (1980) and Ofek and Sharon which predominate in the avian species.
(1990) reported later that the interaction between the pili Thus, it is apparent that new methodologies as-
and the carbohydrate is specific and that the interaction sociated with the development of a workable CE
could be blocked by a soluble form of the sugar. McHan program are needed and are of potential value to the
et al. (1989) studied the effect of selected sugars on the poultry industry. Therefore, the use of the most
attachment of S. typhimurium to the cecum of the chick. prevalent Lactobacillus, L. reuteri, in the chicken as a
Attachment of the organism was reduced by the model organism to promote CE in the broiler chicken
presence of N-acetyl-D-galactose, L-fucose, D-galactose, and turkey poult appears to have merit.
L+ arabinose, and D+ mannose. Oyofo et al. (1989) also
found mannose to significantly reduce (73%) S. typhimu- CURRENT IN OVO CE TECHNOLOGY
rium adherence to the ceca of chicks, and in addition
they determined lactose had a highly significant effect Incubation, hatching, and hatchery processing can be
(47% reduction) on adherence as well. Oyofo et al. (1989) a primary source of pathogen exposure for the chick or
presented these sugars in the drinking water of S. poult, and this exposure can lead to early mortality.
typhimurium-challenged chicks. Oyofo et al. (1989) Pathogens reside on the eggshell and in its membranes,
pointed out that mannose and lactose may act to inhibit and these pathogens are widely disseminated during
S. typhimurium attachment via different mechanisms. hatching. Because there is a need to protect the chick
Mannose may interact with mannose-sensitive type-1 from eggborne pathogens, the industry has resorted to
fimbrae on the bacterium. Lactose on the other hand, the use of shell decontaminants and antibiotics given
known to inhibit in vivo the growth of pathogens either in ovo or at hatch. With the introduction of the
(Schaible, 1970), may act by the enhancement of the Nurmi Concept of CE (Nurmi and Rantala, 1973),
growth of Lactobacillus, which, in turn, inhibit the extensive research efforts are being made to develop CE
growth of pathogens such as S. typhimurium (Oyofo et cultures for general use ex ovo as an application to
al., 1989). This hypothesis would be in line with the hatched birds ready to be placed in the brooder house.
conclusion of Soerjadi et al. (1981a,b), who proposed that However, little has been done to extend the concept
of CE to in ovo administration even though many
members of the Lactobacillus family are responsible for
products can be sprayed in hatcher to achieve early
CE of pathogens from the gut of chickens. This
posthatch intestinal colonization in chicks and poults.
hypothesis would also be in concert with our hypothesis
From the multitude of papers that have been published
that L. reuteri enhances CE in avian species, as it is the
on the concept of CE of avian intestinal bacterial
predominant Lactobacillus in the chicken and turkey
pathogens, only one paper, to our knowledge, has
intestinal tract.
extended the CE concept to in ovo application.
Bailey (1988) pointed out that there was a need to Cox and colleagues (1992) administered in ovo to
refine the CE techniques so that there would be a embryonated chicken eggs an undefined cecal culture of
realistic and practical chance to reduce, if not eliminate, bacteria. At hatch, the chicks were given S. typhimurium
Salmonella from poultry production. Although he dis- in challenge doses ranging from 1,000 to 10 million cfu
cussed CE at length and found many practical advan- per chick (Figure 1). Administration of a 1,000-fold
tages to the implementation of the procedure, there may dilution of the cecal culture reduced the Salmonella
be serious drawbacks such as the lack of USDA and colonization in chicks given the 1,000 or 100,000 cfu
FDA approval to use some of the existing techniques in challenge doses but not at the 10 million cfu challenge
the U.S. He pointed out that it is not currently realistic dose. Chicks given the 1,000,000-fold dilution of the
to think about imminent development of an anti- cecal culture showed a small suppression in Salmonella
colonization vaccine. Additionally, he suggested that colonization when challenged with 1,000 Salmonella cfu
genetic resistance to Salmonella be bred into the commer- but not at higher challenge doses.
cial poultry strains. The need to develop further CE In a second experiment, Cox et al. (1992) demon-
methodology centers on reports by Poppe (1984) and strated dose and delivery site effects of in ovo (air cell
Poppe et al. (1986), who determined that even with and amnionic fluid) on chick hatchability. Dose of the
chlorination of drinking water, the incidence of infection CE culture, ranging from undiluted to 1 million-fold
from Salmonella of chicks in a contaminated environment dilution, had a significant negative effect on hatchability

FIGURE 2. Effect on hatchability of 18 d chick embryos inoculated

FIGURE 1. Inhibition of ex ovo intestinal colonization by Salmonella
with an undefined bacterial culture from chicken ceca administered as
typhimurium given as oral challenge doses of 103, 105, or 107 cfu per
undiluted (AC 0, AM 0), 1,000-fold diluted (AC 3, AM 3), or
newly hatched chick inoculated in ovo (air cell) with an undefined
1,000,000-fold diluted (AC 6, AM 6) culture material delivered into the
bacterial culture (Untreated control vs 1,000-fold or
air cell (AC) or into the amnionic fluid (AM) (from Cox et al., 1992).
1,000,000-fold dilutions of the culture) from chicken ceca (from Cox et
The different lower case letters associated with hatchability percen-
al., 1992). The competitive exclusion treatments within a S. typhimurium
tages for the various competitive treatments indicate significant
challenge dose with no common lower case letter differ significantly (P
treatment differences (P ≤ 0.05).
≤ 0.05).

about 20%. We decided to test L. reuteri in ovo in these

(Figure 2). The site of CE administration affected
contaminated eggs. Not knowing the best time of
significantly the hatchability rate. Air cell administration
administration, dose of administration, or site of ad-
reduced hatching rate but allowed Salmonella-resistant
ministration, we chose to administer 107 L. reuteri cells
chicks to hatch. However, when the CE mixture was
per live embryo at incubation Day 18 (E18) and E19,
delivered below the air cell into the amnionic fluid, the
giving injections into the air cell, the amnionic fluid, and
undiluted and the 1,000-fold dilution prevented any
directly into the embryo itself. Control embryos were
hatching, and at 1 million-fold dilution there was less
manipulated the same way, being swabbed in 70%
than 50% hatch.
ethanol and being given a sham injection into the air
cell, amnionic fluid, or into the embryo itself. After the
LACTOBACILLUS REUTERI IN OVO in ovo inoculations, the L. reuteri-inoculated and control
STUDIES WITH CHICKEN AND embryos were placed into separate hatchers and were
TURKEY EMBRYOS allowed to hatch without additional interventions. As
soon as we determined that maximum hatch had
Over the past 5 yr, we have been working with the occurred on E21, hatchabilities of the chicks from the
naturally occurring intestinal microorganism L. reuteri. A four treatments were determined, and randomly from
considerable body of knowledge on L. reuteri has now each of the four treatments, 10 chicks were collected for
been amassed for publication from our research efforts. determination of cecal colonization of L. reuteri using a
In the arena of intestinal bacteriology, we have deter- patented methodology. A total of three separate experi-
mined the following: 1) L. reuteri is the predominant ments were conducted for this early in ovo study with L.
heterofermentative species of Lactobacillus that resides reuteri and involved a total of 300 viable embryos per
symbiotically in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy treatment.
species of poultry and other vertebrates, including Lactobacillus reuteri administration allowed signifi-
humans; 2) L. reuteri confers protection against potential cantly more chicks inoculated in ovo at both E18 and E19
pathogens, provides nutrients, affects intestinal morpho- to hatch than control uninoculated groups (Table 1). The
genesis, interacts with the host’s gut-associated lym- hatch rate of L. reuteri-inoculated embryos was approxi-
phoid tissue and immune system, and is an essential mately 60%, whereas uninoculated embryos hatched at a
component of normal, beneficial microbiota in the rate less than 50%. There was a high rate of L. reuteri
gastrointestinal tract; 3) L. reuteri produces reuterin (3- colonization in the ceca of chicks inoculated at both E18
HA), which has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity; and E19, but none of the control chicks were found to
and 4) L. reuteri in posthatch feed application improves contain L. reuteri (Table 1). Although these chicks were
performance and decreases Salmonella presence in the not retained for livability and growth studies, the data
gastrointestinal tract. indicated that for the first time it may be possible to
In early 1990, we obtained hatching eggs severely apply the Nurmi Principle to embryos in ovo as well as
contaminated with an E. coli. Hatchability was consis- to chicks ex ovo. These observations suggested that a
tently around 40% and livability of the chicks was only systematic study of in ovo application of L. reuteri was
TABLE 1. Effect of in ovo Lactobacillus reuteri on hatchability and cecal
colonization in broiler chickens exposed in ovo to Escherichia coli

Hatchability Cecal L. reuteri positives at hatch

Day of incubation L. reuteri-inoculated Control L. reuteri-inoculated Control
18 60.8A 49.1B 75.0A 0B
19 60.0A 46.2B 87.5A 0B
A,BMean percentages in a row for a particular variable with no common superscript differ significantly (P ≤

warranted. Nevertheless, based upon this observation to test turkey embryos as well. In each of eight trials
and the observations made by Cox et al. (1992), one must with E24 turkey embryos obtained from a commercial
weigh the effects of an undefined culture and the effects hatchery, we included a vehicle control (phosphate-
of a well-defined single organism for use in ovo. buffered saline at pH 6.5) to test the vehicle effect on
In an effort to further define the potential for use of L. hatchability. The treatment groups were control with no
reuteri as an in ovo CE agent for chickens, a series of violation of the eggshell, vehicle control, and L. reuteri
experiments were conducted in which we used the same administered into the air cell in phosphate-buffered
protocol as described above. We used both air cell as saline in doses of 104 to 108 cfu per E24 turkey embryo.
well as amnionic fluid administration of L. reuteri in Hatchability and livability are significant concerns
various dosages ranging from 104 to 106 cfu per embryo. when one considers in ovo application of CE agents. In
For the sake of convenience, we chose E18 or transfer Table 3, we show that hatchability is not reduced when
day for the administration of L. reuteri in ovo. Data from as many as 108 cfu L. reuteri are given in ovo to E24
these studies are summarized in Table 2. Hatching rate turkey embryos, but 7-d livability was reduced when the
of our control embryos was 92.5% over four trials. This two highest L. reuteri doses were compared to controls.
mean hatch rate is compared to air cell and amnionic Many of the poults that had received the L. reuteri in ovo
administration and to doses of L. reuteri in both sites. In at the doses rate of 107 or 108 cfu showed some signs of
the air cell, hatch rate varied from 92 to 96% in the L. mild diarrhea and some dehydration prior to death,
reuteri chicks, and these hatch rates were not different indicating that there is an effective in ovo dose of L.
from the control hatch rate of 92.5%. Lactobacillus reuteri reuteri that will promote excellent hatchability and
in the amnionic fluid allowed hatch rates between 90 livability (Table 3). Therefore, 106 L. reuteri cells was
and 94%, and this was overall slightly less than that chosen as a standard in ovo dose for subsequent studies.
noted with air cell application of L. reuteri. However, The turkey embryo is also tolerant to L. reuteri given
these hatch rates from amnionic fluid administration of in ovo in doses ranging from 106 to 108 cfu per embryo
L. reuteri were not significantly different from the (Table 4). These dose ranges were selected randomly to
control hatch rate of 92.5%. These data indicated that L. test the colonization rates of the ceca from turkey poults
reuteri was a safe organism that could be administered in at hatch after being inoculated in ovo on E24. In ovo
ovo to chicken eggs without sacrificing hatchability inoculation on E24 promoted a significant increase in
(Table 2).
total Lactobacillus in the cecum at hatch, and more than
The chicken responses to in ovo application of L.
33% of the treated embryos were L. reuteri positive at
reuteri were very encouraging, and a decision was made
hatch, whereas none of the controls were positive (Table
There are two questions that must be answered to
TABLE 2. Dose and site (air cell or amnionic fluid) of in ovo
administration of Lactobacillus reuteri on percentage hatchability
make conclusions about a CE agent: 1) Will the CE agent
of viable broiler chick embryos at 18 d of incubation reduce the colonization rate of intestinal pathogens? and
2) Will there be improvement in the performance of the
Treatment Hatchability1 flock after a CE agent has been applied? Shown in
(%) Figure 3 are the results of a study in which L. reuteri was
Control 92.5 given in ovo (106 cfu per embryo) to 400 broiler embryos
Air cell 104 cfu per embryo 96.2
Air cell 106 cfu per embryo 93.7
at E18 and hatched in a hatcher contaminated by
Air cell 108 cfu per embryo 91.8 embryos seeded with S. typhimurium (ST-10, a naladixic
Amniotic fluid acid- novobiocin-resistant strain). In a separate hatcher,
104 cfu per embryo 94.2 another 400 embryos were exposed only to ST-10. To
106 cfu per embryo 92.3
108 cfu per embryo 89.9
accomplish the Salmonella exposure, four embryos were
1Means are from four hatchability trials with 100 viable embryos
given 103 cells ST-10 at the time of external pipping and
per treatment per trial. (n = 400 embryos per treatment). No significant placed back into each of the two hatchers. At the time of
difference among treatments (P ≥ 0.05). hatching, all hatchlings had a cecal ST-10 colonization
TABLE 3. Effect of Lactobacillus reuteri in ovo inoculation of turkey embryos at
24 d of incubation on percentage hatchability and percentage 7-d livability

Treatment Hatchability Livability
Untreated control 98a 97a
PBS vehicle 89b 95a
L. reuteri, 104 cfu 97a 98a
L. reuteri, 105 cfu 94a 98a
L. reuteri, 106 cfu 94a 92a
L. reuteri, 107 cfu 92ab 74b
L. reuteri, 108 cfu 95a 77b
a.bIn a column, mean percentages with no common superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05). Each mean
represents percentage hatch of 800 embryos, and the percentage livability represents responses of the total
number poults hatched from the in ovo inoculated embryos.

level of about 102 cfu/g. At 5 d after hatching, the chicks killed out right by the action of reuterin produced by the
exposed only to ST-10 had a cecal ST-10 population of L. reuteri.
more than 107 cfu/g of cecum, whereas those given L. The influence of time in the hatcher has to be taken
reuteri plus ST-10 had cecal ST-10 populations of 106 into account also. It has been reported from the field
cfu/g. This represented a one log difference or a 99% that the longer a new hatchling remains in the hatcher,
reduction in the cecal population of ST-10 in the L. the more likely that it can develop debilitating, often
reuteri-treated chicks. By 15 d the cecal ST-10 population times terminal, enteric diseases. In an effort to determine
in those exposed only to ST-10 had decreased to a level whether L. reuteri would affect this phenomenon, a
that was only slightly higher than the levels found in the study was conducted in which L. reuteri (106 cfu per
L. reuteri-treated chickens. The cecal level of ST-10 embryo) was given in ovo into the air cell of 400 viable
continued to decrease in both groups through 21 d, E24 turkey embryos in each of two hatchers. At the time
when the cecal populations of ST-10 in both groups was of external pipping, four embryos were given 103 cfu ST-
about 103 cfu/g cecum. These observations indicated 10 at the time of external pipping and placed back into
that L. reuteri does have the potential to decrease cecal each of two hatchers, and the hatching process was
Salmonella loads but that it does not completely allowed to continue. As the poults hatched, they were
eliminate the intestinal pathogen with a single in ovo segregated into early-hatch (before 27 d) vs late-hatch
treatment. (27 to 28 d) poults. At E28, the poults were placed into
A similar experiment has been conducted in which batteries according to the time of hatch and by
turkey embryos were given L. reuteri (106 cfu per treatment. The data presented in Table 5 indicate that
embryo at E24) as an in ovo CE treatment along with in- early-hatching poults, which spent the longest time in
hatcher Salmonella (ST-10) exposure. At 1 and 5 d the hatcher before being placed in brooders, had the
posthatch, those poults given L. reuteri had fewer ST-10 greatest ST-10 load in the ceca, and this load was
cfu/g cecum than did the poults exposed only to ST-10 significantly greater than that found in later-hatching
without L. reuteri treatment (data not shown). The poults, which spent the least time in the hatcher.
differences in these results were due to the presence of However, at 5 d after hatching the cecal ST-10 levels had
L. reuteri, which, we believe, provided some advantage increased in both groups and there was no difference
to the microflora in the intestinal tract and reduced the between early- and late-hatching poults exposed only to
ability of S. typhimurium to find attachment sites or were ST-10.

TABLE 4. Effect of Lactobacillus reuteri given in ovo into the air cell of turkey embryos at 24 d of
incubation on cecal colonization of total Lactobacillus and L. reuteri in
hatching turkey poults removed directly from the hatcher

L. reuteri
Treatment Total Lactobacillus Positives
(Log10 cfu per cecum) (%)
Control <1.0 × 102c 0b
PBS vehicle <5.0 × 101c 0b
L. reuteri, 106 cfu 3.3 × 105b >33a
L. reuteri, 107 cfu 1.2 × 106a >33a
L. reuteri, 108 cfu 4.7 × 105b >33a
a–cIn a column, means with no common superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05).
TABLE 5. Effect of Lactobacillus reuteri given in ovo (air cell) to viable turkey poult embryos at 24 d incubation on Salmonella
typhimurium (ST-10 via oral challenge to four externally pipped embryos per each of two hatchers), total Lactobacillus,
and L. reuteri cecal colonization at 1 and 5 d after hatching

S. typhimurium L. reuteri Total Lactobacillus

Treatment Day 1 Day 5 Day 1 Day 5 Day 1 Day 5
(Log10 cfu/g cecum)
Control (ST-10 only)
Early hatch 7.1a 9.0a 0b 0c 4.6a 8.1a
Late hatch 5.3b 8.6a 0b <1.5c 5.7a 8.1a
L. reuteri + ST-10
Early hatch <1.7c 7.1b 5.6a 7.1a 5.6a 7.3a
Late hatch <1.7c 7.6b 4.4a 5.7b 4.4a 7.5a
a–cMeans in a column with no common superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05).

Poults given L. reuteri at E24 had significantly fewer reuteri in ovo had L. reuteri in the ceca at levels of 5.6 and
ST-10 cfu/g of cecum at hatch than did the poults 4.4 cfu/g cecum in the early- and late-hatching poults,
exposed only to ST-10. However, there was no differ- respectively (Table 5). At 5 d after hatching, cecal L.
ence between ST-10 cfu/g cecum in L. reuteri-treated reuteri levels had risen to 7.1 and 5.7 cfu/g cecum in the
early- and late-hatching poults (Table 5). At 5 d after early- and late-hatching poults, respectively.
hatching the ST-10 loads in the ceca of both the early- When the total Lactobacillus populations were deter-
and late-hatching L. reuteri-treated poults had increased mined, it appeared that neither early- nor late-hatching
significantly, but the ST-10 cecal loads in these poults had affected their total numbers in either the ST-10
were significantly less than that found in the poults exposed alone or in the L. reuteri plus ST-10 exposure
exposed to ST-10 alone. regimen (Table 5). However, in those poults given L.
In poults exposed to ST-10 alone, the cecal levels of L. reuteri at E24, the L. reuteri accounted for all Lactobacillus
reuteri in both early- and late-hatching poults could not at 1 d, and the majority of Lactobacillus at 5 d after hatch.
be determined at 1 d after hatch (Table 5). At 5 d after On the other hand, in those poults exposed only to ST-
hatch, there was less than 1.5 cfu/g cecum of L. reuteri in 10, Lactobacillus other than L. reuteri made up the total
only the late-hatching poults, whereas none was found cecal populations at both 1 and 5 d after hatching. These
in the early-hatching poults. Conversely, poults given L. data show that a single in ovo exposure can stimulate the
production of L. reuteri in the cecum of turkey poults,
but if L. reuteri is not made available early in the life of
the poult, a long period of time is required before L.
reuteri is able to colonize the cecum of the turkey. The
consequences of delayed L. reuteri intestinal colonization
could be early mortality from enteric pathogens or
morbidity and reduced performance.
The second criterion concerning the influence of a CE
agent is the performance of the flock. In this experiment,
we gave L. reuteri in ovo (106 cfu per embryo at E18) and
challenged the chicks at hatch with S. typhimurium (ST--
10, 103 cfu per chick). The broiler chickens were placed
on litter floors in isolation rooms and were provided
with starter, grower, and finisher diets from the North
Carolina Agricultural Research Service over a
40-d growing period. In this experiment, L. reuteri in the
form of GaiaFeed was supplemented to the Salmonella
+ L. reuteri group at the feed application rate of 2% of
the diet from the time of placement in the isolation
rooms until the end of the experiment at 40 d of age.
The results of this experiment are presented in Table 6.
Within 6 d after Salmonella challenge, the mortality
FIGURE 3. Effect of a single Lactobacillus reuteri dose given in ovo to rate in the Salmonella-challenged broilers had reached
broiler embryos at 18 d of incubation and subsequently challenged at 34%, whereas in the L. reuteri-treated broilers, mortality
external pipping via oral inoculation with 103 cfu Salmonella typhimu- was only 6%. Mortality induced by the ST-10 used in
rium (ST-10, a naladixic acid-, novobiocin-resistant strain) on cecal ST-
10 levels from hatch through 21 d of age. Within an age, treatment this experiment and others seemed to peak within the
means with no common lower case letter differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05). first 5 to 7 d after challenge regardless of the poultry
TABLE 6. Effect of Lactobacillus reuteri (given in ovo to embryos at 18 d of incubation) plus
Salmonella typhimurium challenge at day of hatch on body weights and mortality
of broiler chickens at 6 and 40 d of age

Parameter Salmonella only L. reuteri + Salmonella Difference1
6-d mortality, % 34a 6b 26
40-d mortality, % 41a 9b 32
6-d body weight, g 72b (297)2 107a (423) 35
40-d body weight, g 1,728b (266) 1,934a (410) 206
a row, means with no common superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05).
1Numericaldifferences between Salmonella only and L. reuteri + Salmonella treatments.
2Number of chicks weighed in parentheses.

species being studied. By 40 d after ST-10 challenge, challenge; and 5) L. reuteri (106 cfu per embryo) +
mortality reached 41% in the Salmonella controls and Gentamicin (0.2 mg per embryo) + E. coli challenge.
was only 9% in the Salmonella + L. reuteri group. These The results (Table 7) of this study indicate that 1)
data are indicative that L. reuteri, used as a CE agent in Gentamicin and L. reuteri reduce E. coli-associated chick
ovo and in combination with L. reuteri feed supplementa- mortality, 2) the combination of L. reuteri and Gen-
tion after hatching, can provide significant protective tamicin had an additive effect by further decreasing E.
benefits against a strong enteric pathogen such as this S. coli-associated mortality, and 3) body weights more
typhimurium strain. uniform and were increased significantly by L. reuteri +
At 40 d of age, L. reuteri treatment allowed for an E. coli and the L. reuteri + Gentamicin + E. coli
increase in body weight of 206 g (Table 6). These data combination in comparison to the Absolute Control, E.
suggest strongly that there is an advantage to providing coli Control, and the Gentamicin + E. coli group.
L. reuteri as a CE agent via the in ovo route coupled with The in ovo administration of L. reuteri or Gentamicin
posthatch application in the feed, and the sooner that or both to chicks and poults had significant positive
this organism is given to the chick or poult, the better its effects. Oftentimes, we wonder how these effects are
posthatch performance will be. exerted. Do antibiotics simply kill off populations of
In development of L. reuteri as an in ovo CE agent, we bacteria? Do the CE agents simply cover all attachment
wanted to be as practical as possible. Therefore, studies sites on the intestinal epithelium? Do the CE agents
were conducted in which Gentamicin, an antibiotic produce enormous volumes of bacteriocins or other
used in ovo and ex ovo in both chickens and turkeys, and antimicrobials which either inhibit bacterial growth or
L. reuteri were co-administered in embryos that were act as bactericidals? In each case, I believe the question is
exposed in-hatcher to an enteropathogenic E. coli (Table answered with an enthusiastic “Yes”.
7). There were five treatment groups in this experiment Casas et al. (1993; unpublished data) have demon-
and these consisted of 1) Absolute Control with no L. strated that L. reuteri has a positive effect on the
reuteri, E. coli, or Gentamicin; 2) Control: E. coli- morphology of the intestinal tract. They have demon-
challenged; 3) Gentamicin (0.2 mg per embryo) + E. strated that the ileum villus height was increased
coli-challenged; 4) L. reuteri (106 cfu per embryo) + E. coli significantly by L. reuteri and that crypt depth was
increased as well. We have seen this posthatch event on
many occasions, and it is consistent in broiler chickens
and in turkey poults (unpublished observations).
TABLE 7. Protective effect at 22 d of age of air cell application However, at no time have we looked at the effect of in
of Lactobacillus reuteri in broiler chicken embryos
co-administered Gentamicin into the amnionic fluid at Day 18 ovo application of L. reuteri on the general morphology
of incubation followed by in-hatcher exposure to an of the ileum villus. In another study with co-
enteropathogenic Escherichia coli given to four embryos
at the time of external pipping
administration of L. reuteri and Gentamicin, we did
observe with the use of scanning electron microscopy
Treatment Body weight Mortality that at the time of external pipping, before S. typhimu-
(g) (%) rium (ST-10 at 103 cfu per chick at hatch), L. reuteri had
Absolute control 842b 1.42b no negative effects on the tall, cylindrical-shaped
E. coli-challenged morphology of the ileum villus (Figure 4). However, in
Control 803b 9.52a ovo administration of Gentamicin into the amnionic
Gentamicin (0.2 mg per embryo) 819b 4.26b
L. reuteri (106 cfu per embryo) 874a 3.56b
fluid appeared to shorten and blunt the ileum villus
L. reuteri + Gentamicin 882a 0.00b morphology at the time of hatching. The co-
ABMeans in a column, with no common superscript differ administration of L. reuteri with Gentamicin appeared
significantly (P ≤ 0.01). to reverse the shortening and blunting effect of Gen-

FIGURE 4. Scanning electron micrographs of villi in the ileum of externally pipping chicks at 21 d of incubation after in ovo treatment at 18 d of
incubation with L. reuteri (106 cfu per embryo, in the air cell), Gentamicin (0.2 mg per embryo, in the amnionic fluid), the combination of
Lactobacillus reuteri into the air cell plus Gentamicin into the amnionic fluid, or untreated Controls.

tamicin and returned the hatching chick ileum villus possibility that some pathogenic organisms may have
morphology to a normal tall, cylindrical shape (Figure been colonizing the intestinal tract at this time.
4). However, with Salmonella infection, there is an
After hatching, we challenged the chicks with S. indication that in the Gentamicin group, there was an
typhimurium (ST-10 at 103 cfu per chick at hatch) and induction of a goblet cell proliferation by 3 d, and that at
determined the effects of L. reuteri, Gentamicin, and 6 d, with development of maximal Salmonella numbers
posthatch Salmonella infection on growth of the villi and in the ileum, Control, and Gentamicin-treated chicks
the number of goblet cells per villus at 1, 3, and 6 d had significantly larger goblet cell numbers than were
posthatch by staining the ileum sections with periodic found in L. reuteri or the L. reuteri + Gentamicin
acid Schiff to visualize the goblet cells, which stain a treatments. These data show that there was a significant
bright red under this histochemical protocol (Figure 5). effect of microbial populations (good and bad organ-
isms) on the morphology of intestinal villi, and that
There was an approach toward a plateau number of
there was an antibiotic effect, although it was expressed
goblet cells per villus as the chicks reached 3 to 6 d of
age in control conditions without ST-10 challenge. The
The shortened and blunted appearance of the ileum
exception to this assessment was that the Gentamicin-
villus in the Gentamicin-treated groups did not correct
treated chicks showed a small increase in goblet cell
itself over the 6 d after hatch. In fact, with ST-10
numbers at 6 d of age. This increase was attributed to challenge at hatch, the Control ileum villi also became
the diminished effect of Gentamicin and to the shortened and blunted. In those chicks that had been

FIGURE 5. Effect of in ovo Lactobacillus reuteri, alone and in combination with Gentamicin, on the expression of goblet cells per ileum villus as
influenced by Salmonella typhimurium challenge to the broiler chicks after hatching.

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