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Esguerra, Jherick D.


Reaction Paper


At the present time, Mobile technology has the potential to help students learn more and

understand what they are learning. It also helps them improve their thinking capacity and complete

their homework or assignments with mobile devices. As early as 2010, reports surfaced claiming

that mobile apps are not only entertaining but also educational for children as young as preschool

like in the present time, parents let their baby watch educational videos in YouTube example is

the content of Coco Melon. Some students were also more motivated to complete lessons via

mobile devices rather than traditional textbooks and workbooks.

The use of mobile device with cloud learning makes the work of students easier because

they can complete it in their home or any place as long as they have phone or computer with

internet so students can save time and improve their organizational skills as a result of this. Mobile

modules within their own. Individual student logins are available within educational apps and

games that makes them more active and motivated. This allows students to work at their own pace,

taking extra time in areas where they need it the most.

As part of 21st Century student, mobile devices become a part of our daily living. Most

teachers' and students’ lives are intertwined with mobile technologies. It makes it easier to

communicate with others at any time and from any location like this time of pandemic. It enables

global access to information and data sharing. Newer versions of mobile phone technology clearly

have the potential to aid in the teaching and learning process with through automated updates and
the ability to check on assignments and their own progress, mobile apps can assist students in

keeping track of their studies.

Students can also use mobile devices to improve their social lives. It enables students to

communicate in order to discuss their projects, assignments, or questions. The use of the internet

in the classroom frequently allows students to work in groups and share their ideas. Students'

attitudes toward learning can be improved as a result of these positive experiences, but also there

are many students who rely entirely on the internet for their work. This has resulted in plagiarism.

Students have become lazy and believe that copying and pasting is a better way to complete their

work, but this is an injustice to those who spent their time and knowledge to create the original

work. This is one of the most disgraceful consequences of the internet.

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