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At the department store

Na loja de departamentos

)JJ!JDA.C: t:-9-lc:t. 7-'J \- i'A..frf!* Gtco 7-'J \- i'OJ.A.OJL:

L' u-e:
C:lc:t'lc:J:cG9"1J' GG 'c9 o
Carlos and Peter hove gone to the department store. The language used by the clerks of the department store is
hard to understand.
Carlos e Peter foram a urna loja de departamentos. A conversa do aten dente é difícil de entender.


l:t!1J LJ 5 L:: c("("J b'tc'5

particular form of humble language
forma especial de kenjogo Qapones de modéstia)

< 1v e ct :s p.ll3) >

V) / IJ / ,.
t0 nn

to be (somewhere)


L-tt 4' ::Z'c 9 to be (something)

N--e: 9 ser


L !Jt->< please _.. ___ (verb)

< por _.. ___ (verbo)

<tt-c"' 1191
11 o
8 250 L_; l c51J\ L_; e 9 Go =b 3 9<= L_;
tC. ""C =b l l 91J \o
890i*ttfvo 5 eh-::) e 51J'1J'::J ""C=bJ:C>l.Jl

o:; 3 - r-; \Y'Y!ct, :Jt o 0téiJS <

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8 t----1' IJ' < IJ'L1

'*ttfv1J', <3 '*9 o
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l!ctl '*9 oJ

Oc5=b 5 t-J :Jt IJ ±JJJ!ct, e '*9 o

1J'B3 t=Pe
re t,J:IJ'
9 o

;"t_L1ffJ:5 1¡1J5 IJ'tc l_j

Gl=b l.J=b l.JJ

l!ctl <=5 L,,;,ltiu ut>

su i:lc
( tC.t!

8<= 5 S IJ'

Part 111
___ IL: 1 · 2 · 3 · 41J'S

W ¡d: L:: 60 í LTo -t-r' ----

o J: 0 L < J; Lm \ '\ 'f::. L í -9 o11>1'

1 t $ L f::. 2 -IJ { $ -9 3 -IJ { $ L T í -9 4 t $ L í -9

QJ =(7) 4'-, li/..-

Bf 8
L'<'i;li ;t.;(
-2 Á_;* 1:= - - - -
Á_; ['-j"" o

3 \ \ f::. t:.'-:: f::. 4 \ \ f::. t:.' <

*:!l !v wi fe / esposa

GJ =-t; G-1;{ 1f;t; -rJ., t1Ji"''' l·MJ"'t/..-

*J ____ o

1 -1; { $ L í -t 2 -e =·· \ ' í -t 3

Kaminarimon: entrance of Senso¡i (temple nameJ /
-ttA--<--l t: ""' Kaminarimon: portal do Sensoji (nome de templo)

UJit L t L, S T T 1\ '\ \;t, : i; G(J: A B C$Rff "1/..-:::7 _ _ __ oJ

1 [' =·· \ \ í -9 2 1:= =,;· \ \ í -9 3 [' eh ') í -l± Á_; 4 1:= eh ') í -l± Á_;

[L] :t 1fJ 1 / * ¡d: -e· -9 -1J J ;¿; 1¡d: \ , , : i; G1:= - - - - - J: J

t .. : "o o

1 J; \ ' t -:: í -9 2 =·· \ 'í -9 3 J; eh ') c·-t 4 eh-:> T í -9

* 1J 1 / wine /vinho

1 2 h 4 ['
1i)C order / pedido
* ;Jsrfb: r polite way of saying r oshina: maneira polida de dizer mercadoria.

1 j:;JL 2
* 8 *- = 8 the best/tallest etc. in Jopan / nihon-ichi: primeiro no Japao
*i;±LIJ: 8 *O) W Mt. Fu ji: a Japanese mountain /Monte Fuji: montanha do Japao

-1; { í \ \ ') í -9 o it ,,.z, \ \ #JR * (7) 1*1 1±/..- 71;>1'1?
* í [' -----
'- o

1 J;rn{ 'J * 2 'J 3 4

* line / linha * I*J1lttl behind /parte interior * to move back / abaixar

¡ &;
•r -t L:
e n:t t; J: 3 e < "-:J b'ic1J

t I:J fv L; 3
LIS-:> l.J-f-JL1*9
C[)L 1C'IL:16 tJ *9 *Lib*9
LIS-:> l.J-f-JL1*9
L1*9 C[)!J*9
C[)L 1C'IL:16 tJ *9
6b l.J®b' tJ *9 L
Ch-*9 2Sfv!L:16!J*9 lctL 1()fv l.J*9
LIL 1*9 cD-=> l.J-f-JLI*9 =b5l.J*9
l.J*9 Lltc.l.J *9
l.J-=>e L1*9 c.::CfvLJc9 .::Cfv LJeL 1*9

.l.,) o l.,) otcJ: e L 0 C iEjJ ( Honor}fic in places

"' I:H\ e Japones pohdo em vanas s1tuac;:oes

T'J \- cfuL\fu O b'L\
Stt <te-c.-U a

:7 idt:J1
u*9 a


• 1J9 i:JO)
5, o>)5 L\

( )O)¡::j:lO)c-:5 IL lJ J: 5o

CDLUEB: =b l.J=b l.J,

¡,: cfu1JJ:5
!v, CL 1S-=> lJ -f-l L1*9b\ · cq tJ *9b\) o
l,t>L\fu 1:!5 bl1
)l}t:Jj lJ e (L 1S-=> lJ -f-l L1*9 · ci=3 tJ *9)
IJIL\L,¡p:J ••

®J lct lJ6b* lJ e 1-=> C lJ c':IJIJ 0
C: (([)-:> lJ -f-JL 1*9 · $l.J*9) o

fv c9Go 1tc&ic9 oct0l.J < ll.J *9 o

Part 1 - 113

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