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The circulatory system or
cardiovascular system in
humans is the combined
function of the heart, blood
and blood vessels to transport
oxygen nutrients and oxygen to
organs and tissues through out
the body and carry away waste
The main parts of the circulatory
system are

(i)Blood – Red blood cells, white

blood cells and platelets.
(ii)Blood vessels – Arteries, capillaries
and veins.
(iii)Heart – Made of cardiac muscle

Plasma 55% liquid Blood Cells 45%

part of blood

Red Blood Cells Platelets

White Blood Cells

Lymphocytes Phagocytes


Plasma is the liquid part of blood. It consists

predominantly of water and salts. It also
contains other small molecules including
vitamins minerals and waste products.

Plasma is yellow in colour due to protiens

dissolved in it.
Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells:

Red blood cells make up 45% of

blood volume. The main function
is to carry oxygen from the lungs
to every cell in the body. Red blood
cells are composed mostly of a
protein and iron compound called
Haemoglobin has an affinity
for oxygen i.e. A liking for
oxygen. Red blood cells do
not have a nucleus as a
result they do not live for
very long about three
Red blood cells have a bi
concave shape , this gives
them a much larger surface
area , as such the larger the
surface area the more oxygen
they can carry. Think of a
doughnut but with the centre
filled in .
White Blood Cells
There are two main types of white
blood cells: Phagocytes
and lymphocytes. Lymphocytes
are responsible for the production
of antibodies which are produced
in response to an infection.
Phagocytes engulf bacteria and
are also responsible for the removal
of dead cells.
Lymphocytes recognise
Bacteria enters body bacteria antibody made in
response to bacteria.

Antibody clings to bacteria,

Phagocytes recognize
also causing bacteria to
antibody and ingest bacteria
clump together.
by phagocytosis
Scanning electron micrograph of a
normal T lymphocyte. T lymphocytes
are specialized white blood cells that
identify and destroy invading
organisms such as bacteria and viruses.
Some T lymphocytes directly destroy
invading organisms, whereas other T
lymphocytes regulate the immune
system by directing immune responses.
Macrophage Engulfing Bacterium
A macrophage, in yellow, engulfs
and consumes a bacterium.
Macrophages are large phagocytes,
cells that wander through the body
consuming foreign particles such as
dust, asbestos particles, and
bacteria. They help protect the
body against infection.

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