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Credit File Dispute Lawyers

Do You Have An Error On Your Credit File?

 27.11.2017
 by admin
 3 comment(s)
You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit file by contacting the credit
reference agency directly. However, neither you nor any "credit repair" company has the right
to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit file. The credit
reference agency must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is
over 6 years old.
You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit file from a credit reference agency. You may
be charged a small fee. The credit reference agency must provide someone to help you
interpret the information in your credit file.
You have a right to sue a credit repair company that breaches the Consumer Credit Act and or
the Data Protection Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair companies,
debt collectors, debt buyers and financial institutions.
Our credit file dispute lawyers help to dispute credit file errors when you see a mistake
on your credit reference file or on your background check report. Our credit file dispute
lawyers will issue a legal claim against the credit reference agency for not correcting credit
file errors such as:
 Incorrect or incomplete personal information such as name, address, marital status,
employment information.
 Incorrect credit information such as late payments that you have paid on time,
closed accounts that are listed as open, wrong account that is seven years or more old,
accounts that incorrectly state you as a cosigner, etc.
 Incorrect public record information such as judgments that you were not involved
in, bankruptcies that you did not file, bankruptcies you filed more than ten years ago,
tax or judgment liens that you paid but are listed as unpaid.
 Incorrect inquiry information such as inquiries that you did not authorise.
If you see a mistake or incorrect record on your credit file , talk to our credit file dispute
lawyers today about a possible CRA legal claim. Call 0800-007-6014 for a free
Understanding the Consumer Protection Laws

The Consumer Credit Act and the Data Protection Act (“CCA”) (“DPA”) are statutory acts of
law that requires companies to properly collect and use and share consumer information. The
law applies to any company that collects information from consumers and shares that
information with credit reference agencies, such as credit card companies, debt collection
agencies, car finance companies, or mortgage and lending institutions.
The 3 major consumer credit reporting agencies in the UK are Experian, Equifax, and Call-
Credit. These are the 3 main agencies that have to comply with the CCA and DPA by making
sure that credit files have accurate information.
What most people don’t know is that many credit files could contain mistakes and errors. It’s
very important to dispute credit file errors because it can lead to your credit score dropping,
being turned down for a mortgage, home loan, car loan, or a credit card, as well as being
turned down for a job or house rental or having to pay more interest for a loan or credit card.
Steps to Dispute File Errors

There are very specific steps to dispute credit file errors. If you are turned down for a loan
due to bad credit or your credit score drops for reasons that you are not aware of, you should
check your credit file for errors and outdated information. If you find an error on your credit
file, contact our credit file dispute lawyer for legal instructions to correctly fix the credit file
1. Get a copy of your credit file
The best way to request a copy of your free credit file is to send a written request by mail. It
is always better to send a written request for a copy of your credit file instead of getting a
copy online because most online request forms have a clause that makes you agree to a
monthly subscription to access your file and see your credit score.
The best method to request a credit report is by sending a written request to any of the big
three credit reference agencies: Experian, Equifax and Call-Credit.
2. Write a Dispute Letter to the Credit Reference Agency
You will need to write a dispute letter to the credit reference agency after you have received a
copy of your credit file and you see errors on your Experian credit file, Equifax credit file,
and or your Call-Credit credit file. You will need to send a very specific and detailed credit
file dispute letter to the credit reference agency. The letter should clearly point out the
mistakes that appear on your credit report and to ask the credit reference agency to fix them.
The most important thing is to be very specific.
If you need help talk to our credit file dispute lawyers today.
Sending a written credit file dispute is the first step necessary to fix errors on your credit
file. After sending in your credit file dispute letter, the agency has 30 days to correct any
mistakes on the credit file and respond to the letter.
3. Issue a Credit File Legal Claim
If the credit reference agency does not correct the disputed error on your credit file or does
not response to the credit dispute letter after 30 days you may be able to issue a “credit file”
legal claim based on damage to your credit score and other types of harm.
Types of Damages That You Can Claim:
 Damages for economic loss include denial for a low interest-rate, being turned down
for a job, lost opportunity for housing, being terminated from employment, being
denied for insurance
 Non-economic damages loss include loss of sleep, anxiety, lowered reputation,
lowered well-being, humiliation, and embarrassment, among other symptoms
 Business damages are recoverable where dreams are dashed and someone who had
hoped to start a business is not able to obtain a loan or qualify for credit due to a
mistake on a credit report
Damages for a credit file dispute do not require denial of credit. We give weight to
statements from friends and family who observed the behavior and the stress first hand. In
describing emotional distress we look at physical symptoms such as sleep loss anxiety and
depression. Lowered reputation does not need proof; the same is true for lower
Common occurrences are the initial shock and disappointment which occurs on day one when
you are faced with having to dispute credit file entries, time spent calling and disputing
mistakes and errors in the following days, and time spent going back and forth attempting to
dispute and correct credit file errors with the agencies.
Credit File Dispute Cases that We Accept

As credit file dispute lawyers, we are looking for cases where the agency and or the
creditor/financial institution has made a mistake and the consumer has sent a dispute letter,
and the response from the agency is either a denial or refusal to do anything, which results in
damage or harm to the consumer. The strongest cases are those where we can prove clear
liability where the credit reference agency caused damages or did not fix the problem.
We also sue companies for “CCA” and or “DPA” breaches when they access and or publish
your credit (file) information without written or verbally recorded permission and or consent
from a consumer. As lawyers, we need to prove that the company did not have permission
and or consent to access the credit file, and we request a certificate or consent letter from the
company, as well as a subscriber agreement. We ask for the “Individual Access Certificate”
and we look for notice to the consumer, stating the nature of the credit access. For example,
we consider whether the access was promotional, account review, or a hard pull.
Once we take the case we start the discovery process to uncover the truth and ask about the
decisions made by the credit reference agency. We look for the mistakes that were made and
where those mistakes were made and what policies and procedures they have to protect their
company from making mistakes. We find out which people within the agency made those
mistakes as well as how they conduct their own investigations internally.
What To Do When You Have An Credit Reference Agency (“CRA”) Case

 1.Keep a diary, take notes, or write an email to yourself, whatever is easiest for
you to keep track of dates and facts for each event. Keep a written list of any time you
make contact or get a call or letter from a credit agency or the company that is
sending the reports.
 2. Make sure that you get the name of anyone that you talk to on the phone, and ask
for an ID number or the last name if they will give that to you.
 3. Call a credit dispute lawyer and make sure to pay attention to the details that
matter the most: be specific about what kind of mistake was made in your report,
when and how you disputed the mistake if you took action, and what happened after
you sent the dispute if anything.
Collecting Documents for a Credit File Dispute Legal Claim

To issue a credit file dispute legal claim we will ask for the following items from you:
 1.Call log – description of the calls to the company and those from the company that
you received
 2.Notes from calls – description of what you discussed and who you talked to,
including first and last name, ID or badge number, phone number and extension, and
any email address they may have provided.
 3.Disputing Letters that you sent to the Credit Reference Agency (CRA) or any you
 4. Any Emails regarding your credit file dispute with the Credit Reference Agency
sent or received
 5.All copies of past credit files that you have obtained
 6. Any credit offers and/or denials received by mail or email
Getting Ready To Issue a Legal Claim

Before we issue a legal claim we have to research public records about the company
involved, including any information on the FCA, ICO, and other websites. For emotional
distress claims, we ask for statements from friends and family and doctors or anyone who
knows about first-hand accounts of distress. When it’s applicable, we look at copies of any
background checks that have been done to make sure that those records are accurate.
In the later stages of a legal claim, there are times when the banks and the credit cards want to
ask questions of the consumer about what kind of harm or distress they have. Consumers do
not have any obligation to see a doctor or to document their emotional distress, but we
encourage our clients to write down how they feel and to record any problems that they have
had, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and other distress symptoms.
We know that a doctor can’t fix your credit, and most people spend their time getting more
and more frustrated dealing with the companies that have made mistakes on their credit file
and caused them harm. Credit reference agencies and banks can be reckless and careless by
ignoring your requests to fix your credit file. We emphasize that willful acts are not acts such
as banks throwing darts at your picture; a willful act is when the bank, debt collection agency
or debt buyer disregards your request to fix your credit file or refuses to take action when you
send a dispute letter.
Talk to Our Credit File Dispute Lawyers for FREE!

Our credit file dispute lawyers can help to fix your credit file and increase your credit score.
We dispute credit errors such as:
 Files that have the wrong personal information,
 Files that have the wrong account information,
 Files that have wrong county court judgment registered
 Files with mistakes about payment history, and
 Files that are the result of identity theft,
 Wrongful publishing of credit information
 Including charges that you did not make and accounts that you did not open.
We get you compensate when your credit card company or credit reference ignores your
requests to fix your credit file. Talk to our credit file dispute lawyers today for free legal
Call now on: 0800-007 6014 for immediate credit file dispute help!

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