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DCReview01_DCcircuit DC Fundamentals Your Name: jeffry alexande rivera baldetti

Status DCCircuitReview instruction:

Complete all questions in worksheet PART1 and PART2
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1 In an electric circuit, voltage is 100V and resistance is 25 kOhm. The current is:
a 40 Ampere

Your choice
b 40 milliA
c 25 milliA
d 4 milliA

2 When the switch is closed, it resistance is:

a minimum

Your choice
b infinite
c zero ohm
d none of the above

3 the property of conductance is the

a opposition to the current flow

Your choice
b ease of voltage flow
c opposition to the voltage flow
d ease of current flow

4 the sum of voltage drops in a series circuit

a is less than the smallest voltage drop
Your choice

b equals the average value of the voltage drop

c equals the applied voltage
d is usually more than the applied voltage

5 a decrease in the current of a series circuit can be caused by a

a source voltage increase
Your choice

b resistance decrease
c resistance voltage drop decrease
d resistance increase

6 the unit of measurement for electron flow is a(an)

a volt
Your choice

b ohm
c siemens
d ampere
Assign02_DCcircuit DC Fundamentals Your Name: jeffry alexander rivera baldetti

7 when measuring circuit current , the ammeter is connected

a so all circuit current flows through the ammeter

Your choice
b to read a portion of the circuit current
c across the component being measured
d in parallel to the circuit to read all the circuit current

8 when resistance is added to a parallel circuit , the total current

a has no relationship to the increase in resistance

Your choice
b decreases
c increases
d remains the same
9 if an electric circuit has a current of 15.4 milliA and a source voltage of 20V, the total resistance is:
a 2000 ohm

Your choice
b 1800 ohm
c 1500 ohm
d 1300 ohm

10 in any electrical circuit voltage and current are:

a directly proportional

Your choice
b always larger than the resistance
c measured in the same units
d inversely proportional

11 a resistor with a color band of blue, gray, and blak has a value of
a 680 ohms at 1 percent
Your choice

b 68 ohms at 20 percent
c 6.8 ohms at 20 percent
d 0.68 ohms at 1 percent

12 in a parallel circuit, total resistance

a is the sum of the branch resistance
Your choice

b is greater than the resistance of any branch resistor

c increases when the circuit current increses
d is less than the resistance of any branch
13 when measuring voltage, a DMM
a is connected in series with the components
Your choice

b is connected with the circuit power off

c can also measure resistance and current
d is connected in parallel with the component

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