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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 402 738 FL 026 286 TITLE Peace Corps/Zambia PST 1995 Special Lessons: Bemba, INSTITUTION Peace Corps (Zambia). PUB DATE. 95 NOTE 4p PUB TYPE Guides ~ Classroom Use ~ Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051) ~- Guides - Classroom Vee ~ Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) LANGUAGE, English; Beaba EDRS PRICE MFOL/PCO4 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Bantu Languages; *Benba; Conversational Language Courses; Daily Living Skills; Foreign Countries; Grammar; *Interpersonal Communication; Introductory Courses; Negative Forms (Language): Second Language Instruction; *Second Language Learning; Unconenly Taught Languages; Vocabulary Devel opaent; Voluntary Agencies: Volunteer Training IDENTIFIERS Peace Corps; "Zambia ABSTRACT This manual is designed for the Bemba fanguage training of Peace Corps volunteers and focuses on daily communication neecs in that context. They consist of: a list of useful "survival" phrases and vocabulary; a noun and affix chart; the national anthen: 2 section on verb tenses and negation, with extensive grammar and usage notes: notes on interrogstives; and a series of nine lessons (trainer and trainee versions) at beginner and intermediate levels, on water, sanitation, and related health issues. The lessons aim at developing volunteer competencies in: conducting @ meeting; examining processes: obtaining technical expertise: and discussing water-borne diseases. Trainer materials include a suggested scenario, cultural notes, Suggested classroom techniques, vocabulary list, grammar notes, classroom exercises, and out-of-clase tasks. Trainee materials include a text, cultural notes, objectives, vocabulary list, grammar notes, the same exercises and tasks, and in some cases, 3 self-evaluation question. (HSE) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document * PEACE CORPS/ZAMBIA PST 1995 SPECIAL LESSONS BEMBA BEST COPY AVAILABLE 3 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SURVIVAL KIT THE VERB 'UKUBA' (TO BE) NOUN AGREEMENT NATIONAL ANTHEM TENSES INTERROGATIVES TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES (1-7) TRAINER/TRAINEE COPIES SUBVIVAL KIT (Remember, this Language does not have the same structure as English. Therefore if you need clarification consult your Trainer) Hello : Shani How are you = Ulekosa How are you (plural or respect) Muli shant How are you Mother? Mull shanti Mayo How are you Father? - Muli shani Tata Welcome Mwaiseni My name is shina lyandi nine What is her/his name? Ishina lyakwe nani Tcame/come from America Nafuma ku America Tam American Ndimwina America Where in America? Kwisa mu America? State of... Mu musumba we What job/work will you do? Nincito nshi ukalabomba {wil do the job of = Nkala bomba incto ya, I want hot water Ndefwaya amenshi ayakaba I want cold water Ndefwaya amenshi ayatalala J want food Ndefwaya ifyakulya 1 want to sleep Ndefwaya ukusendama I want to go to Ndefwaya ukuya ku.. Twant a spoon Ndefwaya supunt Twanta plate Ndefwaya imbale [want a cup Ndefwaya kapu I want a lamp/candle Ndefwaya llampi/nyali Give me soap Mpelako isopo Give me a matchbox Mpelako iclfwambo camacisa Give me water to drink Mpelako amenshi yakunwa Where is the toilet? Nikwisa kuli icimbusu? Tam feeling cold/hot Ndeumfwa impepo/ukukaba I feel sick Naumfwa ukulwala {feel pain Naumfwa ubukali Jam tired Ninaka TRAVELLING Where is the bus/taxi going Nikwisa ly basi/takst Heya Where is the bus that goes to Nikwisa kull bash tya ku.. How far? Bushe kutall? How much to... Nishinga ku... When is it leaving? lle ima nshitanshi? Where will you alight? Twill alight at. Give me change MARKET I want to buy fruits I want to buy oranges Twant to buy bananas I want to buy pineapples I don't want this I don't want two I want one Nipesa wala ikila? Ndetkila pa... Mpela cenji -_ Ndefwaya ukushita ifitwalo - Ndefwaya ukushita amacungwa - Ndefwaya ukushita inkonde - Ndefwaya wkushita ifinanashi - Nsllefwaya ich ~ Nshilefwaya fibili Ndefwaya cimo GETTING SOMEONE'S ATTENTION Lam sorry - Excuse me ae Can you help me please? - Munjeleleko Njelelentko Bushe kut! mwangafwilishako? EXPLAINING YOUR SITUATION I don't speak Nyanja well/much Nshaishibisha ukulanda icinyanja But am trying to learn | speak Nyanja a little but Jam learning. Jam sorry, don't understand Ican understand if only you can speak slowly Lelo ndesambillla. Nalishiba icinyania panono, lelo ndesambilila. Munjelefe nshileumfwa Kuti naumfwa ngamutelanda panonopanono. HELPING YOURSELF UNDERSTANDING Please repeat /I beg your pardon -Bwekeshenipo/Nsnumfwile Did you say... Would you speak more slowly How do you say... How do you write that? CHECKING WHAT YOU SAID Did I say that correctly? Did you understand me? Please correct me if I say something wrong. Did { pronounce it correctly -Wacitila.... -Landako panono panono -Mutila shani.. -Mulembashani ico? Bushe nacilanda bwino? Wacingumfwa? Kuti mwanungika ngacacuti na lufyanya. Bushe nacilanda bwino? No : Yes - News - Father/Mother - Man/woman - ‘Thank you - Name” - Sister Brother Who Work Buy (v) Sorry Excuse Help in) Help (v) Please Able Speak say But Try Little Much. Learn Slowly Again More Write Stranger Correct Not But not Often Quickly Nicely Fast - Why a Awe Ee llyashi Tata/Mayo Umwaume/umwanakashi Natotela Ishina Nkashi Ndume Nant Incito Shita Munjeleleko Njeleleniko Mutule Ngafwent Napapata Ukuba Landa landa/Sosa Nomba/Lelo Esha Panono Sana Sambiltla Panono panono Nakabilt Ukucila Lemba Umwent Lungama Nakalya Lelo Nakalya Panuma , Bwangu byngu Bwino bwino Bwangu Cinsht Maybe/Perhaps -Limbi Todrink - later - Drink Water - Food : ukunwa Limbi Nwa menshi ifyakulya Cold : hot : To sleep (v) G - Spoon - Plate - Soap : lamp - Matchbox Drinking water Give me’ Toilet - Lam feeling Hungry/(hunger) Sickness - Excuse me Pain - Thirst - Tired - How many/much Leave - Alight Geton Fruits Children House Tocook - Tobath - Torest - Want - I don't want- Where? - Tohave - Impepo Ukukaba Ukulala ukuya Supuni Imbale Isopo Hampi Icifwambo ca macisa Amenshi yakunwa Mpela Icimbusu Ndeumfwa = Insala Ubulwele Munjeleleko Ubukali Icilaka Ukunaka - _ Nifinga/nishinga Ukuya Ukwikila Nina Ifltwalo Abana Ing'anda Ukwipika Ukusamba Ukutusha Ukufwaya Nshilefwaya Kwisa? Ukukwata Nkaba Ist Ukaba 2nd Akaba " Tukaba Mukaba Bakaba OSG PIERS) Conuanee NOUN __lndiactivs fiofin| Ac va JAS 4 tumu- [ume umu- _[umu/Sumel afisa Qbha- labeptu | Aba- [arbo/Sumal. | befiSa_ Um em LU jwise, tye Pena imi- tent it- | ifSuma i | We Fong tur- 5 yi ue Leysurna | ‘Lie Cua a AMA- Amani BYer- | Aydfs + [Safle Rua, Ly tce- fclPuna , ICL- jicYySuma Cyl ryan oo RL | Ufypuna LEL- | Hfifsuma L- Fie Qua i > _ La- infkcko | it~ | LY Suma | - | Pepya ‘ya tn | ikeko | isnin | isni/Sum ix_| snihegan L Ula- | utukesul Uti | WlufSumo. Lufte Pop | Qka- ‘axpkasu | Aka- lakafsuma| | Kafte-bya. | Wwtu- | vitsifen su | Wi lwiufSuma liye Pye Ubu jubuflanged| Ubu- [ubufsuma ~ | oye pya UKE utufoore | wKu-, jurufsuma ft. RY PPafrormuis | Pa | PoySueme Pafregya Kuyftusa, Ku | Kubuma ~ | Kupe Piya Mufiarice, Mu- | mySuma We [Mluyee Pre BEST COPY AVAILABLE 3 ULWIMBO LWA CISHIPA Lumbanyeni Zambia no kwanga. : Necilumba twange tumfwane Mpalume sha bulwi bwa cine, twall ilubula, twikatane bonse. Fwelukuta Iwa Zambia lonse, twikatane tube umutende. Pamo nga lubambe mumulu. Lumbanyeni Zambia Twikatane bonse. Bonse tull bana ba Africa, Uwasenaminwa na Lesa. Nomba bonse twendele pamo. Twali ilubula, twikatane bonse. Lumbanyeni, Lesa Lesa wesu, apaie calo, Zambia, Zambia, Zambia fwebantungwa, Mulunga Iwa calo Lumbanyeni Zambia, Twikatane bonse. VERB TENSE: AS TOLD BY BA MeKENZIE EAGE NO. Present Continuous, and negetivesle-a; ta-les-a Jabitual Tense, and negative: way tax Havitual Tense, and negative -=-a; tan Inmesiace Future of Today ané negative Later Future of Today, and negative: 1 Future after today, and negative: ~ka~ From now on Always, and negative: akulacsa: ta-akula--a From later on Alvays, and negative: kala--a; ta-akale--a Incediate Past of Today" just", and negative: aaj ta-=MS Earlier Past of Today."already", and negative: ease; tacos Earlier Past of Today, and negatié Earlier Past of Today, and negative: ac: Imperfect of Today, and negative: -actla—a Pas: Before Today, and negative: s-M5: taca--HS Pas: Before Today, and negativer--atie~; tava} Imperfect Before Today, "usedto", and negative: Remote Past, and negative: -all-oMS; tana *Yot Yet Tense: "T have not yet": taclana ‘Only Just” Tenge: -sni--a tye stinin: set1t AePrefix Tense, and negative: aqsa; a-bulacna Present State from Past ction, and "emphatic" negative wallena; tava Present Continuous Tense, and negative: -1 Habitual tense, and aegative: -ba, tac-ba Immediate Future of Today; and negative: -alaba; ta-abe Later Future of Totay; and negative: -leba; ta--ate Earlier Past of Today, and negative: -acina; tascactba Past of Before Today and negative: -ali; ca-ali. BEST COPY AVAILABLE il Past of Before Tway and negative: alli vacall ‘as all the time togay" and regative: ~aciba -li taaciba tals Was ali the cime toaay"; and negative: ) Following verbs of seeing and feeling e.g. sanga; find, mona; see, unfva; hear, tukabssanga nabekala; ve vill find they ave sat down; naunfwile oabalvala: I heard they are 111 (c) Used in asking and ansvering questions (e.g)? Fuses. (Renenber fusion can only take place twice. viz na nafva * naayafva = he has already helped) can stand alone ~ ninguafva : I understand Used in Relative vith “ckuba “auxilfary: fwebali natubomba: we who have workes EARLIER PAST OF TODAY Affirmative HS njafwile I helped earlier nehatwile wendele You walked earlier tavendele eeshile He come earlier teeshile toontele We warned earlier tatoontele Naunfvile You heard earlier tamuatwile banwene They saw earlier tabamvene citle Ie went earlier tacitle fetttle They did earlier ratyacieile 1) Must reter to earlier tousy 2) Fuses. 3) Cannoc stand alone. beele ku boma; they have gone to the Boos. 4) ‘eed in Relativel ne uubombele ulueelo; 1 who worked this sorning. RECENT PAST OF TODAY (Tuperfect of today) Acterastive Negative -actlansna tacetlagena nacilaafvs 1 was helping nshactlaatva wactlaends You vere walking ravectleenda becilasca Ke vas coming. tactlaisa twacilaanta We vere warning twactlacnta ssvactlauatva You were hearing tamvactlauntva bacitasona They vere seeing eabact lazona cacilaya Te was going eacacilaya fyacilacita They vere doing rafyacilactes 1) The action was incogplete earlier today and tock some tize 2) Final "a" does aot fuse 3) Can stand alone 4) Used in relative (e-g.) u-vacilaisa be was coming abaacilaisa they who are coming PAST BEPORE TODAY Artermative Negative wale taranaons naliafwa neiee nehaafwile walienda You walkes tawaendele aaliisa He care toishile rwaliaonta We warmed oursel tatwaonvele nwatiunewa You heard tamvaunfwile Fuses, ( ur state is use in a remot e.g. sailo naliupa - yesteraay 7 married can stang alone Not used in Relative, Use ~a---MS ¢ With -ba, and same stress vali IMPERFECT BEFORE TODAY ("Used to” Afferaative naleafwa 1 uses to help waleen You were walking tavaleen twaleonta We were warning totwaleonta pusleuatwa sed to near tamwaleumrua baatenona hey used to see tapaalenona caleya It was going tacaleya fyalectta They used to tafyaleciea Meaning "used * tNormal Ly Does not fuse an atand alone 4 in Relati venalebomba BEST COPY AVAILABLE 18 REMOTE PAST Atfersative saliceens nalyafwite walyendele aalissnile I nelped long age You walked long age Re cane tualyontete Paalyumruite de warned ourselves heard long ago saw long age long ago You They fyalie They did Most Fuses can stand alone Not relative Used witn vhad remote past used in Use -a---ms wal not yet": t ssTiLin wotld netlh are still ig still are still You are still They are still Te is statl They are still 1 You He There 1s no nega (e.g)? 3) Used in the Relative. REFIX TENSE Affersative njafua you walker he cone you heard they it come they done helpes anuunfwa aciya ” acili aleisa tananaoMs nenaafwite tavaendele taishile tatwaontele tanwaunfwile tabanwene tacayize taryacitile aiitatulafika bs stilt ueLli poy coming. ete Negative a-bula---a Mbutaafua aubulaenda aabulaisa atubulaonta amutulauafya ababulamona acioulaya afivulacita 1) Conditional Sentences: anwiea Kuno nga namupele fine: If you had come here, I would have given you something, stubulaisa nga awaciya owangu: If we had not come, you would have left quickly. tukabala atubonba: First 2) With -tala:- bala in resote future We shall work; Bushe sukatala amuya ku tulaya? Will you aver go to Europe? iyo, tatwakstale atuyako: no we shall never go there 3) With -tala: -bala in the past, ase -a---a tense: busne mwatala amumone nkalone? Have you ever seen a lion? Iyo tatwatala atumone nkalaso: no we nave never seen a lion 4) With suka in resote future; tukasuka acufika, finally we anall arrive. Means also "at las: ng by", "finished sy* SLI", "untiim, 5) Introducing Direct Spe ch in all tenses: (but not so conmo with -le---a and -a--- | twasosele atuti: we said that tukasosa atuti: we sha l say that batile abati: they sata that, ewitila amuti: ¢ not say chat 6) dees not fuse PRESENT STATE FROM PAST ACTION Acrermative Negativ nalyanguka Tam Light . aanguka walyupa You are marries rawaupa alitkala is Living tatkala twalyonda We are thir tatwaonaa mwalyupwa You are married tamuaupya balitwa They are dead avaatwa calibola It is rotten tacabol, Fyalinaka They are soft tafyanaka 1) Transiate 2 Fu using present terse; st ted long ago, still 3) Can stand alone 4) Wot used in Relative - Use a 5S) Used with =ba, and same stress = ali PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: 20 ENT _CONTINUOL -ACfergative HABITUAL TENSE I an usually nshiva You are normally vauba He 4s habitually tava We are normally tat You are usually It is customary They are usual tafipa Meane: "usually"; “hermaliy"; habitually"; “eustonary Cannot stand alone Not used in Relative. Use - aba inscead With prepositions kuba: there is usually paba there (on) Ls hapitually nuba there (in) ts normaily takuta: there fs net asually tapaba: there (or) is not normally tamuba: there (in] 18 not usually IMMEDIATE FUTURE OF TODAY Affermal salaba nalaba walaca aalaca twalaba mwataba paalaba calava fyalaba ae ” 2 With Pr palasa nwalabs bakwabe tapave tive ee. 1 ah used epositio there ram about t You are avou' He is about We are about You are abou! They are ave ot stand alo all be there in Relative ts about to (oa) 12 avow (in) 43 abow is not abot (ont ts not Gin) ts not LATER FUTURE OF TODAY arterma’ -heba Leva euleba balebs eileba fileba tive 1 shail be You will be He will be de shall ve you will be They will be It will be They will ve tte se rawabe to be tabe to be batwane bro be tanwabe to be vacae ur te be paryape ne, Must nave an adverd of time mpaline: ~ right now fb to be aout vo te Negative tar--abe nshabe patuape vaawabe tabane taryate Cannot stand alone. Must have an @.g ndebako cungule: I shall be ther Used in Relative preposition kuleva paleba suleba: there will be there(on) will be there (in) will be tapabe EANLIER PAST OF TODAY Afversative He was We were swaciba You were They were parcial fyaciva 1) Cannot stand 2) Used in Relative With Prepositions paciba mwaciba there was (on) was Gn) tapaciba there there was PAST OF BEFORE TODAY Affermative He was We were they vere It was They were 23 therein) adverb of tine, tonight. there will not there (on) will there (in) wit be net ve net be Negative taraciba nshaciba tawaciba vatwaciva tamwaciva tavacita tacaciba tafyaciva Negative haralk nshali tawalt aul tatwall tamvali tabali tacali vafyali n1e- Usually a reaote past as opposed bwings when need with an Cannot stand alone Ln Relative Prepositions there(ia "WAS ALL THE TIME TODAY Affirmative ba -11 Iwas you were naciba wackba uli aciba als twaciba tull mwaciba muli baciba bali cuciba ili fyaciba fit you were they they were n 2) 2 age Used e.g. cannot stand alone in Relative, but only first ne waciba adi:. I who waa With Prepositions: kwaciba kul paciba pal mwaciba sul hakwaciba rakull tapaciva tapali tamwaciba tamuli there vas the all all ail not thereon) there(in) there was there(on) there(in) not co ~alipa, advert. e.g. but can express maito mali ku there was not there(on) was not there(in) was not Negative taraciba tasli nenaciba nanili vawaciba taul tackva tali tatwaciva t tamwaciba tamuli tabaciva tabali sha eafils tacaciva tac This tenes expresses continuity of today verb takes the form tine the the the all all tine tine time the time. WAS ALL THE TIME TODAY tacali ta-li wali uli you were tawals tavis twall uli we were tarwali tatuli mwaly muld you were vamvali tamuli cali silt it was tacali tacit fyalt esli they were tafyals variit This tense expresses continuity of today. Cannot stand alone Used in Relative, but only first verb takes the form e.g. pe uxall ni: T who wae all the cine With Prepositions kwall kul : thece was mwali muli : there(in) cakwa there was therein) ALWAYS" Aceirent. Negative a ram always pshapa waba you are always tawata aba he is always ba cwata ke are always twapa awaba you are always taewaba paba they are always tabata caba it is always tacaba tyaba they are always tafyabe 1) The negative is empnat n stand alone in the negative only 3) Used in Retacive Bion Preposition Kuaba : there 1s always takwaba: there ia not at all paba ithereConJis always tapaba: there(on)is not at a mwaba thereCinlis always tamwapa:there(inlis mot ac all ALWAYS WAS AND AM STILE Actirmative Negative saliva ta -aba naliba : was an on nanaca you were ang are tavapa he was and is taba ve were and are cacwaba you were and are ranwaba they were and are tapaca it was and ts tacaca they were and are tatyana The wegative is emphatic. This tense expreas “Live® stay". ete. e.g. mwaliva kwi? where do you stay Only negative can stand alone 3} Wot used in Retari Use -aba instead Witn Prepositions: kwaliba : there was and ig -takwaba: there te not all paliba +: there(on)was and is -tapaba: there(onyis not all swaliba : there(in)was and is -camwaba: there(in}is not all was STILL waciba -cilk wali -otld naciba noilt nali netli Twas sti waciba ucili wali uesli you were atiil aciba acili ali actit he was ses twaciba tucthi tucill we were still mvaciba mucils muesli you were stilt bactba bacili bali bacili they were still caciba cietit cali etesii tt was stiii Fyaciba Cicily fyali fieili they were sein? 26 A PREFIX TENSE Arfireative Negative Cannot stand atens. with Prepositions apaba if thers(onseas azae pabe- if there(on) AM STILL neili ndeataa ae cuit netping tlt uleenga you aps seit) walking acili aleisa he us still coming Puctlt tuteonta ae oare still warming surselyes nusili auleuntwa Vacs still hearing aeili they are still seeing it is still going 27 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 28 INOT YET" tense: "HAD NOT YET! aaciba nshilaafwa waciba taulaenga ba talaisa raative ba -Le--a ba ndeatua ba uleenca ca aleisa 23 tolecnta BEST COPY AVAILABLE 29 yet uncerstoog © gone Negative ryaciva Kk place sui sleisa ales TENSES OF TODAY "haa" THREE PATAS PERF Atiraative Negative nag cuct nelped nshaczta nad walkea tawaciba baciba bamona ney nad cust seen Hs a njatuite pag neiped aariier is at waciba wengele you naa wales acita eshile he had come earl Puaciba tontele we nas warmed earlier ruacita eumfuile you nad nears earlier 1) salt may be 4 inished before a s--be may also be e.g. mbe nancnoa sed In felative but (iret vern only Lakes the Sorm, except in neeative relative when Botn verbs :aze Fue bashac. BEST COPY AVAILABLE wich tne secong vero USES OF THE APPLIED FORM (1) To do something for someone or for something Tulepombel- ndalana: Ke ace working fo Wkasemoila Chali umwana: 1 snall va Nacsenitila mayo muti eought medicine for my motne= Alebateyanisnisne tebylo: she will spikile: Cook for us Notion Tovaras AMetutukila ku ssoka Tusafumina xu Kacama p Babwelela ku mushi today. Location: toi ini on Atyatilwe mwa Mulundu: He was torn in Mulus tu AleCumina uke He will emerse at that p Cileponena pe tebulo: 1¢ will fall gn the tacla. Paowela kwichilya: They have swum to the shore Bonvala mu ngtanda: Work in the novse(Normmay word outside) Heulila mons'anda: &8 31 sha awana To express 5 athing really extreme: Neg. Reflective They gave us wonder BEST COPY AVAILABLE 32 3) Why? wnat is the reason?: “Mulangu asmi? Nulandy neni wetesies wal you weiter Mulandu mshi > : uny wilt they come The Reason why: melanda aber: 2 aletwaye néaiama iyedo oelaadu waza standa yands Tell me the reason coin ay house Uses of the Applied Fora: 10) Why: The reason why: “2 se": "inow: Meant: Mem: E po wabela mana seta: That is shy you are a enka £ co wabela rams 2 eo tukasla: 7 any ae shalt go co batsnila: Tha: ia uny they have cust Nalitenive 0 mwana aiiiala: ft know wny Twaliishibe co awana aczlatila: se Know WiLL forget 1 ¢0 amupokolweeieks gant The reason ne rescues aim is because he tov On) To Get. Ndebutukila Chali: : snall can to get Chal Tulebombele adalana: ve are working to 2 Ashita malipite: He sas 12) Bacause of Saleibite sala: They are stealing becaus of hunger 33 BESTCOPYAVAILABLE sw VE) Sinees( "apo") Apo aishila scarite nssixu shinga? How many days nave passed since he cane? 4) How vor "unwat: tum + eno": The way in wnien Anangile uua ss: pails 7aDit 4# showed se how to caten sah = musargo a bax.i:tame: That 13 now ene children have grows kong: This is the way we Ulecita umo myine bafvecia: tou are tney want Bree tenet Alilembela Limo na Lieo: He nas written Indatana shave bas azo: They always put t roney together. Abombele fye: He naz vorcea in vain Néenwebela Ligo: I'11 seit you in ad Mwabombela Cye: You nave worked in vain Twendela pawo: We alvays 6) so valk gether kafwaye amatete aya warn wa Ndeya ndenukule fyani pull up some grass ) Awith whieh to: ALL ne fumo 1ya “uipaiiako imbvili: He nas a spear with LetenL supunt svakulilako umusunga: Bring a spoon with which to eat the porriage Bushe takulu owaze twa twabukilano: Is there nocance BEST COPY AVAILABLE 34 . in which te cross the river Nohikwete a kupyangilako have nothing to sueer Ine ko" Belengelako Chali: Read instead of Chali Nkakuyitako: [ snall go instead of you. Tukaselako: We shall go instead of thes Alemwebelake Kuli ine: He will tell me instead o Tuipikileko: Cook instead of us Fosetake Chali: Throw it for Chali In Plage of: "=po" Takamupelelapo cimbi: We shall give ner another place With the tofinitive 2¢ subject: (Same as (16)) Sopo va kusambita awana: Soap for washing the child Amenshi ya kueapile nealv: Water for washing clothes Fivombelo fya kuluugikila motoka: They are tools for repairing the car. epulo lya kulenbelapo: Writing table (selongs sa(tT A few wnich cause troubie Fumina ku: Leave for, go out to Ontela kasuba : Ware in the sun Fuma ku: Cone from, fo from onte mulilo: Ware ty the fire Bwelela ku: Return to bya: at Butukila ku: Run to Nunkila: Small sweecly Butuka ku: fun from Wonka: Small vadly misha ku: Take out into the Ponena: Fall on to Fumya ku: Take out of the sun Pona: Fail fron BEST COPY AVAILABLE 35 SUMMARY OF WORDS USING Applied For: pa bela, abe umulandy lima na Limo towards, for, at that place in tn, into, rom witnin were to to the sore (across berore hang berorenand why? the reason wny the reason only hat is why that ia wny that is how how to, the way in which the way in waich, now to the way in which, now to once and for all together in vain instead of, with wnich to in place of, with which to in unten to BEMBA INTERROGATIVES HLIPUSHO(QUESTION) AMEPUSHO (QUESTIONS! The interroganve sentence 1s used to ask a question. In most cases, a declarative Sentence mav become an interrogative one bY replacing a question mark (7) at the end. wg Kangwanalva ubwali (Kanga has eaten nshimal Kangwva nalya wowal? (Has Kangwa eaten nshima?) BLSHE" placed at the begining ot a statement indicates that a question has been posed. [ere are some types oF questions but please take note of a Formal question with RUSHE b informal questions without BUSHE < Possible word order @d The use of the copula verb ‘NI BUSHE ...ANI/ NANUSINGUL ARV BUSHE ... BANI/BANANHPLURAL WHO?) Sing. Bushe upele ani? /Bushe ni nari upele? Upele ami? 2 Xi nan upele? Who face you given Plural/Hon, — Hushe muvaita banani?! Bushe nibanany mwavia \bwarta banani?/ Nibanant mwvaita? Who have wu calted/ancitec NB. For people's roles, ranks, professions; Bushe Peter m nani? / Teter ninani? (Who is Peter) St katundisna (He is a teacher] Bushe Peter na Charles nibanani?/Peter na Charles nibanant? (Who are Peter and Chales?) ) ANI/BANANI Maybe used as either direet object oF indirect object DO, Bushe upele ani?/Bushe upele banani? (Who have vou given?) TO, Bashe wabombele ani incito?/Bushe wabombele bani incito? (Who did vou do the :0b/ work for?) BEST COPY AVAILABLE 1 37 Can be used with demonsteatives, “ag. Bushe uvu aan? Bushe a nani uyu? Sinan, eyo? Whos this one Plural’Hon. Bushe aba mpage? { Bushe nibanan aba?/ Aba nibanani? Nsbanani aba? Who are thestiones? Is used with ‘ukuba’ copula = to be + name profession nationale 3, Bushe niwe nani? NB. the verb ‘ukuba’ can be “oli Ntwe nam? e.g Bushe uli wakwi? Uli waktw Who are you? Where are you from? Nine John/ Umusambi Ndi wake California Fam Jou, student. F amfcome from Califor. BUSHE....-NSHI(ROOT) Bushe...nsbi (What?) Bushe finshi alandile?/ Bushe rufinshi alandile? / Mtandi'e tinshu? Nifinshi alandile? What dud he/she stv? Ukuba (to be) ne nshi? What... be with? What... have? Boshe uli ne nshi?/ Uli nenshi? What are yax with?! Wha? do you have? Other uses of “ashi? eg. Ninshitensh? > What time is it? Bushe cinshi.....? Cinshi? 1. What is 77 What is the matter? What..with? Bushe amu. a sinshi? ushe nj cinshi amuma aco? Amuma na cinshi? Nicinshi amuma naco? WHAE did helshe bit humiher zw1th? Of what? Bushe afwile nenshi? Afwile nenshi? Whot did hejshe die of Mulandu ashi’ also expresses purpase/aim Bushe mulandy sit eshile? Bushe esiale mulandunshi? Mulandunsht eshile? Fshile mulandunshi? What re fiber purpose carey fo coming? Bushe..nshi? (stem) Bushe tuleva rshilanshi? Bushy nt nshilanshr tuleva” Tuleva nshulanshi? Ni nshilanshy tuleva? Weis ronite are see taxing? Lushishi nshi? Which tibre? Fisabo ashy? Which fruits? Nt rsoka nshi mumwene? (What kind of snake have you BUSHE..SHANI? HOW? Bushe muli shani? Bushe wishtle shani? Muli shani? Wishile shani? How are you How have you come? NB. Bushe...shani? BUSHE ... LISA/LILALIZ WHEN? Mostly used to ask for day of the week, month, vear Bushe akaya lisa/lilali? Bushe ni lisa/lilali akava? Akaya lisa filali? Ni tisa/ilalt akaya? When swell hejsite go? BUSHE...NSHI/NINSHI? Bushe ... mulandu nshi? /) Ninshi? What reason?/Why? Bushe mulandu nshi waishila? Bushe ninshi waishila? Warshila mulandunshi? What 1s your reason for coming? Why have you come? XB. In Bushe mulandunshr warshila?” mulandu’ is optional, xt can be Bushe ninshi waishila? Bushe mulandunshi micaila? Nish mwvaila? What 1s Me matterireason for uowr gonne? Why are yw gu \inshi pantu? / Panty minshi? s Why aot? +39 BUSHE,...NGA (STEM) HOW MANY? HOW MUCH? ga’ agrees with noun classes Bushe abantu bali banga? Bushe bali banga abantu Howe many people are: there? Bushe ni shinga (ulupiyal icoola ici? / Bushe icoola ici ni shinga? Icoola ict ni shinga? Ni shinga icoola ici? Hore muchimoney) 1s this bag? Amayanda ni yanga? Ni yanga amayanda? How many houses? Imutiinga? How many trees? Ni shinga inkonde? How many bananas? NB. ‘Pali cinga’ would mean ‘on which day? ICILANGILILO/PAMO NGA (FOR EXAMPLE/INSTANCE} 4. Ndi na mafya ayengi. (I have so many problems) B. — Pamo nga? (For instance?) A. Nshikwete impiya, nimfeluka amashindano. (I have no money, | have failed my exams.) Other expressions, 2) Bushe kuti + pp + pela icilangililo/ ifilangililo. Bushe kuti mwapela ifilangiiilo? (Can you give examples) Peleni ifilangililo. (Give examples) bi Bushe kuti wapela icilangililo ca cikombe? Kuti wapela ictlangililo ca cikombe? Can you give an example of a trophy (sport)? Bushe kuti twapela ifilangililo fya nama sharmpanga? Can we give examples of wild animals? BUSHE...KWISA?_ WHERE TO, AT, FROM? .PESA? WHERE ON, AT, FROM. BUSHE....MWISA? WHERE IN, FROM? 1) Bushe ....kwwisa where to, at, from? Bushe muteva kwisa? Bushe ni kwisa muleya? Muleva kwisa? Ni kwisa muleya? Where are you going? Bushe... pesa? Where on, at, from? Bushe afumina pesa? _Bushe nipesa afumuna? Afumina pesa? Nipesa afumina? Where has helshe come from? (oat of which door/hole iit) Bushe ....mwisa? wheze in, from Bushe tuleingila mwisa? Bushe ni mwisa tuleingila? Tuleingifa mwisa Ni mwisa tuleingila? Wiat/where are we going in? What are we entering? NB. KUTL PATI, MUTI can be emphasized by ‘ni’ copula preceding them in an indefinite sense. Kwisa? Bushe ni kwisa?; Where is it (to/at)? Pesa? Bushe ni pesa? ; Where is it (on)? Mwisa? Bushe ni mwisa? ; Where is it (in)? However, when a noun or pronoun occurs, the respective tense of the verb, ‘ukuba’ is used. Bushe Peter ali kwisa/pesa/mwisa? Bushe alikwisa/pesa/mwisa Peter? Peter ali kwisa/pesa/mwisa? Ali kwisa/pesa/mwisa Peter? Where tolon/in is Peter? Not Bushe Peter ni kwisa/ pesa/muvisa? But Bushe ni kwisa/pesa/mwisa Peter ali? ‘Ni kwisa/ pesa/ mwisa Peter ali? Where is Peter atlonlin? “Ni" where is it Bushe ....cinshi? finshi? What is it? ninshi? Bushe canshi? What is it for? Bushe...kwanshi? What is that place for? PST/ZAMBIA 1994 TRAINER'S COPY EILE NO. 1: TECHNICAL COMPETENCY LEVEL: NOVICE WATER/SANITATION COMPETENCY: ‘TO BE ABLE TO CONDUCT A MEETING IN RURAL SETTING WARM UP: HAVE YOU CONDUCTED A MEETING BEFORE? WHAT WAS THE OCCASSION? I. MOTIVATION SCENARIO: Greg is conducting his first meeting in his village. 1. Trainees listen to the text, Bamayo na bataata, bamunyinane bonse, mwaiseni mukwai. Ishina lyandi nine G- adi mwina Amerika. Ndi kaipela mu mubili wa cibote. Naisa muno mushi pa kutl imwe na ine twikatane, tubombele Pamo muli fyonse ifingatwafwilishako ukuba abomi; Ifill nga amenshi, Ifimbusu, ifishima, Imisungile ya mimana na fimbi ifyashala. Pali kano kashita ndefwaya munjebeko ubwafya mwakwata muno mushi, elyo bonse pamo tumone ifyo twingacita. Natotela mukwal. 2. GLOBAL COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (a) Greg abomba kwi? (b) Cinshi akonkele mumushi? (c) Ninshi alecita leelo? VOCABULARY: Words on addressing a meeting. GRAMMAR: To be tense. FUNCTION: Conducting a meeting. 1. VOCABULARY Twikatane: Ubwatya: Akabungwe: Ukulongana: Icilonganino: Icilye: Imbila: Ukusoka: Ukucinkula: 2. GRAMM, (a) Write, read and explain. (i) Ine ndi mwina Amerika, ndi kaipela mu mubili wa cibote. Nall ku Kabwe uko nasambilile Icibemba. (i) Uyu nt Mwape, mwina Zambia, aba mu Mansa. ni shinganga mukalamba mu clpatala ca mu Mansa. (b) Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of to be: mwina Amerika, B, Abalumendo na bakashana __ kuno. Josh mu ng'anda tkalamba. D. Josh naine munsaka. E. Chere, Chris na Joe ____ ku Mansa. E, Peter, Roy, na Dan —_____ kw? G. Albert iwe, —mwi? Leta ulukasu. 3. FUNCTION {a) Write, read and explain the dialogue. i MM. WV. Mwana, nawishiba! kwalaba icilonganino leelo. Nga waishiba shani?. Kwali imbila mailo, bamwine mushi ebalandile. Ni ani aletekesha ici cine cilonganino? ‘Cumfwikile ati kwalaisa umwina America. Kanshi natuipekanye, limbi alaisa nomba line. (tb) Ask trainees to read and dramatize it. PRACTICE ‘Trainees to address a meeting in their respective village. Constructalogue Trainer asks trainees to make a dialogue in pairs. 3. Translation Trainees to translate the following sentences into Bemba. A Peace Corps Volunteer will come to teach you how tc build V.LP Latrines and how to maintain wells. Kaipela mu mubili wa cibote akesa mifunda ifya kukula ifimbusu no musango wakusungilamo ifishima. Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters; | am here today; Bamayo na batzata na bamunyinane; leelo ndi muno mushi; to find out what_ problems you are facing in this village., pa kuti munjebe ubwafya mwakwata. TA K Trainees should find out from their homestay families the best time to hold meetings in their villages. PST/ZAMBIA 1994 TRAINEE'S COPY LES ; TECHNICAL COMPETENCY EVEL: NOVICE TOPIC: WATER/SANITATION COMPETENCY: TO BE ABLE TO CONDUCT A MEETING IN RURAL SETTING I. MOTIVATION SCENARIO: Greg is conducting his first meeting in his village. 1, TEXT. Bamayo na bataata, bamunyinane bonse, mwaiseni mukwai. Ishina lyandi nine Greg, ndi mwina Amerika. Ndi kaipela mu mubili wa cibote. Naisa muno mushi pa kuti imwe na ine twikatane, tubombele pamo mull fyonse ifingatwafwilishako ukuba abomi; Ifill nga amenshi, ifimbusu. ifishima, Imisungile ya mimana na fimbi ifyashala. Pall kano kashita ndefwaya munjebeko ubwafya mwakwata muno mushi, elyo bonse pamo tumone ifyo twingacita. Natotela mukwai, I. EXPLOITATION VOCABULARY: Words on addressing meetings. GRAMMA\ To be tense. FUNCTION: Conducting a meeting. Let us come together/let us unite 45 Ubwafy, A Problem Akabungwe: A group Ukulongana: —_T assemble Icilonganino: A meeting Icilye: Traditional court session/council Imbila: Announcement Ukusoka: To warm Ukueinkulas To remind GRAMMAR Fill in the blanks with the corre of to mwina Amerika. B. Abalumendo na bakashana ___________ kuno. C. Josh mung'anda ikalamba. D, Josh naine ___ mu nsaka. E. Cherle, Chris na Joe ku Mansa. F, Peter, Roy, na Dan _______kwi? G. Albert iwe, mwi? Leta ulukasu. 3. FUNCTION Role play UI, PRACTICE 1. You are asked to address a meeting in your village. being the first meeting, prepare your topic and present it to the class. 2. Make a dialogue in pairs, and present it to the other group. 3. Translate the following serstences into Bemba: A Peace Corps Volunteer will come to teach you how to build V.1.P. Latrines and how to maintain wells. Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters: | am here today; to find out what problems you are facing in this village. TASK Find out from your homestay families the best time to hold meetings in their villages. PST/ZAMBIA 1994 TRAINER'S COPY TECHNICAL COMPETENCY NOVICE WATER/SANITATION TO BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF LATRINES 1. MOTIVATION SCENARIO: Volunteer Buck is explaining the purpose of latrines in samfya. 1. Trainees listen to the text Cikankala sana ukukwata ifimbusu ifyalondoloka pantu filatucingilila ku malwele. Ifmbusu fyaba ifya pusana pusana. Kwaba ifya kwikalapo elyo nefya kusunsumanapo. Muno Samfya ifimbusu finga linga fya kusunsumanapo, Paku kuula icimbusu ca ‘musango uyu, mufwile ukusala incende italwikeko ne cishima ca menshi, Kabili icimbusu cifwile ukubela munshi elyo icishima lwa pa mulu, pakuti nangy mulamba alepongoloka aleya ku cimbusu. Nga mwakwata icimbusu amalwele ya mu menshi yalacepako pantu ninshi mwakwata umwakusungila ubusali bwenu. Trainer reads and explains the text. 3. GLOBAL COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (a) Cinshi cabela icikankala ukukwata icimbusu? (b) Bushe icimbusu cifwile ukubela ku mulu wa cishima? +. CULTURAL NOTES A. Most of the time a latrines are built behind the houses. B. It is against our culture to share toilets with our in laws. . Ifyou want to go to the tollet you shouldn't say It directly Instead use euphemism language. I. EXPLOITATION 1. VOCABULARY; Words related to Jatrine. 2. GRAMMAR: You must: Ufwile, ulingile. 3. FUNCTION: Explaining the purpose of latrines. 1. VOCABULARY (a) Trainer writes, reads and explains these words. Jeimbusu: Amalwele: Ing’anda ikalamba: Amafi: Ukwikala: Smnisu: Ukusunsumana: Ukunya/ukufisha: Lwa kwi samba: Ukusunda: Ukupolomya Mu mpanga (b) ‘Trainer asks trainees to pick words from the board and form their own sentences. 2. GRAMMAR (a) Write, read and expiain. The use of "You must” i.e., "Ufwile", Ulingile” (i) Ufwile ukubomfya icimbusu lyonse. You must always use the toilet (il) Ulingile ukusamba iminwe lyonse ilyo wabomfya icimbusu. You must always wash your hands after using the toilet. (b) Ask trainees to form their own sentences using ufwile and ulingite. 3. EUNCII (a) Write, read and explain the dialogue. Gilbert: Mwana, ine namona kwati caxamapo ukuyafwila mu mpanga atemwa mu mumana ukucila ukuleza ubusall mupepi ne nganda nga wakuula icimbusu. ‘Timothy: Mwana, ala icimbusu cintu cacindama sana pantu cilacefyanyako amaiwele ayengi. Nga cakuti wayafwila mu mumana elyo walilwala, balya balesambamo atemwa ukutapamo amenshi kuti baambula ubulwele. (b) Ask trainees to read through the diakigue and to dramatise it Ill. PRACTICE 1. Ask trainees to make « list of different types of latrines. eg. (i) Latrine with cover. (ii) Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine, (iit), Water seal/pour flush latrine. (iv) Raised platform pit latrine. Ask trainees to list some of the diseases that can be transmitted if a latrine is not used. . Ask each trainee to talk about the kind of latrine that he found in the place he visited in Luapula. TASK Ask trainees to go to one of the shanty rompounds to introduce themselves and explain the purpose of having a latrine, PST/ZAMBIA 1994 TRAINEE'S COPY TECHNICAL COMPETENCY NOVICE WATER/SANITATION YO BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF LATRINES 1. MOTIVATION SCENARIO: Volunteer Buck is explaining the purpose of latrines in samfya. 1. TEXT. Cikankala sana ukukwata ifimbusu ifyalondoloka pantu filatucingilila ku maiwele. Ifimbusu fyaba ifya pusana pusana. Kwaba Ifya kwikalapo elyo nefya kusunsumanapo. Muno Samfya ifimbusu finga linga fya kusunsumanapo. Paku kuula icimbusu ca musango uyu, mufwile ukusala incende italwikeko ne cishima ca menshi. Kabili icimbusu cifwile ukubela munshi elyo icishima Iw? pa mulu, pakuti nangu mulamba alepongoloka aleya ku cimbusu Nga mwakwata icimbusu amalwele ya mu menshi yalacepako pantu ninsh} mwakwata umwakusungila ubusall bwenu, 4. CULTURAL NOTES A. Iling ifimbusu fikulwa kunuma ya mayanda Most of the time a latrines are built behind the houses. . Tacasuminishtwa muntambi shese akubomfya icimbusu cimo nabapongoshi. Ics against our culture to share toilets with our in laws . Pakuya ku ng'anda ikalamba tatulandilapo fye tubomfya amashiwi yashunguluka. If you want to go to the tollet you shouldn't say it directly instead use euphemism language. ti. EXPLOITATION VOCABULARY: Words related to latrine, GRAMMAR: You must: "Ufwile’, "Uiingile”. PUNCTION: Explaining the purpose of latrines. 1, VOCABULARY, (a) ‘Trainer writes, reads and explains these words. Icimbusu: Toilet Amalwele: Diseases Ing'anda ikalamba: Toilet Ukwikata: To sit Amafi: Feaces Imisu: Urine Ukusunsumana: To squat Ukunya/ukufisha: To defaecate Lwa kwi samba: To the lower ground Ukusunda: To urinate Ukupolomya: To pass diarrhae Mu mpanga: In the bust 2. GRAMMAR: (a) The use of "You must” Le., "Ufwile", Ulingile”. (1) Ufwile ukubomfya icimbusu lyonse. You must always use the toilet. (ii) Ulingile ukusamba Iminwe lyonse ilvo wabomfya icimbusu. You must always wash your hands after using the toilet, (b) Ask trainees to form their own sentences using ufwile and ulingile. 3. FUNCTION (a) DIALOGUE: (b) Read and dramatise the dialogue. Ml. PRACTICE 1. Make a list of different types of latrines. Make a list of diseases that can be transmitted if a latrine is not used. 3. ‘Talk about the kind of Latrine that you found in the place that you visited. iv. TASK Go toa shanty compound and introduce yc. .rself and explain the purpose of having a latrine. PST/ZAMBIA 1994 TRAINER'S COPY TLCHNICAL COMPETENCY NOVICE WATER/SANITATION COMPETENCY; TO BE ABLE TO LOCATE A WELL WARM_UP: PICTURE OF A WELL |. MOTIVATION SCENARIO: ‘Two men from two different villages meet. One asks for information about a well from another. 1. Trainees listen to the dialogue. BWALYA: Mwamonekeni mukwai. MUSONDA: Endita mukwai, Ala njishile ndeipushako bakula icishima. Tulefwaya ukukula cimo mu mushi. RWALYA: Ico cawama. Pakubala kusala incende illingile. MUSONDA: Icakonkapo? BWALYA: Icishima cifwile caba mupep! paba umusebo wa motoka, lyakuleta shamende, amatafwali na fimbi ifyashala. MUSONDA: Yangu kanshi fingi fllefwaikwa. BWALYA: Ee. Cimbi icikankala kumona ukuti icishima cili ku mulundu intamputo 100 ukufuma ku cimbusu nangu ku cishima ca ngombe. 2. Trainer reads and explains the dialogue. 3. GLOBAL COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (a) Finshi Musonda balefwaya ukukula mu mushi wabo? (b) Lumbuleni ifintu fibili ififwaikwa pakukula icishima? 4. CULTURAL NOTES A. Traditional wells were usually sited on the banks of a river (down the slope) and so running rain water collected, making the water a health hazard especially that water was rarely or never boiled before drinking it. EXPLOITATION VOCABULARY: Words and expressions related to locating a well GRAMMAR: Ordinal numbers to describe a sequence. FUNCTION: Seeking advice on how to locate’site a well. 1, VOCABULARY. Ukusala/ukufwaya incende ilingile: Amatafwali: sbamende: Ukuseba incende apa kukula icishima: Ukupima ubukalamba bwa cishima: Ukutalusha: Ukupalamika: Intampulo (metres) Imilundu (miles/kilometres) 2. GRAMMAR, (a) Write, read and explain use of ordinal numbers to describe a sequence. Pakubala, fwayeni incende iilingile. [cabubili sebent pa neende. [cabutaty pimen! ubukalamba bwa cishima. Icikankala monent ukutt icishima cili ku mulundu, ukutali ne cimbusu. Pakubala/icakubatitapo Icabubili ieactbilt, Icabutatu/icacitatu icabune/Iicacine Icabusano/icacisano Icakonkapo Cimbi icikalamba Nacimbi icikankala Flyo na cimbi nici Icakulekelesha’ pakulekelesha $. FUNCTION ti (a) Write, read and explain the dialogue, A: Mwapolent mukwai. B: Endita mukwai. Bushe incende yakukulapo icishima ifwile yaba shani? ‘A: Ifwile yaba ukutali no kupitila mulamba wa menshi. B: — Ciisuma, Flyo cinshi cimbt icikankala? A; Tacalinga wkukula icishima pa mushili uwakosa uwa mabwemabwe. Natotela sana. & (b) Ask trainees to read and practice. PRACTICE Role play. 1. Trainees prepare a dialogue in pairs. One is secking advice form another on how to locate a well 2. ‘Trainees arrange the following process in sequence using appropriate ordinal number (expressions) Fumyent itoba na fosholo, Pimeni ubukalamba bwa Cawama. Kafikepo. The trainer reads and explains the dialogue in Motivation using gestures. LT TES a) Most people do not boil drinking water in villages and they do not become il}. b) Boys tell their fathers and girls tell their mothers when they are suffering from bilharzia or diahoerria because they feel embarassed to tell people of the opposite sex. a) Peter alelwala umubongola b) James na Peter balelwala ukupolomya o Abalume na bakashi tabalelwala ukupolomya umulopa Demonstrate for all persons, singular and plural Give an example, then let trainees form the present continuous tense from the following verbs. Ukupenda Ukulimba, Ukupanga Ukuloba FUNCTION a) Trainer writes this dialogue, reads, explains and makes extensions Bushe ulelwala ubulwele bwa mubongola? ‘Awe ndelwala ubulwele bwa kupolomya umulopa. Uleya ku cipatala mu kundapwa. Cisuma mune, b) Trainer asks trainees to read and practice the dialogue in pairs. PRACTICE a) Ask trainees to write a short dialogue in pairs about waterborne diseases. Let them read their dialogues to the class. b) Ask trainees to list the symptoms brought by waterborne diseases. TASK Ask trainees to go and ask their host family members about waterborne diseases. I EXPLOITATION VOCABULARY : Words and expressions related to waterborie diseases. GRAMMAR: The Present Continuous Tense. FUNCTION: Discussing waterborne diseases. VOCABULARY Trainer explains the dialogue of the Motivation and makes extensions from it, writes new words, reads, explains and practices. Amalwele Yaaseka Ukupolomya Umubongola Ukusunda Umulopa Ayabula Ukupoka Shiki GLOBAL COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Trainer reads the dialogue in Motivation once more and asks the following global comprehension questions. Bushe malwele nshi yasangwa mumenshi yafiko? Finshi tutingile ukucita ku menshi yalamba ilyo tatulanwa? Cinshi cawamina ukusunga ifimbusu ubusaka? GRAMMAR PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (PP + LE + ROOT + A) Trainer writes the following sentences on the board, reads and explains them. 65

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