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Sosua is a coastal town in the north of the Dominican Republic in the province of Puerto Plata, 25 km
east of the capital city of the same name, 15 km from the Gregorio Luperon International Airport. You
will be interested to know that Sosua is made up of enclaves of Charamicos, a popular neighborhood
purely Dominican, and El Batey, which is the most commercial area where they are most hotels and
shops. Both are located at the ends of the wide beach of Sosua.

Sosua Consists of the enclaves of Los Charamicos, popular neighborhood purely Dominican, El Batey,
which are most hotels and shops. Both are arranged on either side of the wide beach of Sosua. In
addition to the neighborhoods or communities: Sosua Abajo, Maranatha, Bella Vista, Madre Vieja, Loma
short, Castles, Housing Project Villa La Union and Liberation (The Plank), El Batey (Base Area), Sabaneta
de Cangrejo. In addition to the district boards of Cabarete, Sabaneta de Yásica.

It was in El Batey, where at first the United Fruit Company set up administrative offices, barracks, houses
and a wharf in the early twentieth century, although the site had been inhabited since long ago. Nearby
there was a dependent outpost of the
Spanish garrison of Santiago de los

The foundation of Sosua is officially

recognized, however, with the arrival of
500 settlers who were welcomed by the
government of dictator Rafael Leonidas
Trujillo in 1938. The Jews introduced
the dairy and meat which is still a major
economic engine in the city (Productos

Survives, in addition, a synagogue with an interesting museum about the Jewish community, which
today has spread yet to the nation's capital, Santo Domingo, and the rest of the north coast.

Just 20 years ago, Sosua was a sleepy fishing village when it worked just one hotel (Hotel Sosua). Today
it has become one of the most important tourist attractions of the Dominican Republic's north coast.

Origin of Names

Charamicos: one of the most ancient representative of Sosua, his name comes up because the land rose
this quarter there were several shrubs of charades (used by people to make Christmas trees, cotton),
which is why was called The Charamicos.
Stone: neighborhood near the Charamicos, which was given this name to be in a reef area of pure
stones. El Batey, was settled in his home by Jewish immigrants fleeing Nazi genocide, by the name of El
Batey, except it was not a batey Haitians but of Jewish refugees.

Did you know that at the beginning of the 40 Sosúa hosted a large number of German Jewish immigrants
fleeing the repression that racked in Europe? Yes, it is for this reason that today many streets have
names such nationality.

Because the city is relatively small, people tend to walk to get from one place to another, but are also
available motoconchos, which are basically rides on the back of a modified motorcycle. On the other
hand the most economical way to move between Sosua and nearby towns, including tourist
destinations, is using the buses, which are small mini-vans that cover the route on the main highway
between Puerto Plata and Rio San Juan, and are available at peak times every five or ten minutes.

The main activities for visitors to the area include snorkeling, for which rent equipment after
negotiations with the merchants, the diving, it is advisable to do so through "Dive Center" for security
guaranteed at reasonable prices, and the numerous trips to nearby places, adventure activities including
whale watching (December to March), jeep tours, waterfalls and swimming holes, fishing, etc.

As for the beach on one end of the beach is the area of El Batey, founded by a community of about 600
Jewish exiles, where they are still occasionally used by some Jewish synagogues surrounding
communities as well as a small museum documenting the history of the Jewish community in Sosua.

However, no longer has a large population from this source and is now the tourist section of the area,
to include a number of small hotels and guesthouses. At the other extreme is The Charamicos, which is
the most lively local neighborhood Batey, where you can see a real cockfight in the Club Gallistico of
The establishment of the Jewish colony in the territory of Sosua in 1940 formed the basis of the final
development of this area. The large population growth and political development of Sosua began to
develop from the year 1940 with the establishment of the Jewish colony. While not the world that Jews
expected, their regular arrivals were directed towards economic activities that formed the core of the
development and formation of the Municipality of Sosua.

In May 1940 came to Sosua the first group of refugees consisting of 26 men, 10 women and a boy
named Denny Herber. The Dominican Republic granted the settlers an opportunity to continue his life,
free, without discrimination, or persecution, freedom to practice their religious rites with equal civil,
legal and economic. The history of Sosua can be seen with details in the Sosua villas webpage.

In Sosua there were nine barracks-style structures, guard barracks, a post office, water supply and other
facilities that had been created by the United Fruit Company. Trujillo refugees gave 70 head of cattle,
which was the reason for
donation to the further
development of the dairy

The first settlers began to

milk and plant, developing
subsistence agriculture. It
was Walter Biller in 1941
that led the movement to
establish the Industrial
Cooperative Dairy C x A
CILCA known by the
acronym. Products such
as: Milk, Butter, Cheese
and other dairy products.

In 1945 the DORSA installed a Livestock sausage factory. In the center of the arc of sandy beach in
Sosua was Garden City, conceived as the site for the development of the guesthouse.

The importance that acquired Sosua beach as a social and recreational spot came with the contact and
the influence produced by the U.S. military occupation. Foreigners living in the counties of Sosua began
to spread and discuss the beauty and delights of the beach, and it encouraged others to visit.

The large increase of tourist flow in the early 80's was due to the construction of General Gregorio
Luperon International Airport located just 5 to 10 minutes from downtown. Sosua is a tourist spot that
is an example of growth at the national and the Caribbean where hotels have been built and developed
large, medium and small.
Tourism in the town of Sosua is the main source of employment.

In data collected in 2002 in the tourist resort of Sosua there are 126 hotels, 73 and 53 in Cabarete Sosua,
with 7086 rooms. The higher-capacity hotels housing are Casa Marina Reef and Beach, Punta Goleta
Beach Resort, Sosua Bay, and Tropical Garden Club.

Most of the cultural riches of Sosua come from the establishment of the Jewish population in the area.
Among these we find:

The Synagogue (to call welfare of the country) built by the Jews

The CILCA (Industrial Cooperative Dairy C x A) products such as milk, butter, cheese and other dairy
products (sold Today Sigma Alimentos, Mexican company) Used to be productos Sosua.

Colegio Luis Hess (former Christopher Columbus)

The DORSA (Dominican Republic Settlement Association) non-profit association for Jewish settlement.

The beach of Sosua, visited by Dominican and foreigners.

Tourism initially exploited by the Jews is one of the first hotels in the Garden City located at the edge of
the Sosua beach.

The Catholic church built by Albertino Reyes (Bitin) in 1957.

Commemorative Dates

The Patron Saint, St. Anthony of Padua (June 13). â € ¢ The National Independence. (27 February).

Early reign. (March 21).

Carnival City. (Within the national holidays)

Recreation Venues

The Cave of Cabarete. â € ¢ El Choco.

Madre Vieja (excursions). â € ¢ The various beaches.

Rivers (Catalina, Bella Vista, Sabaneta de Yásica Churumpun, Dam, Turtle Pass)

Columbus Water Park Water Park.


Gregorio Luperon School

Liceo Gregorio Luperon

Fabio Fiallo Liceo

Evangelical College Light Source

Colegio Luis Hess

International School of Sosua

View of La Puntilla in Sosua

Some useful links for travelers:

Sosua Bay Resort

Sosua Villas

Sosua Dominican Republic

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