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Swot matrix


• Not having the budget to start the • We will use Colombian fabrics since
preparation and distribution. we want to leverage the textile union
• Not having the inventory concomitant and raise awareness among buyers to
• We do not know about fabrics support what is Colombian.
• Initially, the project is aimed at women • The items to be sold will be of good
and women from the LGBTI quality.
community, that is to say, not yet men. • An in-depth market study is being
. carried out to make the business
profitable in the short, medium and
long term.
• We will develop the project as a team
and we will distribute ourselves since
each one has its strengths

• The few stores with similar clothing of
African culture sell virtually, we plan to • The competition • Leasing in the
inaugurate a physical point, since area where you want to place the
according to the survey carried out, warehouse (Chapinero) is very
55.5% answered that they prefer to buy expensive. • The recognition of other
in a physical store. brands that are highly positioned in the
• It is an idea with a social meaning market.
since we want to link Afro-Colombian
women to work.
• Casual-elegant clothing ideas for all
5. Budget (presupuesto)
Money assigned to the project

In this project we have budgeted $ 5,000,000 million of pesos, to invest in a wedge

that will be uploaded to all platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.
spotify, where we will pay for advertising to reach more people, and it will be
advertised on a youth station.

6. consumer (tarjet audience)



For us as a team it is important to identify the Types of market segmentation, for

which we will describe below the variables that we consider to apply with our

Demographic segmentation:

 Age: women from 15 years to 70 years

 Gender: female including LGBTI community
 Income: from a minimum wage onwards, it is understood that we will have
teenage shoppers who do not work and that their parents sponsor their
purchases, they would not have the minimum income but their parents
 Marital status: Indifferent.
 Profession: Indifferent
 Academic level: Indifferent
 Ethnic origin: Indifferent, it unites all possible buyers to create culture and
return to our roots.
 Religion: indifferent

Geographical segmentation:
 Country Colombia
 City: Bogotá (initially physically
 Neighborhood: Chapinero (Initially in a physical way)

Psychographic segmentation:

It is undoubtedly the most important segmentation, since it analyzes the needs and
what our consumers prefer, and it is where we say that Vroulike gives experience,
since it applies to many personalities and lifestyles selling fashion and beauty, but
always linked to a cultural history and our ancestors without being an outdated
garment, but will be part of women's outfits regardless of whether they dress for
university, for work or for daily living.
Also in this segmentation we want to take advantage of social networks and their
algorithms as managed by Facebook and Instagram to attract and reach those
women where VROULIKE is a strategic ally when dressing.

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