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Department of Community Safety ICT Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Department of Community Safety (DCS) Vision: To support healthy, safe, and secure communities through public safety, emergency management, and secure and appropriate corrective services.

Focus Area 1 – Accessible government Focus Area 2 – Efficient government Focus Area 3 – Effective government Focus Area 4 – A strong industry/government partnership
Priorities: Priorities: Priorities: Priorities:
Towards Q2 - Improving government service delivery - Adopting a ‘one government’ approach to Information - Delivering successful projects - Creating effective industry/government partnerships
Through ICT - Engaging online with Queenslanders Communication and Technology (ICT) investment and - Providing whole-of-Government leadership in ICT - Creating opportunities to solve contemporary
- Improving information management and access development delivery problems
- Delivering savings - Engaging early with industry - Creating enhanced business opportunities for local
- Building our ICT capability industry

Key Focus Area 2 – Strengthen community safety, Key Focus Area 4 – Build organisational capability and
DCS Key Focus Areas Key Focus Area 1 – Focus on front-line service delivery
capability and resilience
Key Focus Area 3 – Support volunteer organisations

Queensland Government ICT Governance Structure including Sub – Committees


Queensland Fire & Rescue Service Queensland Ambulance Service Emergency Management Queensland Queensland Corrective Services
We provide services to:
Strategic Policy Division Corporate Support Division

Information and Communication Systems (ICS) Objective: Professionally deliver Information and Communication Technology capabilities integral to front-line service delivery

DCS Priorities
Governance: Information Management:
Ensure ICT alignment with DCS business strategy through robust ICT governance by the DCS Communication and Information Improve information management through implementation of the DCS Information Management Action Plan within the DCS Information
Committee Management Strategic Framework
Deliver successful ICT project outcomes (on time, on budget and on scope) by reinforcing strong ICT governance through the DCS Focus and strengthen DCS information management through development of the DCS Information Management Strategic Plan and
Project Management Framework, consistent with the whole-of-Government Portfolio, Program and Project Management Initiative development and implementation of the DCS Information Management Program consistent with the Queensland Government Information
Ensure DCS priorities are included within the whole-of-Government ICT agenda through active membership and leadership of the Management Policy Framework
respective Queensland Government ICT sub-committees
Service Delivery: Leverage synergies and efficiencies (operational and business) in the progress of interoperable ICT outcomes consistent with the Public
Safety Communications Project
Support strong business engagement through the finalisation of the ICS Service Catalogue
Lead the establishment of mission-critical emergency service requirements within the National Broadband Network ensuring risk mitigation
Underpin operational business activities through the delivery and performance measurement of ICT services consistent with the
as appropriate
agreed service standards
Participate actively in the Public Safety Network Re-engagement Strategy in support of operational outcomes
Facilitate the establishment of ‘one agency’ through implementation of the ICT requirements associated with the Machinery of
Government changes
Strategic ICT Initiatives:
Deliver ICS savings consistent with departmental efficiency targets
Extend and enhance operational capacity and capability through implementation of the portfolio of ICT programs and initiatives (overleaf)
Foster strong ICT industry engagement/partnerships for the benefit of frontline service delivery
ICT Infrastructure:
Collaborate with DCS in the progress of the department’s Online Strategy including proactive creation and release of information
Support the establishment of DCS through implementation of the DCS/Queensland Corrective Services network consolidation
consistent with both the community and external stakeholders’ requirements
Support enhanced ICT resilience through establishment of the DCS ICT Disaster Recovery Strategy including formal agreements for Improve project outcomes through implementation of the DCS Project Management Framework consistent with the whole-of-Government
the utilisation of Polaris/CITEC/Public Safety Network Portfolio, Program and Project Management Initiative
Support whole-of-Government ICT consolidation and rationalisation through rationalisation of the DCS data centres Support a ‘one Government’ approach through the progress of departmental compliance with the Queensland Government Enterprise
Architecture 2.0 (QGEA 2.0)

Information Security: ICT Capability:

Strengthen information security through development and implementation of the DCS Information Security Framework based on the Support departmental service delivery by building ICT capability leveraging the Queensland Government ICT Attraction and Retention
Queensland Government Information Security Framework Strategy

DCS requirements included in whole-of-Government/multi-agenda/cluster ICT initiatives > 80% of ICT Services delivered within service level agreement targets
Measuring Our Performance:
ICT initiatives delivered within the business case Delivery of respective priorities in this plan

Information Management@ICSystems
January 2010, Version 1.0.0
Department of Community Safety ICT Programs And Initiatives 2009-2013
Business Drivers External Influences

DCS ICT Strategic

Enhancing Operational In-Field Capacity and Capability including Interoperability and network resilience

Planning Context
Collaborate in the Public Safety Communications Environment
Situational awareness supporting incident co-ordination
Specify emergency service requirements for the National Broadband Network
Access to real time, consolidated information to enhance decision making
Consider opportunities with Ubinet
Leveraging existing ICT investments
Determine implications and compliance with the Australian Communications Media Authority
Delivering innovative solution in a fiscally constrained environment
Recommendations including National Radio Frequency Harmonisation Program and National Radio
Enhanced community outcomes including community access to information
Opportunities for public safety/multi-agency/Whole-of-Government/national collaboration
Participate in the National Emergency Warning System
Addressing ICT Risk Assessment and Compliance
Consider funding opportunities through Commonwealth Government initiatives
Addressing Queensland Audit Office and external information requirements


Delivering Resilient Communication Centre Services Enhancing In–Field Operations and Communications Supporting Our Volunteers
Emergency Services Computer- Aided Dispatch System
Queensland Emergency Operations Centre (QEOC) Mobile Data SABA Online Training
Upgrade to V4.4 (Infrastructure and Version Upgrade)
Network Upgrade (Network Control Centre)
QAS and QEOC State-wide Telephone Management System Volunteer Information Management System (Self-Service Access)
Additional Data Radio Repeater
Inter-Communications Centre Radio Communications QAS Virtual Environment for Learning and Meeting System
Communications Centre Modernisation and Upgrade QAS Mobile Data Terminal Upgrade EMQ Time and Attendance Management Pilot

QAS In-vehicle Navigation System Outcome: Delivery of accessible, integrated services supporting
Outcome: Robust and resilient 24/7 Communication Centre
QAS Radio Network Expansion our volunteer community.
services from receipt of calls through timely response.
Supporting Operational Business QFRS Automatic Vehicle Location in Brisbane and South Eastern
QFRS regions, limited in North Coast Region
ICT Programs Supporting Operational Service Delivery

QFRS Operations Management System electronic Incident Action Plan (e-IAP)

QFRS Radio Network Resilience Underpinning Disaster Management
Alarm Management Solution
Station Turnout Tango 501 and development of other Command Vehicles Request for Assistance Online – Phase 1
QFRS Building Fire Safety Task Tracking System
Regional Communications Infrastructure
Online Services Supporting Community Risk Mitigation Commonwealth Funded Initiative Disaster Management Portal Upgrade (Self-service access by
QAS Local, District and State Groups)
Clever Networks Project in conjunction with Queensland Health
QAS Operational Systems including QAS Data Warehouse, National Emergency Warning System
Workforce Management, and eARF Enhancement Projects Event/Incident Management (Free2Move Kits); Emergency Virtual Operations Centre Feasibility Study and
Secondary Triage and Referral System Community Communications - Trailer; Business Case
Dynamic Deployment Incident Communications – Rural Fire vehicles in North Coast and
EMQ Far Northern Regions Spatial and Mapping Capability
Volunteer Information Management System Pre-Hospital Care Connect – Remote Control cameras including Protecting Our Coastal Communities
Management Performance Reporting System QFRS Aerial Total Operational Mapping
Cluster-Based Initiatives
Whole-of-Government Initiatives
Grants Management System 2 Public Safety Front - Line Communications
Common Operating Picture Trial
Integrated Offender Management System Outcome: Robust, reliable communications supporting front-line Technology Transformation Program – Applications Rationalisation
service delivery. (DCS spatial initiatives)
Prisoner Trust Accounting and Employment System
Whole-of-Government Outcome: Provision of a scalable, adaptable ICT capability
Whole-of-Government HR and Finance Systems supporting departmental response to major incident/disaster
management coordination.
Electronic Document Management System (eDRMS)

Outcome: Delivery of core information management systems

necessary for day-to-day operations.
Foundation Infrastructure
Day-to-Day Desktop Management
Video Conferencing Capability E-Archiving IP WAN Replacement
Managed Operating Environment Cluster-based Initiatives
IP Telephony Public Safety Network Feasibility Study
Tools Supporting Operational Business Efficiency Whole-of-Government
Develop and Leverage Sharepoint Identity, Email and Directory Services Polaris CITEC Disaster Recovery Capability

Outcome: A standardised environment supporting robust Outcome: Continued reliable delivery of electronic services supporting operational business activities.
delivery of electronic services leveraging the cost efficiencies
available through collaboration and convergence.

Information Management@ICSystems
January 2010, Version 1.0.0

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