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TOPIC : Climate change is expected to have negative impacts on both rural and

urban areas . Outline the major problems caused by climate change and evaluate

three possible strategies to address the negative impacts

A. Urbanization is extending all over the world especially it resembles a lot in

developing countries which is apart of the Asian continent such as Indonesia, Vietnam,

and Thai Lan. However, urbanization is rapidly developing in a negative way that

causes a big impact and climate change affect a negative process with both cities and

the countryside. Although this is a big difficulty for the government to deal with.

therefore, administration and citizens in the urban area need to find the best solutions to

improve and reduce climate crisis . this essay will discuss the heat of climate change

and give three main points to handle this challenge

B. There are two serious problems of climate change are built infrastructure and alarm

somewhere located in low-lying coastal zones have both impacts in an urban and rural

area. ( Jolland et al 2005 ) said that the main potential vulnerability of the constructed

environment in climate change is from the extreme incident, this include floods and

storms, and to a lesser level heat-waves and drought that cause storms are presently
costliest weather events in the developing world and some search, made mainly by the

assurance sector, estimates the potential destiny prices of climate change . according to

ABI ( 2005) evaluated that by the 2080s there might be 75 percent increased in value of

ensured injury in a tough typhoon season in America. Following the report that large

metropolitan urban settlements tend to be more focused in low-lying coastal zones ( Mc

Ganahan et al 2006)

Mitigation is an important plan to deal with climate change by reducing air pollution and

safe human life by exchange personal action by limit transport, encourage citizen use

public transportation for school, work and other activities such as shopping, hang out

with friends and so on that's help the traffic congestion can be reducing pollution and

affect to the environment cause climate change . Oppositely, it can prevent air pollution

from car and private car. Despite traffic congestion can be kept below and people don’t

absorb in transportation ( Galli 2018). According to ( Ashmore 2005) climate change will

increase energy demand for air conditioning in metropolitan areas and provide to the

urban heat land impact through heat infection

D. Moreover, adaptation will be the second plan to deal with climate change by

lessening air pollution. Following the report of Stuart Gaffin, Climate Systems

Researchersaid that “ Grey infrastructure means building walls and barriers. In New

York case, we’d lose Long Island if we went for a grey option “. So in this solution is the

good point for may buildings because choose green and gray color to fit with the

environment and rebuild again the adaptation of climate change also that the

government and leader of the locals in different major should find the solution and
improve the problems that need to fix in recently. everybody should mainly change the

apartment system like defend sea level and increase the street.

F . As a result, climate change has a big force on both rural and urban areas cause a lot

of damages for many nations and governments in the world. For these purposes,

people need to have personality by using public transport, decrease transport to

decrease the radiation that can make the earth become hotter and cause global

warming and climate change. According to Grantham Research Institute and Clark 2012

to deal with these issues, many nations have been planning a mass of strategies at both

global and national levels, green infrastructure and grey options are seen as three main

policies. The government in many nations are trying to reduce emissions by using solar,

wind energy and greenhouse gases to defend climate change and global warming

Reference :

Elisabeth Braw 2013, tacking climate change: Copenhehagen's sustainable city design

Hunt and Watkiss 2011, Climate change impacts and adaption in cities: a review of


Nsiah: Gyabaah, n.d Urbanization process- environmental and health effects in Africa

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