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Future Times

1. Read the following text and share your opinion to your classmates.
Future has always been on people’s imagination. To think about technology is to think about the
future. It is, unavoidably, to speculate and to predict, to imagine how our lives might be affected by
new tools, new methods, and new powers. Most arguments about technology are therefore really
arguments about the future. They give voice to different sorts of expectations about progress and
change, and to different sorts of intuitions about the character of human life. The particular
technology being debated is often secondary to these larger much-disputed themes, and the public
debate is shaped by different ways of imagining the future at least as much as by the specific
technical potential of a new device or technique
2. Now let’s watch the extract from the “Modern Times” movie by Charlie Chaplin
broadcasted in 1936. Then answer the questions.
a. What is happening to the main character?
R: Chaplin suffers a breakdown due to so much work.
b. How are innovations showed in the video?
R: The machines that we can see in the footage are innovative for that time but, for
ours, they are a bit orthodox
c. Does that world look really futuristic to you?
R: A bit, in certain machines like the one we see on the screen the boss giving orders.
The rest are machines that today are much better and more automatic without the help
of human hands.
3. Watch the following video and follow the instruction.
a. What innovations can you identify on the video.
R: Starting with audiobooks, battle cars, emails, makeup mode, and electric trains. It is
not the correct way as the artist portrays it, but these innovations happened in our time.
b. Which technology was developed and became part of our present?
R: In the previous point, mention the technologies that have been innovated and
applied to our times.
c. Which technology was not invented yet?
R: The technologies that have not been invented and that, according to the author of
these artistic works, will be a reality are traffic policemen in the air and flying
firefighters, in addition to paying to see horses.
d. Which technology you think will never be a reality?
R: I believe that any technology could become reality, not in a fanciful way as we see it
in portraits, but through a scientific section and more attached to reality, but that if they
would be fulfilled in the distant future.
4. Watch the following video and follow the instructions.
a. List the technologies that caught your attention more.
 Repopulate other planets
 That most of our daily processes are carried out automatically
 To be able to help nature with much more environmentally. friendly
technologies and also obtain other ways of producing raw materials without
destroying the environment.
 New technologies and forms of entertainment in terms of software and
 Development of biotegnology in humans.
b. Which technologies you think will be developed in the next 50 years?
R: Technology advances by leaps and bounds and I suppose that for about 50 years,
there will be technologies in terms of software and hardware much more refined, and
much better in terms of versatility and use, the beginning of the repopulation of space,
the arrival of large networks much faster, more efficient robots and the arrival of the
cloud as the main storage medium.
c. Which technologies you think will never be developed?
R: The most utopian thing that I can come to think that it could not be developed would
be to break the laws of physics, either with time travel, stopping or modifying it, in
addition to breaking the third dimension but, with the crazy things that have happened
in our universe, I feel that they will stop being just myths.
5. Think how the world will look like in 2120. List those technologies or advancements and
create an collage to illustrate your ideas. The composition and sentences can be digital or on
paper. Remember a collage is not just one image next to another, but a composition per se.
R: For that future, I would like a "Remote Time Control" that applies three technologies:
-Skip time
-Return time
-Stop the time

Collage - Not a collage

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