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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

Basic in Social Science
QUIZ-1 (Total Marks: 20)

1. What is social science? Describe the relation between sociology and other social
sciences with examples. (12x1=12)

Answer: Social science , any part of scholarly investigation or science that arrangements with
human conduct in its social and social perspectives. Social science includes: anthropology,
economics, history, political science, sociology ad psychology. Social science or sociology is a
science of society. As a social science it attempts to study social life as a whole and other like
economics aspects whereas political science studies political aspects.
Sociology and Economics: Sociology is mother of all social sciences. Henceforth it has cozy
relationship with every single sociology thus additionally with Economics. The relationship of
humanism with financial matters is close, private and individual. There exists cozy connection
between these two in light of the fact that monetary connections bear a nearby connection to
social exercises and connections. In like manner social connections are likewise influenced by
financial connections. Financial exercises by and large are social exercises. Thus both are
commonly related.
Sociology and Psychology: Social science is a study of society. Henceforth it is firmly
identified with other sociologies thus likewise with brain science. Humanism and Psychology are
firmly interlinked interrelated and reliant. Connection between the two is so close and cozy that
Psychologist like Karl Pearson will not acknowledge both as uncommon science. Both rely upon
one another for their own understanding. Their relationship will be clear in the event that we
investigate their between relationship and shared reliance.
Sociology and History: Social science and history are social orders and both are worried
about human exercises. In this way, both are firmly related. It is frequently brought up that the
start of social science is verifiable. The set of experiences gives material to social science. The
near technique and recorded social science consistently require information which just the set of
experiences can supply.

So the conclusion is Sociology and other social science are connected with each other.

2. Short Note: (answer any two) (4x2=8)

A. Society: Society refers to a group of people who live in a definable community and
share the same culture.
On a more extensive scale, society comprises of individuals and organizations around
us, our common convictions, and our social thoughts. Regularly, further developed
social orders likewise share a political position. Society get people closed to each
other by their interaction.
B. Group: Group is something that 2 or more people has the same taste, same
mentality, same character and same etc. things are common between them/group.
We have 2 types of group. One is Primary Group and another is secondary group.
Primary group: Primary groups has a small number of people in the group who share
close, personal, enduring relationships with each other and these groups are concern for one
another, shared activities and culture also they has it long lasting of bonding.

Secondary Group : Secondary group has a larger group. They don’t have the bond of close,
personal and enduring relationship with each other. They also don’t concern about each other.
They just gather a place for to do some work for any kind of achievement. This secondary groups
involves less emotion.

C. Association
D. Community

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