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A river By Marc Martin. Adapted by Wairoa School.

I can see a river.

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I imagine that I am in a boat floating in the
The river flows through a city; I see
bridges and cars.
The river passes past factories. I see dark smoke
coming out of the factories floating into the sky.
The river flows past farms. I can see horses, cows, sheep, and
The river flows into valleys; I look up and see big
I hear a loud noise. The river flows into a water fall.
The river flows into a jungle. I can see birds, monkeys, lizards, and
It is dark in the jungle now. I can hear the animals and see their eyes watching
The river flows into an estuary . I can start to smell the fresh ocean air.
The river flows from the estuary into the ocean. I see crocodiles
hiding in the mangroves and basking in the sun
I am floating in the ocean now. It is calm and peaceful on my boat.
I look down and see lots of fish swimming underneath my boat in the ocean.
The clouds are getting dark. It starts to rain; the sea is rough.
It is raining now at my home too. It is hard to see through my window.
The dark storm clouds start to pass. The storm is finished.
I am in my room looking out my window at the big river and the city lights.
The moonlight guides my boat safely home again.
I like to sit in my room and look out my
window at the river. I like to draw
adventures that I imagine I can have in
my boat on the river. Where will I go to
What do we use to float down the
What do we see in the city?
What do we see on the farm?
What do we see in the
What do I see in the jungle?
What do we see in the
What do you see in the

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