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Geomembrane interface friction

Colder Associates, 224 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B. C., Canada V5Y IN5
Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T I W5
Received February 9, 1988
Accepted September 6 , 1988
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/23/14

Interface friction between an HDPE geomembrane and an angular as well as a rounded sand, a gravel, and a geotextile
was investigated in a ring shear apparatus. The results indicate development of peak resistance at small strain and constant
residual interface friction angles at large strain. The magnitude and difference between peak and residual friction angles
increase with angularity. Interface friction angles between a geotextile and geomembrane were very low with no distinction
between peak and residual. At composite interfaces, sliding occurred much more readily at a finer grained than a coarse-
grained geomembrane interface.
Key words: geomembranes, geotextiles, interface friction, granular materials.

Le frottement a l'interface entre d'une part une gComembrane HDPE, et d'autre part, du sable avec des grains angulaires
ou arrondis, du gravier et un gCotextile, a CtC CtudiC au moyen d'un appareil de cisaillement circulaire. Les rCsultats
indiquent le dCveloppement d'une risistance de pic a faible dbformation, et des angles de frottement constants rksiduels
A l'interface a grande dkformation. La grandeur et la diffbrence entre le pic et les angles de frottement rbsiduel s'accroissent
avec I'angularitC. Les angles de frottement a l'interface entre un gCotextile et la giomembrane Ctaient t r b faibles et
il n'y avait pas de diffkrence entre le pic et le rCsiduel. Pour des interfaces composites, le glissement s'est produit beaucoup
plus facilement a une interface de la gbomembrane avec des grains fins par opposition a des grains grossiers.
For personal use only.

Mots clPs :gkomembranes, gkotextiles, frottement a l'interface, matCriaux pulvCrulents.

[Traduit par la revue]

Can. Geotech. J. 26, 165-169 (1989)

Introduction Wong (1984) did not observe peak resistance except under
The relatively low permeability, easy handling, and unit higher stress levels.
cost of geomembranes have favoured their wide use in geo- Use of reported low interface friction parameters in con-
technical practice as barrier material for seepage control. junction with conventional safety factors can lead to design
Particular applications may require placement of geo- recommendations of low side slopes and requirement of
membranes on or beneath a variety of soils. As angular rock excessive material quantities and development space. In more
or miscellaneous debris may puncture geomembrane liners, recent developments, membranes with roughened surface
direct placement of geomembranes on or beneath such have been introduced with the expectation of improved inter-
materials in generally not recommended. Separation of face friction performance and consideration of steeper side
geomembrane liners from direct contact with fine-grained slopes.
cohesive soils by a more pervious interlayer may be desired Smooth-surfaced geomembrane liners continue to be used
to facilitate pore pressure dissipation. A geotextile or fine in most geotechnical liner applications. Field tests to confirm
granular bedding and cover are often prescribed for either the actual margin of safety provided in design or reported
protection of the geomembrane or to facilitate lateral cases of failure and back analyses of smooth geomembrane
drainage. interface performance are not available. Current design
Interface friction parameters between geomembranes and approaches may be too conservative and thus a closer
materials that come in direct contact with geomembrane examination of interface friction parameters might have
liners are essential for assessing the stability of structures economic and practical benefits.
wherein a geomembrane boundary forms a potential sliding The investigation report%"dherein examines the range of
surface. Reported interface friction parameters for sliding interface friction angles that develops between geomembranes
resistance between smooth-surfaced geomembrane liners and and granular soils as well as geotextiles. Tests were carried
a variety of soil and geotextile materials (Martin et al. 1984) out in a ring shear apparatus and peak and residual (lower
are significantly less than the internal friction parameters bound) interface friction angles were examined.
for the soil material constituting the bulk of the structure.
These values are based on laboratory experiments performed Test materials
. using large-sized direct-shear boxes. In general, little distinc- Tests were carried out representing interface conditions
tion between peak and minimum conditions nor stress and between HDPE geomembrane and-Ottawa sand (ASTM-
strain level dependence of interface friction has been made. C-log), concrete sand, angular heap gravel, and nonwoven
In studies of Martin et al. (1984), no peak in the interface geotextile. The concrete sand used3 a r i s r sand comprised
resistance appears to have been noted. Similarly, Saxena and of angular to subangular grains.

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166 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 26, 1989

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10' 10 1 10 -' 10 -2

FIG. 1 . Gradations of the granular materials used in the testing
Gradations of the sand and gravel materials are shown
in Fig. 1. The complete range of particle sizes of the gravel
material (well graded) was used for some of the tests involving
gravel, whereas for other tests a uniform gradation obtained
by washing and sieving the original gravel was used. Washed Steel
gravel was obtained by sieving the original gravel through Ring ......
a No. 4 U.S. standard sieve and then washing on a No. 16 Geomembrone
U.S. standard sieve. The portion retained on the No. 16 sieve
For personal use only.

was then over-dried before being used for testing.

Specimens of geomembrane and geotextile to suit the con- FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of the ring shear apparatus and of
figuration of the ring shear apparatus were obtained by the shearing interfaces.
pressing against an annular carbon steel cutter.
Test equipment on either side of the geomembrane. The concrete sand was
The test equipment used for this investigation was the poured and levelled by low-vacuum suction from a controlled
U.B.C. ring shear apparatus (Bosdet 1980). The apparatus height to within the cutting edge of the lower ring. Geo-
is similar to that described by Bishop et al. (1971). It accom- membrane was placed on the prepared surface over which
modates annular samples of 44.5 and 70 mm inner and outer gravel was poured and levelled within the upper confining
radius, respectively. Sample heights can be up to 30 mm. ring. The top of gravel was covered with a layer of sand
Test samples are retained within upper and lower rings such to be penetrated by radial ribs for the transfer of shear.
that the sample mid-height is approximately positioned at Uniform gravel was used in three tests and well-graded
the separation of the rings (Fig. 2a). To allow particles to gravel was used in the fourth test as interface materials. The
rearrange in the zone of shearing without interference from objective in these test series was to evaluate variation of peak
the shear transfer radial ribs, maximum particle sizes are and residual interface resistance with stress level and gradation
generally limited to less than the height of rib penetration of gravel. In a fifth but multistage test, a similar composite
into the sample. Soil thickness retained in each of the top interface was used except that the 80 mil (2.03 mm)
and bottom rings is not less than two maximum grain geomembrane was replaced by a 40 mil (1.02 mm) geomem-
diameters. brane. In a multistage test, shearing until a residual state
For the geometry of the U.B.C. ring shear samples, the is reached under a given normal stress level is followed by
shear displacement of elements adjacent to the inner circum- increasing the normal stress to a new higher value and
ference would be 63.6% of the shear displacements of ele- recommencing shearing until a residual stage is reached once
ments adjacent to the outer circumference of the annular again. This test was made t o evaluate the possible influence
sample. This would lead to a slight underestimation of peak of membrane thickness ondilatancy effects at the interface
friction values. However, assessment of large strain or and hence on interface friction.
residual friction parameters would not be affected by the Three additional multistage tests were performed on single
presence of such strain gradients, which are inherent to all interfaces consisting of geomembranes - Ottawa sand
ring shear devices. (ASTM-C-109) (Fig. 2d) and geomembrane-geotextile in dry
and saturated states (Fig. 2c). For these test series, the
Test program and procedure geomembrane was glued to a modified ring shear base with
The test program followed in this investigation is outlined the top surface flush with the ring edge. Ottawa sand was
in Table 1. Four single-stage tests were made at different placed directly over the geomembrane surface and within
stress levels on angular concrete sand bedding, 80 mil the top ring. For geomembrane-geotextile interface, geo-
(2.03 mm) HPDE geomembrane, and angular gravel cover textile was glued to a modified tap platten. These tests were
composite interfaces (Fig. 2b). This represents double- performed to investigate interfacefriction resistance between
interface conditions wherein shear displacement can occur geomembranes and sand with rounded particles and between

TABLE1. Test program

Stress or Sample
stress range,
Test Type kPa Base Middle TOP
Single Concrete sand Geomembrane Uniform gravel
stage (Earl's Creek) (80 mil)
Single Concrete sand Geomembrane Well-graded
stage (Earl's Creek) (80 mil) gravel
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/23/14

Single Concrete sand Geomembrane Uniform gravel

stage (Earl's Creek) (80 mil)
Single Concrete sand Geomembrane Uniform gravel
stage (Earl's Creek) (80 mil)
Multistage Concrete sand Geomembrane Well-graded
(dry) (Earl's Creek) (40 mil) gravel
Multistage Geomembrane - Geotextile
(dry) (60 mil) (Texel 7612)
Multistage Geomembrane Geotextile
(saturated) (60 mil) (Texel 7612)
Multistage Geomembrane Ottawa sand
(dry) (60 mil) (ASTM-C-109)
NOTE:40 mil geomembrane is equivalent to approximately 1.02 mm thickness; 60 mil to approximately
1.52 mm; 80 mil to approximately 2.03 mm.
For personal use only.

TABLE2. Interface friction angles

Normal Peak Residual

stress, friction friction
Interface kPa angle, deg angle, deg
Single stage
Sand - geomembrane (80 mil) - 50
gravel (dry) 100

Sand - geomembrane (40 mil) - 50
gravel (dry) 100

Geomembrane (60 mil) -

geotextile (Texel 7612) (dry)
Geomembrane (60 mil) -
geotextile (Texel 7612) (saturated)
Geomembrane (60 mil) -
Ottawa sand (ASTM-C-109)
NO%: 40 mil geomembrane is equivalent to approximately 1.02 mm thickness; 60 mil to gpproximately
1.52 mm; 80 mil to approximately 2.03 mm.

geomembranes and geotextiles under dry and saturated Earl's Creek concrete sand - geomembrane - gravel
In all of the tests on 80 mil (2.03 mm) geomembrane,
Test results relative displacement took place only between the liner and
The results of the ring shear test program are summarized the concrete sand interface. Indentations at sharp points of
in Table 2. Individual test results are presented in Fig. 3 contacts were evident on the gravel side, whereas on the sand
showing mobilized friction angle against shear displacement. side concentric tracks resulting frpmiiiscourdue to relative
Because the shear displacement varies radially across the
sample, shear displacement shown corresponds to that at evident. -
- -
shear movement between the sand and geomembrane were

mid-radius of the annular specimen. The results of single-stage ring shear tests (tests 1-4) on
168 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 26, 1989

U = 5 0 kPa

Sand - Geomem. - Uniform Gravel
I Sand - Geomem. - Well-Graded Gravel
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/23/14

0 0 50 100 150 200

0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0


U = 2 5 0 kPa U = 4 0 0 kPa
a, Sand - Geomem. - Uniform Gravel Sand - Geomem. - Uniform Gravel
5 20 -'--+ma* ocooBDO- 0 OO%,@

t 4
For personal use only.

0 1 I I I 0 I I I I
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
FIG. 3. Mobilized interface friction angle vs. shear displacement for concrete sand - geomembrane (80 mil (2.03 mm)) - dry gravel.


~ 3 0 1
Z -
a o

8 . 0 0 0
0 -
10 I I I I o l , l ~ l ~ i ! , ~ l
0 200 300 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1
FIG. 4. Residual and peak composite interface friction angles FIG. 5. Residual interface friction angle vs. normal stress for
vs. normal stress for dry concrete sand - geomembrane - dry gravel. Ottawa sand - geomembrane and geotextile - geomembrane
layers of concrete sand, HDPE 80 mil (2.03 mm) geomem-
brane, and gravel are presented in Figs. 3a-3d. A peak This is because shear resistance is governed by the weaker
friction angle of 24-28" is indicated to be reached before sand rather than gravel membrane interface. There were no
a residual value of about 19' is attained. This peak friction detectable changes in gradation of either the sand or gravel
angle may be a manifestation of a dilatant soil behaviour as a result of shearing. *
at the interface and may be also due to shear resistance to A multistage test -(test 5) carried out with Earl's Creek
initiation of scour. Peak and residual friction angles sand - 40 mil (1.02 mm) geomembrane - gravel interface
determined for each test are plotted against normal stress showed behaviour very similar to tests with 80 mi1 (2.03 mm)
in Fig. 4. Residual friction angle values appear to be inde- geomembrane. The residual friction angle was essentially the
pendent of stress level. However, the peak friction angle same as the one observed with the 80 mil (2.03 mm) geomem-
shows generally a slight increase with stress level, possibly brane (Fig. 4). Inspection of the geomembrane after testing
because of deeper scour at higher stress levels. Nevertheless, showed much sharper indentations on the gravel side and
both peak and residual friction interface angles are smaller clear evidence of sliding betweenJhe sand and the geomem-
than the residual friction angle of 33" for Earl's Creek sand. brane interface. Use of a thinnergeomembrane did not result
There is no apparent difference in interface friction angles in higher peak friction angle&owigg to possibly more
from the use of either well-graded gravel or uniform gravel. dilatancy at the interface. This might have been expected

because a thinner membrane would undergo larger out-of- of sand at the sliding surface. Sliding along a geomembrane-
plane deformation under equivalent normal stresses. Thus, geotextile interface did not result in a detectable peak.
peak interface resistance appears to develop primarily from Because of nonuniformity in shear displacement radially
initial scour resistance. Peak friction angle in the multistage across the sample, peak resistance tends to be under-
test is shown in Fig. 4 only for the first-stage shear loading estimated in a ring shear device. The observed sliding resis-
under 50 kPa. It is felt that subsequent peaks might be tances represent states of kinetic friction that would be less
influenced because of prior shearing to large displacements. than initial static friction conditions. True peak resistances
Thus, no peak data are shown for stresses in excess of 50 kPa. would therefore be expected to be higher than observed.
Peak interface resistances appear to have developed more
Geomembrane-geotextile from resistance to scouring than from dilatancy. Significant
No noticeable peak was observed in the shear stress
differences were observed between peak and residual interface
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/23/14

displacement data for geomembrane-geotextile interface friction angles for geomembrane and angular sand inter-
sliding. This is possibly because the shearing process did not faces. Thus, in some cases, application of conventional safety
indent or scour the geomembrane surface. The presence of factors to residual interface parameters can result in design
pore water apparently did not have influence on the inter- that may be too conservative.
face behaviour. An average friction angle of about 6.5" was
observed for the interface friction between geomembrane Acknowledgements
and geotextile for both dry and saturated states. This value
This research was supported by a grant from the Natural
was also approximately independent of stress level for the Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
range of stresses 50-1000 kPa (Fig. 5). Assistance of Kelly Lamb in the preparation of the
Geomembrane - Ottawa sand manuscript and of Fred Zurkirchen with test equipment
Peak and residual interface friction angles between modifications is gratefully acknowledged.
geomembrane and Ottawa sand were 17.6 and 15" respecti-
vely compared with residual friction angle of 30.5" for BISHOP, A.W., GREEN, G.E., GARGA, V.K., ANDERSON, A., and
Ottawa sand. Relative displacements were taking place at BROWN, J.D. 1971. A new ring shear apparatus and its applica-
the sand-geomembrane interface. This was evident by the tion to the measurement of residual strength. GCotechnique, 21:
For personal use only.

presence of concentric tracks engraved on the geomembrane.

No crushing of Ottawa sand was observed. Stress level had BOSDET, B.W. 1980. The U.B.C. ring shear device. M.A.Sc. thesis,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
little influence on the friction angle between the two MARTIN,J.P., KOERNER, R.M., and WHITTY,J.E. 1984.
materials (Fig. 5). Experimental friction evaluation of slippage between geomem-
branes, geotextiles and soils. Proceedings, International
Concluding remarks Conference on Geomembranes, Denver, CO, pp. 191-196.
The experimental study shows that during interface sliding SAXENA, S.K., and WONG,Y.T. 1984. Friction characteristics
between granular materials and geomembranes, peak and of a geomembrane. Proceedings, International Conference on
residual strength values are mobilized. Differences between Geomembranes, Denver, CO, pp. 187-190.
peak and residual interface angles increased with angularity

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