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1. BENEFIT OF SPECIALIZATION: Committee organization is a group of highly qualified

and specialized people. Members are well educated and experienced in different fields.
So, there is a benefit of specialization in this organizational structure.

2. BETTER SOLUTION: Because of specialization and collective knowledge of members,

quality decision is possible. It helps to find out better solution for complex problem.

3. PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT: Committee gives focus on equal participation of all

members while taking decisions. All members can put their views and opinions while
making major decisions.

4. SEVERAL ALTERNATIVES: Committee can identify several possible alternatives to

solve the problem because of the collective knowledge of highly qualified experts and
specialists. It helps the management to select most appropriate alternative.

5. BETTER COMMUNICATION: It promotes better and proper communication among

the members of the committee to minimize conflict and misunderstanding.

6. TEAM SPIRIT: promotes team spirit and sense of cooperation among the members
which helps to motivate them towards the achievement of specific objective.


1. DELAYED DECISION: There are several members of different qualification and

backgrounds. So, their opinions and ideas may differ from each other’s. Divided
opinions may delay the decision making process.

2. LACK OF SECRECY: Because of large number of members from different classes, it is

not easy to maintain proper secrecy and privacy in this type of organizational structure.

3. EXPENSIVE DEVICE: It takes more time and cost to make a committee. Sometimes
experts and specialists should be hired to get better result. So, it is an expensive form
of organization.

4. LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY: Individual member cannot be blamed for wrong

decision. It is very difficult to fix accountability in committee organization.

5. HIGH CHANCE OF CONFLICT: There is a high chance of conflict between the

members because of the ego and selfishness of the members.

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