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Homophone Fun 2

A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning. A homophone
can also differ in spelling. The two words may be spelled the same, such as in kind (type) and kind (nice, good), or
differently, as in to, too, and two.
e.g. Quarter to two is too early for me.
However, there are sometimes regional differences in pronunciation.
e.g. Route is pronounced differently in the US and the UK.
Homophones that have the same spelling are both homographs and homonyms.
Homophones that are spelled differently are also called heterographs.
A heteronym is spelled the same as another word but has a completely different pronunciation.
e.g. I live in Spain but I can watch British TV live on my cable channel.

See if you can guess the correct words that go in the gaps in the sentences below.
The words are both homophones and heterographs. They are pronounced the same but spelled differently.

Example. I booked a table for four people.

1 The _________ to the family fortune decided to step outside for a breath of fresh _________.
2. The doctor told me that my broken _________ would take a while to _________ because foot
injuries are always complicated.
3. One of the mechanics said, “_________fix your _________, but it is going to be expensive.”
4. They _________ the punk _________ from playing at the concert because of the controversial
lyrics in their songs.
5. The married couple drank _________ white wine in the bridal _________ of the hotel.
6. The soldiers _________ their way through the gates of the enemy _________ that stood at the
mouth of the river.
7. She _________ sadly after reading the letter and then lay on the bed on her _________.
8. This is the uniform he _________ when he went to fight in the 2nd World _________.
9. He ________ _________ apples for breakfast.
10. They had to _________ what they were doing when they _________ coal in the old days
because it was a very dangerous job.

11. We waited nearly an _________ for _________ taxi to arrive.

12. We didn’t get off at the right bus stop because we _________ it in the _________. The fog was
very heavy and it was difficult to see.
13. I hope it doesn’t _________ tonight because when my father _________ the horse from the
stable in the morning it could slip on the ice and hurt itself.
14. He told me an old _________ about a dog that had a very long _________.

15. When it became obvious to the hunter that he was now the _________ of a very hungry tiger,
he decided that he would _________ to God for help.
16. He is a doctor and _________ a lot about the _________ and other parts of the face.

17. We had to lay a new _________ in the house because there was a _________ in the tiles.
Can you do the exercise without looking in the box below?

air/heir ate/eight band/banned flaw/floor fort/fought hair/hare heal/heel hour/our knows/nose

mined/mind missed/mist pray/prey side/sighed suite/sweet tail/tale War/wore we’ll/wheel

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