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Rockcliffe Park Public School treasurer guilty of fraud

Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen

More from Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen
Published on: November 26, 2014 | Last Updated: December 1, 2014 7:52 PM EST

Former Rockcliffe Park Public School treasurer Mark Macdonald pleaded guilty to fraud. File photo / Ottawa Citizen

The lawyer for the former treasurer of the Rockcliffe Park Public School council says his client was a troubled alcoholic who was spending
more than he was earning when he stole at least $65,000 from the parent-run council more than two years ago.
Mark MacDonald, 51, pleaded guilty earlier this year to defrauding the organization.

During that court appearance, the former senior Canadian military officer and defence industry executive admitted that he had used his
volunteer position to withdraw $124,037.83 from the school council’s account.

MacDonald had paid back more than $58,000 of that money when the fraud was detected when cheques to milk and pizza providers started
to bounce in early 2012.

Since then, the school board helped cover nearly $37,000 in unpaid debts. It was reported another $19,000 was redirected from funds raised
by the school’s well-known book fair in order to pay off the outstanding amounts.
The school council also owed almost $30,000 for an after-school homework club run by the Bettye Hyde Co-operative Nursery School.

It wasn’t the first time MacDonald had taken money and then paid it back. MacDonald also admitted taking funds from the school council
accounts in 2009, but no one noticed. MacDonald paid back most of the money about a year later.
A prosecutor said MacDonald —  a former military man who was working as a defence industry consultant — was spending more than he was
earning in his business account.

MacDonald was an alcoholic who was suffering from undiagnosed and untreated mental health problems at the time he took the money, said
his Ottawa lawyer, Ewan Lyttle.

MacDonald has since spent nearly eight weeks in two separate intensive alcohol addiction rehabilitation programs in Guelph and Toronto,
said Lyttle. MacDonald has also seen a psychiatrist regularly for the past year and is due to undergo an assessment soon at the Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.

Lyttle said MacDonald is remorseful about what he has done and intends to pay back the money he stole. Lyttle wouldn’t elaborate on what
MacDonald spent the money on.

The theft left one of Ottawa’s wealthiest school councils “precariously close” to losing a critical after-school program paid for by the parents,
according to a Crown prosecutor.

“I’m just glad the justice system is working,” said Elise Zarkadas, who was chair of the Rockcliffe Park School Council at the time of the fraud.

At the time of the fraud, MacDonald was working as director of business development for CGI Group in Ottawa. Prior to that, MacDonald had
spent 20 years in the Canadian military where he served as a senior officer on Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie’s staff. He also served in Germany,
Cyprus and Bosnia-Herzegovina. MacDonald has since found a new job in the Hamilton area, Lyttle said.

A sentencing hearing is expected sometime next year and Lyttle said he intends to ask the court to spare MacDonald jail for the fraud, and
instead sentence him to a period of house arrest as part of a conditional sentence that can be served in the community.

“His post-plea steps are absolutely consistent with somebody who is genuinely remorseful and is committed to rehabilitating himself and
righting what’s wrong,” said Lyttle. The father of three hasn’t seen his children in more than a year but continues to make regular child
support payments, said Lyttle. Lyttle said he expects MacDonald will address the school council and apologize during his sentencing hearing.

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