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6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

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Apps which are accessed via the internet browser and will adapt to whichever 1/1
device you're viewing them on. *

Native Apps


Mobile Apps

Mobile Web apps… 1/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Which from the following is not a disadvantage of Android OS? * 1/1

There are a variety of screen sizes

Apps run in the backgroud

It is open source

Users have rights to download and install apps

It is a set of programming code that enables data transmission between one 1/1
software product and another. It also contains the terms of this data
exchange. *





Which from the following is not a feature of iOS 7? * 1/1

Air drop

iTunes Radios


Control Center… 2/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

This mobile OS is recognizable from its tile-based interface - dubbed Metro - 1/1
which features removable and interchangeable squares sections on the home
screen, each with its own purpose and function. *

Blackberry OS


WindowsPhone OS

Android OS

It is a platform used as a foundation for developing applications. It provides a 1/1

structure in which software developers can build programs for a specific
platform. *

Mobile Apps



Framework… 3/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

A computer program at the core of a computer's operating system that has 1/1
complete control over everything in the system. It is the "portion of the
operating system code that is always resident in memory", and facilitates
interactions between hardware and software components. *



Programming User Interfce


Which from the following is not a feature of Windows Phone 7? * 1/1

Zune Player and Xbox live come to windows phone

Social and Productivity Hubs

Skype Integration

Slick, touch-friendly User Interface

It is a Linux-based operating system it is designed primarily for touch screens 1/1

mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Its design lets
users manipulate the mobile devices intuitively, *



Blackberry OS

WindowsPhone OS… 4/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Which from the following prefixes does "i" in iOS not stand for? * 1/1





It is a testing measure that evaluates the speed, responsiveness and stability 1/1
of a computer, network, software program or device under a workload. *

Device and Platform Testing

Performance Testing

Security Testing

Functional Testing

It is the process through which QAs determine if a piece of software is acting 1/1
in accordance with pre-determined requirements. It uses black-box testing
techniques, in which the tester has no knowledge of the internal system logic.

Alpha Testing

Performance Testing

Security Testing

Functional Testing… 5/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Microsoft revealed that the company would no longer actively develop new 1/1
features or hardware for Windows phones, primarily because of: *

Tough time for developers

Low market share

It is so expensive

Development Issues

The part of a computer system or application that is not directly accessed by 1/1
the user, typically responsible for storing and manipulating data. *

Front end



Back end

The fourth step in mobile app development process. * 1/1


App Devt.

Deployment and support

UI/UX Designing… 6/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Which feature is not true to iOS? * 1/1

iOS appliances are considered more stable and safer

when it comes to camera quality, nobody can beat iPhone.

iOS devices does not feel very easy and compatible to use.

Apple's iOS is just a better computing platform for game developers

It is a schematic or blueprint that is useful for helping you, your programmers 1/1
and designers think and communicate about the structure of the software . *

UX Design




Which from the following is not the advantage of Android OS? * 1/1

Updates are patchy

Not pricey

Expandable Memory

Diverse phone options… 7/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

It is commonly used to identify where you’re going, how you’re getting there, 1/1
what you’re going to order off the menu. Think of apps you use for
convenience, like fitness,dating, food, and travel. *

Social Media Apps

Productivity Apps

Lifestyle Apps

Gaming Apps

These are the final renderings of your app’s visual design. These are created 1/1
by applying your style guide onto the app wire frames *




Style Guide… 8/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

It a powerful general-purpose programming language created by notable 1/1

computer scientist Bjorne Stroustrop It can be used to develop operating
systems, browsers, games, and so on. *




This mobile OS has much different user-experience than other operating 1/1
systems. The interface as well as the phone design is also different from
others by having a trackball for moving on the menu and the qwerty
keyboard. *

Android OS

Windows Phone

BlackBerry OS

iOS… 9/11
6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

It is software that communicates with the hardware and allows other 1/1
programs to run. It is comprised of system software, or the fundamental files
your computer needs to boot up and function. *


Operating System

Mobile App

Android OS

Android began as a project of the American technology company Android 1/1

Inc., to develop an operating system for: *

Digital Camera


Mobile App

Android OS

It is a software application used to locate, retrieve, and display content on the 1/1
World Wide Web, including web pages, images, videos, and other files. *

Web Server

Web Ring

Web App

Web Browser

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6/1/2021 Quiz 5 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

 Forms… 11/11
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Email *

Last Name, First Name, MI. *

Course, Year, Section *

* A criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer 1/1

network or a networked device. *




Data Profiling… 1/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is a type of malicious software that enters your computer, collects data 1/1
about you, and sends it to a third party without your permission. *





* These are malware attached to another program (such as a document), 1/1

which can replicate and spread after an initial execution on a target system
where human interaction is required. *



Trojan Horse

Denial of Service Attack

* It is a proactive strategy for evaluating risks. It involves identifying potential 1/1

threats,and developing tests or procedures to detect and respond to those
threats. *

DNS Spoofing


Threat Modelling

Risk Assessment… 2/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is the term which specifies the method by which the password or code is 1/1
obtained. *



Key logging


* It is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and 1/1
outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. *

Anti Virus



Threat Detection

* It is the most widely distributed banking malware, infecting tens of millions 1/1
of machines worldwide. Hackers can use the source code to create their own
varieties of the malware, which is available as a toolkit. *

Money Launderer

SQL Slammer

ATM Cracker

Zeus… 3/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It refers to any intrusive software developed by cyber criminals (often called 1/1
“hackers”) to steal data and damage or destroy computers and computer
systems *



Trojan Horse


* It a small amount of data sent over a network, such as a LAN or the Internet. 1/1





* The science of keeping information secret and safe by transforming it into 1/1
form that unintended recipients cannot understand. It is the practice of
securing information by transforming it into a secured format for transmission
across insecure networks. *



Cyber security

Data Security… 4/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is a security technology that provides extended visibility, analysis, and 1/1

response across networks and clouds in addition to apps and endpoints. *




Anti Virus

* It integrates vendor-specific functions--and often third-party products--to 1/1

help optimize operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and
workflows in order to produce better, faster outcomes. *



Security Testing

Security Platform

* This platform makes other technologies to be integrated faster and it’s 1/1
scalable so you can add more technologies in the future. These also
strengthens security across networks, endpoints, cloud, and applications. *

Solution-based Platform

Portfolio-based Platform

SIEM-based Platform

SOAR-based Platform… 5/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is a suite of integrated technologies that prevents and stops varieties of 1/1

threats that can affect endpoints endpoints such as smartphones,printers,
and many other devices. *





* The cyber crime is meant to shut down a machine or network, making it 1/1
inaccessible to its intended users. They accomplish this by flooding the target
with traffic, or sending it information that triggers a crash. *

Cyber squatting




* They operate at the application layer to filter incoming traffic between your 1/1
network and the traffic source—hence, the name “application-level gateway.”
These firewalls are delivered via a cloud-based solution or another proxy
device. *

Hardware Firewalls

Next gen Firewalls

Circuit level Firewalls

Proxy Firewalls… 6/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* These are text files with small pieces of data — like a username and 1/1
password — that are used to identify your computer as you use a computer
network. *





* It is a process which transforms the original information into an 1/1

unrecognizable form. This new form of the message is entirely different from
the original message. *

Message protocol


Private Key


* The method that is used to protect the network, system, or applications 1/1
from the cyber-attacks. It is used to avoid unauthorized data access, cyber
attacks, and identity theft. *




Cyber security… 7/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* These are hackers that surf the net and hack into computer systems to 1/1
notify the administrator or the owner that their system/network contains one
or more vulnerabilities that must be fixed immediately. They may also extort
the hacked, offering to correct the defect for a nominal fee. *

Grey Hat Hackers

Blue Hat Hackers

Green Hat Hackers

Red Hat Hackers

* They are often referred to as ethical hackers. This individual specializes in 1/1
ethical hacking tools, techniques, and methodologies to secure an
organization’s information systems. *

Black hat hackers

White hat hackers

Red hat hackers

Gray hat hackers… 8/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable 1/1

companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such
as passwords and credit card numbers. It occurs when an attacker,
masquerading as a trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email,
instant message, or text message. *


Cyber squatting

Data Mining


* Which from the following is not a function or objective of firewalls? * 1/1

Identifying and blocking unwanted content.

Protecting your computer from unwanted access.

Induce network traffic.

Helping prevent against worms, viruses, and malware.

* It refers to illegal domain name registration or use. Its primary purpose is to 1/1
steal or misspell a domain name in order to profit from an increase in website
visits, which otherwise would not be possible. *



Cyber squatting

Hacking… 9/10
6/15/2021 Quiz 6 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* A type of spyware that can be used to track and log the keys you strike on 1/1
your keyboard, capturing any information typed. *


Key loggers



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6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Email *

Last Name, First Name, MI. *

Course, Year, Section *

* It a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via 1/1

text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human. *

AI Software



Deep Learning… 1/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It enables users to take existing,human, business knowledge and combine it 1/1

with the company’s data to automate knowledge work and deliver
consultative systems that can transform the way the company’s staff and
customers interact with each other. *





*It is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building 1/1

smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human
intelligence. An interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but
advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm
shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry. *


Deep Learning

Expert Systems

Artificial Intelligence… 2/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is a code-based data science development environment whose focus is on 1/1

machine learning. AI Platform allows teams to collaborate on ML projects from
the dashboard within the Cloud Console. *


Machine Learning

Deep Learning

AI Platform

* A set of AI services for extracting insights from your content and turning 1/1
forms into usable data *

Data Mining

Data Profiling

Knowledge Mining

Data Labeling Service

*A type of automated machine that can execute specific tasks with little or no 1/1
human intervention and with speed and precision. *


Expert System


AI Systems… 3/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is the transportation of data from assorted sources to a storage medium 1/1

where it can be accessed, used, and analyzed by an organization. The
destination is typically a data warehouse, data mart, database, or a document
store *

Data Ingestion

Data Analytics


Data Mining

* A type of cloud computing offering in which a service provider delivers a

platform to clients, enabling them to develop, run, and manage business
applications without the need to build and maintain the infrastructure such
software development processes typically require. *

AI PaaS architecture

AI Application Program Interface

AI Infrastructure

AI Platform as a Service… 4/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* It is a series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize underlying 1/1

relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the
human brain operates. *

Deep Learning


AI Programs

Neural Network

* They are robots that look like and/or mimic human behavior. These robots 1/1
usually perform human-like activities (like running, jumping and carrying
objects), and are sometimes designed to look like us, even having human
faces and expressions. *

Augmenting Robots

Humanoid Robots

Autonomous Robots

Teleoperated Robots

*Layer that provides model governance and deployment. It is here that a 1/1
model’s risk assessments are tested, allowing the model governance team to
validate it. *

Intelligence Layer

Data and Integration Layer

Experience Layer

Operations and Deployment Layer… 5/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* An open-source platform of cost-effective robots designed for 1/1

reinforcement learning in the real world. It introduces two robots, each aimed
to accelerate reinforcement learning research in different task domains:
D'Claw is a three-fingered hand robot that facilitates learning dexterous
manipulation tasks, and D'Kitty is a four-legged robot that facilitates learning
agile legged locomotion tasks. *


Google ROBEL

ROSbot 2.0


* It is the ability of software to identify objects, places, people, writing and 1/1
actions . Computers can use machine vision technologies in combination with
a camera and artificial intelligence software to achieve this. *

Image recognition


Facial Recognition

Data Ingestion… 6/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*It is a series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize underlying 1/1

relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the
human brain operates. *

Cognitive Services

Poppy Project


Neural Networs

*It is a free and open-source software library for machine learning, a symbolic 1/1
math library based on data flow and differentiable programming. *

Microsoft Azure


Data Ingestion


*It is information regarding movements in the tectonic plates that reside 1/1
beneath the earth’s surface that is being studied using AI. *

Data Ingestion

Seismic Information

Volcanic Information

Typhoon Information… 7/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* Which from the following groups is not covered by Azure AI Cognitive 1/1
Services ? *

Speech Processing

Computer Vision

Cognitive Processing

Decision Assistance

*Which from the following is not a benefit of using third-party AI services? * 1/1

Data compliance concerns

No need for a high level of expertise

High Scalability

Reduces cost and time

*It allows data scientists to develop, test, and prove a hypothesis. It offers 1/1
automated-feature engineering, feature selection, and model selection. *

Machine Learning

Data Ingestion

Intelligence layer

Experimentation layer… 8/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*This is one of the features of AI that make it unique. * 1/1


Hybrid Integration

Data Ingestion

Mobile enabled

*It provides templates and an environment for easy and quick creating chat 1/1
bots. *



Azure AI Bot Service


*Which from the following is not a part of AWS AI Services under the group of 1/1
Computer Vision? *

Reinforcement Learning

Object Detection

Text Recognition in images

Emotion recognition… 9/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*It enables enterprises to build systems with human-like decision making 1/1
abilities resulting in greater efficiency and increased quality. *



Digital Marketing


*An interactive visual programming environment, which enables interface 1/1

designers to create highly interactive, graphical, direct-manipulation-style
graphical user interfaces in a very natural manner. *





*These are the focal point of AI-based solution implementations where the 1/1
analyse data, solve specific tasks based on the algorithm that model is trained
to have reason into and reach the expected end results. *

Pre-trained Machine Learning Models

Thread Models

API Models

Robotics Models… 10/11
6/29/2021 Quiz 7 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*Which from the following is not part of machine learning? * 1/1

Data Labeling

ML Model Training and Customization

Reinforcement Learning

Text to speech Conversion

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7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

Email *

Last Name, First Name, MI. *

Course, Year, Section *

*A series of audios that solely focus on a particular theme or subject. It’s a 1/1
platform that allows the sharing of knowledge via audio. *




Online Forums… 1/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*A complex printmaking technique based on the resistance of grease and 1/1

water to each other. An artist will draw with a grease material on a stone,
which will then be chemically treated to etch the drawing into the stone,
which can then be inked to generate multiple imprints on paper. *


Relief Printmaking

Intaglio Printing

Silk Screen Printing

*A web-based and mobile-based Internet Application that allows the creation, 1/1
access and exchange of user-generated content. *

Print Media Platform

Digital Media Platform

Mass Media Platform

Social Media Platform

*A computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, 1/1

and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By
design, social media is Internet-based and gives users quick electronic
communication of content. *


Mass Media

Internet Media

Social Media… 2/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*A multimedia software platform used for production of animations, rich web 1/1
applications, desktop applications, mobile apps, mobile games, and
embedded web browser video players. *


Wondershare UniConverter

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Flash

*The use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new 1/1
revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a
digital business. *


Data Analytics


Digital Platform

*A data analysis that answers the“what happened” by summarizing past data, 1/1
usually in the form of dashboards. *

Diagnostic Analysis

Prescriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis

Predictive Analysis… 3/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*An online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of 1/1
posted messages. The messages are often longer than one line of text, and
are at least temporarily archived. *


Chat Room


Internet Forum

The distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any 1/1
electronic mass communications medium, but typically one using
electromagnetic spectrum or radio waves in a one-to-many model. *

Social Media

Broadcast Media

Internet Media

Print Media

*A data analysis that uses the data that have summarized to make logical 1/1
predictions of the outcomes of events. This analysis relies on statistical
modeling, which requires added technology and manpower to forecast. *

Diagnostic Analysis

Prescriptive Analysis

Predictive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis… 4/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*A data analysis that aims to provide an insight about an event. It answers the 1/1
question " Why,How,Where, and When "did it happen. *

Descriptive Analytics

Prescriptive Analytics

Diagnostic Analytics

Predictive Analytics

*Risk assessment and sales forecasting are sample business applications of: * 1/1

Diagnostic Analysis

Predictive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis

Prescriptive Analysis

*A process used to extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data. It ···/1
implies analyzing data patterns in large batches of data using one or more
software. *

Data Profiling

Data Mining

Data Analytics

Data Warehousing… 5/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*A data profiling technique that detects connection, similarities, differences, 1/1

an association between data sources. *

Relationship Discovery

Content Discovery

Connection Discovery

Structure Discovery

* It analyzes user's behavior and uses those data to make tailored or 1/1
personalized advertisements on websites that use the same service. *

Google Sheets


Microsoft Excel

Google Analytics

*A social media platform for creating, sharing and discovering short videos. 1/1
The app is used by young people as an outlet to express themselves through
singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and allows users to create videos
and share them across a community. *




Tweeter… 6/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*The process of examining the data available from an existing information 1/1
source (e.g., a database or a file)and collecting statistics or informative
summaries about that data *

Data Mining

Data Profiling

Data Gathering

Data Analysis

*The process of examining a data set using logical and statistical techniques to
try to make sense of their relationship to each other *

Data Profiling

Data Analytics

Data Mining

Data Analysis

*A data profiling that focuses on formatting of the data, making sure 1/1
everything is uniform and consistent. *

Relationship Discovery

Content Discovery

Structure Discovery

Style Discovery… 7/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*Any written or pictorial form of communication produced mechanically or 1/1

electronically using printing, photocopying, or digital methods from which
multiple copies can be made through automated processes. *

Print Media

Social Media


Digital Media

*It involves electronically and simultaneously sending information containing 1/1

signals, print messages and audio or video content to avast group of
recipients using television, radio, newspapers, magazines and digital media
including the Internet, emails and texts. *




Broadcast Media

*Which from the following is the third step in data mining process? * 1/1


Prepare the data

Explore the Data

Interpretation of Result… 8/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

*The primary step in the data preparation process, helps with error 1/1
rectification and deduplication to authenticate the validity and relevance of
the data. *

Data Mining

Data Cleansing

Data Profiling

Data Analysis

*The conversion of text, pictures, or sound into a digital form that can be 1/1
processed by a computer. *

Digital Printing


Digital Platform


*These are technologies and standards that allow writers or other media 1/1
“producers” and readers and other “consumers” of media to interface more
efficiently. *

Print Media

Social Media

Media Platforms

Broadcast Media… 9/10
7/13/2021 Quiz 8 in IT 208 (IT 2-I)

* Monthly revenue reports and sales leads overview are business application 1/1
samples of: *

Diagnostic Analysis

Predictive Analysis

Prescriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis

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