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Elements and

Principles of Art
Arts in Daily Living
Elements of Art
Elements of Art
is a mark between two points. There are various
types of lines from straight to curve to diagonal
and more. Lines indicates direction, orientation,
movement, and energy. It is considered as the
oldest, simplest, universal element.
Elements of Art
Elements of Art
Shape is an enclosed area or surface. It can be
easily identified because when a line crosses
itself or intersects with other lines to enclose a
space it creates a shape
Elements of Art
Elements of Art
It describes the structure of shape and object
from the different perspective. Form is
considered three-dimensional showing height,
width and depth.
Elements of Art
Elements of Art
Space is the surface or the area within the
artwork. It constitutes the area or distance,
between, around, above or within things This
example highlights the importance that both
negative and positive space can have within a
Elements of Art
Color can be considered as the most expressive
of all the elements of art. Colors can be easily
recognize in any visual experience. The primary
source of colors is light.
Elements of Art
Elements of Art
Right next to color, value can suggest emotional
and dramatic impression by using lightness and
darkness in a composition. Value is referred to
Chiaroscuro meaning lightness and darkness
(from the Italian word chiaro “clear” and oscoro
Elements of Art
Elements of Art
is found in all visual arts. It is the element that
deals primarily with the sense of touch or the
tactile sensation or stimuli. It is how the
surface in a certain composition feels.
Elements of Art
Principles of Art
Principles of Art
Principles of design is used to organize the
elements of art in a certain composition.
Basically, it is the strategies in creating a good
and beautiful design. It is the proper
arrangement of different elements to come up
with a pleasurable art experience for the
Principles of Art
Emphasis – In visual art,
emphasis or subordination
is the focal point or the
center of interest in an
artwork, it catches our
attention so easily while
the rest are subordinated.
Principles of Art
Balance - It has something to do with visual
weight. An artist deliberately uses other
elements like value, color and texture to create
visual weight and balance. An illusion of
stability with the proper use of certain
elements is necessary in creating balance.
Principles of Art
Symmetrical Balance –
The most stable among the
kinds of balance is
symmetrical Balance or
formal balance. When one
side of the composition
mirrors the other.
Principles of Art
Asymmetrical Balance or
Informal balance - it is
achieved when one side of
the composition does not
reflect the design of the
other but visually
Principles of Art
Radial Balance – elements
and objects have a central
point. There is a circular
distribution of elements
and objects in a
Principles of Art
Harmony- It is
essential to beauty. It is
achieved by using similar
elements and
establishing pleasing
relationship with other
elements through a body
of work.
Principles of Art
Variety – This principle
creates an interest and
appeal in a body of work.
Using differences and
change may result to
increasing visual
Principles of Art
Movement – It adds
excitement to your
work by showing action
and directing the
viewer’s eye
throughout the
picture plane.
Principles of Art
Rhythm- A regular
repetition of elements
can produce implied
movement. Artists
create visual rhythm by
repeating art elements
and creating patterns.
Principles of Art
Proportion or Scale –
The comparative
relationship of one part
to another with regards
to size. It is also the
relationships of the size
of objects in a body of
Principles of Art
Contrast- Contrast can
provide interest and
excitement in an artwork
or to any visual
experience. Two things
that are very different
create a lot of contrast
(complementary colors, for
That’s all!! Thank you!
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