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3 Week 6 Case Study

Shakila ghasemi

1. Scheduling technique
would include scheduling extra time for mrs. tremble, and don’t make a rushed
appointment that dentist have a enough time for explain and and talk about everything
related to her teeth.
I believe that the extra time for this patient will allow the patient too feel better about
the treatment staff and become calmer
The best time for make a appointment for mrs. tremble is at the begging of the day or
just after lunch,I believe that is good idea because the dentist can give explanations to
the patient with more concentration without haste, and given the extra time that I have
allotted for the mrs.tremble, and give the patient more time.
As a result, mrs. Tremble’s stress and her fear are reduced
After examined and treated patient, I make short appointment for her, because I would
consider our patient situation which patient doesn’t be under pressure and will not be

2. My behavior toward the fearful patient

The best way for patient that fear, is to be polite and acknowledging and understanding
the patient feeling of fear.
Best option is to fully be aware of patient’s fear and we can know about her situation
and her fear with make conversation with patient before treat
And during the treatment, we should try to remove the patient's mind from his fears and
create safety atmosphere for patient
Before treatment, we must make sure that the affected area is completely
anesthetized(numb) and explain to patient that is better, show her situation with hand
signal during treat if don’t feel comfortable.this way help to us for understanding her
felling and patient fell better

3. My response to their behavior

I have to be polite and behave morally with mrs.tremble and calm
Talk about the positive points of the patient so that the patient gets positive energy and
patient will calmer and more confident
the best solution is humor in the framework that patient can feel safe and confident and
be more comfortable with the treatment staff.
In general, in the office, because we see more people who are afraid or may They have a
bad feeling about the treatment process, the patient's behaviour should be very
important to us. If we notice patients such as Ms. Tremble, according to the experience
and our lessons that we have learned, we can prevent the patient from feeling worse, or
we can quickly understand the patient's condition through behaviours or questions them
about them situation, so that we can calm them down and don’t forget that We are in
the dental office to improve them feeling for get better

Sources :
Doni.L Bird and Debbie S. Robinson “Modern Dental assisting , 12th edition “ (chapter62)

Joan Monchak Lorenz, MSN, RN, PMHCNS-BC (2018) “”

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