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SCL -MTH 3003
Sem 2 2020/2021

Topic: Grouped Data

1. This is a group assignment (5 students per group)
2. Deadline: 30th April 2021 (Friday)
3. Submit in Putrablast, only one submission per group

The table below displays the scores obtained by a random sample of 30 college students in
an aptitude test where the total score is 100. Use the data to answer the following questions:

Table 1: Students Aptitude Test Scores

Marks Frequency
30.0 - 39.0 2
40.0 - 49.0 3
50.0 - 59.0 10
60.0 - 69.0 8
70.0 - 79.0 4
80.0 - 89.0 3

a) Obtain the class boundaries, midpoint and cumulative frequencies.

Hence, draw a histogram and comment on the distribution of data.
b) Calculate the mean, median, mode. Compare and comment on these values.
c) Obtain the variance and standard deviation. Based on the standard
deviation value, what can you conclude about the students’ scores.
d) Find the 80th percentile and interpret this value.
e) Construct a box plot for the data if the minimum mark is 34 and the
maximum mark is 87 and comment if there any outliers in the data.

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