CamScanner 03-30-2021 12.34.29

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tede- YB 1004 + 30/3/2024 at 20TS8 OM By ¢ Scanned with CamScanner Croup =A eo becoun thy — Cau mpany 5 ball lance Ahet a At ane eqal to the iobli'ty and cheoreholdlan’ 1+ Veluuwble SoleeUNee white fabs Ates ropresent Asyte «= Lia bility + Nuc) The los} pornciple | Priverple tha. yowrds ge Cash mounts at the | Was atquired. the amo Moy not be Moeused ty ~went i Manet Sg ony depricttin. As cote Can val Shor } - form A680 be, lice bitte), “eel y Wes, At se Hp br ex bit} tres ant Onde those Mees ote mailed. ed eo aaa Scanned with CamScanner ot deposits and balawee’d “Ayn auy charg 4. Ans ) Journal s calbd a bp cause all the bveiness % corded oe in the Journ - ate order thet (s , 6 cee TNe iy OCLO rene. 5-Ans) A rom poem journal iw whieh - there Is more = thal then one pred}, or Mores debits oul cede ime h oP -<-Coveyed Sem p le Jouy 6. Aus) hae 0vse af omtsg; fy You io rget fo eutlr a | the beoks Vov wey tl Scanned with CamScanner Wu tee you be paid view. bor vamp ley We bugivess lap bop the wrehas ee AMo they 2 vamp le Yocbk od Pwo Credited Properly aim Acewunt, but fo loreng 1 ee Deol ee phy ie wre Ee it ent gig 7 Wea So rlag aud Sl tom ding eescettal tron sac tions ee tig ay ee the @ yetor de Gor ef CLL f na werabemtrancadi . i Prepor and ar “Makic Scanned with CamScanner b hl ae ¥ Pm di toye Yeenve C¥pendoy ences OF loseiied dortng u arke tiny TY pen ses 7 bat aU t ct “YU 'Ssvesg O Shanes GO ve p Ore hy Oe p] lo. Mr Il ye cb Vo ble the dil subk © ley tyro ha Clout, cud 9 thes, loin of re enryys p : Name > @'yoy em sla ce go ow “eye af Ny Scanned with CamScanner hon tuty echo ame Si Us Payable! I's leo p t Up i pe te ee oo A ccoun Hing. cycle p proces. or recording , Summeah/ ‘ ; onan of € couow oi a burgnegs, —CUEh a ; 3 torte ints 4 renerureral $ bate wip bales Z gheeh Cosh Mow oF . Now yes Views Scanned with CamScanner Cram ple (hrancac 1300 vopeeg IM cas Jour nes 9 the Leo lk ty tolih OM deen seu ens ase YO Corded O& ond Why He y anise <2 Oo beidiary| iy lnoun es book ot Ootuch entry ‘y) De torded lin chron lel iz cch Yo cord VY The process of Tne ror ding trameac Hous lw ¢ jon!) > i Jov Whe hi21'ay E Scanned with CamScanner I sequel Nebr t Be peed iy { (UY (e he | — ‘KE Oncept Bt . Doe a ee f d 7 onder lying 8 SSump how Jy al fa ! SF Aucune shh ell t hen ce Ota d. thet ae Cntihy the Ma tenlton pnox~ dhe nerdy or cwrte'| makertaly the fl O peram' ong I ATH Scanned with CamScanner | iad So lotens , the | Y (OMe Lye p)e- W: Tel Actounht ek sere Accounting 10 CO Os amamne Che Yok on - re Wen @ Then \ Y } ‘ ayy cna UN TEC Ihe bls Scanned wit | " re, | bala ie la wrhiedtar | Nave of account tn 2 | Plaw wl Madhinerl» %) Land and Boiding ) Sundsy Debtors | | Yry Creditors Soeo. Corniage Musard | | toeoe Ml Teen de expenses | | aa 12] pedurn outward | | 2 | | 26,008 Saban tes lo, 9ee Re pairs | (Seo ' Ee Shock ow US Ap | 16,000 F un the | \ore0e nes 4S oo Manvberctorly Expens Soo Bills Poye be a Bad debts Sooo al Cecile cut ward {Loo Adurr dimen} 0 00 TERS Wand Eo vo inh Bills recrevable | 6060 t booo Scanned with CamScanner A) ; Te mahvhactvring bX penses To profs} andl beg fey oe a Scanned with CamScanner r \ tev lan lo Canovege Seee Res 0 Ikoo To advertisement Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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