Author: Tom Matys

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Author: Tom Matys

• Social Media in Education
• Slideshare
• What is Social Media
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• Social Media for Student Collaboration
• A Personal Experience
• Social Media Help
• Questions

SlideShare: Social Media


What is Social Media?

“is today’s most transparent, engaging and interactive form of
public relations. It combines the true grit of real time content with
the beauty of authentic peer-to-peer communication. Lisa Buyer
– The Buyer Group

“is not about what each one of us does or says, but about what
we do and say together, worldwide, to communicate in all
directions at any time, by any possible (digital) means. Michelle
Chmielewski – Synthesio”

“Its digital content and interaction that is created by and between

people. Sam Decker – Mass Relevance”

“Social media is the tools, services, and communication

facilitating connection between peers with common interests.
Chris Garrett –”
Social Media for Education
What the experts are saying
• A must for those of us who want to, and need to,
Professionally network
• Find potential employers via a network
• Find old colleagues to get recommendations
My Experience
Capstone Team Facebook Page
My Experience
• Social Media is not for everyone

• There is a learning curve, but it has a return on


• Mostly, it is fun!

• It creates long-term relationships

• We all need to start learning it

LinkedIn: Who’s Viewed Your Profile:
LinkedIn Recommendations
LinkedIn: Who’s Viewed Your Profile:
A broadcast medium in the form
of blogging. A microblog differs
from a traditional blog in that its
content is typically smaller in
both actual and aggregate file
size. Microblogs "allow users to
exchange small elements of
content such as short
sentences, individual images, or
video links. These small
messages are sometimes called
Twitter and Leadership

Twitter Hashtags
The Top Twitter Hashtags of the Last 12 Months:
Top Ten Hashtags Between August 2011 and August 2012
1) #moscow
2) #arsenal
3) #takemeout
4) #freedom
5) #nadarkhani
6) #whatimissmost
7) #arabidol
8) #waystogetoffthephone
9) #tweetforyoucef
10) #twalculate
Recommended Applications

• Tweet Deck

• Hoot Suite
Social Media Learning
Social Media Learning


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