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Mondial (Dubai) LLC

There’s advice, and then there’s Expert Advice

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1st Floor Al Barsha 1
P.O. Box 50060
Dubai, U.A.E

Call: +971 4 382 0300

Fax: +971 4 399 6721


Provident Scheme
Proudly brought to you by Mondial Dubai LLC
There’s advice, and then there’s Expert Advice
The highest standards of advice and Using a different financial
service consultant?

At Mondial we value our reputation and Our specialist advisers are familiar with every
understand how important sound, timely aspect of the Scheme and are therefore well
and independent advice is. placed to provide you with the most
appropriate advice.
Important Information from Emirates
We have built a reliable track record since
1988 through our high standards of advice You can of course choose to use an
To ensure you get maximum benefit from the Provident Scheme, Emirates Group strongly recommends
that you take independent financial advice. and service whilst being regulated by the independent financial consultant other than
UAE Securities and Commodities Authority Mondial, but it is in your interest that they fully
Mondial is appointed as advisor within the Emirates Group Provident Scheme (EGPS) with the sole (SCA). understand the Provident Scheme and all its
purpose of providing advice relating to appropriate investment strategies for your Emirates Provident options.
Scheme benefits. You are of course - free to use different financial advisors if you wish but the company Our consultants undergo comprehensive
only covers the fees for advice from Mondial. training on your Provident Scheme before How should Scheme Members prepare
being authorised to advise members and for the initial “Consultation”?
Any investment advice for strategies or funds outside the EGPS are taken at your own risk and are not
they follow a stringent process during
covered by this appointment.
consultations to ensure consistency of Consultants can’t operate effectively in an
Note: This arrangement with Mondial is for Emirates Airline and dnata scheme members only. It advice and professionalism in their information vacuum. The quality of the
does not cover members from participating employers, if you are a participating employer member recommendations. consultations is determined by access to
you will need to check with your employer if a similar facility is available to you. information, therefore Mondial recommends
As we do not take commission, you are that Scheme Members bring:
never put under pressure to proceed with
What is Mondial’s Role? We make it simple the advice given. 1. EGPS log-in details or means of
accessing the ePA website
Independent advice Our job is to guide you when making decisions Additionally, all consultants have to achieve
about your financial future. We do this through a a minimum professional standard as 2. Latest EGPS valuations including the
simple process that will demystify the world of
As the appointed advisers to the Scheme, defined by the Charted Institute for summary of your investment choices
investment and focus on the key elements of
Mondial operates under a strict code of financial planning. We work with you to identify:
Securities and Investment (CISI).
confidentiality and independence. We have 3. For those considering the “strategic”
been appointed by the Company to provide • Your current financial status To view your consultants qualifications and approach, details of all other
you with two free consultations each year to • Your future goals and priorities career history please log onto: investments.
discuss your Scheme investment strategy. • Your attitude to risk or tolerance to loss and click on the
You will therefore not be charged • Your investment strategy “Meet the Team” button on the main
commission or fees for advice provided by us • The most appropriate funds to support navigation.
within the Scheme. Furthermore, as the funds your investment strategy within the
available to you have been carefully selected
by the Scheme Trustees in consultation with
The process involves an initial consultation which
Emirates Group, we are confident that our lasts approximately 90 minutes. During this
advice will help you understand risk whilst meeting we will demonstrate how different
maintaining a high level of flexibility. investment strategies might assist you in
As consultants within the Provident Scheme, it is our job to:
achieving your goals. We expect you to leave this
meeting feeling informed
and confident in your ability to make EGPS • Focus on the provison of comprehensive advice to individual members according to their
investment decisions. age, nationality, attitude to risk and future needs

Following this initial consultation, we will follow up with

• Make appropriate choices when selecting from the investment opportunities available.
a written report of our discussions, your goals and our
recommendations. We will also agree on the date for
our next consultation, which, under the agreement with
Emirates can be up to twice per year. EGPSv.20042017

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