Fast Food Companies Ae4

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The environment affects to human’s life in the way to help people build a good life
and fresh air but almost people just think about the profit and money that they can
earn and promote the products to customers especially fast food companies so the
environment is not the good options for restaurant or companies to choice .


This report analyzes three companies : Mc Donald’s , KFC ,Domino company from
their own website and include KFC, Mc Donald and Domino company to evaluate
their consideration to the environment


The criteria used this report are based on the information found the websites

How easy is it to find the environmental information ?

How detailed is the environmental information ?

What are the companies enivironment policies ?


The website has come from Australia . The web page contain the sustainability strategy
with two main points are sustainable store and supply chain following that is about the
subheading include energy efficiency .carbon footprint , reducing waste and so on .
There is no link page include and details in each topics
2 Mc Donald :
3 This is the planet page of Mc Donald . The web page has good information provide
for customers about the companies action ,sustainable restaurant design ,recycling
and so on . It also give more information about sub heading

4 Domino :

The website has come from England and the environment page of Domino company
give the information about waste reduction , energy efficiency and so on . The sites
have subheading and connect to the main topics and details


3.1 How easy to find the information :

Three popular companies KFC , Mc Donald and Domino companies so it’s easy to
access these websites because it’s famous and fit to any generation especially
teenagers in every countries

3.2 The information detail

There is three fast food web page talk about the environment by different pieces of
information and details but the most clearly and focus about the environment is Mc
Donald but KFC just talk about some points focus such as the information is given in
detail by years and details and Domino pizza just give few information and about the
environment is not clear

3.3 Environmental policy

According to the web page , KFC page focus about two main points are sustainable
stores and supply chain not only that the title of each heading tell about how to protect
the environment such as protecting the water resources , minimizing waste so when the
researcher read the website will have a different think about the importance of
environment and use plastics , box by good ways and it also includes a lot of details
about advantage and disadvantage affect to the environment so it helps the reader have
actions to protect the environment with the community but KFC and Dominio not clear
about how it works and Domino just give specific information about the environment


Three websites have their own way and goal to make the customer change the way
they think about fast food company just about fast food and it also about the
environment to make people need to have responsibility to protect environment .
Domino and Mc Donald have same goal and both chains are working to increase limit
emission also KFC just talk about the problem and how they deal with it so three
companies have good plan and big aim to reduce plastics and improve the environment


Domino ‘s 2020 , Enivironment viewed 21 May ,2020

Mc Donald ,2020 ,our planet viewed 21 May , 2020

KFC 2019 , sustainability viewed 21 May 2020

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