User Guide: CMG Licensing

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User Guide

CMG Licensing Future of Simulation

This publication and the application described in it are furnished under license
exclusively to the licensee, for internal use only, and are subject to a
confidentiality agreement. They may be used only in accordance with the terms
and conditions of that agreement.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage/retrieval system, to any
party other than the licensee, without the written permission of Computer Modelling
The information in this publication is believed to be accurate in all respects.
However, Computer Modelling Group makes no warranty as to accuracy or
suitability, and does not assume responsibility for any consequences resulting from
the use thereof. The information contained herein is subject to change without
The license management portion of this program is based on:

Reprise License Manager (RLM)

Copyright Ó 2006-2019, Reprise Software, Inc.
All rights reserved

Computer Modelling Group Ltd.

3710 33 Street NW
Calgary, Alberta T2L 2M1 Canada

Tel: +1.403.531.1300 Fax: +1.403.289.8502 Email:

™Trademark of Computer Modelling Group Ltd. Copyright © 2019 Computer Modelling Group Ltd.
† Other company, product and service names are the properties of their respective owners.

Guide to Using CMG Licensing

August 2019 2
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 5
About This Document .............................................................................................................................. 5
About the Reprise License Manager ....................................................................................................... 5
Technical Support.................................................................................................................................... 6
Overview of the Installation and Licensing Process ............................................................... 7
Types of Licensing................................................................................................................................... 7
Standalone .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Network ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Installation and Authorization Process .................................................................................................... 7
Setting Up a Standalone Installation ................................................................................................... 7
Setting Up a Network Installation ........................................................................................................ 8
Configuring the Network License Server ............................................................................................. 8
Configuration of the Network License Clients ..................................................................................... 8
Generating a HostID and Sending it to CMG ............................................................................ 9
Generating a HostID during Installation................................................................................................... 9
Windows .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Linux† .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Generating a HostID after Installation ..................................................................................................... 9
Windows .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Linux .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Other Methods of Generating HostID Information ................................................................................. 10
rlmhostid Utility .................................................................................................................................. 10
Direct Method .................................................................................................................................... 11
Sending the HostID Information to CMG ............................................................................................... 11
Starting the License Server ..................................................................................................... 12
Starting the License Server on Windows............................................................................................... 12
Starting the License Server on Linux..................................................................................................... 12
Installing Your License File ..................................................................................................... 13
Installing Your License File Using the CMG License Utility ................................................................... 13
Installing Your License File Using the Reprise Server Administration Interface.................................... 13
Checking License Status ......................................................................................................... 16
Checking License Status Using the CMG License Utility ...................................................................... 16
Checking License Status Using the Reprise License Server Administration Page ............................... 16
Going Beyond the Basics ........................................................................................................ 19
Roaming ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Checking Out Licenses ..................................................................................................................... 19
Advanced Check Out ........................................................................................................................ 20
Using Checked-Out Licenses ............................................................................................................ 20
Checking In Licenses ........................................................................................................................ 21
Additional Information About Roaming .............................................................................................. 21
Getting Diagnostic Information .............................................................................................................. 21
Configuring RLM in a Firewall Environment .......................................................................................... 22
Using Failover Licensing ....................................................................................................................... 22
Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Post-Installation ................................................................................................................................. 23
Installing the License Code Files ...................................................................................................... 23
Installing the License Code Files on Linux ........................................................................................ 23

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On the Client Machines ..................................................................................................................... 23
Final Thoughts .................................................................................................................................. 23
Configuring the RLM and ISV Options Files .......................................................................... 25
Common RLM Options .......................................................................................................................... 27
Common ISV Options ............................................................................................................................ 28
Configuring License Timeout ............................................................................................................ 28
Enabling the Report Log ........................................................................................................................ 29
Rotating the Report Log .................................................................................................................... 30
Analyzing the Report Log .................................................................................................................. 30
Third-Party Analysis Tools ................................................................................................................ 31
Restricting Access to Licenses .............................................................................................................. 31
Using a Hardware Key (Dongle) .............................................................................................. 33
Requirements for Dongle-based Licensing ........................................................................................... 33
Installing the Dongle Drivers.................................................................................................................. 33
Using Windows to Automatically Install Drivers ................................................................................ 33
Installing the Drivers Using the Installation Program ........................................................................ 34
Licensing and Activation Filter ............................................................................................... 37
The RLM Web Interface Password........................................................................................................ 37
The Activation Filter Password File ....................................................................................................... 37
If the RLM Web Service is using a different port ................................................................................... 37
Reprise Utilities ......................................................................................................................... 38
rlmdown ............................................................................................................................................. 38
rlmhostid ............................................................................................................................................ 38
rlmnewlog .......................................................................................................................................... 38
rlmremove ......................................................................................................................................... 38
rlmreread ........................................................................................................................................... 39
rlmstat ............................................................................................................................................... 39
rlmswitch ........................................................................................................................................... 39
How CMG Applications Are Licensed ..................................................................................... 40
Licenses vs. Count ................................................................................................................................ 40
30 Minute Out-of-Contact Grace Period ................................................................................................ 40
CMG Environment Variables ................................................................................................... 41
Required Environment Variables ........................................................................................................... 41
CMG_HOME ..................................................................................................................................... 41
CMG_LIC_HOST .............................................................................................................................. 41
Optional Environment Variables ............................................................................................................ 41
CMG_FAILOVER_HOSTS ................................................................................................................ 41
CMG_WEB_PORT ............................................................................................................................ 41
CMG_LIC_DIAGNOSTICS ............................................................................................................... 42
CMG_LIC_DIAGNOSTIC_FILE ........................................................................................................ 42

Guide to Using CMG Licensing

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About This Document
This manual describes the CMG licensing, the steps necessary to get your software working, and
how to troubleshoot licensing problems.
To use CMG’s software, you will need to have valid licensing in place. This means the licensing
system needs to be installed and running with valid authorization codes tied to your computer.
Later sections will go in depth on the following:
• Installing the software with the licensing.
• Determining the HostID information.
• Receiving and installing a License File.
• Checking the licensing status.
• Going beyond basic licensing.

About the Reprise License Manager

CMG uses the Reprise License Manager (RLM) from Reprise Software.
Additional information about RLM is available on their website at In
particular, the RLM License Administration Manual
( and License Administrator
and User Frequently-Asked-Questions (
faq.php) should be noted.

All support issues should go directly to CMG technical support. Reprise Software does not
provide end user support.

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Technical Support
Clients seeking technical support from CMG should first try to contact a CMG Sales Support
Engineer in their region. Click CONTACT US at the top of the CMG Web site for information
about the CMG office location nearest you.
In the event that you are unable to reach a Sales Support Engineer in your region, contact our
head office in Calgary via phone (North America: 403-531-1300) or email (
Support from North America is available during normal Canadian business hours, Mountain Time.

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Overview of the Installation and Licensing Process
There are a number of steps to be followed when setting up your CMG software for the first time.
First, install the software on your computer. As a part of this step, you will be prompted to
generate a unique fingerprint for your computer (the “HostID”). You need to send this HostID to us
so that we can generate your license file.
After we have generated your license file, you need to install it on your computer. After this, you
will be able to run your CMG software.
Depending on your license configuration you may not need to perform all these steps for every
computer you are installing on.

Types of Licensing
CMG software supports two different types of licensing: Standalone licensing, where the software
will only work on a single designated computer, and Network licensing, where the authorization
codes are on a designated server and multiple clients can use that server’s licenses.
The type of licensing you use is determined by how you have licensed the software from CMG.

Standalone licensing restricts usage of CMG products to the computer the License File is
installed on.
With Standalone licensing, you are allowed to run multiple simultaneous copies of CMG’s
graphical applications on your computer. CMG simulators are limited to a fixed number of
simultaneous copies as per your license agreement.

Network licensing allows multiple computers to use the software over a network. One computer is
the Network License Server and all other computers are Network License Clients.
The Network License Server is the computer where the RLM licensing server is running and the
License File is installed. Applications on the Network Licensing Client pull licenses from this
computer when they need them.

Installation and Authorization Process

Note: CMG does not allow license servers to run on Virtual Machines such as Windows†
Virtual PC or VMware.

Setting Up a Standalone Installation

Step 1: Install the Software. For more information on how to install CMG software, see A Guide to
Installing CMG Software on Windows or A Guide to Installing CMG Software on Linux
Step 2: Generate a HostID and email it to CMG. See Generating a HostID and Sending it to CMG
on page 9 in this document for more information.
Step 3: Install the License File. See Installing Your License File Using the Reprise Server
Administration Interface on page 13 in this document for more information.

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Setting Up a Network Installation
Setting up a Network Installation requires the configuration of the Network License Server and
configuration of each Network License Client

Configuring the Network License Server

The steps involved to set up a Network Installation are similar to those for setting up a Standalone
Step 1: Install the Software. For more information on how to install CMG software, see A
Guide to Installing CMG Software on Windows or A Guide to Installing CMG Software on
Linux Workstations.
Step 2: Generate a HostID and email it to CMG. See Generating a HostID and Sending it to
CMG on page 9 in this document for more information.
Step 3: Install the License file. See Installing Your License File Using the Reprise Server
Administration Interface on page 13 in this document for more information.

Configuration of the Network License Clients

Configuring a Network License Client requires only that the CMG software be installed on the
client computer. During installation, you will be prompted for the name of the Network License
Server. See A Guide to Installing CMG Software on Windows or A Guide to Installing CMG
Software on Linux Workstations for more information.

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Generating a HostID and Sending it to CMG
To use the CMG software you will require a License File that is locked to your system. This file is
locked to a combination of unique characteristics of your computer called the HostID. For
example, the HostID may include your computer’s Ethernet MAC address.
You will need to send us the HostID information for us to generate your License File. You will not
be able to run CMG software until we have this information and have issued you the file.
The HostID information can be generated automatically during installation and also at any time

Generating a HostID during Installation

When the installation is almost complete, you will be asked if you want to generate your HostID
information. Fill in the required contact information and then save it to your hard disk.

When the installation is almost complete, you will be asked if you want to generate your HostID
information. If you do so, it will automatically be saved to the file <CMG_HOME>/ You
should edit this file to include your contact information.

Generating a HostID after Installation

It may sometimes be necessary to generate HostID information after you have installed the
software. There are custom utilities provided by both CMG and Reprise that allow you to do that.

The recommended way to check the HostID information on Windows is to use the CMG License
The CMG License Utility may be started from the Start menu. Press the “Get HostID…” button to
bring up the following dialog box:

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Enter your information into the dialog.

The information you enter does not affect the actual HostID that is generated. It just helps
ensure that we can find your order in our system.

You may save this information to a text file to email to CMG for generation of your authorization
codes. See Sending the HostID Information to CMG on page 11.

The utility will generate the HostID information and print it to standard output. You
can redirect the output to a file and send it to CMG. In a command prompt change to the
$CMG_HOME directory and run the command rlmsecure/

Other Methods of Generating HostID Information

rlmhostid Utility
RLM supplies a HostID utility (rlmhostid) which can be found in the RLMSecure directory. It is a
console application, so it must be used from within the Windows Command Interpreter (also
known as the command prompt or DOS shell).
Basic usage is
RLMSecure\Win_x64\rlmhostid -32
This will yield the HostID (the “32-bit hard drive number”) of the computer with this output:
rlmhostid v11.1
Copyright (C) 2006-2017, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hostid of this machine: bc99d899
For complete instructions on how to use rlmhostid, check the section Going Beyond the Basics:
Reprise utilities.

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The rlmhostid utility is available for Linux as well. You can find it in the $CMG_HOME/rlmsecure

Direct Method
The values that the CMG HostID utility and rlmhostid report are not encrypted and you may
therefore simply report the Ethernet MAC address, IP address, hostname and hard disk ID to us if
you have access to that information. This should be a last resort as we would rather have the
information as provided by one of our utilities – this guarantees that the licensing is looking at the
correct values.

Sending the HostID Information to CMG

Once you have your HostID information, you need to send it to us, preferably by email to
Once we have received this information we will use it to generate the License File you are entitled
to and send it back. We try our best to have your codes sent to you as soon as possible, but due
to the volume of requests we receive, it could take up to two business days.

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Starting the License Server
The License Server runs as a Windows Service on Windows and as a daemon on Linux.

Starting the License Server on Windows

By default, the CMGL RLM Service is set to start as an Automatic startup service. If for some
reason you need to change this or restart the service, you may do this via the Services Control
Panel applet which is located in the Administrative Tools area.

Starting the License Server on Linux

The CMGL RLM Service on Linux runs as a daemon process. You may start this process using
the script located in the CMG_HOME directory.
Instructions on how to set up the Linux daemon so that it starts automatically can be found in the
RLM License Administration guide (RLM_License_administration.pdf).

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Installing Your License File
There are two ways you can install your License File.
The recommended method is to use the CMG License Utility. This application consolidates most
of the CMG-specific licensing functions into a single interface and ensures that your License File
is loaded properly.
You may also use the Reprise Server Administration Interface to install your License File.

Installing Your License File Using the CMG License Utility

The CMG License Utility runs only on Windows. To install a License File on Linux see
Installing Your License File Using the Reprise Server Administration Interface on page 13.

To install your License File using the CMG License Utility, follow these steps.
1. If you received your License File via email, save it to a file on disk.
2. Start the CMG License Utility from the Start menu.

3. Press the “Load License File…” button and browse to the License File on your disk. Press
OK. The CMG License Utility will scan the file for correctness and load it into the RLM
License Server.

Installing Your License File Using the Reprise Server Administration Interface
You may also install your License File through the Reprise Server Administration Interface. Follow
these steps on the license server computer.
1. Copy the file to the <CMG_HOME>\RLMSecure directory.
2. Rename it “cmgl.lic” if it does not already have that name.

If you have Windows Explorer set up to hide file extensions, the file may be
renamed to cmgl.lic.txt instead of cmgl.lic. If this is the case, open a command
prompt and rename the file from there.

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3. Open an Internet Web browser (for example, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera).
4. In the Address/URL bar, enter http://localhost:5054/. This accesses the Reprise License
Server Administration page for the local computer.

If the localhost address does not work, try If this does not work,
ensure the CMGL RLM Service is running.

5. Once the Reprise License Server Administration page is displayed, click on the
Reread/Restart Servers link. The Reread/Restart Servers page will be displayed.

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6. Select cmgl in the ISV field (as shown in the above figure) and then click
You should now be able to use any CMG application that you are entitled to.

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Checking License Status
Checking License Status Using the CMG License Utility
The CMG License Utility allows you to see what licenses are installed on the license server you
are connected to.
Licenses are grouped by server and by product. Some products (such as the simulators) may
have multiple types of licenses available.

The computer you are getting licenses from is shown in the first line of the grid. Standalone
configurations will show either localhost or
If the RLM Service is running on your computer, this is shown as well.
The CMG License Utility does not show expired licenses, nor does it account for licenses that
have been checked out.

CMG applications require twenty keys in the authorization codes file per use. This is
indicated by the “count” in the Number of Licenses column.

Checking License Status Using the Reprise License Server Administration

You can get further information about the licenses available by using the Reprise License Server
Administration Page. This page is accessed via your Internet Web browser.

You do not need to be connected to the Internet to access the Reprise License Server
Administration Page.

1. Open an Internet Web browser (for example, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera).
2. In the Address/URL bar, enter http://localhost:5054/. This accesses the Reprise License
Server Administration page for the local computer.

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3. Click the Status button. This will take you to the Status pane.

4. If your CMG software has been installed correctly with proper authorization codes, there
will be a CMG row in the table of ISV Servers. Click on the Server Status button in the
cmgl row. This takes you to the ISV cmgl status page.

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Table entries are as follows:
Product: The name of the license.
Pool: Each pool has a unique number. Multiple entries for similar licenses (for example if they
differ only in the expiration date) may be collapsed into a single pool by the RLM service.
Ver: The version of the software that can be run with this license. In this case GEM™ 2099.99 or
earlier can be run with the current licenses.
Count: This is the number of keys available for each license.
Soft lim: CMG does not use soft limits on licensing. This field can be ignored.
in use: The number of license keys currently in use. The Show License Usage button will tell
you who is using these licenses. Remember, CMG applications use licenses in multiples of
res: The number of licenses reserved. Licenses are not normally reserved, but end-users can set
reservations by modifying their ISV Options.
hostid: If this field is blank, it indicates a network license that can be used by any client
computer. If the field has a HostID in it, it is a stand-alone license that can only be used by the
computer with the matching HostID.
timeout: The TIMEOUT value for the license after which an idle license is checked back into the
pool freeing it up for other users.
share: The sharing criteria for the license. This allows multiple instances of an application to
share a license. Currently only Builder™, Results™, CMOST™ Studio and WinProp™ use sharing.
hold: The hold time for the license. CMG does not allow license holding so this field can be
transactions: The number of times that this license has been used to run an application.
Show License Usage: Click to show any current users of the license.
For more information on using the Reprise License Server Administration page, see

You may also access the Reprise License Server Administration page from another
computer. Just use http://computername: 5054 (where computername is the name of the
license server computer) as the address in your Web browser. If you have changed the
port number the RLM Web server is listening on, use that number instead of 5054.

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Going Beyond the Basics
Sometimes you want to use the CMG software when traveling. If your licenses normally reside on
a Network Server you will need use the roaming feature. This allows you to use a license when
disconnected from your network for days or weeks at a time.
To use roaming, the computer must have the CMG software installed as Network Client. It should
initially be on a network with an active CMG license server. The network server must have
roaming enabled. If the server has an rlm_roam license then roaming is enabled.

Checking Out Licenses

To use a roaming license you must check it out. This allows you to use the software on the client
machine for the amount of time you have checked it out, even if you disconnect from the network
after the checkout.
To check out licenses, do the following:
1. From the menu bar, select Common Tasks and then Roaming Checkout…. This brings
up the Check Out Licenses For Roaming dialog box.
2. Select the products you want to check out and click OK. The software will be checked out
from the specified License Server for the specified number of days.

The Check Out Licenses For Roaming dialog box has several components:
LicenseServer: Allows you to select which license server to check licenses out from. By default,
this is your normal license server.
Maximum Days to Roam: The number of days to check the license out for. At the end of this
period your license will be automatically returned to the license server. You can check out a
roaming license for one to thirty days. Note that checking a license out for one day means that
you will have it until midnight of the following day (i.e. if you check a license out on Tuesday, it will
remain checked out until the end of Wednesday).
Check boxes for individual CMG products: If you want to check out GEM, check the GEM
box. If you want to check out Builder and Results, you’ll need to check the Builder box and the
Results box. GEM, IMEX™ and STARS™ have additional options for checking out, which will be
explained below.
Select All For Check Out: This checks all of the boxes.

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Uncheck All: This removes checks from all of the boxes.
Cancel: Closes the dialog without checking out any licenses for roaming.
OK: Closes the dialog and checks out any selected software for roaming.

Advanced Check Out

The vast majority of our users can use roaming as it is described above. Selecting a simulator to
check out will also check out all the optional components that the simulator license requires.
If you require finer control over checkouts, the following diagram shows the full list of options:

1. This section shows which simulator license to check out. Most clients will only have one
kind of simulator license, but multiples are possible.
A normal simulator license (for example, GEM, IMEX and STARS) allows unlimited
gridblocks and can be used to run that one simulator only.
A gridblock-limited license (for example, GEM 100K, IMEX 50K, STARS 10K) allows only
the specified number of gridblocks.
Solver licenses (SOLVE STARS, SOLVE GEM/IMEX, SOLVE University, SOLVE CSB)
can work with multiple simulators. Some have gridblock limits (SOLVE University: 10,000
Gridblocks, SOLVE CSB: 1000 Gridblocks).
Pick the license you want to use and it will be checked out.
2. This section shows the options for a Parallel license. Checking the Parallel box will also
check out one parallel token from the server, allowing the local machine to run up to four
threads. You can choose either a simulator parallel license or a Solver parallel license
(which will work with all three simulators).
You should only disable an option if you are absolutely certain you won’t need it.
3. This section shows the various optional licenses available with the simulator. All available
options are enabled by default and will be checked out unless you uncheck them first.
Dynamic Gridding is shared by all three simulators, so if you enable or disable it for one
simulator, you will enable or disable it for all simulators.

Using Checked-Out Licenses

Once your licenses are checked out, you should be able to use the CMG software normally –
even when you are disconnected from your normal network. No additional steps are required.

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Checking In Licenses
Licenses can be checked in two ways. If the checked-out licenses reach the end of their checkout
period, they will be automatically renewed on the license server. You can also check them in
sooner this way:
1. Make sure you are connected to the network with the license server. You need to be able
to communicate with the license server to check licenses back in.
2. From the menu bar, select Common Tasks and then Roaming Checkin…. This brings
up the Check In Licenses From Roaming dialog box.
3. Select the products you want to check in and click OK.

Only licenses that have been checked out will appear in the list. All licenses will automatically
have their boxes checked. If you only want to check in some licenses, you will need to select
which licenses should be checked in and which ones should be ignored.

Additional Information About Roaming

A maximum of one license can be checked out (and used) at a time – even if your computer is
capable of running multiple jobs simultaneously, you cannot run the same simulator twice with a
checked-out license. This is due to limitations in the third-party licensing.
You can use the Check Out Licenses For Roaming dialog box multiple times though. If you use
it twice for the same CMG product it will simply renew the existing checkout. You might want to do
this to extend the amount of time you have your checkout for.
If you find you cannot check your licenses back in normally, you can attempt to force them back
in. This will result in all products being checked back in. To use this feature, click the Advanced
menu and select Force Roaming Check in.

Getting Diagnostic Information

On occasion you may have trouble accessing your CMG licenses. The CMG License Utility can
provide you with diagnostic information to help troubleshoot this situation.
You may access the diagnostic information as follows:

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1. Start the CMG License Utility.
2. From the menu bar, select Advanced and then Create Diagnostic File… A save file
dialog box will appear.
3. Provide a name for the file.
4. Open the file in Notepad or another text editor to view the contents of the file.
The diagnostic information provided includes information about your computer environment
(including your HostID), the contents of your license file (if your computer is a Standalone
computer or a Network License Server), and diagnostics from the RLM subsystem.

CMG Support may ask you for this diagnostic information when troubleshooting a

Configuring RLM in a Firewall Environment

The RLM license server will use two TCP ports to make CMG licenses available to CMG
• The RLM license server listens on a port (by default, port 2700) for license requests from
any ISV application.
• The CMG license server listens on a port (by default, port 3137) for CMG-specific license
requests. The RLM server will provide CMG applications with this value.
If you want to serve licenses across a firewall you will need to have a known port for the RLM
server and the CMG ISV server and these ports must be open through the firewall. Although the
CMG ISV server port number may be dynamically assigned by the RLM server, CMG
recommends always setting a specific port number for the CMGL ISV server.
By default, the CMGL ISV server is set to port 3137 in the License File on the ISV line as follows:
ISV cmgl cmgl cmgl.opt 3137
You may change the port to any other open port by changing this value and restarting the RLM
server. If you remove this value, RLM will assign a port dynamically at startup. It may assign
different values each time the server is started, so this may be difficult to configure in a firewall
By default, the RLM Server is set to port 2700 in the License File on the HOST line as follows:
HOST UNKNOWN 66393ca9 2700
You may change the port that the RLM server listens on by changing the value on the HOST line
in the license file and restarting the RLM server. If you do this, you must edit your
CMG_LIC_HOST environment variable to reflect this. The syntax of the CMG_LIC_HOST
environment variable is as follows:
For example, if a Network License Server is on computer computer123 and it is listening on port
2727, CMG_LIC_HOST should be set to the following:

Using Failover Licensing

The RLM licensing software that CMG uses is very robust, but there are times when even the most robust
software – or the computers that it runs on - will stop working. If this is a concern for your company, you
may want to set up a Failover License Server.

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Failover Licensing means that you have a second license server set up that will monitor your normal
(Primary) license server and take over in case the primary license server goes down.

You should identify which two computers are going to be the primary license server and the
failover license server. When installing, choose Network Server as the licensing type. We
recommend installing just the license server software in this situation.

When sending CMG the hostid information, please let us know your intention to set up failover
licensing. Include the hostid information for both machines, clearly indicating which the primary
license server is, and which the failover license server is.

Installing the License Code Files

On the primary license server, you will install only the primary license code file. This procedure is
the same as for a non-failover setup. See Installing Your License File in A Guide to Using
CMG Licensing.
On the failover license server, you will install the failover license file. The CMG License Utility
will detect that this is for a failover server and then prompt you to also load the primary server’s
codes. The failover server needs to know what codes to provide in the event of a failure.

Installing the License Code Files on Linux

On the primary license server, copy the primary license code file to
On the failover license server, copy the failover license code file to
${CMG_HOME}/rlmsecure/cmgl.lic. Also copy the primary license code file to
Restart the RLM licensing service using the script on both machines.

On the Client Machines

Any computer that runs the CMG software needs to know where the license server is. The
CMG_LIC_HOST environment variable does this. For failover, you will want to also set up the
CMG_FAILOVER_HOSTS environment variable. There is no automatic mechanism for doing this,
you will need to set the environment variable manually. If you do not know how to set
environment variables, please consult your local System Administrator.

Final Thoughts
Even with failover licensing, it is still possible for the licensing to fail:
• Both servers might fail simultaneously. You should choose your license servers such
that this is unlikely (for example, make sure they don’t share the same power).
• The network may fail, leaving the client computer unable to communicate with either
license server.

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Running simulations will continue for up to 30 minutes regardless of license server failure and should
reconnect if either license server becomes available before the 30 minutes are up.

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Configuring the RLM and ISV Options Files
You can configure how the licensing works at your organization using options files.
There are two option files: The RLM Options file, which controls access to the functions in the
RLM Web Interface and the ISV Options file, which controls how CMGL’s licenses behave.
The RLM options file allows control over access to the status, reread, shutdown administration
commands as well as control over the editing of options files themselves.
The ISV options file controls how licenses work. This can include:
• Granting/limiting access to the licenses for defined groups and individuals.
• Creation/maintenance of report logs of license usage.
• Setting timeouts and roaming access.
Complete information and syntax for the RLM and ISV option files is available from the RLM End-
User Manual.
CMG creates a default option file on installation. You can edit it in the RLM Web Interface
(recommended) or manually with a text editor. The default option file includes a 120 second
timeout and the location for a ReportLog file (both explained below in Common ISV Options).
To access the option files with the web interface, open the following URL in a web browser:
http://localhost:5054/home.asp. CMG recommends that you do this while logged onto the license
server and not from a remote machine.

To modify the RLM Options file, first click the Status button (A) to show the status pane. Then
click the EDIT rlm Options button (B). This brings up the Edit rlm Options pane:

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To modify the ISV Options file, first click the Status button (A) to show the status pane. Next click
the cmgl button (C) in the OPTIONS column of the ISV Servers table. This brings up the Edit
ISV Options pane:

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Common RLM Options
The RLM options file allows control over access to the status, reread, shutdown administration
commands as well as control over the editing of options files. Options are provided to either allow
(INCLUDE or INCLUDEALL) or disallow (EXCLUDE or EXCLUDEALL) administration command
One way to restrict access is to allow administrative tasks to occur only on the license server.
Access to that machine can in turn be restricted through normal system administrative avenues.
1. Bring up the Edit rlm Options pane as described earlier.
2. Add the following lines to the file:
INCLUDE edit_options internet
INCLUDE edit_rlm_options internet
INCLUDE edit_transfer internet
INCLUDE remove internet
INCLUDE shutdown internet
3. Click the Update Options button.
4. Click the Reread/Restart Servers button.

Accessing the RLM Web interface from a different machine will only allow the user to see current
license status – they will not be able to remotely edit options or load/remove licenses or shut
down the licensing service.

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Common ISV Options
There are numerous changes to the options file that you can make. Some of the most common
ones outlined here are:
• Configuring license timeout
• Creating a report log of license use.
• Restricting access to certain licenses.
For more information see the section The ISV Options File in the RLM End-Users Manual:

Configuring License Timeout

CMG applications are configured to release licenses they have checked out when they are
finished with them, or when they experience a non-standard program termination. Under some
situations, such as when the network connection to the Network License Server has been lost,
the license server may not be told the licenses are no longer needed and they will not be
released. This condition will persist until an administrator explicitly releases the licenses through
the RLM Administration page.
You can configure your system to automatically check licenses back in to the server if the client
application has not been heard from for a period of time.
1. Bring up the Edit ISV Options pane as described earlier.
2. Add the following line to the file:
3. Click the Update Options button.
4. Click the Reread/Restart Servers button.

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The value after the TIMEOUTALL directive is the number of seconds of inactivity that should pass
before the server checks the license back in. As all CMG applications contact the server on a
regular basis, any value above 2 minutes is reasonable.
If a license is checked back in because of a timeout situation, the following will happen:
• The checked-in license is available for any other application instance to use. If a simulator
run has been queued up waiting for a license, it will start running when it acquires this
• If the application that had the license that was checked in is still running, it will try to
reacquire the license for 30 minutes. If no other application has checked the license out,
the running application will reacquire it and will continue running. If it cannot reacquire a
license within 30 minutes, it will exit.
Beginning with the 2012 general release, CMG automatically adds the TIMEOUTALL option (with
a value of 120 seconds) to license servers and stand-alone computers. It will only do this if the
TIMEOUTALL setting is not already present. To fully utilize this feature, you must have a license
code file that sets the min_timeout for each license to 120 seconds. If you do not have a license
code file with this feature, your license timeout will not be 120 seconds, it will be 3600 seconds
(RLM’s default value). Older license code files do not have the min_timeout feature, but newer
ones do. You may request a new license code file to make full use of the timeout feature.
If you have any doubt about what your timeout is, simply use the Edit ISV Options pane above to
look at the current value.

Enabling the Report Log

In order to get detail on CMG license usage, you need to enable the CMG report log:
1. Bring up the Edit ISV Options pane as described earlier.
2. Add the following line to the file:
3. Click the Update Options button.
4. Click the Reread/Restart Servers button.

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Replace [file] with the path and name of the file you wish for the report log. The ‘+’ before the
filename tells the Reprise server to append log information to an existing file if it exists. If the ‘+’ is
left off, the Reprise server will create a new file every time it starts. By default, the Reprise server
restarts every night at midnight.
Paths with spaces in them should be enclosed in quotations; for example:
REPORTLOG "+C:\Program Files\CMG\RLMSecure\logs\cmgusage.log"

Rotating the Report Log

Information is written to the report log every time a CMG license is checked out, checked in, or
any time a user is denied a CMG license. This means that the report file can get quite large.
You may configure the Reprise server to create a new report log at regular intervals using the
ROTATE directive in the ISV Options page:
ROTATE [frequency]
The [frequency] parameter may be daily, weekly, monthly, or a number representing the number
of days between rotations. When the Reprise server rotates the file, it renames the old logfile by
appending the date to the filename.

Analyzing the Report Log

A lot of information is written to the report log, but the entries most likely of interest are the
• Checkout: Each time a license is checked out, an OUT line is written to the report log.
• Checkin: Each time a license is checked in, an IN line is written to the report log.

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• Checkout Denial: If all licenses are in use when an application attempts to check out a
license, a DENY line is written to the report log.
Information on the contents of these lines is available in the RLM License Administration Manual
available from
You may choose to build your own analysis tools for this information, or you may consider a
commercially available third-party analysis tool.

Third-Party Analysis Tools

Reprise has a number of partners that provide tools that analyze report log data. These tools may
help you get information on your overall license usage, and may help enable processes such as
license usage departmental bill-back.
The current list of Reprise partners may be found at

Restricting Access to Licenses

There are times when you might want to prevent certain users from using some or all of the
software. There are other times when you will want to set aside licenses for a specific group to
use. Reprise allows you to include/exclude/reserve licenses in the ISV options file.
• INCLUDE allows only the specified individuals to use the license. Nobody else can use it.
• EXCLUDE prevents the specified individuals from using the license. Everyone else can
still use it.
• RESERVE sets aside a specified number of licenses for the individuals. No one else can
use the reserved license.
Users, hosts, IP addresses, groups of users and groups of hosts can all be specified.
Example: A university with three professors who use STARS (stars_unlimited) and a classroom
with ten University Solver (solve_university) licenses for student use. Thirteen Builder and Results
licenses are provided for both.
We can restrict everyone except the professors from using the STARS licenses by defining a
group and then including that group for the STARS license:
GROUP professors pym richards xavier
INCLUDE stars_unlimited group professors
The GROUP designation creates a group (professors) that includes a list of users that are in the
group (in this case, user pym, user richards and user xavier).
The INCLUDE line says that only members of the group professors can use the stars_unlimited
license. Users who are not part of that group cannot use the license at all.
Next, we reserve three Builder and Results licenses for the group. As a single CMGL license is
implemented as a block of twenty keys, this means we must reserve a total of 60 builder keys and
60 results keys.
RESERVE 60 builder group professors
RESERVE 60 results group professors
Users who are not part of the group professors can still use Builder and Results, but they cannot
use all of the licenses because some are unavailable to them.

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The Edit ISV Options pane should look like this:

Finally, we need to click the Update Options button and the Reread/Restart Servers button.
There are many more ways to restrict license usage in the ISV options. Check the section on The
ISV Options File in the RLM License Administration Manual available from

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Using a Hardware Key (Dongle)
The Reprise licensing allows for the use of a hardware key (dongle). You should only use dongles
provided to you by CMG. These are not normally supplied to CMG clients unless requested.
Please contact your CMG Marketing Representative if you think dongle-based licensing is right
for your company.
Dongles are typically used when you have a single set of licenses that you want to use on
multiple computers that do not share a network. Roaming is another solution to this situation.
Refer to Roaming on page 19.

Requirements for Dongle-based Licensing

The dongles that CMG supplies are USB Protection Devices that work on Windows. The stand-
alone computer or license server should be running Windows and have a standard USB port.
In general, any computer can use dongle-based licensing when the following conditions are true:
• The computer has the dongle drivers installed.
• The dongle is attached to the computer.
• The computer has a license code file installed that uses the dongle’s internal hostid.
Thus you could have multiple computers with the drivers and license code file installed, but only
the computer with the dongle attached can make use of the CMGL software.

Installing the Dongle Drivers

The RLMid1 dongle is a hardware key manufactured by Aladdin Knowledge Systems.
Installation on a target system can be accomplished in three ways:
• Use Windows "Found New Hardware" to automatically load the drivers (preferred).
• Use the RLMID1 driver installer (from the Reprise Software Web site) to do the driver
• Use the RLMID1 driver installer on the CMG General Release CD-ROM (directory
EXTRAS\RLM Dongle Driver) to do the driver installation.

Using Windows to Automatically Install Drivers

In order to use Windows to automatically do the driver installation, simply plug the device into the
computer, and Windows will detect the new device. If you first get a permissions screen asking if
it is OK to use Windows Update to locate the driver, indicate that permission is granted.
You will get the Found New Hardware wizard which will install the drivers for the "USB
Protection Device" for you. (Note: The device may alternately be called "HASP HL 3.xx" or
"Aladdin USB Key").

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Select Install the software automatically (Recommended), and then click Next. Windows will
locate the driver and install it.
The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard window will be displayed, as shown below.
Click Finish.

Installing the Drivers Using the Installation Program

If for some reason Windows fails to update the driver automatically, you can use the driver
installer. If you are connected to the Internet, use the driver installer located at:

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If you are not connected to the Internet, CMG provides these drivers on its General Release CD-
ROMs in the directory “EXTRAS\RLM Dongle Driver”. We recommend that you use the most up-
to-date driver from the Reprise Web site.
To run the installer:
1. Save the installer ( to disk.
2. Extract the zip file.
3. Navigate into the rlmid1 directory, and then run the RLMID1 installer application.
4. When the installer comes up, select Modify (if it is not already selected) and then press

5. On the Select Features window click Next.

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6. On the Ready to Modify the Application window, click Next. The HASP SRM Run-time
has been successfully installed window is displayed.

7. Click Finish. The drivers are installed and you are ready to use the RLMID1 devices.
Note: An RLMID1 device can be used by any RLM-licensed application on the system, in
other words, there is nothing ISV-specific about the device.

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Licensing and Activation Filter
Activation Filter uses the current license values from the RLM Web Interface to determine when
simulation jobs can run. A password protected RLM Web Interface can interfere with this. This
section describes how to configure Activation Filter to work with this password protection.
If access to the RLM Web Interface is controlled by a password, you will need to provide the
username and password in a file that the Activation Filter can read.

The RLM Web Interface Password

Password protection will have been set up as described in the section Access Control to the
RLM Web Interface in the RLM License Administration manual. You should familiarize yourself
by consulting that manual.
In summary, there is a password file,, stored in the same directory as the RLM binary on
the license server. For a standard CMG install, this will be in
$CMG_HOME/RLMSecure/<platform>, where $CMG_HOME is the installation directory, and
<platform> is Win_x64 for Windows and Linux_x64 for Linux.
The RLM password file has one line for each user, formatted as follows:
If the password field is blank, then the user can log in without supplying a password.
CMG recommends setting up a username specifically for the Activation Filter, with no password,
and status as the only privilege. For example:
You can also use any existing account, provided you know the password, and status is included
in its privileges. However, we do not recommend using a password-protected account, because
we need to store the password in plain text for the Activation Filter to use.

The Activation Filter Password File

Activation Filter uses its own password file with a slightly different format:
This should match the username and password from the RLM password file. The Activation Filter
password file should be in $CMG_HOME/RLMSecure/ If $CMG_HOME is not set on
the head node, it should be in the same directory as the Activation Filter utility.

If the RLM Web Service is using a different port

It is possible to change the port that the RLM Web Service uses. If your RLM Web Service is
using a port different from the default of 5054, you will need to set an environment variable that
lets Activation Filter know to use the new port. The environment variable is CMG_WEB_PORT,
and its value should be the new port number. If the port number has not been changed, you do
not need to set this environment variable. For more information, refer to CMG Environment

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Reprise Utilities
All Reprise utilities are also available through the Reprise License Server Administration Web

Shuts down the license server(s).
Usage for rlmdown is:
rlmdown [isv]
isv is the name of the software vendor. To shut down all rlm servers, enter rlmdown. To shut
down only the CMGL server, while leaving other license servers alone, enter rlmdown cmgl.

Reports the HostID information for the computer.
Usage for rlmhostid is:
rlmhostid -q [[-]32|ether|ip|internet|host]
Each command line option reports a different piece of HostID information, as follows:
• rlmhostid -32 reports the computer’s 32-bit hard-disk ID.
• rlmhostid -ether reports the Ethernet MAC address.
• rlmhostid -ip and rlmhostid -internet report the computer’s IP address.
• rlmhostid -host reports the computer’s hostname.
The –q option suppresses the utility’s banner and copyright information.

Creates a new logfile for recording licensing transactions and errors.
Usage for rlmnewlog is:
rlmnewlog isv log-file-name
isv is the software vendor – cmgl for example – and log-file-name is the name of the new logfile.

Forces an in-use license back into the pool for use by subsequent applications.
Usage for rlmremove is:
rlmremove [-q] server-host port isv handle
server-host is the machine that the license server is on.
port is the port used to communicate with the server.
isv is name of the software provider – cmgl for CMG licenses.
handle is the handle of the application using the license.
Server-host, port and handle are all provided by rlmstat.

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Forces the license manager to reread the License File.
Usage for rlmreread is:
rlmreread [isv]
isv is the name of the software vendor. To reread all License Files for all software vendors, enter
rlmreread. To reread only the CMG License File, while leaving other license servers alone, enter
rlmreread cmgl.

Retrieves status from the license servers and prints it. Control over the status retrieved from
rlmstat is specified as follows:
rlmstat [-a] [-i [isv]] [-l [isv]] [-n [node]] [-p [product]] [-u [user]]

Option Parameter Result

Print all status from rlm and all ISV
-a (no parameters)
-avail [-i isv] [-p product] -b Reports free license availability.
-i Display this isv only Display license checkout info from ISVs.
-l Display this isv only Display license pooling info from ISVs.
Display licenses from
-n Display license checkout info from ISVs.
this host only
Display licenses for this
-p Display license checkout info from ISVs.
product only
display licenses from this
-u Display license checkout info from ISVs.
user only

Switches the debug log info to a new file
Usage for rlmswitch is:
rlmswitch [isv] new-file
rlmswitch causes the server isv to close the current debug log file and begin output to new-log-
file-name. If isv is not specified, or if specified as rlm, the rlm server's debug log is switched.

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How CMG Applications Are Licensed
Licenses vs. Count
Each copy of a CMG application you have licensed is enabled by a License Key Line in the
License File we provide to you. CMG uses a model where each copy of an application you have
licensed requires a count of twenty on the License Key Line. For example, if you have licensed
three copies of GEM, there will be a count of 60 on the gem_unlimited License Key Line.
The CMG graphical applications (Builder, Results, WinProp, and CMOST Studio) are licensed on
a per-user basis. This means that if more than one copy is run by a user on a given computer, it
still only checks out one license. The simulators, however, are licensed on a per-instance basis.
Each time a simulator is run a license is checked out. For example, if you run two simultaneous
copies of STARS in a session, two licenses (or a License Key count of 40) are checked out.
CMG enables options through License Key Lines as well. If you have licensed an option from us
(such as Parallel Tokens or Dynagrid) you will see these options enabled through License Key
Lines as well. Note that some older options (such as a link between IMEX and Forgas) are now
enabled for all customers, and therefore License Key Lines for these options will appear in every
License File.
University licenses enable the use of any of the simulators (IMEX, STARS, or GEM), but with a
limit on the number of grid blocks that may be used in any model. These licenses are intended for
academic usage and may not be used for commercial work.

30 Minute Out-of-Contact Grace Period

Our applications are designed so that they can be out of contact with the license server for up to
30 minutes without adverse effects. This is to allow system administrators to perform routine
network maintenance without having to halt simulations that may take days or weeks to run.
If you need to reboot a license server, your running software will continue to function, provided
the license server is back up and running in less than 30 minutes.

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CMG Environment Variables
CMG Software uses a variety of environment variables. Most of these are used by the licensing.

Required Environment Variables

These two variables should always be set on your computer.

The value for this environment variable should be the path to your CMG directory. On Windows
computers, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\CMG, though it may not be the case on your computer.
CMG Applications use this variable to determine the location of other CMG applications and files.

This environment variable should be set to the name or the IP address of your license server. If
you are using a different port on the license server from the default port of 2700, you set it here as
A host by itself will just be the host name:
A host with an optional port will be set like this:
If CMG_LIC_HOST is not set, localhost is assumed.

Optional Environment Variables

If you have a backup license server, you can set that with CMG_FAILOVER_HOSTS. It is set the
same way as CMG_LIC_HOST, except it can have multiple hosts, separated by semicolons. For
would mean the first failover host is zeus (using the default port of 2700) and the second failover
host is hera (using port 12345).
Licensed CMG applications will first attempt to use the license server at CMG_LIC_HOST, and
will then use the hosts specified with CMG_FAILOVER_HOSTS in order. When it finds a valid
license server it will stop. Note that the first valid license server might not have license codes for
that specific application. It will not keep searching in this case. Ensure that CMG_LIC_HOST is
your valid license server; CMG_FAILOVER_HOSTS should only be used as a backup. If you only
have one License Server, use CMG_LIC_HOST and do not set CMG_FAILOVER_HOSTS.

If you have changed the port that the RLM License Server uses for its web interface, you will
need to set it here so that CMG Applications that depend on RLM Web Interface can continue to
function. If you have not changed the RLM Web Interface port, this does not need to be set.

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This variable should only be set under the direction of CMG Customer Support. It directs the
licensing to output diagnostic information to Standard Output.

This variable should only be set under the direction of CMG Customer Support. It changes
CMG_LIC_DIAGNOSTICS output location to the specified file. This can be the full path of a file or
just a file name. If it is a file name the file will be produced in the working directory.

™Trademark of Computer Modelling Group Ltd. Copyright © 2019 Computer Modelling Group Ltd.
†Other company, product, and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. 19-CMG-04

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