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Melania Nurul Majidah


How to prevent from Indonesian food

a. Introduce
1. Welcoming the audience
Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Hello, Good morning everyone welcome to my
presentation,first of all, I’d like to thank all of you for coming today.

2. Introduce who you are and what is the topic

Let me introduce myself ,my name is Melania Nurul, I am the Nurse Student of
Stikes Dharma Husada Bandung. Im glad to be here standing in front of you today
and I want to tell you about Indonesian food

3. Structuring the presentation

My discussion on this this structure in this presentation devided 2 parts :
1. First i will strat from a discussion about the Indonesian main course and fact
about these food,which include sate,nasi goreng and rendang.
2. And second, i will tell you about Indonesian desserts and fact about these
food,like martabak and cendol.

4. Begin the presentation by hook

Are you guys has already knows and try about all Indonesian food especially sate,nasi
goreng,rendang,martabak and cendol?

b. Main Body (topik utama)

I will explain about the facts and the taste from these Indonesian food,especially
for the food that I focused on my presentation this time like sate,nasi
goreng,rendang,martabak and cendol. Then in this main course,I will introduce all of
these foods to you young people in order to preserve Indonesian foods compared to foods
from abroad.
1. Introduce about the Indonesian main courses
2. Explain food and taste about Indonesian main courses (sate,nasi
3. Explain the fact about Indonesian main courses
4. Introduce about the Indonesian desserts
5. Explain food and taste about Indonesian desserts (martabak,cendol)
6. Explain the fact about Indonesian desserts
7. Provide a way to preserve Indonesian foods

Question Season:
Does anyone have any questions? please don’t hesitate to ask

Well, this leads me to my conclusion

c. Conclusion
1. Closing Summary
In conclusion,not only our country is rich in culture,but also this
presentation,I only mentioned a few Indonesian foods,but in reality,we have
thousands of kinds of cuisines. As Indonesian citizens, we must be able to preserve
Indonesian foods,so that they are not lost and displaced by foreign food from abroad
2. Closing Stetment
Thank you for antention Wassalamualakum Wr Wb

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