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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 52 16 July 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the fifty second issue of  Washing plastic punnets with a
my newsletter for Volume 3. This solution of bleach, washing deter-
Newsletter back issues week’s issue is a bit special as it gent and warm water. This helps
marks the second anniversary of disinfect them to prevent the
Facebook build up of diseases
Anita’s Garden. I have now been
Instagram writing my weekly gardening newslet-
 Spraying my dahlia tubers with
ter for two years! Those of you who
Twitter water every second day to keep
began reading my newsletter since its
them alive and stop them from
inception will have noticed that the
Linkedin drying out. If this happens, they
biggest change is the template, which
won’t develop shoots in spring
Pinterest evolved from a Microsoft Word docu-
ment to Publisher in that time. The Tasks that remain include:
reason behind the change was be-
cause I was continually asked to pro-  Weeding. The biggest problem
Contact me vide a format which was more smart- for me at the moment is that it’s
phone friendly. Since switching to so freezing cold outside, even
 Feedback
Publisher, I haven’t looked back. with multiple layers on, includ-
 Newsletter input Long-time readers will have also no- ing thermals on top and the bot-
(tips, recipes, gar- ticed how the column at the bottom of tom. It’s also often quite windy,
den photos etc) page 2 has evolved into a space for me contributing to the cold.
to share news from the brands which
 To be added to my I collaborate with, which are listed in  Spraying the roses and fruit trees
mailing list the links in the next column. What with lime sulphur. I’m waiting
hasn’t changed is my commitment to for a fine day with no wind which offering free, helpful gardening ad- are the preferable conditions. I
vice, ideas and inspiration. may be in for a long wait!

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to  Planting rhubarb seedlings I

new members of our community. raised from seed. It took me a
Inside this issue:
very long time to pot them all up.
What have you been up to in the gar- Now I just have to find place for
den over the past week? I have done them all!
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 the following tasks:
Anita’s Garden  Rubbing the writing off my plant
 Spraying my garlic for rust. I labels so they can be re-used.
have been using Wally’s Cell
Strengthening and Super Have a great weekend.
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
for the week Spreader. I am not sure if this
Useful links
product will work though, so
bear that in mind if you decide  Italian Seeds Pronto
Collaboration news 2 to try it, too. I will be reporting
back on the success of this  Awapuni
 Bulbs Direct
Winter gardening with 3  Potting up my polyanthus
Awapuni plants into round bowls. Poly- Kind regards,
anthus are one of my favourite
Anita Kundu
winter annuals.
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 5 2

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

On a rainy day, I packaged up all Thank you very much to Gillian

our superhot chilli seeds I saved from Italian Seeds Pronto for kind-
from our plants this summer and ly sending me this selection of
labelled them, before filing them Franchi seeds to grow in the gar-
away safely with the rest of our den this season. As many of you
Over the weekend, I potted up our seeds. We had a very successful will be aware, I am proud to be a
polyanthus seedlings into some season for growing chillies this brand ambassador for Italian
round containers. I purchased year and managed to freeze the Seeds Pronto, who stock a wide
these as very small seedlings and surplus. The problem with the range of heirloom seeds, including
potted them into 10cm pots when seeds I have saved is that they the renowned Franchi Italian heir-
they grew a bit. Awapuni stock may have cross-pollinated so they loom seeds range.
polyanthus seedlings in bundles. are not sure to come true to type.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Plant polyanthus
1. Disinfect old punnets off so you can re-use them. I use a
and pots bit of Jiff to do this. They look great as bedding plants
or can be planted in containers.
Cold, rainy days are perfect to do 3. Check on stored dahlias
this to eliminate diseases when 5. Plant strawberries
you sow seeds in them next season. If like me you lifted your dahlias
at the end of autumn, you may If you haven’t already got them in
2. Recycle old plant labels want to inspect them from time to the ground, it’s not too late.
time to check for the killer disease Awapuni stock the two varieties
Another task that’s great to do at crown gall. If any tubers are in- Camarosa and Ventana. They
this time of the year is to wipe the fected, get rid of them immediate- come in regular and great value
writing on old plastic plant labels ly. mega bundles.

Collaboration news
Gillian Hurley-Gordon, the owner Bulbs Direct have some beautiful Awapuni have another great pro-
of Italian Seeds Pronto, has recent- gladioli varieties available in their motion for you this week. Spend
ly done a road trip of Vetro stores summer catalogue online. There $55 (excluding shipping cost) and
in New Zealand, who stock Fran- are old favourites such as Nori, a receive a free Leaf and Grass Col-
chi Seeds from Italian Seeds Pron- beautiful purple variety which I lector, worth $12!
to’s range. Vetro are retailers and grew last year and Nova Lux, a
wholesalers of quality ingredients cheerful yellow variety. Kayne This offer ends on 19 July 2021 or
sourced from the Mediterranean and his team have also added while stocks last. The Collector
and Europe. Stores are in Napier, some stunning new varieties, in- will automatically be added.
New Plymouth, Rotorua, Gisborne, cluding Speed Date, Buggy and
Tauranga and Hamilton. Kitty.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 5 2 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Winter gardening with Awapuni

If you haven’t quite managed to mine last year and still got really have actually grown fresh onions
get your winter garden sorted, good results). before, you won’t appreciate how
don’t fret. There’s still plenty of good they taste. As with garlic,
time to plant strawberries, garlic, Garlic onions are a gross feeder so will
onions and potatoes (in frost-free appreciate lots of compost being
What used to be one of the easiest
zones). The mail order company added to the soil prior to planting.
things to grow in the garden has
Awapuni stock everything you I also mix in a little bulb fertiliser.
become perhaps the most difficult
need for your winter garden and Onions do well in a sunny site. I
thanks to an incredibly vicious
deliver direct to your door, which prefer not to mulch the seedlings
strain of rust. This will be your
is really convenient for the busy as the mulch coming into contact
biggest challenge to growing garlic
gardener who would rather be with the bulbs as they form can
successfully. Unfortunately, I
spending time outdoors than run- cause them to rot (at least from
don’t know of a way to control rust
ning around to different garden what I’ve read). Onions should be
successfully. There are many
centres to locate what they need. ready to be harvested in January
sprays on the market but I have
This week, I’ll be taking you or February. You’ll be able to see
yet to come across one that actual-
through each of these with my top the bulbs forming and will know
ly works. The two that I am trial-
tips for planting them. when it’s time to dig them up.
ing this year are actually formulat-
Store in netted bags to allow the
Strawberries ed to prevent TPP but have also
air to circulate.
been found to be successful in pre-
No summer garden is complete venting rust. As the season pro- Potatoes (in frost-free zones)
without strawberries! It’s a good gresses, I will be following up on
idea to plant them over the cooler the success of these products. For Some of us are lucky to be able to
months so the roots have time to those who are interested, they are plant potatoes on the shortest day.
get established. This will also called Wally’s Silicon and Boron Others may have to wait until
mean earlier cropping. Prior to Soil Drench and Cell Strengthen- spring when there is no chance of
planting, make sure you work lots ing and Super Spreader. They are frosts. Potatoes need full sun in
of compost into the soil. I like to both available here. order to do well. Mix in lots of
use sheep pellets too but they have compost, sheep pellets and fertilis-
become very expensive lately so if What some growers recommend er into the ground prior to plant-
you can’t afford them, don’t worry. doing is planting your garlic early ing. I recommend using a fertiliser
Slow release or granular fertiliser so it gets a head start and does specially formulated for potatoes.
formulated for strawberries is also most of its growing before rust be- Dig trenches for planting your po-
a good idea and can be added to comes a problem in spring. I man- tatoes in and cover each potato
each hole prior to planting your aged to do this successfully this carefully, so you avoid damaging
seedlings. I recommend mulching year as for the first time I started the shoots. As your plants grow,
your strawberries once they are with plants, rather mound the soil
planted to retain moisture, add than cloves. around them to pre-
nutrients to the soil and keep Awapuni still have “If you haven’t quite vent any potatoes
weeds down. I used pea straw on them in stock but be managed to get your which form from be-
our patch. As soon as you see ber- quick! winter garden sorted, ing exposed to the
ries start to develop, you might don’t fret. There’s still light. If this hap-
Garlic is a gross feed- plenty of time to plant
want to cover the patch with bird pens, the potatoes
er so make sure you strawberries, garlic,
netting to prevent your berries will turn green and
mix in lots of com- onions and potatoes
from being eaten before you can become toxic. To
post prior to plant- (in frost-free zones)”
get to them! My key advice on know when your po-
ing. Since garlic is a
growing strawberries successfully tatoes will have ma-
bulb, I also add a
is that they need a lot of water as tured, check the packet they came
little bulb fertiliser in each hole
it gets warmer and rain becomes in. Early varieties tend to mature
prior to planting. As with straw-
infrequent. This makes sense as more quickly than main crop varie-
berries, I also recommend mulch-
berries do contain quite a bit of ties, but don’t store as well be-
ing your garlic after planting it. I
water. You will also get a much cause the skin is waxy and soft.
used pea straw on ours.
better crop if you liquid feed your The advantage to getting your po-
strawberry patch weekly with a Onions tatoes in now (if you can, and this
water soluble plant food formulat- will depend on where you live) is
ed for strawberries or fruiting Some people have asked me why I that you can use the space to plant
plants (I used one for tomatoes on bother growing onions when they summer crops in October and No-
are so cheap to buy. Unless you vember, when your potatoes will
have been harvested.

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