Technology Definitions Its Relation To Science, Business and Economy

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Impact of Technology on Society

Lecture 1
Technology Definitions its
Relation to Science, Business
and Economy
➢Why study humanities?

• The humanities help us understand others through their languages, histories and
• Humanities raise social justice and equality.
• Humanities students build skills in writing and critical reading.
• The humanities encourage us to think creatively ‫ إبداع‬.

➢Technology Definitions
• The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes of human life, especially in
• The branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

➢Types of Technology
• Mechanical.
• Electronic.
• Industrial.
• Construction.
• Medical.
• Communications.
• Educational.
• Information.

➢How People Shape Technology and How Technology Shapes
People’s ?
Understanding how people shape technology and how technology shapes people's
interactions with each other and the natural world is important for all those people and
organizations that have to use those technologies in their working and personal lives.
1. Technology is about taking action to meet a human need.
2. Includes values as much as facts, practical skills knowledge as much as theoretical
3. Involves organized ways of doing things.

1.Microscope 2. iPod 3.Coffee

➢Example: Relation Between Technology and Science.
Science contributes to technology in several ways:
(1) New knowledge which serves as a direct source
of ideas for new technological possibilities.
(2) Source of new tools and techniques for more
efficient engineering design.
(3) Instrumentation and laboratory techniques.
(4) Practice of research as a source for development
of new human skills and capabilities.
(5) Creation of a knowledge base that becomes
increasingly important in the assessment and
refinement of technology ‫تقييم وتنقيح التكنولوجيا‬.

Example: Technology (DNA) & Justice.
DNA technology is increasingly vital ‫ هام‬to ensuring accuracy and fairness ‫ إنصاف‬in
the criminal justice system. DNA can be used to identify criminals with incredible
accuracy when biological evidence ‫ دليل‬exists, and DNA can be used to clear suspects
and clear persons mistakenly accused ‫ متهم‬or convicted ‫ مدان‬of crimes.
Example: The Golden State Killer

Old technology
(finger print)
For further reading:
Old technology
New technology (DNA) YEARS
• The Science of Today is the Technology of Tomorrow.

➢Relation Between Technology and Business.
Technology helps you make money and produce the
results your customers demand.
• Efficiency of operations (cash flow needs,
preserve precious resources & save time and
• Business culture and class relations (dynamic
team, communication, location & social tension)
• Security (security threats)
• Research capacity (new opportunities)

• Technology has a big
impact on business

• No matter the size of your

company, technology can
bring many benefits that
will help you increase
revenue and produce the
goods your customers

• The main role of

technology in business is
to drive growth and
improve operations.

➢Relation Between Technology and Economy.
• It is widely accepted that technology is the key driver of
economic growth ‫ نمو االقتصاد‬of countries and cities.

• Technological advancement allows for the more

efficient production of more and better goods and

• Technological development brings economic growth.

Causing increased communication, easy and fast access
to the new markets, increase in the marketing channels
and company mergers ‫ انددددددما‬, technological
development made a positive impact to the economy.

➢Relation Between Technology and Economy.

➢Smart City

➢Smart City

• A smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors
to collect data.
• Smart city is a city that uses technology to provide services and solve city problems.
• Data are used to manage assets ‫ أصول‬, resources and services efficiently.
• Data is used to improve the operations across the city. This includes data collected from
citizens, devices, buildings and assets that is then processed and analyzed to monitor and
manage traffic and transportation systems, power plants, utilities, water supply
networks, waste, crime detection, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and
other community services ‫خدمات المجتمع‬.

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