Technology Development and Its Road Mapping: Impact of Technology On Society

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Impact of Technology on Society

Lecture 4
Technology Development and
Its Road Mapping

➢Technology Development
• Technological development covers the invention of technologies (including processes)
and their commercialization or release as open source via research and development
the continual improvement of technologies (in which they often become less
expensive), and the circulation of technologies throughout industry or society (which
sometimes involves problems and convergence).
• In short, technological development is based on both better and more technology.

➢Why is technology development important?
- Technology Improves Efficiency (by simplifying time-consuming tasks).

- Technology Helps Improve Communication.

- Technology Increases the Capacity of the Business.

- Technology in Business is Necessary for Expansion.

- Increased Employee Engagement.

Scientific advances depend not only on new ideas,
conceptual jumps and model modifications, but also to a
large extent on technological advances that make these
steps possible.

➢Potential Social Impact Example (Smart farming of
agricultural crops)

- Smart farming will change the agricultural production. It will require farmers to
increase their educational level to work with complicated tools.

- Individual workers may find their skills out-of-date, the outdated technological
development may increase demand for others skills.

➢What is a roadmap in technology?
- A technology roadmap ‫ خريطه طريق تكنولوجيه‬is a flexible planning technique to
support strategic and long-range planning, by matching short-term and long-
term goals with specific technology solutions.

- A technology roadmap is a high-level, visual plan that communicates an

organization's technology strategy. It's also known as an IT roadmap,
technology roadmaps help internal teams make strategic decisions around
their technical infrastructure.

- There are several kinds of technology roadmaps:

• Infrastructure roadmap
• Architecture Roadmap
• Software Roadmap

➢ Technology Road Map

• A technology road map depicts how a company intends to manage the innovations
needed to launch new products or services that satisfy customers' needs, while also
supporting the enterprise's strategy.

• It also shows the connection between project realities and the organization's vision and

• It lays out a sequence of projects that enables innovation in the next two to three
product life cycles.

• A road map can provide innovation opportunities.

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