Guide To Changing Textures in Minecraft

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Changing Charl-Pack Textures

A helpful guide and step-by-step tutorial

1. So where can I download the texture pack?

To download the pack, you can do /txp online for immediate link access at
any time. If that isn’t working for you, try the link below.

2. How do I change horse colors?

While this process seems like it might be difficult, it’s actually very
straightforward and simple. Just follow these steps!

Let’s say you want to change the chestnut horse to a red roan horse.
1. First, launch minecraft. Once you’re at the title menu, click on the tab
labeled “Options…”. Then, click on the tab labeled “Resource Packs…” >
“Open Resource Pack Folder”. You should now see a folder labeled
“Charl-Pack”. If you don’t, you have downloaded the texture pack
2. Double click on the “Charl-Pack” folder. Proceed to double click on the
following folders in this order: “assets” > “minecraft” > “textures” >
“entity” > “horse”. You are now inside of the horse folder. You might be
wondering what in the world you’re looking at. These are all of the
horse texture files, including the markings and base colors.
3. You are wanting to change the chestnut horse to a red roan horse,
so first you need to find the file named “horse_chestnut.png”. Found
it? Great! Right click on the file and rename it “chestnuthorse”. Now
it’s time to find the red roan file! Locate the folder named “More Coat
Colors” and double click on it. Once you find the “red_roan.png” file,
drag it to your home screen so it’s easily accessible.
4. Click on the back arrow so that you’re back to the “horse” folder that
was mentioned in step 2.
5. Drag the “red_roan.png” file from your home screen to the horse
folder. You’re almost done! Since you’re changing the chestnut horse,
you will rename the red roan file to act as a chestnut horse file. Right
click on the “red_roan.png” file and rename it “horse_chestnut.png”.
6. Close the “horse” folder and return to the Minecraft title screen. Go
back to Options… > Resource Packs… and turn off Charl-Pack. Once
it’s off, turn it back on again. Any previous horse that was chestnut
will now appear as a red roan. Now, you can join back into
Equestrifun and enjoy your new red roan

3. How do I change horse markings?

The process for changing horse markings is exactly the same as the
process for changing horse colors. All available horse markings can be
found in the folder “More Markings” inside of the “horse” folder that you
went to in step 2 of “How do I change horse colors?”.

What do the file names for markings mean?

The files might strike you as confusing, and you’re probably confused on
what the file names mean or how they look in minecraft.

● “Horse_markings_white.png” = the horse with four white socks

● “Horse_markings_whitefield.png” = the paint horse
● “Horse_markings_whitedots.png” = the horse with white dots
● “Horse_markings_blackdots.png” = the horse with black dots/dapples
on its back

Let's say you want to change the white dots marking to a blanket
appaloosa. You would rename the file “horse_markings_whitedots” as
“whitedots”. Then, go into the folder “More Markings”, find the
“blanketappaloosa.png file, and drag it to your home screen. Then, go back
to the horse folder and drag the “blanketappaloosa.png” in there. Rename
it “horse_markings_whitedots” because it is taking place of the original
white dots marking. Repeat step 6 in “How do I change horse colors?” and
you’re all set! Enjoy your new blanket appaloosa!

4. How do I change the matchy matchy colors?

Similar to the process of changing horse colors and markings, this action
can be easily executed.
Let’s say you want to change your matchy matchy color from white (the
default matchy matchy color) to pink.
1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 in “How do I change horse colors?”.
2. Double click on the folder “armor”. You should now see files named
“horse_armor_diamond”, “horse_armor_gold”, “horse_armor_iron”, and
“horse_armor_leather” AND two folders named “LeMieux” and “More
Matchy Matchy Sets”.
Disclaimer: The leather horse armor file can be disregarded as the current
version that Equestrifun runs on does not include leather horse armor.
3. Double click on the folder “LeMieux”. You will now see all of the
available colors to choose from. We’re wanting to change to pink, so
find the file named “pink.png” and drag it to your home screen for
easy access.
4. Click on the back arrow so that you’re back to the “armor” folder.
5. Rename the “horse_armor_diamond” file to “diamondhorsearmor”.
Note: The file will automatically add a “.png” to the end of the name once
you rename it. This is completely fine and will not affect anything.
6. Drag the “pink.png” file from your home screen to the “armor” folder
and rename it “horse_armor_diamond”.
7. Close the “armor” folder and return to the Minecraft title screen.
Repeat step 6 in “How do I change horse colors?”, and enjoy your new
pink matchy matchy set!

Note: The new texture pack includes a number of fun and detailed matchy
matchy sets. If you prefer one of these instead of a solid color, the process
stays exactly the same! You can find the printed matchy matchy sets in the
folder “More Matchy Matchy Sets” located in the “armor” folder.

Are you running into difficulties or encountering some issues that you
don’t know how to fix? Feel free to ask for help on our discord in #help!

Happy playing!

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