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Online Library Management System 2019





2.KEMAL AMIN..……………2404/10
4.FERHAN SELHADIN……….0568/09

Table of Contents
1 Chapter one.......................................................................................................................................3

1.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................3

1.2 Background..........................................................................................................................3

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Online Library Management System 2019
1.3 Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................4

1.4 Objective..............................................................................................................................5

1.4.1 General Objective........................................................................................................5

1.4.2 Specific Objective........................................................................................................5

1.5 Methodology........................................................................................................................6

1.5.1 Data gathering methodology......................................................................................6

1.5.2 System Development Methodology............................................................................7

1.5.3 System Model..............................................................................................................7

1.6 Scope and Limitation...........................................................................................................8

1.6.1 Scope...........................................................................................................................8

1.6.2 The Limitation of project.............................................................................................8

1.7 Application of the system....................................................................................................8

1.8 Work Break Down................................................................................................................9

2 Chapter Two....................................................................................................................................10

2.1 Proposed System...............................................................................................................10

2.1.1 Overview...................................................................................................................10

2.1.2 Functional Requirement...........................................................................................11

2.1.3 Non-Functional Requirement...................................................................................11

2.1.4 Feasibility Study........................................................................................................11

3 System Models................................................................................................................................11

3.1 Use Case Model.................................................................................................................11

3.2 Class Diagram.....................................................................................................................11

3.3 Sequence Diagram.............................................................................................................11

3.4 Activity Diagram.................................................................................................................11

3.5 State Chart Diagram...........................................................................................................11

3.6 User Interface- Navigational Paths and Screen Mock-ups................................................11

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1 Chapter one

1.1 Introduction
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized
system to maintain all the daily work of library .This project has many features which
are generally not available in normal library management systems like facility of user
login and a facility of teachers login .It also has a facility of admin login through
which the admin can monitor the whole system .It also has facility of an online notice
board where teachers can student can put up information about workshops or seminars
being held in our colleges or nearby colleges and librarian after proper verification
from the concerned institution organizing the seminar can add it to the notice board .
It has also a facility where student after logging in their accounts can see list of books
issued and its issue date and return date and the students can request the librarian to
add new books by filling the book request form. Overall this project is being
developed to help the students as well as staff of library to maintain the library in the
best and efficient way as well as possible and reduce the human efforts.

1.2 Background
The HU Libraries System is viewed from its strategic importance to the teaching
learning research and community services goals of the University. Accordingly, a
Library Information System is a keystone of any academic and research exercise.
Obviously, HU Library System has been set up with this certainty. The HU Library
system is one of the functional units of the University that is responsible for the
provision of Library & Information Services mainly to students, teaching staff &
researchers in order to enable them to attain their learning, teaching and research
objectives. Haramaya University Libraries are constituting of the following: Main
University Library which is both for male and female and the other two branch
libraries: female Library & law Library are situated at the Main Campus. Currently
Haramaya University Libraries are working on upgrading its standard in order to
make the Main University Library and all branch libraries serviceable to their users.
For more information Haramaya University consists some other branches that means
this huge college have other libraries beside thus 3 libraries’ we have mentioned

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earlier which particularly located on different geographical location outside the main

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The problem occurred before having computerized system includes:
 Time consuming
the transaction of books in the library have been manually in most cases, thereby
taking more time for transaction like borrowing of books or return of books and
searching of member and books.
Series of problem occurs as a result of this thereby resulting to inefficient library
 File lost
When computerized system is not implemented file is always lost because of human
environment. Sometimes due to some human error there may be a loss of records.
File damaged when a computerized system is not their file is always lost due to some
accident like spilling of water by some member on file accidentally. Besides some
natural disaster like floods or fires may also damage the files.
 Difficult to search record
When there is no computerized system there is always a difficulty in searching of
records if the records are large in number.
 Space consuming
After the number of records becomes large the space for physical storage of file and
records also increases if no computerized system is implemented.
 Need more human power
The library uses more human power or human resource to manage the library
The service gives to the user by the librarian of the library asking and the librarian
find the book from the database.
 Cost consuming
As there is no computerized the system to add each record paper will be needed which
will increase the cost for the management of library.

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1.4 Objective

1.4.1 General Objective

The main objective of our project is about computerizing or automating the hu-
Library working environment by developing web-based system that can serve a
number of users based on what each individual user needs to perform with the system.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

Towards achieving this objective some specific objectives are laid down to realize the
overall mission of our projects. These may include the following: -

 Collecting the required information or data about the system

 Understanding the functional requirements of our system

 Analyzing the system requirements to model our system

 After the analysis phase we try to produce a model of our system that
is correct, complete, consistent, and unambiguous.

 We are identifying the design goal of our system and decomposing the
system into smaller subsystems that can be realized by individual
members and we are also selects the strategy for building our systems,
such as the hardware/software platform on which the system will
run, the persistent data management strategy, the global control
flow, the access control policy, and the handling of boundary

 We are intending to implement our systems just by translating the

proposed model into source code. This includes implementing the
attributes and methods of each object and integrating all the objects
such that they function as a single system. Through implementation
we try to span the gap between the detail object design model and a

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complete set of source code files that can be compiled to generate the
real system.

 Finally, we are intending to test our systems just by finding the

differences between the system and its models by executing the
system (or parts of it) with sample input data sets. Our tasting phases
are done due to three categories

unit testing

under this we try to test our system by comparing the object design
model with each object and subsystem.

integration testing

under this we try to test our system by comparing the combination of

subsystems that are integrated together with the system design

system testing

under this we try to test our system by comparing typical and

exception cases that are run through the system with the
requirements model.

1.5 Methodology

1.5.1 Data gathering methodology

Before implementation and design requirement analysis is the first step. So, this data
collection method is a precondition for requirement analysis. Knowing this fact, we
have collected information from the existing system and used it for proposed system.
There are many methods used to collect data.

Among them we have used two methods:

 Interview

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I have used this method to gather information by asking the head and employers of
the library some basic questions.

 Some questions that we asked the library are:

o How system process is going on?
o During process time what are there any problems? If there are what are
o What requirements are needed for the process?

 Observation
o Observing Written documents and procedural manuals
o Observing Registration form which is prepared manually.
o Other activities.

1.5.2 System Development Methodology

After requirements are gathered, we used object-oriented approach to model our

system. Object oriented analysis is our choice to develop this system, because it
allows us to use integration method to integrate all the objects that may function as a
single system. It supports the need in object technology for iteration and flexibility
and, appropriate for some projects.

1.5.3 System Model

We try to use Iterative Model for our System because of that it allow us to develop
our system in iterative way so that we can restart our system development in some
cases like change in requirement due to the suggestion that may come from the users
and to repeat each work step as many times as necessary to either complete the goal or
satisfy the phase requirements.

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1.6 Scope and Limitation

1.6.1 Scope

The scope of our project is targeted to automate or computerize all the tasks that are
related with the overall Haramaya university library management system including
the service they provide, and the interaction they can have with all staff and

1.6.2 The Limitation of project

Due to the small amount of budget and lack of enough time to develop full Online
Library System our system is limited to perform the tasks which are listed on the

1.7 Application of the system

The Online Library System is supposed to have the following features:

 The system should provide login facility to the users.

 The system provides the members with the option to check their account
and/or change their options like password of the account whenever needed all
through the day during the library hours.
 The system should allow seeing the status of the books by him other relevant
 The system should allow searching for a particular book and also list for
 The system should allow to cancel the reservation made earlier for a particular
 It should allow reserving a particular book by others currently.
 The system allows the administrator to add the books and update books and
maintain the book

The system should be able to send an automatic feedback as soon as a reservation

is made for a particular book, to the person who made the reservation. Then, a

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mail should be sent to people who are having the book currently, stating a
reservation has been made on that book.

1.8 Work Break Down

The project team member is structured with 4 members, one group leader, one vise
leader and in this the Problem solving takes place in group. Decision making on
problem solving process are made by group member’s agreement, which is much
better than individual decision making

The Purpose we develop the Work Breakdown Structure to ensure that all work

required to meet the project objectives is identified, defined and assigned.

WBS index ASSIGNED Product Scheduled start Scheduled finish

Introduction Kamal Amin Identifying problem 4/15/2019 4/25/2019
and areas and
background requirement
Statement of Kamal Amin
Objective of Ferhan
the project Selhadin
Methodology Kedir sheref
Data gathering Girma
Scope of the Ferhan
project Selhadin
Structural All group Designing phase 5/25/2019 5/30/2019
diagram Area
Behavior All group
Interaction All group

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Use case Ferhan and
Modeling Girma
Documentation Kedir and Documentation 6/1/2019 6/20/2019
Kamal and 6/20/2019 7/5/2019
Implementatio Girma Implementation

2 Chapter Two
2.1 Proposed System

2.1.1 Overview

The system which is explained in this document is the first version as hu-library
previously uses manual system. This system will replace the existing manual system
by digital system. All the activity is done from scratch: no prier version of the system
is used for getting either functionality being performed or specification defined. The
systems are interacting with students, teachers, librarians and administrators.
Mostly HU-online library management system is used for registration, login to the
system, reading the book online, borrowing the book online, returning the book,
inserting the book, and post advertisement.

2.1.2 Non-Functional Requirement

 Usability
This system must be designed with user-friendly and easy to use by the staff
so that the user can perform their job nicely. It must have a clear instruction to
guide user through the system. Besides that, the description of error message
should be clear

 Reliability
The library management system must be available that every user can be
registered by the administrator at a given time. It notifies the user if there an
incorrect input to the system. Every user should fill their correct information

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that means the specified user name and password they have during registration
unless they cannot access the system.

The system must perform accurately towards member request. For example,
when the librarian saves the edited profile detail, after they review their detail,
the details must be change according to the latest details that they have update.

 Performance
The library management system must have a short response time that triggers
on a press of a single button. example to register new students, The
information is refreshed at regular intervals depending upon whether some
updates have occurred or not. The system shall respond to the member within
few seconds from the time of the request submittal. The system shall be
allowed to take more time when doing large processing jobs.

 Supportability
Supportability requirements are concerned with the ease of changes to the
system after deployment, including for example, in the case of adaptability
whenever the user changes his/her profile our system can easily deal with the
users and also when the administrator tries to update the content of the system
our system can easily deal with the admin as well as the librarian.
In the case of maintainability, we can easily maintain our system at any time
in the future whenever the new technologies are available regarding our
system, we can also maintain our system to fix some kinds of defects that may
appear to our system.

 Implementation
Since implementation requirements are all about the constraints that we use
during the implementation phase of the system including the use of specific

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tools, the type of programming language we use and the hardware platform
we are used so we try to discuss those constraints we are used at this phase as
follow: -

 As a specific tool we are used Xampp Server (to run our system),

Notepad++ (to write the code), Adobe photoshop (to design our system

interface) and Mozilla Firefox (to access xampp server).

 Type of programming language we are used PHP as the main programming
language and SQL language to maintain the information in the database.
 hardware platform we are used personal computer as the hardware

 Interface
The interface of our system is designed in such a way every user can easily
understand and interact with the system without any confusion to get any
service they want.

2.1.3 Functional Requirement

These requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment
independent of its implementation. The environment includes the user and any other
external system with which the system interacts.
Create Account
In the case of users any individuals who want to use our system must be registered to
the system by using the signup button provided by the system.
Functional requirements
 System must be able to verify information
 System must be able to delete information if information is wrong
User Login
This feature used by the user to login into the system. They are required to enter user
id and password before they are allowed to enter the system. The user id and

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password will be verified and if invalid id is there users are not allowed to enter the
Functional requirements
 user id is provided when they register
 The system must only allow user with valid id and password to enter the
 The system performs authorization process which decides what user
level can access to.
 The user must be able to logout after they finished using system.
Add New Book
This feature is only for those who have the responsibility of adding the new book in
this system so that this feature allows those users to add the new books to the library
Functional requirements
 System must be able to verify information
 System must be able to enter number of copies into table.
 System must be able to not allow two books having same book id.

Search Book
This feature is found in book maintenance part. We can search book based on book id,
book name, and publication or by author name.
Functional requirements
 System must be able to search the database based on select search type
 System must be able to filter book based on keyword entered
 System must be able to show the filtered book in table view

Issue Books and Update Books

This feature allows issuing and viewing reports of book issued.
Functional requirements
 System must be able to enter issue information in database.
 System must be able to update number of books.
 System must be able to search if book is available or not before issuing books
 System should be able to enter issue date information

Event Addition
This feature allows teacher and student to add information about various workshops
being conducted in college and colleges nearby.
Functional requirements
 System should be able to add detailed information about events.
 System should be able to display information on notice board available
in the homepage of site

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2.1.4 Feasibility Study

 Economic Feasibility
Once the system is developed it reduces wastage of time, the cost of printing
material like paper, pen,

 Operational Feasibility
No need of special human power to run operation because of Haramaya
University has its own server and ICT center, it is possible to handle or run
operation under the existing operation.

 Technical Feasibility
We concern here with equipment and software that will satisfy the user
requirement. The system will use simple software developing languages like
C++, java, PHP etc. so the system is technically feasible. Also, our proposed
system can be integrated with other university information systems it is
technically feasible.

3 System Models

3.1 Use Case Model

 Administrator
 Librarian
 Student

Use cases:
 Create account
 Log in
 Upload book

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 Download book
 Search book
 Modify book
 Delete book
 Add information
 Edit information
 Give suggestion
 Edit profile
 Identify book for updating
 Log out
 Delete account

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3.1.1 Use Case Diagram


Download Upload
book book

Search book
Give Log in

information administrator


Log out Delete

book for

Edit profile

3.1.2 Use Description

Use case description of create account

Use case name Create account
Actor Administrator, librarian and student

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Description This use case helps administrator, librarian and
student to create account
Pre-condition The Haramaya university online library system
website must exist
Post condition Account will be created
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: this use case starts 2: the system displays
when user clicks on choose account type
create account on web option page.
page. 4: the system displays
3: Users choose account form of chosen
type. account.
5: user fills information 6: the system validates
and clicks create. user.
8: user inserts the 7: the system sends
confirmation code. confirmation code.
10: use case ends. 9: the system stores
account on account

Alternative course of action 6.1: the system displays “the account cannot be
created” if the administrator account was created
6.2: the system displays “the account cannot be
created” if user is not member.
6.3: the system displays “fill all profile spaces “if
user left some spaces empty.
6.4: the system displays the message “insert valid
password” if user inserts password less than six
characters length.

Use case description of log in

Use case name: Login
Actor: administrator, librarian and student
Description This use case allows the Administrator, librarian and
student to log in to the system
Precondition The login form is displayed on the screen
Post condition The administrator, librarian and student logged in to
the system and select tasks.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: this use case is initiated 2: the system displays
when administrator, the log in page.
librarian or student clicks 4: the system validates
login button on web page. the inserted account
3: the user inserts username by comparing it with
and password and then the already registered
clicks OK. account in the

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6: use case ends. database table
5: the system displays
the systems home
page for the user so
that the user can
access what they want.

alternative course of action 4.1: If the User name and password is not valid, the
system sends a notification to the user so that they
can try to write the correct or valid user name and

Use case description of upload book

Use case name: upload book
Actor: administrator
Description This use case allows administrator to insert book.
Precondition The administrator must be in the ACTIVE state.
Post condition The administrator upload book.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: this use case starts 2: the system displays
when the administrator upload page for the
clicks upload book administrator.
button on the home page. 4: the system stores book in
3: the administrator the database book table and
inserts name and code of notifies by saying the book
book and click upload is successfully uploaded.
5: use case ends.

Alternative course of 4.1: the system displays unsuccessful message if the

action book is does not uploaded successfully.

Use case description of modify book

Use case name Modify book
Actor Administrator
Description This use case allows administrator to modify
Pre-condition The administrator must be in the ACTIVE state.
Post condition Book is modified
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: this use case starts 2: the system displays

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when the administrator the modify page
clicks modify button 4: the system verifies the
on the home page. inserted information.
3: the administrator 5: the system searches
inserts the book name for the book and returns
and book code and the book to the modify
then clicks OK. page.
6: the administrator 7: the system stores the
modifies the book and book in the modified
clicks OK. form into the database
8: use case ends book table.

Alternative course of action 4.1: the system displays “please insert the correct
book name and book code” if the administrator
didn’t write the correct book name and book

Use case description of delete book

Use case name Delete book
Actor Administrator
Description This use case helps administrator to delete book
Pre-condition The administrator must be in the ACTIVE state.
Post condition The book is deleted.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: this use case starts 2: the system displays
when the administrator search engine.
clicks delete book 4: the system verifies the
button on home page. inserted information.
3: the administrator 5: the system searches
inserts book name and book and return book on
book code and then delete page.
clicks OK. 7: system remove book
6: administrator clicks from book table
deletes the book
8: use case ends.
Alternative course of action 4.1: system displays “insert correct name and code
of the book” if the administrator did not insert
correct name and code of the book.

Use case description of add information

Use case name: Add information
Actor: Administrator
Description This use case allows the administrator to add

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Precondition The administrator must log in.
Post condition Administrator adds information.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: This use case starts 2: the system displays
when the administrator information page.
clicks add information 4: system stores
button on home page. information on
3: administrator adds information table.
information and clicks ok. 5: system returns
6: use case ends. successful message.

Use case description of edit information

Use case name Edit information
Actor Administrator
Description The use case is used to edit information
Pre-condition The administrator must log in.
Post condition Some information is edited
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: administrator clicks 2: system displays
edit information button information page.
on home page. 4: system searches
3: administrator selects existing information
information he/she from information table
want to edit. and return to
5: administrator edits administrator.
Information and click 6: system stores edited
ok. information on
7: use case ends. information table.

Use case description of search book

Use case name: Search book

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Actor: Student
Description This use case helps students to search book.
Precondition Book must be uploaded.
Post condition Students get the book he or she want.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: student click search 2: system displays search
button on home page. engine.
3: student inserts name 4: system verifies
and code of the book and information.
clicks ok. 5: system searches book
6: student use or read from book table and return
book. to student on view book
7: use case ends. page.

Alternative course of 4.1: system displays “search other book message” if

action the book doesn’t exist.

Use case description of download book

Use case name: Download book
Actor: Student
Description This use case allows the Student to download
Precondition The Student should be valid user.
Post condition The Student downloads the book she/he needs.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: This use case starts 2: The system displays
when the student clicks
search engine.
download button on
home page. 4: system validates
3: The Student inserts the
5: system searches book
book name and code with provided information
he/she wants to download and return book on
download page.
and click submit button. 7: The system process
6: The student clicks on downloading.
download button 8: The system notifies the
download is completed.
9: Use case ends
Alternative course of 4.1: The system displays “insert correct information”
action if the book doesn’t exist.
7.1: The system notifies the download is failed if
download is not completed.

Use case description of give suggestion

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Use case name: Give suggestion
Actor: Student
Description This use case allows students to give suggestion
Precondition Students must log in.
Post condition Student gives suggestion.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: student click on your 2: the system displays
suggestion button on suggestion page.
home page. 4: system stores
3: student inserts suggestion on information
suggestion and clicks table and responds your
send button. suggestion is accepted.
5: use case ends.

Use case description of edit profile

Use case name: Edit profile
Actor: Administrator, librarian and student
Description This use case allows administrator, librarian and
student to edit their personal profile.
Precondition The profile must exist
Post condition Administrator, librarian and student edit their profile.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: administrator, librarian 2: the system display user
or student clicks edit profile page.
profile button on home 4: system verifies edited
page. information.
3: the user edits 5: the system stores edited
information and clicks ok profile information on
button. profile table and displays
7: use case ends. successful message.

Alternative course of 4.1: the system displays the message “enter

action information again” if user misses some information.
4.2: the system displays you can’t remove if user
removes essential information.

Use case description of identify book for updating

Use case name: Identify book for updating
Actor: Librarian
Description This use case is used by librarian to identify book for

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Precondition There should be uploaded books.
Post condition The books will be updated.
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: Librarian clicks 2: system displays search
identify book button on engine.
home page. 4: system verifies
3: librarian inserts name information.
and code of the book and 5: system searches book
click ok. and return book on view
6: librarian clicks move page.
button on view page. 7: system moves book.
9: use case ends. 8: system displays
Alternative course of 4.1: system displays “enter the correct book name and
action code”.

Use case description of delete account

Use case name delete account
Actor Administrator
Description This use case allows administrator to delete
Pre-condition The system verifies administrator
Post condition The account will be removed
Basic course of action Actor action 2: system displays
1: administrator clicks search engine.
remove account button 4: system verifies
on home page. information.
3: the administrator 5: system searches
inserts information and account from account
clicks ok. table and return
6: the administrator account on account
clicks remove button on page.
account page. 7: system removes
8:use case ends account from account
table and displays

Alternative course of action 4.1: system displays “insert correct information” if

administrator inserts incorrect information.

Use case description of log out

Use case name Log out

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Actor Administrator, librarian and student
Description Help users to leave the page
Pre-condition User must be logged in
Post condition User log out of system
Basic course of action Actor action System response
1: this use case starts 2: system returns back
when user clicks log to log in screen.
out button on current
3: use case ends

3.2 Class Diagram

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Name:string 1
ID no:integer Librarian
Address: Varchar() 1
Controls ID no:integer
Upload book()
Modify book()
Delete account() Identify book()
Delete book()
Add information() 1 1
Edit information() Account
Edit profile() Password
1 Name: string
Password:Varchar Pass:String
1 Controls ()
chech password()
Verify Password() identify

Created by Trial Version

Student Book
is read by
name:string name:string
ID no:integer 1..* code:varchar()
address:varchar() author:string

search book()
download book()
give suggestion()

reference book general book

graduate student under graduate

Created by Trial Version

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3.3 Sequence Diagram

Create account
Web page Account type page Form page Account table

Click create
Account ()
Display ()

Click choose
Account ()
Display ()

Insert information

Click ok ()

Validate user

Send confirmation

Clicks create ()


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Log in

Web page Log in page Home page Account table


Click log in ()

Display ()

Enter name and

Click ok ()
Validate log in ()

Display ()

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Upload book Home page Upload page Book table

Click upload ()

Display ()

Online Library Management System 2019

Insert name and
Code of book

Click upload ()

Store book ()

Store ok

Modify book

Home page Search engine Modify page Book table


Click modify ()

Display ()

Insert name and

Click ok ()

Search book ()

Return book ()

Modify Book

Click ok ()
Store book ()

Store ok

28 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Search engine
Delete page
Delete book Home page Book table


Click delete ()

Display ()

Insert name and

Click ok () Verify

Search book ()

Return book

Click delete ()
Remove book ()
Remove ok

29 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Add information

Information Information
Home page
Page Table

Click add
Information ()
Display ()

Add information

Click ok ()
Store information ()

30 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Edit information

Information Information
Home page
Page Table


Click edit
Information ()
Display ()

Information ()

Return information

Edit information

Click ok ()
Store ()


31 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Search book

Home page Search engine View book page Book table


Click search
Book ()

Display ()

Insert name and


Click ok ()
Search book ()

Return book

32 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Download book

Home page Search engine Download page Book table


Click download ()

Display ()

Insert name and


Click submit () Verify

Search ()

Return Book ()

Click download ()
Download ()


33 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Give suggestion
Home page Information

Click your
Suggestion ()

Display ()

Insert suggestion

Click send ()
Store ()


34 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Edit profile
Home page Profile page Profile table


Click edit profile ()

Display ()

Edit information
Click ok ()
Store ()

35 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Identify book for Home page Search engine View page Book table
Update Librarian
Click identify ()

Display ()

Insert name and


Click ok ()
Search ()
Return ()

Click move ()
Move ()

36 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Delete account

Home page Search engine Account page Account table


Click remove
Account ()
Display ()

Insert information

Click ok () Verify

Search account ()

Return account ()

Click remove ()
Remove ()


37 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Log out
Current page Login page


Click log out ()

Display ()

3.4 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram for create account

38 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Click create

administrator student librarian

insert information

no valid?
no valid?

create account

create account crate account

Activity diagram for log in

39 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

click log in

insert name and


is valid


logged in

Activity diagram for upload book

40 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

click upload

insert name
and code

no correct


41 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for modify book

click modify

insert name
and code

valid? no



return book


42 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for delete book

click delete

insert name
and code



return book


43 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for add information

click add

add information


Activity diagram for edit information

44 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Created by Created
Trial Version
Trial Version
by Trial Version

click edit


edit information


Activity diagram for search book

45 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Created by
Trial Version
Trial Version
by Trial Version

click search

insert name
and code

valid? no




46 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for download book

Created by Created
Trial Version
Trial Version
by Trial Version
click download

insert name
and code

valid? no


search book

return book


Activity diagram for give suggestion

47 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

Created byCreated
Trial Version
Trial Version
by Trial Version

click your



Activity diagram for edit profile

48 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

click edit

edit information

verified? no



49 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for identify book for updating

click identify

insert name
and code

valid? no


search book

return book


50 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for delete account

click delete

insert name
and code



return book


51 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
Activity diagram for log out

Click log out

display log in

3.5 State Chart Diagram

initial node authenti logged request provide logged off

final node
cate in vender book state

search acknowledged

52 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019
3.6 User Interface- Navigational Paths and Screen Mock-

3.6.1 User Login Screen interface

53 | P a g e
Online Library Management System 2019

3.6.2 Admin page screen interface

54 | P a g e

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