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Reviews/Commentaries/Position Statements


The Phantom of Lactic Acidosis due to

Metformin in Patients With Diabetes
ROBERT I. MISBIN, MD combinations with other antidiabetic
agents. Metformin is also specifically la-
beled for use in children with type 2 dia-
betes (13). In none of the studies
submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-

etformin is the only biguanide higher than the risk in patients taking
that is available in the U.S. An- metformin. A later report from Sweden ministration (FDA) in support of these in-
other biguanide, phenformin, had (9) concluded that discontinuing met- dications were there any episodes of lactic
been used since the 1950s, but was de- formin in aging patients when they devel- acidosis.
clared an “imminent hazard” in 1976 be- oped renal or cardiovascular disease Salpeter et al. (14,15) reviewed pub-
cause of lactic acidosis (1). At the time of could further reduce the risk of lactic ac- lished reports of controlled trials involv-
its removal from the market, there had idosis. The labeling of Glucophage re- ing metformin that lasted 1 month or
been 306 documented cases of phenform- flected a belief that metformin had the more and were reported through Novem-
in-associated lactic acidosis (2), including potential to cause lactic acidosis, but that ber 2002. They found no cases of lactic
1 fatal and 2 nonfatal cases in the random- the risk could be mitigated by careful se- acidosis in 36,000 patient-years of expo-
ized controlled trial of the University lection of patients. sure to metformin and concluded that
Group Diabetes Program (3). To help allay concerns about the there was no evidence to support a role for
Metformin was marketed as Gluco- safety of metformin, Bristol-Myers Squibb metformin in the development of lactic
phage by Bristol-Myers Squibb in early committed to perform a large study (the acidosis.
1995, with a boxed warning concerning Comparative Outcomes Study of Met- In contrast to the findings from con-
the risk of lactic acidosis. Metformin had formin Intervention Versus Conventional trolled trials, cases of lactic acidosis con-
been used widely in Europe for several Approach [COSMIC]), comparing 1 year tinue to be reported in patients taking
years, where it had been recognized that of treatment with metformin to “usual metformin. Among the first million pa-
the risk of lactic acidosis from metformin care” with other antidiabetic agents. The tients (approximately) to have received
was no greater than the risk of hypogly- results of this study have recently become metformin in the U.S., there were 47 re-
cemia from sulfonylureas (4). available (10). There were no meaningful ports (20 fatal) to the FDA of lactic acido-
Although the clinical utility of met- differences in safety outcomes between sis. Of these patients, 43 had renal failure
formin had been recognized in the U.S. the 7,227 patients who received met- (labeled contraindication for metformin)
(5), its approval was undoubtedly de- formin and the 1,505 patients who re- or risk factors for lactic acidosis besides
layed by the specter of phenformin and ceived usual care. There were no cases of metformin (primarily congestive heart
the lingering concern that metformin lactic acidosis in either group. failure) (16). There were only four pa-
might also cause lactic acidosis. The even- Two large government-supported tients who did not have other risk factors
tual approval of metformin was unusually studies provide an impressive body of ev-
for lactic acidosis when metformin was
controversial. Crofford (6) predicted that idence to support the safety and effective-
initially given. In one of these four case
metformin “will be widely used and will ness of metformin (11,12). In addition,
subjects, lactic acidosis appears to have
improve the outlook for many patients” several manufacturers other than Bristol-
been precipitated by an episode of uro-
with diabetes. But fear of lactic acidosis Myers Squibb have performed studies in
led the consumer advocacy group Public which a new drug was used in combina- sepsis. None of these four patients died.
Citizen (7) to issue the warning: “Do not tion with metformin or compared with A recent review by Stades et al. (17)
use Glucophage.” metformin. Metformin is now indicated provides additional evidence that most
Based on data from Sweden, it was for use in combination with every other cases of metformin-associated lactic aci-
estimated that the risk of lactic acidosis in oral antidiabetic agent and insulin and is dosis, particularly fatal ones, are related to
patients taking phenformin was ⬃10-fold the only oral agent available in fixed-dose underlying conditions rather than to met-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● formin. The authors went on to attribute
From the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Rockville,
many reports of metformin-associated
Maryland. lactic acidosis to a publication bias in
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Robert I. Misbin, MD, Division of Endocrinology and which the widely held clinical impression
Metabolism, Food and Drug Administration, 5727 Crawford Dr., Rockville, MD 20851. E-mail: misbinr@ that metformin causes lactic acidosis is er-
Received for publication 29 March 2004 and accepted in revised form 14 April 2004.
roneously fortified. I believe that this view
The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the is probably correct and cite as an example
official position of the Food and Drug Administration. a report of “lactic acidosis” in a patient
Abbreviations: COSMIC, Comparative Outcomes Study of Metformin Intervention Versus Conventional whose lactate level was only about 2
Approach; FDA, Food and Drug Administration.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion
mmol/l (18 and see the technical note in
factors for many substances. the APPENDIX). On the other hand, there is
© 2004 by the American Diabetes Association. a recent report by Dawson et al. (19) of



severe lactic acidosis in a patient without case. When metformin is used as labeled, SP: Comparative Outcomes Study of Met-
risk factors other than metformin. the increased risk of lactic acidosis is ei- formin Intervention Versus Conventional
Lactic acidosis occurs in nondiabetic ther zero or so close to zero that it cannot Approach: the COSMIC approach study
patients in association with infection, be factored into ordinary clinical decision (Abstract). Diabetes 53 (Suppl. 1):A115,
cancer, liver failure, and renal failure and making. That metformin can itself cause 11. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group:
is almost always a harbinger of death un- lactic acidosis is supported by the finding Effect of intensive blood glucose control
less the underlying condition is corrected of lactic acidosis in people who took over- with metformin on complications in over-
(20,21). In patients with type 2 diabetes, doses. Thus, the accumulation of met- weight patients with type 2 diabetes (UK-
the rate of lactic acidosis is reported (22) formin in the setting of renal insufficiency PDS 34). Lancet 352:854 – 865, 1998
to be similar in patients who are taking might be expected to precipitate lactic ac- 12. Diabetes Prevention Program Research
metformin and in patients who have idosis in some patients who are at risk. If Group: Reduction in the incidence of type
never taken metformin. Mortality in pa- one excludes overdoses, most cases of 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or
tients with metformin-associated lactic metformin-associated lactic acidosis, par- metformin. N Engl J Med 346:393– 403,
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ports of metformin-associated lactic aci- Technical note. Using venous blood ob- Salpeter E: Risk of fatal and non-fatal lac-
dosis represent “guilt by association” with tained without a tourniquet after 2 h of tic acidosis with metformin in type 2
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