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ELSEVIER Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

Approximate solutions to the orthotropic pinched cylinder problem

I. A. Jones
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham, lJniversi@ Park, Nottingham NG7 2RLl, UK


The pinched cylinder problem provides a useful and challenging test of shell behaviour, but exact benchmark solutions are
limited, in practice, to the cases of infinitely-long cylinders and finite cylinders with simply-supported ends, and are somewhat
tedious to implement. The practical need is identified for simpler solutions to the problem for orthotropic cylinders, and suitable
solutions are extended from earlier work by Ting, Yuan and Calladine relating to isotropic cylinders. In order to obtain the first
two of these solutions, orthotropic versions of the simple and complete Donnell equations are presented. A combination of the
first two methods gives results in good agreement with reference solutions for cylinders with free ends, but variable agreement
for simply-supported cylinders. There are close similarities between the solutions extended from Ting and Yuan and Calladine,
and these are applied to a filament-wound tube with varying winding angles and thickness. 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Nomenclature PI Radially inward distributed load (force

per unit area)
a Radius of cylindrical shell Pinching load
[Al Membrane rigidity matrix of laminated Load per unit length
shell Constant defined in Ref. [6]
A Constant defined in Ref. [6] Circumferential position (units of length)
PI Membrane/flexural coupling matrix of Thickness of shell
laminated shell Displacement normal to shell
B Constant defined in Ref. [6] Axial position (units of length)
C Constant defined in Ref. [6] Constant defined in Ref. [6]
PI Flexural rigidity matrix of laminated shell Degree of localisation of deformations
G Constant defined in Ref. [6] for harmonic IZ
H Ratio of moduli of specially orthotropic Poisson’s ratios of orthotropic material:
material EO/E, Exlvxn= E$vH, ---
k [3(1 - G2)(a/t)2]1’4 Geometric mean Poisson’s ratio J(vXnvo,)
kf Foundation modulus Non-dimensional circumferential position
K Flexural rigidity of shell in x direction ( = s/a)
n Harmonic order of cyclic (Fourier) load Constant defined in Ref. [6]
or displacement

element formulations, but the problem remains that for
x,0 Relating to axial and circumferential curved shell structures the definition of material direc-
directions tions is often complicated and provides considerable
scope for errors which are unlikely to be found unless
Introduction a reference solution exists. The impetus for the present
work arose from the authors research into automatic
The finite element analysis of laminated anisotropic FE model generation for filament wound structures,
structures is well established from the viewpoint of where it was necessary to devise an experimentally

0263-8223/98/$ - see front matter 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: SO263-8223(97)00005-X
74 1. A. JoneslComposite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

simple static test involving trivial loads and restraints equation is presented for orthotropic shells by
which would provide a reasonably severe test of the Schwaighofer and Microys [8] although their analysis
flexural and membrane properties of a finite element omits the terms for the loading on the shell. It is
mesh. A pinching load (with no additional restraints) straightforward to extend their analysis by including
was chosen since it satisfied these requirements, but this term, resulting in the following equation:
the problem arose that there was no rigorous analytical
solution which would enable the finite element results
to be checked for incorrectly orientated materials or
defective element formulations. Furthermore, experi-
mental validation of a model of a composite structure
is subject to very significant additional error sources
including the validity of the material model and the
effects of irregularities and variations in the laminate
As an approximate check of the FE results, a simpli-
fied solution due to Calladine [l] was straightforwardly where x and s = aH represent axial and circumferential
extended to cope with the orthotropic situation, varying position respectively and K, = ,Q3/12( 1 - v~,,v,~) for a
properties and practical end conditions, but this was homogeneous orthotropic shell. A solution to the
unsuitable for use as a rigorous benchmark. pinched cylinder problem based upon this equation will
Conversely, a rigorous (and for practical purposes, be presented later in this paper and will be incor-
exact) solution [2] developed by one of the present porated into a more complex solution.
author from work by Yuan and Ting [3] is unsuitable The results of Yuan’s analysis [6] were found to be
for modelling the practical end conditions and property of poor accuracy for long cylinders [3] owing to the
variations unless approximations are introduced, numerous simplifying assumptions made in the deriva-
defeating the point of using such a complex solution. tion of the differential equation. However, the
This paper aims to explore the various approximate approach to the solution of the equation was valid and
pinched cylinder solutions which are suitable for exten- paved the way for more accurate solutions. A very
sion to the the orthotropic situation, and involves the accurate solution to the pinched cylinder problem is
derivation of a simplified eighth-order partial differen- described by Yuan and Ting [3] and is derived from an
tial equation based upon the ‘complete Donnell’ eighth-order differential equation obtained from
equation [4] which is much more straightforward to Fltigge shell theory [9]. This differential equation is
solve approximately than the rigorous differential extended (with and without simplifications, and again
equation based upon the Flugge shell theory. From this without the load terms) for the orthotropic situation by
differential equation is obtained a solution which Schwaighofer and Microys [8]. The equation has been
retains much of the accuracy of the rigorous solution, re-derived by the present author to include the load
but is feasible for implementation on a spreadsheet or terms and to consider a general laminate, and the
via manual calculation. pinched cylinder problem has been solved for the cases
Probably the simplest and earliest approximate of a homogeneous orthotropic cylinder and for a
solution to the pinched cylinder problem is described symmetric or non-symmetric cross-ply laminate [2].
by Timoshenko and Woinowski-Krieger [5], who Although the solutions [2,3] based on Flugge’s
consider the case of a cylindrical shell with free ends equations yield accurate results for the case of an
undergoing only inextensional (bending and twisting) infinitely long or simply supported cylinder, the
deformations. Such a solution is easily extended to the solutions involve solving an eighth-order polynomial
orthotropic and laminated cases and is a reasonable and the evaluation of some rather complicated expres-
approximation for moderately short cylinders. sions. Although the use of digital computers makes the
However, it omits the localised or ‘boundary layer’ actual calculation a trivial task, it is worth noting that
effects, which occur at the ends of the shells due to the considerable programming effort in a procedural
lack of restraint against anticlastic curvature at the free language (around 2000 lines of FORTRAN) was
edges, and is unsuitable for long cylinders where required to implement the solution, and it would have
stretching and shearing occur. been unrealistic to attempt such a calculation via a
A more comprehensive solution to the problem is spreadsheet or manually. Furthermore, the rigorous
presented by Yuan [6], based upon a simplified eighth- solution of the problem for more complex boundary
order differential equation due to Donnell [7] (hence- conditions becomes a difficult exercise, since they
forth referred to as the ‘simple Donnell’ equation) and would involve quantities dependent upon axial and
applied to infinitely long cylinders and simply- circumferential displacements u and v which have been
supported cylinders of finite length. Such a differential eliminated from the solution. The need, therefore,
I. A. JoneslComposite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 75

exists for a solution to the orthotropic pinched cylinder and Yuan’s work, Morley [ll] obtained an alternative
problem which is suitable for a wider range of solution based upon his own simplified eighth-order
boundary conditions and retains much of the accuracy equation [12]. More recently, Calladine [l] produced a
of the Fhigge model, yet which has the simplicity of the general discussion on shell theory which included a
‘simple Donnell’ model. Such a solution was obtained solution to the pinched cylinder problem based upon a
for the isotropic case by Ting and Yuan [lo] who made Rayleigh (energy) method. This solution involved
use of the so-called ‘complete’ Donnell equation [4] for neglection of all modes of energy storage except
a cylinder and applied simplified boundary conditions circumferential bending and axial stretching yet
to the solution. This paper will include the derivation resulted in surprisingly accurate results. Calladine’s
of an orthotropic extension to the complete Donnell solution is of particular interest in view of its simplicity
equation and its application to the pinched cylinder and the great ease with which it is extended to the
problem. orthotropic and laminated cases. It will be further
Other approximate solutions to the pinched cylinder discussed in Section 4.
problem are worthy of note. Concurrently with Ting

Derivation of partial differential equation

The so-called ‘complete Donnell’ equation is a simplified eighth-order differential equation obtained by a careful
examination of the relative magnitudes of the various terms in the complete differential equation obtained (for
instance) from Fhigge’s shell theory and quoted in Ref. [3]. By following the same simplifying approach with the
eighth-order equation based on that derived by Schwaighofer and Microys [8], it becomes feasible to obtain a
‘complete Donnell’ equation for the orthotropic shell. The first stage follows some observations by Schwaighofer and
Microys, whereby any terms of the form a + bm +cm’. . . (where a, b and c are constants in the order of unity, and
m = t2/12u2 for a homogeneous shell) may be truncated to a without significant loss of accuracy. Furthermore, an
approximation for the shear modulus is introduced, relating it to the values of direct moduli and Poisson’s ratios:

where V= :‘~v,,~v~,,)
While this expression has no apparent theoretical foundation for orthotropic materials, it is of
course exact for the special case of isotropic materials, and is used by Cheng and He [13] despite their criticism of
its unjustified use by Schwaighofer and Microys. The present author considers the use of such an approximation
justified in this instance because of the relative lack of importance of the shear modulus in the pinched cylinder
problem, as illustrated by the complete neglection by Calladine [l] of this term without excessive loss of accuracy.
Making these approximations, the eighth-order equation simplifies to:

12H4( 1 - i2) a4 Vfh-t a2W t2[H4(4 + V2)+ (I + i’)] 8w
+ w+ --
a2t2 8X4
6H4( 1 - i2) i3x2 6(1 -V2) as?

At this stage, a careful comparison of magnitudes of the terms is necessary to determine which of these may be
safely neglected. The following argument is considerably extended from that due to Donnell [4] to take account of
material orthotropy and the proposed application of the theory. w may be assumed to vary sinusoidally with n waves
16 1. A. JoneslComposite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

Table 1
Material properties, laminate sequences and dimensions of cylindrical shells

Quantity (referred Symbol Equivalent quantity for pinched orthotropic cylinder problem
to beam on elastic
foundation problem) Used in this Used by Implicit in Extended Calladine Extended Calladine
publication Hetenyi [17] extended Ting and solution (homogeneous) solution (laminated)
Yuan solution

Deflection Y w,,cosn0 w,cosnf~

Beam flexural rigidity F El
nE,ta’ rrE,ta’ nA,,O
B,,= ~ B,, = B,= ~
nd (1- ~,,P”r)n4 nJ

Foundation modulus (force per 1

nE,,t’(n- - I)-
k = nE,,t’(n’- I)’
unit length per unit deflection) k,= ,I
12(1 -V&&l 12(1 - vdda
Concentrated load on beam F,cosnO = 2P cos nO F,,cosnO = 2PcosnO F,cosnO = 2P cos n0
for even n 2 2 for even n t 2 for even n 2 2
Decay parameter


J ,/
4 2

E,,t*n4(n2- l)-
= 4

around the circumference and along a meridian with a wavelength of 1, i.e. w =w,cos(ns/u)cos(2rc~/l). The three
terms in the square brackets take the relative magnitudes:

V/d 4n2 ?[H4(4+?)+(1 +v')] n2

1, (4)
6H4(1 -V*) 1* ' 6(1 -V2) 2

It may be shown that for the second term to become comparable with the first, the wavelength of the meridional
variation of w must be of comparable magnitude with tJ(E&). Donnell argues that for such wavelengths
comparable with t, thin shell theory is in any case inapplicable (because it neglects transverse shear effects) and his
argument remains valid for the present work provided the ratio of moduli is of a value applicable to realistic
materials. Furthermore, the third term becomes comparable with the first when n becomes of comparable magni-
tude with k2/H2where k = [3(1 - i’)]“4(a/t)“‘. In practice, Ting and Yuan’s pinched cylinder solution [lo] (together
with its orthotropic extension) is only valid for terms where n <<k, and the validity of the solution is, therefore,
unaffected unless the ratio of moduli El/E, approaches the ratio of radius to thickness a/t which cannot occur for
a thin shells made from a realistic orthotropic material. The second and third terms in the square brackets may,
therefore, be neglected. A further argument along broadly similar lines may also be applied to the relative
magnitudes of several other terms (the last term in the expansion of the first group, the next three separate terms,
and the first term in the square brackets). Since the argument follows closely the corresponding argument of

Table 2
Properties of materials used for first three sets of pinched cylinder examples

Property One layer, One layer, Equivalent of many

fibres 0” to axis fibres 90” to axis layers at *45” to axis

I?, (MN/m*) 100000 10000 39 667

E,, (MN/m’) 10000 100 000 39661
G,,, (MN/m*) 15 000 15000 26 236
“rig 0.3 0.03 0.32223
Layer thickness (mm) 1 1 1
I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 77

Table 3
Harmonic components of radial displacement under load: cylinder with fibres at 0” to axis

Harmonic Radial displacement (pm) for harmonics representing 200 N point load
Yuan Calladine Ting & Yuan TingB’uan combined Yuan & Ting No. and type of roots
solution solution eqn (17) model (exact)
eqn (10) eqn (25) Complex Imaginary
(simplified) (not simplified)

0 16.62011 _ 16.62011 16.6244 2 0

2 1494.379 2201.039 2206.02 2206.02 2239.26 2269.167 4 0
4 402.6884 393.7339 394.6248 394.6248 427.865 438.0311 4 0
6 178.6747 165.7024 166.0774 168.9402 178.6747 184.5081 4 0
8 90.53187 91.48689 91.69391 90.04256 90.53187 91.8911 4 0
10 49.94432 58.0533 58.18466 53.6292 49.94432 50.28082 4 0
20 6.623316 14.34995 14.38242 10.47592 6.623316 6.59183 4 0
30 1.969283 6.364458 6.378859 4.168757 1.969283 1.95567 4 0
40 0.831279 3.577396 3.585491 2.206705 0.831279 0.824906 4 0
50 0.425683 2.28876 2.293939 1.359123 0.425683 0.422271 2 2
100 0.053216 0.571933 0.573227 0.313178 0.053216 0.052765 2 2

“Additional terms in eqn (16) are 16.62011 for harmonic 0 and 33.24022 for all other harmonics.

Donnell and its conclusions are identical, it is sufficient to state that the second and third of these terms may also
be neglected. This leaves the orthotropic equivalent of the so-called ‘complete’ Donnell equation:

12H4(1 - c2)a4W 2H8a6w

+p (5)
a2t2 ax4 a2 as6

Solution of the differential equations

Two approximate methods will be presented which use orthotropic extensions to conventional shell theories for the
case of a cylindrical shell under a pinching load P. The first of these is based upon the orthotropic version of the
‘simplified Donnell’ equation presented by Schwaighofer and Microys [8] and shown above as eqn (1). While the
resulting solution is of limited accuracy it is found to be useful in completing the solution based upon the complete
Donnell equation. The solution method closely follows that of Yuan [6], whereby expressions for p&s) and w(x;s)
are both assumed to take the form of a Fourier series in terms of circumferential position multiplied by a Fourier

Table 4
Harmonic components of radial displacement under load: cylinder with fibres at 90” to axis

Harmonic Radial displacement (pm) for harmonics representing 200 N point load
number .~ ____
Yuan Calladine Ting & Yuan Ting/Yuan combined Yuan & Ting No. and type of roots
solution solution eqn (17)” model (exact) -__
cqn (10) eqn (25) Complex Imaginary
(simplified) (not simplified)

0 5.25574 _ _ 5.25574 5.25097 2 0

2 472.5642 696.0298 697.6047 697.6047 708.1162 717.5736 4 0
4 127.3413 124.5096 124.7913 124.7913 135.3028 138.5176 4 0
6 56.5019 52.39971 52.51828 53.4236 56.5019 58.34659 4 0
8 28.62869 28.9307 28.99616 28.47396 28.62869 29.05852 4 0
10 15.79378 18.35807 18.39961 16.95904 15.79378 15.90019 4 0
20 2.094477 4.537852 4.54812 3.312776 2.094477 2.08452 4 0
30 0.622742 2.012618 2.017172 1.318277 0.622742 0.618437 4 0
40 0.262874 1.131272 1.133832 0.697821 0.262874 0.260858 4 0
50 0.134613 0.72377 0.725407 0.429792 0.134613 0.133534 2 2
100 0.016828 0.180861 0.18127 0.099036 0.016828 0.016686 2 2
“Additional terms in eqn (16) are 5.25574 for harmonic 0 and 10.51148 for all other harmonics.
78 I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

Table 5
Harmonic components of radial displacements under load: cylinder with properties equivalent to many layers at 545” to axis

Harmonic Radial displacement (pm) for harmonics representing 200 N point load
Yuan Calladine Ting & Yuan Ting/Yuan combined Yuan & Ting No. and type of roots
solution solution eqn (17)” model (exact)
eqn (10) eqn (25) Complex Imaginary
(simplified) (not simplified)

0 7.2657997 _ _ 7.2658 7.2728074 2 0

2 622.45328 892.30674 917.1003 917.1003 931.6319 927.68644 4 0
4 167.84059 159.62068 164.05589 164.05589 178.58749 171.03184 4 0
6 73.914924 67.176170 69.042722 70.050469 73.914924 69.473485 4 0
8 37.108911 37.089008 38.119560 37.169272 37.108911 34.000759 4 0
10 20.361022 23.534949 24.188889 22.093994 20.361022 18.473332 4 0
20 2.6862145 5.8175043 5.9791490 4.321478 2.686215 2.4084056 2 2
30 0.7984177 2.5801668 2.6518591 1.722929 0.798418 0.7142855 2 2
40 0.3370114 1.4502850 1.4905825 0.913098 0.337011 0.3012686 2 2
50 0.1725749 0.9278690 0.9536507 0.562827 0.172575 0.1542172 2 2
100 0.0215739 0.2318629 0.2383054 0.129922 0.021574 0.0192699 2 2

“Additional terms in eqn (16) are 7.2658 for harmonic 0 and 14.531599 for all other harmonics

integral in terms of axial position along an infinitely-long cylinder. This assumed load and deflection are inserted
into the differential equation, and the radial load is assumed to act over an infinitesimally small area. The solution
method eventually results in the following expression for deflection for positive x, noting that the problem is
symmetric about x = 0:

cos ”a d3. ( ,I2+ H2~2)2~~~2 d2.

Pa2 7. a
w,cv)= - (6)
z2K, s o jL4+4k4H4 (A2 + H2n2)4 + 4k4H414

Using Cauchy’s theorem of residues [14] to evaluate the Fourier integrals yields:

Table 6
Displacement in line with and perpendicular to load for simply-supported pinched cylinders

Length of cylinder Method of solution Radial displacements of cylinders in pm

Cylinder with fibres Cylinder with fibres Cylinder with one layer
at 0” to axis at 90” to axis equivalent to *45”

Under load 90” to load Under load 90” to load Under load 90” to load
Infinitely long Ting & Yuan (simplified) ~ 3082.0672 1923.0223 - 974.6352 608.1131 - 1280.1299 799.4128
Ting & Yuan (not simplified) -3109.0805 1914.4759 -983.1776 605.4104 - 1291.9758 795.4653
Exact [2] -3157.7338 1938.9872 -998.5631 613.1613 - 1267.1544 769.5752

200 mm long, Ting & Yuan (simplified) 798.6094 15 1.3028 -518.0268 152.2940 - 444.3260 - 63.9054
Ting & Yuan (not simplified) - 825.6249 159.8487 ~ 526.5692 149.5914 -456.1719 -67.8528
ABAQUS FE (50 x 50 elements) - 883.2 - 139.6 -554.7 168.0 -440.0 - 47.493
Exact [2] -881.9300 - 139.8344 -553.8702 168.3798 -438.7259 -47.3533

400 mm long, Ting & Yuan (simplified) -1115.4098 96.3116 ~ 1013.0292 646.5075 -811.0958 331.3420
Ting & Yuan (not simplified) - 1142.4232 - 104.8581 - 1021.5716 643.8049 -822.9417 327.3947
ABAQUS FE (80 x 40 elements) ~ 1209 ~ 46.967 ~ 1032 644.7 - 808.0 336.4
Exact [2] - 1207.9181 - 46.9693 - 1030.3854 644.982 1 - 806.7606 336.5386
I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 79

200 N pinching load

Length = 200 mm or 400 mm

.Edges restrained against radial and circumferential movement

Fig. 1. Pinched cylinder with simply-supported ends.

‘I cos -ns
wx(x,s)= - g c f g - “=z,,,
‘; i=i,,,.n,,, a

(2’ + H2n2)2elxila

x. 2. 2 (7)
A=/,,!- -Id,, 8;1(A=+ H2n2)’ + 16k4H41b3

where Alo and AZ0are those roots of the characteristic equation

1: +4k4H4 = 0 (8)

having positive imaginary parts and which take the values ,I,“= -x2,,= (1 +i)kH where the bar denotes the complex
conjugate. Similarly A,, . . . ihn are those roots of

(A=+ H%I’)~ + 4k4H4?,4 = 0 (9)

having positive imaginary parts, and are dependent upon ~1. The LHS of eqn (9) is of identical form to the
denominator of eqn (10) in Ref. [6], and the roots of eqn (9) may be obtained from the corresponding results
quoted in Ref. [6] by replacing ,I in that work with A/H. This gives answers in the form I,,,= -J3,,= H(A+iB) and
A=,,= - 3”4n= H(C + iG). The symmetry about x = 0 of the infinitely-long cylinder may be exploited. Expansion of the
complex exponentials in eqn (7) followed by further simplification, then enables the solution to be expressed as:

Pk Hkl.4 Hklxl _y 2Pk4 1
wrW)= ~ cos - + sin - e 0+ : -cos””
2nE,tH3 a a nE,tH’ ~2,4... R2n2 a

c ($C+yG)cos
a 1 e

+ (VA + @@sin ~
80 I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 7.3-91

where 4, 7, A, B, C and G are all dependent upon n and are defined along with Rz by Yuan [6], noting that J in
that reference is equivalent to 2kz in the present work. As in Ref. [6], the first term and the part of the second term
involving e-HGtxl’a may be neglected where bl/u is not close to zero.
The accuracy of this equation will be examined later, but it is clearly limited by the simplifications inherent in the
differential equation. It is also worth noting that the roots A,,,. . . &,, are always assumed to be complex, whereas in
Ref. [2] some roots for large IZ were found to be imaginary. The more accurate ‘complete Donnell’ differential
equation was presented earlier as eqn (5), and this still allows a closed form solution (albeit approximate) to the
characteristic equation. Following the same procedure towards the solution leads to an equation similar to eqn (6):

cos - d/Z
a 2Pa’
+- i cos -ns
3.4f4k4H4 x2K, ~2.4 a

(/I*+ H2n2)2~~~ d1 3-x

where the expression

s u:
o (A2 +
H2n2)4+ 4k4H44 - 2H8nh + HRn4

containing the first integral is identical to the corresponding term in eqn (6). Changing the

variable in the second integral to ;IIHn, dividing numerator and denominator by H%z’ and applying Cauchy’s theorem
of residues yields:

x. .c. f
,. = I , ,, Aa,,

where 3bln.. . i4,, are now the roots with positive imaginary parts of the characteristic equation:

(1,2+ 1)4+4 k 414-22nm’+nm4=0 (13)


It is convenient that the characteristic eqn (13) remains unaltered from that in Ref. [lo]. In particular, an ingenious
solution is presented by Ting and Yuan [lo] which is worthy of a more complete explanation than is given in their
original paper. If J. < 1, the characteristic equation approximates to:

0 k

for which the roots are i, = (1/2)(n/k)(l -K*)“~( t_ 1 &i)_ Similarly, if 1.9 1, the characteristic equation


14+4 k =o (15)

for which the roots are i = (k/n)() 1 +i). Ting and Yuan demonstrate that the roots of eqn (13) may be more
accurately expressed as complex power series in (n/k)* having these approximate roots as their leading terms. The
coefficients in the power series are obtained by inserting these series solutions into eqn (13) and equating the
I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 81

coefficients of like powers of (n/k)* with those in the original equation. The resulting roots with positive imaginary
parts may be expressed in the form A,,= -A,,,= (A,,+iB,,)ln and 1b2n = -& = (A2n+ iB,,)ln where Al, etc. are defined
in Ref. [lo]. The complex coefficient of erHnriJamay also be expressed as a complex power series in (n/k)*. Taking
advantage of symmetry about x = 0 the complete solution may, therefore, be expressed as:

Pk Hklxl . Hkl.4
w,(x,s)= ~ cos- +sm- e - Hklxl/a
2rcE,tH3 a a

n=2.4... a
cos 14” c,,cos ~
+G,,sin ~
a 1-ff~,.,l~l~~

+ G*,,sin~
where C,, and G1, etc. are again given in Ref. [lo]. A reasonable approximation to the full solution may be obtained
by neglecting terms which are of order (4~)~ compared with the most significant terms; this involves neglecting the
first and third terms in eqn (16) and truncating each series to its first term. This results in a simplified solution:

+ sin H~nlxl

where pL,= (1/2)n(n2-1)1’2/k. As in Ref. [lo], the power series converge rapidly (and can, therefore, be approxi-
mated by the leading term) only if (n/k)*< 1. By contrast, the solution based upon the simple Donnell equation (eqn
(1)) is mathematically exact even though the differential equation is not valid for low harmonics. However, as n
becomes large, the effects of the simplifications inherent in eqn (1) become less significant. Indeed, for large n, eqn
(10) gives deflections under the load which agree closely with those derived from the Flugge-type equation [2]. It is,
therefore, feasible to use the results from eqn (10) for the range of it for which (n/k) 4 1 if a greater level of
accuracy is desired than can be obtained from eqn (17) alone.
In order to obtain the solution for a cylinder of finite length, the solution due to Ting and Yuan may be followed
closely. This involves the calculation of coefficients K,, in a simplified general solution of the form:

+ K2ne’%XI0sinH E H/u
w(x,s) = w,(x,s) + c K,,~HLGTXI~ cos =
+ K3,,emHpsxia
cos -
n=2,4... a a a

Energy method

A completely different approximate solution to the pinched cylinder problem is presented by Calladine [l] within a
broader discussion on the application of Rayleigh’s energy method to shell problems. No particular originality is
claimed for the following extensions from the original isotropic case; indeed, Calladine remarks on the ease with
which his analysis may be extended to the orthotropic case. However, the results are not explicitly quoted and no
mention is made of the applicability of the theory to various types of laminate. Neither is any comparison made with
the very similar results obtained by Ting and Yuan [lo]. Calladine uses the concept of Gaussian curvature to obtain
a relationship between the mid-surface strains and the normal displacement w(x) = w,(x) cos n0 for a given
harmonic n. It is assumed here that circumferential mid-surface strain E: and mid-surface shear strain & are
constrained to be zero in order to obtain a solution for 6::
82 I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

&(t= 25w,,“(x)cosns (19)


Using the strain-displacement relations of Sanders [15], it then becomes possible also to express the curvature
changes and twist in terms of w(x) and its derivatives, for example:

Kfl = ~ w,(x)cosnb,

All strains and curvatures have now been prescribed and may, therefore, be inserted into an expression for strain
energy per unit area which replaces the corresponding isotropic expression used by Calladine:

Calladine shows that for long axial wavelengths of displacement [which occur for n <(a/t)“‘] the largest value of the
curvature changes relates to K~).Hence (with the added proviso here that D,,/D,, is not excessively large, and with
the realisation that D,JD,, is most unlikely to be so) K(, will be the dominant flexural or twisting mode of strain
energy storage. With ei and yzn constrained to be zero, the only deformation modes which store a significant amount
of strain energy are, therefore, ci and K(, which were both expressed earlier in terms of w(x) (eqn (19) and eqn (20)).
Considering only these terms gives the strain energy per unit area of the shell as:

(rl’~ 1y (n’- 1)
U = + A,, a [w,,“(~)]~cos~ntl+ + D,, [w,,(x)]2cos2nH+B,2 ~ w,,“(x)w,,(x)cos2n~ (22)
n4 a4 da

I?,, is zero for antisymmetric angle-ply and symmetric laminates and the remainder of the analysis assumes one of
these models. The load is assumed to be applied to the shell as a set of constant or sinusoidally-varying loads per
unit length:


and the total potential energy of the system may then be derived:


In the case of a homogeneous

2 s
L’ [w,,“(412dx+&, (n*-1)’

T s
L,[w&)l*dx - naq,,w,,UB

shell, A,, = E.,tl( I - V*) and D,, = E$/[ 12( I - i’)].


Calladine notes the analogy between his (isotropic) version of eqn (24) and the corresponding total potential
energy expression for a beam on elastic foundation (BOEF). This makes it possible to use readily-available solutions
to BOEF problems in solving the pinched cylinder problem merely by substituting the appropriate terms for the
flexural rigidity of the beam B and the foundation modulus k,. The analogous terms for the homogeneous ortho-
tropic and laminated cylinders are included in Table 1. For example, the deformation of an orthotropic cylinder of
infinite length may be expressed as:

m<(rr/r)“2 F 1,

w,(x,O)= c
I,= 2.4
* [cos(&lxl)+sin(/l,,Ixl)le “~““‘cosn0 (25)

It will be further noted that this equation is of identical form to the simplified Ting and Yuan-type solution (eqn
(17)), and the analogy is therefore extended also to this solution in Table 1. It may be observed that the analogous
I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 83

values of k, from the extended Calladine and Ting and Yuan solutions are identical. There is, however, a small
difference in the B,, terms since the Calladine solution includes the factor I/( I -T2). Calladine actually states that
the corresponding term l/(1 -v’) in his (isotropic) solution can be eliminated by following a more subtle set of
restraints on the strains than the simple one adopted here (E%= $$ = 0). However, no further details are given. If this
term were to be eliminated, the two solutions would then be identical except for slightly different limits on the
validity of the series: n <(a/t) “’ for Calladine, n < [3( 1 - C2)]“4(alr)“2 for Ting and Yuan.

Numerical results Pinched, infinitely long cylinders

The accuracy of the solution will be examined by con- The aim of these examples is to examine the accuracy
sidering four sets of examples of a pinched cylinder. of the terms relating to individual harmonics within the
The first three of these are theoretical examples where approximate solutions. In these examples, the deflec-
comparisons are made in two cases with analytical solu- tions associated with each harmonic are presented for
tions and in the third case with finite element solutions. three infinitely-long orthotropic cylinders: one with the
The fourth example is extended from a practical test direction of maximum material stiffness (i.e. the fibre
used by the author to check the validity of using finite direction) parallel to the axis, another with the fibre
element models to predict the behaviour of filament direction circumferential (900 to the axis) and a third
wound shells. with properties approximately equivalent to a many-
layered f45” laminate made from the same material.

Radial deflection @m) Radial deflection @m)





Deflection in line with load

Deflection in line with load
-800 ‘0

Exact solution (extended Approximate solution olution (extended Approximate solution

fi from Yuan and Ting) (simplified)
-1000 .

Approximate solution -600 - Approximate solution

(not simplified) (not simplified)
0 0
-1200 -
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Position along cylinder (mm) Position along cylinder (mm)
Fig. 2. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 200 mm Fig. 3. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 200 mm
long pinched cylinder with simply-supported ends and fibres 0” to long pinched cylinder with simply-supported ends and fibres 90” to
axis. Legend: ~ Exact solution (extended from Yuan and Ting); axis. Legend: ~ Exact solution (extended from Yuan and Ting);
0 approximate solution (simplified); 0 approximate solution (not l approximate solution (simplified); o approximate solution (not
simplitied). simplified).
84 I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

The properties of the materials are given in Table 2. the results may then differ much more significantly
The results are presented in Tables 3-5, where the (Table 5). The solutions from eqn (17) and from Ref.
various approximate solutions are compared with the [2] agree to within a few percent for low harmonics,
rigorous solution from Ref. [2] which may be regarded but as expected become inaccurate for high harmonics.
for practical purposes as exact. In common with the Use of eqn (17) for the low order harmonics (n<k)
isotropic solution by Yuan, the solution derived from and the most significant terms from eqn (10) for the
the orthotropic ‘simple Donnell’ equations is very inac- remaining harmonics improves the range of harmonics
curate (errors of around 30%) for low non-zero har- which are reasonably accurate, while the use of
monics, but for higher harmonics (and zero harmonics) complete versions of eqns (10) and (16) results in the
this solution becomes close to the exact solution further reduction of errors to around 1%. In order to
despite being based purely upon complex roots rather obtain the deflections of the pinched cylinder, these
than both complex and imaginary roots. The extension harmonics are summed, arbitrarily taking the highest
of Calladine’s solution and of the simplified form of harmonic as 100, noting that for high-order harmonics
Ting and Yuan’s solution (eqn (17)) give deflections the terms in the approximate solution which are based
under the load in the ratio of (1 - \12)“4 and for the first upon complex roots rather than imaginary ones will
two examples (Tables 3 and 4) either vXoor c’(&is small inevitably be inaccurate. It will be observed from Table
and the two solutions give almost identical results. 6 that the deflections obtained from the simplified
However, for some practical situations (e.g. k45” combined model are typically within 3% of the exact
braided structures) neither vXonor v,, is negligible and solutions for deflection under the load, and those

Radial deflection (urn) Radial deflection (urn)






Deflection in line with load

Exact solution (extended from Approximate solution Exact solution (extended from Approximate solution
Yuan and Ting) (simplified)

0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150

Position along cylinder (mm) Position along cylinder (mm)
Fig. 4. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 400 mm Fig. 5. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 400 mm
long pinched cylinder with simply-supported ends and fibres 0” to long pinched cylinder with simply-supported ends and fibres 90” to
axis. Legend: ~ Exact solution (extended from Yuan and Ting); axis. Legend: __ Exact solution (extended from Yuan and Ting);
l approximate solution (simplified); o approximate solution (not 0 approximate solution (simplified); o approximate solution (not
simplified). simplified).
I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 85

50 N load
Symmetry in l-3 plane (u, = & = 0)


Fig. 6. Finite element model of pinched cylinder using ABAQUS element STR135 (half of one quadrant modelled to take account of symmetry;
actual meshes 50 x 50 and 80 x 40 element pairs).

obtained from the complete solution are typically The reason for this variable agreement becomes
within 1.5% of the exact solution. clear when it is realised that the deflections for the
simply-supported cylinders are in effect obtained by
Pinched cylinders with simply-supported ends subtracting an approximate correction for end effects
from an approximate solution relating to the infinitely-
These examples are illustrated in Fig. 1; the cylinders long cylinder. In some cases (e.g. Fig. 2) the result is
have the same three sets of material properties as in small and of comparable magnitude to the errors
the previous examples, but are of finite length (twice present in the two large results. The errors relate par-
the diameter and four times the diameter). Some of ticularly to the rate of decay of deflections along the
these were used as examples in Ref. [2] in which the cylinder. For example, if the deflections are predicted
analytical solution was shown to give results virtually to decay too rapidly, the end corrections will be under-
indistinguishable from those of appropriate finite estimated and will themselves decay too much towards
element models. Here, the approximate solution the mid-length of the cylinder, resulting in an overesti-
extended in the present paper from Refs [6] and [lo] is mate of the overall deflections.
used with the boundary conditions that w = d2wldX2 = 0
at both ends. The solution is used in two versions, one Pinched cylinders with free-free ends
version including the insignificant terms in eqns (10)
and (16)and the other neglecting those terms. The The cylinders in these examples are identical to the
results (again up to harmonic 100) are compared with simply-supported cylinders examined above except for
the analytical solution from Ref. [2]; typical deflections the boundary conditions which are now approximated
along the cylinders are shown in Figs 2-5, and the as d2wldx2 = d3wldu3 = 0. No exact analytical solution is
values of deflection measured directly under the load available, but a reference solution has been obtained
and perpendicular to the load are presented in Table 6. using ABAQUS thin shell elements (STR135) within
It will be observed that the complete and simplified meshes such as that shown in Fig. 6. The deflection
versions of the approximate solutions are indistinguish- under the load from this solution is believed to be
able from each other except in the immediate region of accurate to within 0.2%. (By using axisymmetric finite
the load. In some cases they are in close agreement element results [16] for the low harmonics for which
with the reference solution (for example, Fig. 5) but in these results are believed to be highly accurate, and the
other cases (notably the short cylinders and the cylin- results from Ref. [2] for the zero and high harmonics
ders with axial fibres) the agreement with exact theory for which the end boundary conditions have no detect-
is very poor, even though the corresponding results for able effect, a quasi-analytical solution is obtained which
the infinitely-long cylinder are good. is in close agreement with the general thin shell FE
86 I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (199X) 7.3-91

solution). Typical deflections along the cylinders are filament winding machine control instructions were
plotted in Figs 7-10, and the values of deflection based. During the testing of the model generation
directly under the load and perpendicular to the load system, the need arose for comparative data relating to
are presented in Table 7. Much closer overall agree- a simple load case which was simple and accurate to
ment is obtained between the present theory and the model experimentally as well as being a reasonable test
reference solutions for the free-ended cylinders than case for the thin shell and axisymmctric finite element
for the simply-supported cylinders, typically within models created. The main purposes of the verification
l-2%. This is because the overall solution is effectively exercise were to ensure that the elements were suitable
obtained by adding the end-correction terms to the for the application and to ensure that the FE input
solution for the infinite cylinder, giving a large value in dataset was essentially a good representation of the
comparison with which the approximation errors are true structure, involving neither excessive simplitica-
small. tions nor errors arising from data conversion. The
pinched cylinder problem was a suitable test case, but
Pinched filament-wound cylinders with free+ee boundary suffered the disadvantage that very accurate analytical
conditions solutions were not available. The straightforward
extension of Calladine’s solution provided the basis for
The original impetus for this work arose from a project a good approximation which was sufficient to cheek
which involved the automatic generation of finite that (for example) the laminate structure had been
element models of filament wound components, specified correctly. However, a more accurate refcr-
starting from the fibre path data upon which the ence solution based upon the extension to Ting and

Radial deflection @m) Radial deflection (IJm)

Deflection perpendicular to load
10000 1 DeflectIon perpendwlar to load


0 0


Deflection in line with load

-10000 -
4 -1000


Approximate solution Approximate solution
Finite element solution -1500 Finite element solution
(simplified) (simplified)
. ti

20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Position along cylinder (mm) Position along cylinder (mm)
Fig. 7. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 200 mm Fig. 8. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 200 mm
long pinched cylinder with free ends and fibres 0” to axis. Legend: long pinched cylinder with free ends and fibres 90” to axis. Legend:
__ Finite element solution; l approximate solution (simplified): __ Finite element solution; l approximate solution (simplified):
o approximate solution (not simplified). CCapproximate solution (not simplified).
I. A. JonesiComposite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 87

Radial +flnrtinn II Im\ Radial deflection (urn\

Ieflection perpendicular to load


Ieflection perpendicular to load


Deflection in line with load
Deflection in line with load

-1000 Approximate solution

Finite element solution
-10000 Approximate solution
(not simplified)
-1500 i
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Position along cylinder (mm) Position along cyiinder (mm)
Fig. 9. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 400 mm Fig. 10. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for 400 mm
long pinched cylinder with free ends and fibres 0” to axis. Legend: long pinched cylinder with free ends and fibres 90” to axis. Legend:
~ Finite element solution; 0 approximate solution (simplified); ~ Finite element solution; l approximate solution (simplified);
0 approximate solution (not simplified). o approximate solution (not simplified).

Table 7
Displacement in line with and perpendicular to load for pinched cylinders with free ends

Length of cylinder Method of solution Radial displacements of cylinders in pm

Cylinder with ftbres Cylinder with fibres Cylinder with one layer
at 0” to axis at 90” to axis equivalent to *45”

Under load 90” to load Under load 90” to load Under load 90” to load

200 mm long, Ting & Yuan (simplified) - 11480.6 10150.32 - 1370.50 999.629 -2785.12 2274.95
simply-supported Ting & Yuan (not simplified) - 10141.77 - 10141.77 - 1379.04 996.927 - 2796.96 2271.00
ABAQUS FE (50 x 50 elements) - 11550 10150 - 1394 1005 - 2785 2296
Quasi-analytical (Fliigge theory/FE) - 11540 10148 - 1392.1 1004.1 - 2783.3 2296.2

400 mm long, Ting & Yuan (simplified) -6199.78 4973.05 - 1041.12 674.591 - 1641.30 1158.97
simply-supported Ting & Yuan (not simplified) - 6226.80 4964.50 - 1049.67 671.888 - 1653.15 1155.02
ABAQUS FE (80 x 40 elements) - 6250 4992 ~ 1063 676.4 - 1638 1165
Quasi-analytical (Fliigge theory/FE) -6247.8 4991.0 - 1061.7 676.30 - 1635.7 1164.0
88 1. A. JoneslComposite Structures 42 (1998) 7.3-91

Yuan’s work readily makes use of the same (displacement w and slope 0 = dwldx each end) and the
methodology. following flexibility matrix relating these to the nodal
The particular test case involved the added compli- forces and moments:
cation that the helix angle of the fibres (and hence
both the thickness and properties of the resulting
laminate) varied continuously along the cylinder
(Fig. 11). This made the simple solutions for uniform
pinched cylinders unusable, but the problem was
overcome by discretising the cylinder into a series of
short, rigidly-linked (contiguous) cylinders each with its or: [Cl, = {F),(w), (26)
own set of properties (Fig. 12a). Calladine’s analogy
The terms in the element flexibility matrix are obtained
enables this situation to be modelled as a contiguous
from Hetenyi [17] and are presented in Appendix 1;
series of beams-on-elastic-foundations, each beam
this matrix may be inverted to give the element stiff-
having a different flexural rigidity and foundation
ness matrix [K], i.e.
modulus (Fig. 12b). It is then a matter of linear algebra
to enforce equilibrium and compatibility between the lK],{w>, = IF}, where [Kj, = [Cl; ’ (27)
beams [17] and hence to find the behaviour of the
The individual stiffness matrices are then assembled to
whole system for each harmonic of the appropriate
give the global stiffness matrix (which is banded and
load case, In practice the matrix displacement method
sparse) for the whole problem.
[18] was used, by defining each of the elemental
This approach was implemented using a FORTRAN
‘beams’ as an element with four degrees-of-freedom
program, with the element flexibility matrix inversion
and problem solution being undertaken using NAG
subroutines FOlACF and F04ACF, respectively. (Since
Winding angle (degrees) Thickness (mm) the work was undertaken, both of these subroutines
80 have been superseded.) Three variations upon the
) Calculat~i~ Windrf_e ygle 1 solution method were included. In two of the cases, the
multi-layered angle-ply laminate structure of the
Average measured thickness Measured thickness filament wound material was approximated as a homo-
geneous orthotropic material using the orthotropic
extensions of the Calladine and Yuan and Ting models,
\\ /I respectively. Its properties in its principal material
\\ / /’ directions are obtained from the off-axis compliance

\\ 0
// matrix [SJ by applying suitable constraints
following values:
giving the
\r 0
\ 0
\ 0
\ 0

40 ((1)

E,,= _ _“’
S,& - & (h)

where the elements of [s] are given in standard texts
100 200 300 400 on composite materials, e.g. Jones [19].
Axial position (mm) The third model makes use of the laminated exten-
sion to the Calladine model. The values of ‘beam
Fig. 11. Variation of thickness and winding angle with axial position
Thickness; - - - -
rigidity’ and ‘foundation modulus’ inserted into the
for filament-wound cylinder. Legend: ~
winding angle (predicted, used in models); o measured thickness; 0 three models are taken from the relevant columns of
average measured thickness. Table 1. A further reference solution was obtained
1. A. JoneslComposite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 89

Fig. 12. Discretisation of filament-wound cylinder into cylindrical elements (a) and hence into analogous beams-on-
elastic-foundations (b).

from an ABAQUS finite element mesh (using elements plotted only those regions of the curves where the
S4R.5 and STR135) which rigorously modelled the vari- omitted higher-order terms had no significant influ-
ation in fibre angle, laminate thickness and also the ence. It will be observed that there is a significant
alternating laminate sequence which is encountered in difference between the Ting and Yuan and Calladine
practical filament wound structures. results (since tt takes values up to around 0.7) and the
The unidirectional material properties are presented former are in close agreement both with the finite
in Table 8. These were obtained by fitting eqn (27b) to element and experimental results.
experimental flexural modulus data for for many-
layered angle-ply rings made from E-glass/polyester,
and were found to give an excellent prediction of Discussion and conclusions
laminate behaviour despite having an unrealistically
low value of E,. Further details of the experiment and A simplified differential equation for orthotropic cylin-
the results are given in Jones et al. [20]. In Fig. 13, the drical shells has been obtained by extending the work
experimental results are compared with the finite of Ting and Yuan from the simple isotropic case and
element results and the results based upon the straightforward parallels with results from Calladine
extended Ting and Yuan solution (eqn (17)) and the have been noted and explored. The simplified solution,
Calladine solution (eqn (25)) the latter giving identical supplemented by results extended from earlier work by
results for both the homogeneous and the laminated Yuan, has been used to obtain solutions to the pinched
versions of the theory. Since the cylinder was not par- cylinder problem for various end conditions. Excellent
ticularly thin (t/u~30) only the first few terms of the agreeement has been obtained with reference solutions
Fourier series were valid, and in fact only two terms for various cases of free-ended cylinders, but for the
were used. Therefore, the deflection curves were simply-supported cylinders the errors inherent in the
approximate solutions are large with respect to the
Table 8 overall results. It is, therefore, more appropriate to use
Material properties, laminate sequences and dimensions of cylin- the exact solution [2] which has been obtained for this
drical shells situation.
Property Properties fitted to flexural test data
By making use of Calladine’s observation that there
are analogies with beam-on-elastic-foundation theory,
E, (MNm-*) 42331.92 the results obtained in this paper have been applied
Ez (MNm-*) 2381.27 successfully to a test case consisting of a pinched
Glz (MNm-‘) 4689.74
filament-wound cylinder with continuously-varying
\‘I2 0.30482”
winding angle and thickness. The results obtained
“Obtained from tests on unidirectionally wound rings. agreed closely with both experiment and a finite
90 I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91

element solution, with these results agreeing more the basis of the series solutions to eqn (13) presented
closelv with the extended Ting and Yuan solution than in Ref. [lo].
with those from the extended Calladine solution.

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method. Int J Solids Struct 1977;13:515-530.
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Mathematics, University of Nottingham) for identifying [31 Yuan SW, Ting L. On radial deflections of a cylinder subjected
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6 , [41 Donnell LH. A discussion of thin shell theory, in Proceedings of
the Fifth International Congress on Applied Mechanics, Cam-
bridge, MA 1938, pp. 66-70.
4 PI Timoshenko SP, Woinowsky-Kreiger S. Theory of Plates and
Shells. New York: McGraw-Hill 1959, p. 502.
PI Yuan SW. Thin cylindrical shells subjected to concentrated
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[71 Donnell LH. Stability of thin-walled shells under torsion.
NACA Report no. 479, 1933.
PI Schwaighofer J, Microys HF. Orthotropic cylindrical shells
under line load. J Appl Mech 1979;46:356-362.
[91 Fliigge W. Stresses in Shells, 2nd printing. Berlin: Springer
1962, pp. 209-221.
[101 Ting L, Yuan SW. On radial deflection of a cylinder of finite
length with various end conditions. J Aero Sci 1958;25:230-234.
[Ill Morley LSD. The thin-walled circular cylinder subjected to con-
centrated radial loads. Quart J Mech Appl Math 1960;13:23-37.
[121 Morley LSD. An improvement on Donnell’s approximation for
thin-walled circular cylinders, Quart J Mech Appl Math
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u31 Cheng S, He FB. Theory of orthotropic and composite shells,
accurate and simple fourth-order governing equations. ASME J
Appl Mech 1984;51:736-744.
P41 Kreyszig E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edn. New
York: Wiley 1993, pp. 842-850.
[151 Sanders JL. An improved first approximation theory for thin
100 150 200 250 300 350 450 shells. NASA Report, No. 24, 1959.
Position along cylinder (mm) WI Jones IA. A thin orthotropic axisymmetric element based upon
Fhigge shell theory. Comp Struct 1996;60:487-503.
Calladine solution Ting & Yuan solution 1171 Hetenyi M. Beams on Elastic Foundation. University of
.. _-_ Michigan Press, USA 1946, pp. 97-112.

Experimental results from Finite element solution Cl81 Dawe DJ. Matrix and finite element displacement analysis of
structures. Oxford: Oxford University PressiClarendon Press
filament wound cylinder (ABAQUS, 32 elements around) 1984.
[I91 Jones RM. Mechanics of Composite Materials. New York:
Fig. 13. Variation of radial deflection with axial position for various Hemisphere 1975.
models of filament-wound cylinder. Legend: Calladine PO1 Jones IA,. Middleton V., Owen MJ. Automated finite element
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- Ting and Yuan solution; n experimental results from filament- ceedings of the 7th UK ABAQUS User Group Conference,
wound cylinder; - finite element solution. 17-18 September 1992, pp. 259-267.
I. A. Jones/Composite Structures 42 (1998) 73-91 91

Appendix: Flexibility matrix for beam on elastic foundation

21, sinhAlcoshAl- sirdlcodl

c,, =c33= k
sinh22 - sin22

2;1’ sinh’iJ+ sin22

c34=c43= -c,,= -c,, = -
k sinh’I.1 - sin211

c =c _ 43,’ sinhAlcoshiJ-sinAlcosA1
22 44
k sinh’2 - sin’/,1

2/, sinhAlcosAl- sinZcoshA1

c,3=c3, = k
sinh*i,l - sin22

c =c _ 41,” sinh2cosAl+sin/llcoshE,I
24 42
k sinh2A1 - sin’21

41.2 sinhRlcoshR1 - sinilcosM

c23=c3*= -c,4= -c,, = k (29)
sinh’2 - sin22

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