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by Tarun Goyal
Causes of Failure of French and Success of British
Commercial Superiority and Better Financial Position : The
trade carried on by the English Company was far greater than
the French Company. Between 1736 and 1756, the trade of
British Company was four times than that of French company.
The financial position of French further deteriorated with the
third Carnatic war and by the end of this war, it was not able to
even pay its troops.
Private Character of the English Company : British Company
was a private enterprise and this created a spirit of self
reliance. French Company was more or less a department of
the Government. It completely depended on Government. The
corruption was in vogue in French Government and the same 2
reflected in Company also.
Naval Supremacy of the East India Company : The British had
naval supremacy and due to that they were able to send help
whenever required. This naval supremacy helped them to cut link
between French possessions in India and France.
Better English Naval Base : Bombay was British Naval base.
French Naval Base was in Isle of France (in Mauritius). Due to this,
French failed to take any speedy action during the Carnatic wars.
Superior Settlements of British : British had their settlements in
Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. The most important French
settlement was in Pondicherry. Thus, British were at advantageous
Superiority of the Commanders : A major factor in the success of
the English in India was the superiority of the commanders in the
British camp. In comparison to the long list of leaders on the
English side — Sir Eyre Coote, Major Stringer Lawrence, Robert 3
Clive and many others — there was only Dupleix on the French
There are accounts by various European travellers and traders
about the activities in port towns such as Surat which give details
of the intricate steps that went into the creation of fabrics
collectively called ‘Indian’.
Great demand was there for cotton longcloth (usually 35 to 50 m in
length), salempores (staple cotton cloth), and morees (superior
quality cotton cloth). Other much desired fabrics were the painted
cloths and prints, the silks and dyes.
These textiles were not just in demand in Europe but also in other
parts of Asia. Indians had traded in textiles for centuries before the
Europeans arrived.
In China, Japan and the Indonesian archipelago, Indian cotton
was popular for its lightweight, yet strong qualities.
When the Dutch, English and French acquired materials from 4
India, it was not only for their home countries, but for transport to
Malacca or Java, for example, where they were traded for spices.
By the 18th century, the French had coloured
patterned handkerchiefs specially woven for
particular island markets – which proved a successful
entrepreneurial effort.
A corollary to the trade in textiles & spices was trade in
slaves. It is generally considered that slave trade
concerned Europe, Africa and the Americas (the ‘New
World’), but this ignores the fact that trade between
Europe and Asia also helped to sustain slavery.
French ships took European goods to Asia, where
they acquired cowry shells and Indian textiles that
were highly valued in West Africa. Traders
exchanged these goods in Africa for slaves, who
were sent to the colonies of France in the Americas.
“The circle was completed,” says the Yale Center for
the Study of Globalisation, “when sugar and other 5
goods from the Americas were loaded on board and
shipped back to France.”
The first half of the eighteenth century saw the decline of the mighty
Mughals, who had been the envy of their contemporaries for almost
two centuries.
The reign of Aurangzeb (1658-1707) proved to signify the beginning
of the end of Mughal rule in India. It is argued that Aurangzeb’s
misguided policies weakened the stability of the State and the
decline gained momentum after his death due to wars of succession
and weak rulers.
Though Muhammad Shah ruled for a long spell of 29 years (1719-
48), a revival of the imperial fortunes did not take place as he was
an incompetent ruler.
Muhammad Shah’s reign witnessed the establishment of the
independent states of Hyderabad, Bengal, Awadh and Punjab. 6
Several local chiefs began to assert their independence and the
Marathas began to make their bid to inherit the imperial mantle.
External Challenges
In the absence of internal strength, the Mughals could not put a tough
front against external challenges which came in the form of several
invasions from the north-west.
The northwestern borders had been neglected by the later Mughals
and not much effort was expended in protecting the border.
Persian emperor Nadir Shah attacked India in 1738-39, conquered
Lahore & defeated the Mughal army at Karnal on Feb 13, 1739.
Later, Muhammad Shah was captured, and Delhi looted and
devastated. According to an estimate, apart from the Peacock Throne
and the Kohinoor diamond, Rs 70 crore were collected from the official
treasury and the safes of the rich nobles.
Nadir Shah gained the strategically important Mughal territory to the 8
west of the Indus, including Kabul. Thus, India once again became
vulnerable to the attacks from the north-west.
Ahmad Shah Abdali (or Ahmad Shah Durrani), who was the
successor of Nadir Shah after the latter’s death in 1747, invaded
India several times between 1748 and 1767.
He continuously harassed the Mughals who tried to buy peace in
1751-52 by ceding Punjab to him. In 1757, Abdali captured Delhi
and left behind an Afghan caretaker to watch over the Mughal
emperor. Before his return, Abdali had recognised Alamgir-II as the
Mughal emperor and the Rohilla chief, Najib-ud-Daula, as Mir
Bakhshi of the empire, who was to act as personal ‘supreme agent’
of Abdali.
In 1758, Najib-ud-Daula was expelled from Delhi by the Maratha
chief, Raghunath Rao, who also captured Punjab.
In 1759, Ahmad Shah Abdali returned to India to take revenge on
the Marathas.
In 1761, Abdali defeated the Marathas in the Third Battle of
Panipat. The last of Abdali’s invasions came in 1767.
Nadir Shah was Mughal emperor for only 57 days, in
1739, but those days created aftershocks that transformed
India's politics.
They broke existing centres of authority, massively
shrinking the scope of Mughal power. They set loose
bands of mounted warriors who ransacked the countryside
seeking wealth from villages and towns.
They pushed traders behind the walls of whichever power
had the strongest forts. For a short period, plunder, rather
than negotiation, became the most effective tool for
creating new centres of wealth.
Those 57 days laid the ground which allowed the East 10
India Company to conquer territory in India for the first
time. — Jon Wilson, India Conquered
Why Many Empire-shaking Battles at Panipat?
Panipat and its adjacent region, located in present Haryana on
the banks of the Yamuna and between the fertile plains of the
Ganga and Indus rivers, have witnessed several battles.
These battles changed the course of Indian history at different
points of time :
 The First Battle of Panipat in 1526 was between Babur and
Ibrahim Lodi. The result of the battle laid the foundation of
the Mughal Empire by ending the rule of the Delhi Sultanate.
 The Second Battle of Panipat in 1556 was between Akbar
and Hemu; it decided in favour of the continuation of the
Mughal rule.
 The Third Battle of Panipat in 1761 between the Marathas 11
and Ahmad Shah Abdali put an end to the Maratha ambition
of ruling over India.
Why Panipat was a favourite battlefield ?
 Panipat had a strategic location. One of the parties of the
war generally came from the north/northwest through the
Khyber Pass to get hold over Delhi, the political capital of
northern India.
 To move a military through rough terrains—deserts of
Rajasthan or the other northern areas infested with dense
forests—was very risky and difficult. On the other hand, the
rulers at Delhi considered Panipat as a confrontable strategic
ground and hence they preferred to take the fight there.
 Its proximity to Delhi made it easier for the Indian rulers to
transport weapons, military and food supplies etc., to the
battleground, and still keep the capital insulated from the 12

conflict at hand.
 Panipat’s surrounding region has a flat ground
which was suitable for cavalry movement—the main
mode of warfare at the time.
 After the construction of the Grand Trunk Road by
Sher Shah Suri (1540-45), Panipat was on this
route. It became easier for conquerors to find their
way there.
 The duration of monsoon rainfall in the region is
short in comparison to other areas making it easier
to fight.
The artisans/smiths of these regions were experts in
making warfare-related materials and hence it became
easier for forces of both parties to replenish their war
Bahadur Shah I (1709–March 1712)
 After a nearly two-year-long war of succession, the 63-year-old
Prince Muazzam became the emperor, taking the title Bahadur Shah.
 He had killed his brothers Muhammad Azam (defeated him in Battle
of Jajau) and Kam Bakhsh in the war of succession.
 Rajput states of Jodhpur and Amber were annexed again after they
declared independence few years ago.
 His reign was disturbed by several rebellions : the Sikhs under
Banda Singh Bahadur, Rajputs under Durgadas Rathore, etc.
 He generally adopted a policy to pacify Marathas, Rajputs and Jats;
made peace with Guru Gobind Singh and Chhatrasal.
 He granted Sardeshmukhi to Marathas and also released Shahu.
 Khafi Khan gave the title of Shah-i-Bekhabar to Bahadur Shah-I.
He (Bahadur Shah I) was the last Emperor of whom anything
favourable can be said. Henceforth, the rapid and complete
abasement and practical dissolution of the Empire are typified
in the incapacity and political insignificance of its sovereigns. —
Sidney Owen

Jahandar Shah (March 1712-February 1713)

 With the help of a noble Zulfikar Khan, Jahandar Shah
became the emperor.
 First puppet Mughal emperor.
 Abolished Jaziya.
 Defeated by his nephew Farrukhsiyar in a battle. 15
Farrukhsiyar (1713-1719)
 After killing Jahandar Shah with the help of Sayyid
brothers—Abdulla Khan and Hussain Ali (known as ‘King
Makers’), Farrukhsiyar became the new emperor.
 He followed a policy of religious tolerance by abolishing
Jaziya and pilgrimage tax.
 He executed Banda Bahadur in 1716.
 In 1717, he gave the English East India Company a farman,
granting them trade privilege in India.
 In 1719, the Sayyid brothers, with the help of Peshwa Balaji
Vishwanath, dethroned Farrukhsiyar.
 Later, he was blinded and killed. It was the first time in the 16
Mughal history that an emperor was killed by his nobles.
Rafi-ud-Darajat (February 28 to June 4, 1719)
 He ruled for the shortest period among the Mughals.

Rafi-ud-Daula (June 6 to September 17, 1719)

 The Sayyid brothers placed Rafi-ud-Daula with the title Shah
Jahan II on the throne. The new emperor was an opium

Note : The Sayyid brothers put three princes on the throne.

They had tolerant religious policy and had an agreement with
Shahu. Ultimately these brothers were murdered by a
conspiracy between Mohammad Shah and Chin Kilich Khan
Muhammad Shah (1719-48)
 Finally ended Jaziya in 1720.
 In 1737, Baji Rao-I, the Maratha Peshwa, invaded Delhi with
a small army of 500 horsemen.
 Nadir Shah (Shah of Persia) defeated him in the Battle of
Karnal (1739) and took away Peacock throne and Kohinoor
 During his tenure, Chin Kilich Khan (Nizam-ul-Mulk) founded
Hyderabad, Murshid Quli Khan founded Bengal and Sa’adat
Khan laid down the foundation of Awadh out of the realms of
Mughal Empire.
 He was a pleasure-loving king (eunuchs & ladies dominated)
and was nick-named Rangeela.
 First Mughal king to give patronage to Urdu language.
Ahmad Shah (1748-1754)
 Ahmad Shah was an incompetent ruler who left the state
affairs in the hands of Udham Bai, the ‘Queen Mother’.
 Udham Bai, given the title of Qibla-i-Alam, was a lady of
poor intellect who ruled with the help of her paramour,
Javid Khan (a notorious eunuch).
 During his period, Safdar Jang, the Nawab of Awadh, was
the Wazir or Prime Minister of the empire.

Alamgir II (1754-1758)
 Alamgir II was a grandson of Jahandar Shah.
 During his reign, Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757.
Shahjahan III (1758-1759)
Shah Alam II (1759-1806)
 Shah Alam-II (Real name Ali Gauhar, Pen name Aftab) joined
hands with Mir Qasim (deposed Nawab of Bengal) and Shuja-ud-
Daula of Awadh in the Battle of Buxar against the British in 1764.
They were defeated.
 The other battle in his reign was Third Battle of Panipat (1761).
 In 1765, according to Treaty of Allahabad (Aug 1765), he was taken
under East India Company’s protection and resided at Allahabad.
 He also issued a farman granting to the Company in perpetuity the
Diwani (the right to collect revenue) of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
 In 1772, the Marathas took him to Delhi where he lived till 1803.
 In 1803, he again accepted the protection of the English, after the 20
defeat of Daulat Rao Scindia by the English.
 Afterwards, Mughal emperors became pensioners of the English.
Akbar II (1806-37)
 He was the first Mughal king to live under the British
 He gave Rammohan Rai the title ‘Raja’ and sent him to
London to seek a raise in his allowance.
 In 1835, the coins bearing the names of Mughal emperors
were stopped.
Bahadur Shah II (1837-1857)
 He was confined by the British to the Red Fort. During the
Revolt of 1857, he was proclaimed the Emperor by the
 He was deported to Rangoon after that (where he died in
1862). His pen name was Zafar.
 In legal terms, the Mughal Empire came to an end on Nov 1,
1858 with the declaration of Queen Victoria.
The process of disintegration of the Mughal Empire began during
the reign of Aurangzeb, but it picked up momentum only after his
death in 1707.
Although Mughal authority was challenged by several chiefs and
rulers, none could assert independence in the face of the imperial
might. The Sikhs, Marathas and Rajputs did not possess the
capacity to overthrow the empire; they merely resisted Mughal
power to gain and keep their independence in their respective
Thus, if the successors of Aurangzeb had been capable rulers,
the empire might not have fallen. Most of the emperors who came
after Aurangzeb proved to be incapable, weak and licentious
monarchs who hastened the process of disintegration of the
empire and, finally, its collapse.
Major Factors for the Downfall of Mughals
Shifting Allegiance of Zamindars
Two classes shared the power of the State with the emperor during the
medieval period—the zamindars and the nobles.
The zamindars were hereditary owners of their lands who enjoyed certain
privileges on hereditary basis, and were variously known as rais, rajas,
thakurs, khuts or deshmukhs.
They occupied an important place in the empire because they helped in
the collection of revenue and in local administration, for which they
maintained soldiers.
Though the Mughals had tried to curb the power of the zamindars and
maintain direct contact with the peasants, they had not wholly succeeded.
During the reign of Aurangzeb itself, there was a marked increase in the
power and influence of the zamindars. The biggest fallout of this was that
regional loyalties were encouraged. Many local zamindars helped the 23
nobility, the other powerful class within the empire, to take advantage of
the weakness of the empire and carve out independent kingdoms.
Jagirdari Crisis
The nobility comprised people who were either assigned large
jagirs and mansabs or appointed subahdars of Mughal subas and
given the responsibility of maintaining these. To this class
belonged many Rajput rulers, subahdars and mansabdars.
Mughal rule has often been defined as “the rule of the nobility”,
because these nobles played a central role in administering the
Although Akbar had provided a well-knit organisation for them,
there was divisiveness among the nobility on the basis of religion,
homeland and tribe, and each category formed a group of its own.
Mutual rivalry, jealousy and contest for power among the various
groups during the rule of the later Mughals (in the absence of a
strong central leadership) not only reduced the prestige of the 24

emperor, but also contributed to the decline of the empire.

What is the difference between Zamindar and Jagirdar?
Zamindar : There are two phases of zamindars, first phase
during Mughal period (though this term was in vogue from
much earlier times) : During Mughal rule, zamindars (actual
word is zimmidar derived from zimmedar, i.e., the one who is
responsible for revenue collection) were NOT LAND
OWNERS as no concept of OWNERSHIP (land was plenty)
existed in that period. A zamindar was responsible for the
revenue collection from the land allotted to him and he could
be stripped from office if Governor/Emperor so wished.
Second phase : After Permanent Settlement of 1793, pre-
existing zamindars were given OWNERSHIP of land subject
to timely payment of collected revenue. Land was auctioned
(land became sale-able property for the first time in Indian 25
history) in case any zamindar failed to pay his dues.
Jagirdar : Office of jagirdar came into existence after the
advent of Mansabdari system during Akbar's reign (though
similar type of officials existed in Delhi Sultanate period too).
Broadly, land was classified into Khalisa land and Jagirs.
Khalisa land : Land revenue directly went into state coffers.
Jagirs: Individuals/Noblemen were given rights over revenue
of the allotted jagirs (land) in-lieu of military services to the
state. Jagirdars kept a legion of soldiers and were
responsible for their salaries and other needs. They were
usually transferred regularly every 3-4 years lest someone
assert sovereignty over allotted jagir.
Whether the land was khalisa or jagir, revenue collection
was done by zamindars but appropriating authority was
different in each case. 26
Jagirdar vs. Mansabdar : All Mansabdars were
Jagidars but not vice-versa.
Note : The above explanation of Jagir is for Jagir-i-
Tankkhwa (instead of cash salaries, noblemen were
given rights over revenue from stipulated land).
There were other types of Jagirs like:
1. Inam jagir : Given to religious leaders as charity.
2. Watan Jagir : A type of limited sovereignty over few
villages and cities; person holding watan jagir wasn’t
expected to provide any services to the state.
Raja Man Singh held Watan jagir in Amber and Jagir-i-
Tankhwa in Hissar. The former (Amber) didn’t have any 27
conditions attached to it, while the latter (Hissar)
required him to provide services to the state.
Aurangzeb’s reign witnessed powerful regional groups
like the Jats, Sikhs and Marathas defying the authority
of the Mughal state in their bid to create kingdoms of
their own.
They did not succeed in their efforts, but they
influenced the future course of political events in their
respective regions. Their continuous struggle against
the empire for political ascendancy weakened the
empire considerably.
Aurangzeb, and after him Bahadur Shah I, by 28
attempting to suppress the Rajputs, spurred them to
battle against the Mughals.
The later Mughals made an effort to follow a policy of
reconciliation with the Rajputs, but by then it was already too
late: the Rajputs no longer trusted the Mughals enough to ally
with them for the welfare of the empire.
The Marathas too were becoming a formidable enemy. Their
aim was at first limited only to regaining control over the region
of Maharashtra; but it soon went on to include getting legal
sanction from the Mughal emperor for collecting sardeshmukhi
and chauth.
They forged northwards and, by 1740, succeeded in
spreading their influence over the provinces of Gujarat, Malwa
and Bundelkhand.
The Rajput struggle against the empire and the growing
ambition and power of the Marathas, thus, adversely affected
the Mughal might.
Economic and Administrative Problems
The number of amirs and their ranks or mansabs had
increased sharply over time; there was little land left to be
distributed among them as jagirs.
Aurangzeb tried to solve the problem of acute shortage of
jagirs by showing enhanced income from the jagirs on record.
But this was a shortsighted measure as the amirs tried to
recover the recorded income from their jagirs by pressurising
the peasantry.
So both the amirs and the peasantry were antagonised.
Then there were the wars, the luxurious lifestyles of the
emperors and amirs alike, the reduction in khalisa land, all of
which burdened the State.
The result was that the expenditure of the state much
exceeded its income.
Causes of the Mughals’ Downfall in a Nutshell
 The government of the Mughals was a personal
despotism and so its success depended on the
character of the reigning ruler. The later Mughals were
worthless and neglected the administration of the state.
 With the absence of a definite law of succession, there
always occurred a war of succession; this weakened the
stability of the government, and fostered partisanship at
the cost of patriotism.
 The degeneration of the rulers led to the degeneration
of the nobility, with factious quarrels and intrigues
costing the empire heavily.
 The deterioration of the army also proved disastrous for 31
the empire.
 The empire had become too vast and unwieldy to be efficiently
governed from a central authority under weak rulers, especially
under the existing conditions of transport and communication.
 Aurangzeb’s religious policy (e.g., Jaziya tax, persecution of
Sikhs) was largely responsible, leading to revolts by Rajputs,
Sikhs, Jats and Marathas.
 Aurangzeb’s Deccan policy was a complete failure and was an
important cause of the downfall of the Mughal empire.
 Invasions of Irani and Durrani kingdoms gave a death-blow to the
Mughal empire.
There was, moreover, no significant scientific and technological
advancement that could have improved a stagnant economy. The
once flourishing trade did not enrich the empire’s coffers even as
the inroads by European traders grew along coastal India.
These economic and administrative problems only multiplied
following the death of Aurangzeb.
Was the reason for the fall of the Mughal Empire the fault
of Aurangzeb?
In a way yes, and that is quite a paradox (a seemingly absurd or
contradictory statement which when investigated may prove to be well
founded or true).

Aurangzeb expanded the Mughal Empire to its farthest, but he

also laid the seeds for its destruction doing so. His
expansionism and intolerance to non-Muslims, angered many
communities that began to revolt against his rule.
Basically, the Jaziya tax imposed by him on non-Hindus,
caused a whole scale uprising. Add to that, his persecution of
Sikhs, made them take to the sword, and they would be the
biggest thorn in the Mughal side.
As Jos Gommans put it “the highpoint of imperial 33
centralisation under emperor Aurangzeb coincided with
the start of the imperial downfall.”
The Jats were the first to revolt in 1669, and though Aurangzeb
managed to put down the revolt brutally, they kept on striking back. And
soon they established their own state at Bharatpur.
In the east, the Ahoms under Lachit Borphukan fought back, reclaimed a
whole lot of territories, and inflicted a humiliating defeat on the Mughals
on Brahmaputra river at the Battle of Saraighat (1671). This Battle was
the last battle in the last major attempt by the Mughals to extend their
empire into Assam.
The brutal execution of the Sikh Guru, Teg Bahadur, angered the Sikhs,
and under Guru Gobind Singh, they took to arms. Guru Gobind Singh set
up the Khalsa, and soon the Sikhs became one of the fiercest opponents
to Mughal rule.
But more than anything, it was the Deccan campaigns that literally
exhausted Aurangzeb, and began the downfall of the Mughal Empire.
First, it was Shivaji who with his guerilla tactics, ousted the Mughal army,
harassed Aurangzeb to no end, managed to capture many forts and build 34
a Maratha Confederacy. In spite of the brutal execution of Shivaji’s son
Sambhaji, the Maratha resistance never died out.
Rajaram, later his widow Tarabai and then a host of Maratha
Sardars continuously attacked the Mughals. This primarily meant
that he had to spend the later years of his life, constantly putting
down the Maratha revolts.
And it was an exercise in futility, no sooner was one revolt put down,
another sprang up somewhere else. For close to two decades,
Aurangzeb spent time in Deccan, trying to subdue the Marathas.
It would be a Pyrrhic victory (that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor
that it is tantamount to defeat) that left him exhausted, made him lose
around 1/5th of his army, and die a broken hearted man.
So when Aurangzeb passed away, the Mughal Empire was at its
territorial zenith, but was also facing its most intense revolts too.
The Marathas, the Jats, the Sikhs, the Ahoms, all formed their own
strong kingdoms, and began to attack the Mughals. The series of
weak rulers post Aurangzeb and their own palace intrigues meant, 35
the Mughal Empire could not really face up to the revolts, and the
downfall began.
The roots of the disintegration of the Mughal empire may be found in
the Medieval Indian economy; the stagnation of trade, industry and
scientific development within the limits of that economy; the growing
financial crisis which took the form of a crisis of the jagirdari system
and affected every branch of state activity; the inability of the nobility
to realise in the circumstances their ambitions in the service of the
state and consequently the struggle of factions and the bid of
ambitious nobles for independent dominion; the inability of the
Mughal emperors to accommodate the Marathas and to adjust their
claims within the framework of the Mughal empire, and the
consequent breakdown of the attempt to create a composite ruling
class in India; and the impact of all these developments on politics at
the court and in the country, and upon the security of the north-
western passes. Individual failings and faults of character also
played their due role but they have necessarily to be seen against 36
the background of these deeper, more impersonal factors. — Satish
Chandra, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-40
The more I study the period, the more I am convinced that
military inefficiency was the principal, if not the sole, cause of
that empire’s final collapse. All other defects and
weaknesses were as nothing in comparison with this... Long
before it disappeared, it had lost all military energy at the
centre, and was ready to crumble to pieces at the first touch.
The rude hand of no Persian or Afghan conqueror, no Nadir,
no Ahmad Abdali, the genius of no European adventure, a
Dupleix or a Clive, was needed to precipitate it into the
abyss. The empire of the Mughals was already doomed
before any of these had appeared on the scene; and had
they never been heard of there can be little doubt that some
Mahratta bandit or Sikh freebooter would in due time have
seated himself on the throne of Akbar and Shahjahan. — 37
William Irvine, Army of the Indian Mughals
A common impression is, that...the decline, fall of the Mughal Empire were
due to the degeneracy of its sovereigns. was irretrievably ruined in the
reign of Aurangzeb, a monarch of great ability, energy and determination, but
lacking in political insight, and a bigoted Mussulman. He struck the first mortal
blow by reversing Akbar’s wise and generous policy of ignoring distinctions of
race and religion, and reimposing the jizya on his Hindu subjects; whereby he
estranged them, and turned the noblest and most warlike of them—the
Rajputs, hitherto the staunchest supporters of the throne—into deadly and
persistent enemies. And Shivaji and his followers not only vindicated their
independence, but struck a second mortal blow at the integrity of the Empire.
They destroyed its military reputation. They exhausted its accumulated
treasure. They spread disorder and devastation over the Deccan and beyond
it...They established an imperium in imperio (sovereignty within a
government, power, or sovereignty).
Thus the Empire, though not dissolved, was hopelessly debilitated. The
effective authority of the central government was thenceforth in
abeyance...Nadir Shah, after inflicting the extremity of humiliation on the
Emperor and his capital, annexed the Imperial territory west of the Indus. The 38
dissolution of the Empire was complete. —Sidney Owen, The Fall of the
Mughal Empire
Rise of Regional States
The founder of the Asaf Jahi dynasty of Hyderabad was Chin
Kilich Khan, popularly known as Nizam-ul-Mulk.
It was Zulfikar Khan who had first conceived the idea of an
independent state in the Deccan. But with his death in 1713,
the dream remained unfulfilled.
Kilich Khan, disgusted with the Mughal emperor who had
appointed Mubariz Khan as a full-fledged Viceroy of the
Deccan, decided to fight Mubariz Khan.
He defeated and later killed Mubariz Khan in the Battle of
Shakar Kheda (1724) near Aurangabad. He now assumed
control of the Deccan. In 1725, he became the Viceroy and
was conferred the title of Asaf-Jah.
Awadh (or Oudh)
The founder of the independent principality of Awadh was Sa’adat
Khan, popularly known as Burhan-ul-Mulk.
He was a Shia. He had joined in a conspiracy against the Sayyid
brothers, which resulted in his being given an increased mansab.
Later, driven out of the court, he was prompted to find a new
independent state.
He was succeeded by Safdar Jang.
Safdar Jang was not only effective in keeping control of Awadh, but
also managed to render valuable assistance to the weakened
Emperor Muhammad Shah. He was soon given governorship of
Kashmir as well, and became a central figure at the Delhi court.
During the later years of Muhammad Shah, he gained complete
control of administration over the whole Mughal Empire.
When Ahmad Shah ascended the throne at Delhi in 1748, Safdar
Jung became his Wazir or Prime Minister.
Murshid Kuli Khan was the founder of the independent state of
Bengal. He was a capable ruler and made Bengal a prosperous
He was succeeded in 1727 by his son Shuja-ud-din. His successor,
Sarfaraz Khan, was killed in 1740 by Alivardi Khan, the deputy
governor of Bihar at Gheria, who assumed power and made himself
independent of the Mughal emperor by giving yearly tribute.
The Rajputs
The Rajputs tried to re-establish their independence in the 18th
century. This forced the Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah I to march
against Ajit Singh (1708), who had formed an alliance with Jai Singh
II and Durgadas Rathore. But the alliance was broken and the
situation was saved for the Mughals.
At one time, the Rajputs controlled the entire territory extending
from the south of Delhi up to the western coast.
Another important state to make its appearance in the eighteenth
century was that of Mysore. This territory located at the junction of the
Eastern and Western Ghats was ruled by the Wodeyars.
Various powers, interested in this territory, turned the area into a
constant battlefield. In the end, Mysore was brought under the rule of
Haider Ali who ruled the state but not without trouble. He was
involved in constant warfare with British & so was his son Tipu.
Marthanda Varma (1729-58) estd. an independent state of Kerala
with Travancore as his capital. Trivandrum became a prominent city
in Kerala under him. His successor was Rama Varma (Dharma Raja).
Rama extended the boundaries of his state from Kanyakumari to
Cochin. He made efforts to organise his army along the Western 42
model and adopted various measures to develop his state.
He defeated Dutch (VOC) forces at the Battle of Colachel in 1741.
The Jats
The agriculturist Jat settlers living around Delhi, Mathura,
and Agra revolted against the oppressive policies of
Aurangzeb. After some initial setbacks, Churaman and
Badan Singh succeeded in setting up the Jat state of
But it was under Suraj Mal (1755-63) that Jat power reached its
zenith. He not only provided an efficient system of
administration but also greatly extended the territory of the
state. His state included present-day districts of Agra, Aligarh,
Bharatpur, Dholpur, Etawa, Gurgaon, Hathras, Mainpuri,
Mathura, Mewat, Meerut, Rewari and Rohtak.
However, the Jat state suffered a decline after the death of
Suraj Mal in 1763. Thereafter, the state split into small 43
areas controlled by petty zamindars, who mainly lived by
The Sikhs
Guru Gobind Singh transformed the Sikhs into an armed
sect in defence of their religion and liberties.
Banda Bahadur, who later assumed the leadership of the
Sikhs in 1708, was defeated and killed in 1716.
In the wake of the invasions of Nadir Shah and Ahmad
Shah Abdali, the Sikhs once again asserted their
authority. At this stage, they organised themselves into
12 misls or confederacies which exercised control over
different parts of the kingdom.
The credit for establishing a strong kingdom of Punjab
goes to Ranjit Singh (1792-1839). He was the son of 44
Mahan Singh, the leader of the Sukarchakiya misl.
Ranjit Singh brought under control the area extending from
the Sutlej to the Jhelum. He conquered Lahore in 1799 and
Amritsar in 1802. By the Treaty of Amritsar with the British,
Ranjit Singh acknowledged the British right over the
Ranjit Singh proved to be an efficient administrator. He
greatly modernised his army with the help of Europeans.
But towards the close of his reign, the English forced him to
sign the Tripartite Treaty in 1838 with Shah Shuja and the
English Company whereby he agreed to provide passage to
the British troops through Punjab with a view to placing Shah
Shuja on the throne of Kabul.
Ranjit Singh died in 1839. His successors could not keep the
state intact and, soon enough the British took control over it.
The Marathas
Perhaps the most formidable province to emerge was that
of the Marathas. Under the capable leadership of the
Peshwas, the Marathas uprooted the Mughal authority
from Malwa and Gujarat and established their rule.
At one time, they claimed the right to be the chief
inheritors of the Mughal dominion, but their authority was
challenged by Ahmed Shah Abdali in the Third Battle of
Panipat (1761).
The Marathas quickly recovered from the defeat and
offered the most formidable challenge to the English East
India Company in the struggle for political supremacy in
Rohilkhand and Farrukhabad
The states of Rohilkhand and the kingdom of the Bangash
Pathans were a fall out of the Afghan migration into India.
Large scale immigration of Afghans into India took place in
mid-18th century because of political and economic turmoil
in Afghanistan.
Ali Muhammad Khan took advantage of the collapse of
authority in north India following Nadir Shah’s invasion, to
set up a petty kingdom, Rohilkhand. This was the area of
the Himalayan foothills between Kumaon in the north and
the Ganga in the south.
The Rohillas, as the inhabitants of Rohilakhand were
known, suffered heavily at the hands of the other powers in
the area, the Jats and the Awadh rulers and, later, the
Marathas and the British.
Mohammad Khan Bangash, an Afghan, set up an
independent kingdom to the east of Delhi in the area around
Farrukhabad, during the reigns of Farrukhsiyar and
Muhammad Shah.
Socio-Economic Conditions
Eighteenth century India failed to make progress economically, socially
or culturally, at an adequate pace.
India became a land of contrasts because extreme poverty & extreme
luxury existed side by side. The common populace remained
impoverished, backward & oppressed & lived at the bare subsistence
level; the rich and the powerful enjoyed a life of luxury and lavishness.
But it is worth noting that the life of Indian masses was, by and large,
better in the 18th century than it was after 100 years of British rule.
Though agriculture was technically backward, it was worked by hard
labour of peasants. But this hard working class seldom got the fruits of
their labour. Even though the agricultural produce supported the rest of
the society, a peasant’s own reward was miserably inadequate. They 48
were forced to pay exorbitant amounts to the State, zamindars,
jagirdars, and revenue-farmers. But this worsened under British rule.
Trade and Industry
On account of being self-sufficient in handicrafts and agricultural
products, India did not import foreign goods on a large scale.
On the other hand, its industrial and agricultural products were in
good demand in foreign markets. Hence, its exports were more
than its imports; trade was balanced by import of silver and
gold. India was known as a sink of precious metals.
Items of Import : From the Persian Gulf Region— pearls, raw
silk, wool, dates, dried fruits, and rose water; from Arabia—coffee,
gold, drugs and honey; from China—tea, sugar, porcelain and silk;
from Tibet—gold, musk and woollen cloth; from Africa—ivory and
drugs; from Europe— woollen cloth, copper, iron, lead and paper.
Items of Export : Cotton textiles, raw silk and silk fabrics,
hardware, indigo, saltpetre, opium, rice, wheat, sugar, pepper and
other spices, precious stones, and drugs.
Bear in mind that the commerce of India is the commerce of the world
and… he who can exclusively command it is the dictator of Europe. —
Peter the Great
India was a far greater industrial and manufacturing nation than any in
Europe or any other in Asia. Her textile goods—the fine products of her
looms, in cotton, wool, linen and silk—were famous over the civilised
world; so were her exquisite jewellery and her precious stones cut in
every lovely form; so were her pottery, porcelains, ceramics of every
kind, quality, color and beautiful shape; so were her fine works in metal—
iron, steel, silver and gold.
She had great architecture—equal in beauty to any in the world. She had
great engineering works. She had great merchants, great businessmen,
great bankers and financiers. Not only was she the greatest shipbuilding
nation, but she had great commerce and trade by land and sea which
extended to all known civilized countries. Such was the India which the 50
British found when they came. — J.T. Sunderland
Important Centres of Textile Industry
Dacca, Murshidabad, Patna, Surat, Ahmedabad, Broach, Chanderi,
Burhanpur, Jaunpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Agra, Multan, Lahore,
Masulipatnam, Aurangabad, Chicacole (modern Srikakulam),
Vishakhapatnam, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Madurai, etc.; Kashmir was a
centre of woollen manufactures.
Ship-building Industry
Maharashtra, Andhra region & Bengal were leaders in ship-building.
Indian shipping also flourished on Kerala coast at Calicut and Quilon.
The Zamorin of Calicut used the Muslim Kunjali Marakkars (title given
to the naval chief of the Zamorin of Calicut), who were well known for
their seafaring ability, for his navy.
Shivaji Bhonsle’s navy put up a good defence on the west coast against
the Portuguese.
According to Bipan Chandra, the European companies bought many
Indian-made ships for their use.
Status of Education
The education imparted in 18th-century India was still traditional which could
not match with the rapid developments in the West.
The knowledge was confined to literature, law, religion, philosophy and logic
and excluded study of physical & natural sciences, technology and geography.
In fact, due to over-reliance placed on ancient learning, any original thought got
discouraged. Elementary education among the Hindus and the Muslims was
quite widespread.
The education was confined to reading, writing and arithmetic.
Children from the lower caste sometimes attended the schools, but female
presence was rare.
Some of the famous centres for Sanskrit education were Kashi (Varanasi),
Tirhut (Mithila), Nadia and Utkala. Madarsas were the institutions of higher
learning for Persian and Arabic, Persian being the court language and learnt by
the Muslims as well as the Hindus.
Azimabad (Patna) was a famous centre for Persian education. People
interested in the study of the Quran and Muslim theology had to acquire
proficiency in Arabic.
Societal Set-up
Many Castes, Many Sects
The society of 18th century India was characterised by traditional
outlook and stagnation. Though there existed a certain degree of
broad cultural unity, people were divided by caste, religion, region,
tribe and language.
The family system was primarily patriarchal and caste was the
central feature of the social life of the Hindus. Apart from the four
varnas, Hindus were divided into numerous sub-castes which
permanently fixed their place in the social scale.
Though the choice of profession was mainly determined by caste
considerations, exceptions occurred on a large scale, making caste
status quite fluid in some parts of the country.
Caste councils and panchayats enforced caste norms and 53
Even though Islam enjoined social equality on the
Muslims, they too were divided by considerations of
caste, race, tribe and status. Religious considerations
not only kept the Sunni and Shia nobles apart but also
the Irani, Afghan, Turani and Hindustani Muslim
nobles and officials apart from one another.
The sharif Muslims consisting of nobles, scholars,
priests and army affairs often looked down upon the
ajlaf Muslims or the lower class Muslims in a manner
similar to the way of the higher-caste Hindus treated
the lower-caste Hindus.
Religious conversions occurred and caste proved to
be a major divisive force and element of disintegration 54
in 18th century India.
Position of Women in Society
In the patriarchal family system in India (except in some social
groups in Kerala), women possessed little individuality of their
own, though there were a few exceptions.
While upper class women remained at home, lower class
women worked in fields and outside their homes supplementing
the family income. Certain outdated and exploitative social
customs and traditions such as the purdah, sati, child marriage,
polygamy existed which hindered the progress of women.
The plight of the Hindu widow was usually miserable.
The evil of dowry was especially widespread in Bengal and
Rajputana. Sensitive Indians were often touched by the hard
and harsh life of the widows.
Raja Sawai Jai Singh of Amber and the Maratha General 55
Parshuram Bhau tried to promote widow remarriage but failed.
Development in Art, Architecture and Culture
The decline of the imperial Mughals forced talented people
to seek the patronage of newly established state courts
like Hyderabad, Lucknow, Jaipur, Murshidabad, Patna,
Kashmir, etc.
At Lucknow, Nawab of Awadh Asaf-ud-Daula built the bara
Imambara in 1784.
In the first half of the 18th century, Sawai Jai Singh built
the pink city of Jaipur and five astronomical observatories
at Delhi, Jaipur, Benares, Mathura and Ujjain. He also
prepared a set of time-tables called Jij Muhammad-shahi,
to help the people in the study of astronomy.
In the south, in the Travancore era in Tamil Nadu, the
Padmanabhapuram Palace, famous for its architecture
and mural paintings, was constructed.
New schools of painting were born and achieved distinction. The
paintings of the Rajputana and Kangra schools became prominent and
revealed new vitality and taste.
A distinct feature of the literary life of the 18th century was the growth of
Urdu language and poetry. It was the period of Urdu poets like Mir,
Sauda, Nazir and Mirza Ghalib (19th century).
In south India, Malayalam literature flourished under the patronage of
the Travancore rulers. Kanchan Nambiar was a noted Malayalam poet.
The Tamil language was enriched by sittar poetry. Thayumanavar
(1706-44), one of the best exponents of sittar poetry, protested against
the abuses of temple-rule and the caste system.
Heer Ranjha, the romantic epic in Punjabi literature, was composed by
Warris Shah.
In Sindhi literature, Shah Abdul Latif composed Risalo, a collection of 57
poems. These are just some examples of literary works in regional
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