Class 7 - Social Science (Civics) CH 1 (Part - 2)

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Class VII.

Social Science (Civics)

Chapter 1. Equality In Indian Democracy
(Part II)

I. Explain the terms in one or two sentences:
1. EQUALITY :- Equality means ensuring that every individual or group of individuals are
treated fairly and equally without any discrimination.

2. CONSTITUTION :- The document that lays down the basic rules and regulations for people
and the government in the country to follow.

3. UNIVERSAL ADULT FRANCHISE :- It means that all adult citizens who are 18 and above
have the right to vote irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds.

4. DIGNITY :- It means thinking of oneself and other persons as worthy of respect.

5. CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT :- A movement that began in USA in 1950's in which

African - American people demanded equal rights and an end to racial discrimination


1. Democratic government seeks to guarantee social, political and ________ equality to all. (
2. When persons are treated unequally their__________ is violated. ( dignity)
3. Inequality caused by religious differences or beliefs is called ___________ inequality. (
4. Equality can be achieved by changing the mindset and __________ of the people. ( attitude)
5. Inspired by_____________, Martin Luther King encouraged people to use non violent
methods during their protest. ( Mahatma Gandhi)
Q1. What is Equality ?
A1. Equality means ensuring that every individual or group of individuals are treated fairly and
equally without any discrimination.

Q2. Explain the following forms of inequalities in our society :

(a) Gender Inequality
(b) Caste Inequality
(c) Religious Inequality
A2. (a) Gender Inequality exists in our society as still male child is preferred to a female child.
( b) Caste Inequality means division of our society on the basis of caste, which has deprived a
vast section of our population of their rights to live with dignity.
(c) Religious Inequality- Religious communities who are in minority suffer inequality and unfair
treatment leading to friction between people of different Religions.

Q3. Why did the framers of our constitution feel the need to ensure Equality to all sections
of our society ?
A3. The framers of our constitution were aware of the fact that various inequalities existed in
our society at the time of Independence. Certain groups of people in India have experienced
inequalities and discrimination for centuries. They felt that now that India will have it's own
government, it should be the duty of the government to ensure Equality to all sections of our

Q4. List the provisions of the constitution who guarantee equality.

A4. The provisions of the constitution which guarantee equality are :-
(i). Right to equality as a Fundamental right.
(ii). Equality before law.
(iii) No individual can be discriminated on the basis of race, caste etc.
(iv). Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.
(v). Abolition Of untouchability.
(vi) Abolition Of Titles.
(vii) Universal Adult Franchise (Right to Vote)

Q5. State any two schemes introduced by the government to improve the Lives Of the
disadvantaged communities.
A5. (i). Educational scholarships to Students belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
in schools, colleges and higher education.
(ii). Schemes for educating girls and children from tribal, dalits and Muslim Communities.

Q6. State the reason for Inequality in our society.

A6. Many people in Indian society continue to suffer from inequality because of the following
reasons :
1. Poverty And Lack Of Resources:- Being illiterate and ignorant, they are not aware of their
rights and are often exploited.
2. Inequality On The Basis Of Caste, Religion or Gender :- Low castes especially in rural areas,
face discrimination. Preference for male child continues. In most households, women do not
command the same position as men.

Q7. Write short notes on the following:-

(a). UNIVERSAL ADULT FRANCHISE:- It means that all adult citizens who are 18 and
above have the right to vote irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds.

(b) CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT:- A movement that began in USA in 1950's in which
African-American people demanded equal rights and an end to racial discrimination.

** NOTE - Students are requested to note down the above exercises in their Social Science
Notebooks, learn it and save it for future reference.**

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