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ilebasic (derma) (neuro
Neurology: file:///C:/Users/r234/Downloads/374843155-email-tlp-anggota.pdf
Neuro surgery:
G. surgery :,
physical rehab med,

plastic sur Prof. Dr. David S Perdanakusuma, dr.,Sp.BP-RE(K) 81249999639




Nezman Nuri
8128883205 -- bogor

G. sur
Said Fuadi
8126909197 ---- aceh

Muhammad Wahyu Utomo
82165086475 --- kalimantan

Deza Yumardika
85261569535 --- aceh

Morris S Nasution
815261111202 --- riau

Post sales activity for week 25

Regine put 8 profiles on hold and sent 5 profiles to QA with 3 revisions the total
is 16
Yesvika put 1 profiles on hold, sent 8 profiles to QA, 8 revisons the total is 17
For me 2 profiles on hold, sent 5 profiles to QA, 6 revisons the total is 13

also we and QA team helping pre sales team on Malaysia and Singapore market
for MY Regine mapped 594 doctors
for SG Yesvika mapped 527 doctors

Aside that we also did FWD mapping to support BD team

Reg Mapped 274 lines
Yes mapped 279 lines
For me mapped 145 lines

Another activity we did last week

for me did 13 random calls

most of the changes are on details especially for chinese name, website,
and contacr details

-MY procedures and condition completeness review

Regine checked 200
Yesvika checked 200
and for me checked 130
this task distributed equally with QA team

-Calling 63 doctors to confirm the consultation price due to

the consultation details were not collected in past

from 63 doctors, we found 1 doctor retired, 1 inactive profile, 1 wrong number

and still need to check, 7 providers with no answer when we were reaching out to
clinics or hospitals

for the private contact info checked

Regine checked 160 profiles, added 138 emails and 45 phone numbers
Yesvika checked 102 profiles, added 98 emails and 17 phone numbers
For me I checked 156 profiles, added 27 emails, and 2 phone numbers
Aside of the submission, random calls and updating 2 years ago profiles,
we were helping the pre sales team to find new leads

2 from Monica
3 verification calls to old providers
added leads

my feedback in April for Indonesia both Doni and Monica very fast
so I can move their profiles to QA
the same with Regine I did some old verification to old providers
the changes mostly on the website, membership, and contact info

Pengharum Ruangan Otomatis LCD Digital / Parfum Ruangan Otomatis F291C

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

updated chinese name from Jenny

Chiu Ming Chee

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

updated website
added Hong Kong Medical Council, The Hong Kong Medical Association
updated address:
Unit 307, 3/F, Hong Kong Pacific Centre
called clinic, doctor available by appointment only

Daniel Chan Chor Kwong

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

updated chinese name
removed Facebook page
added Hong Kong Medical Council, The Hong Kong Medical Association
updated address:
Unit 1902A, 19th Floor, East Point Centre
called clinic, doctor available by appointment only

3 Anesthesiology
3 Dermatology
3 Otolaryngology
7 Orthopaedic surgery
7 Orthopaedic trauma surgery
3 Physical medicine and rehabilitation
1 Pediatric surgery
1 Plastic surgery
1 Pulmonary disease

Saminathan Suresh Nathan ---> it's rare condition for the doctor, suggest to
consult first with doctor
Leslie Leong ---> yes
Lim Lian Arn ---> Yes he treat the condition, but nurse can't give any info on how
long the duration and how many patients that he treat with the same condition by
---> Yes can treat the conditions,
Yeo Seng Jin---> No direct line to the clinic, operator couldn't answer and suggest
to book an appointment so doctor can asses
Tho Kam San---> he can see the patient, not always meet patient with the condition
due to he specialize in sport medicine upper and lower limbs, no info on the volume
and suggest check to doctor who specialize in spine or neurosurgeon too
Goh Seo Kiat ---> No direct line to the clinic, operator couldn't answer and
suggest to book an appointment so doctor can asses


BSBE9161017095, boleh tahu status permohonan pencairan solusi pintarnya?

syarat dokumen sudah saya kirimkan per tanggal 19 Mei 2021, info pihak kurir sdh
PCBC/polis administrasi individu


website, affiliation, hours, certification, membership, and contact info
RS St. Carolus
Elizabeth Yohmi May 2020
Laurentius Aswin Pramono May 2020
Utami Roesli June 3 2020
Yefta Daniel Bastian Agreement - 17 Jun 2020
Surjo Dharmono Agreement - 9 Jun 2020
Cosmas Gora Triaswhoro Agreement - 18 Jun 2020
Herbert Situmorang Agreement - 27 Jan 2021
Eddy Setiyoso Agreement - 23 Feb 2021
Astuti Pitarini Agreement - 25 Mar 2021

RS Mitra Keluarga Bekasi

Anthony Dometrius Tulak Agreement - 20 May 2020

RS Proklamasi
Soekirman Soekin Agreement - 28 May 2020

Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais

Defrizal Djamil Agreement - 11 Jun 2020
Hilman Tadjoedin Agreement - 16 Jul 2020
Ariansah Margaluta Agreement - 24 Sep 2020
Dewi Aisiyah Mukarramah Agreement - 22 Oct 2020
Resti Mulyasari Agreement - 9 Dec 2020
Denni Joko Purwanto Agreement - 4 Feb 2021
Bob Andinata Agreement - 11 Feb 2021
Bayu Brahma Agreement - 1 Apr 2021
Walta Gautama Agreement - 8 Apr 2021

OMNI Hospital Pekayon

Henny Angganawati Agreement - 29 Jul 2020
Johan Akbari Agreement - 5 Aug 2020
Rita Kesuma Agreement - 11 Aug 2020
Ajeng Indriastari Agreement - 12 Aug 2020
Felmond Limanu Agreement - 19 Aug 2020
Deasy Erika Kurniawaty Agreement - 8 Sep 2020
Andina Bulan Sari Agreement - 18 Feb 2021

Indonesia Sports Medicine Centre

Zeth Boroh Agreement - 22 Jul 2020
Rika Haryono Agreement - 22 Jul 2020
Daniel Nugroho Wattimury Agreement - 28 Jul 2020

Jakarta Eye Center Kedoya

Alia Arianti Agreement - 16 Jul 2020
Nina Asrini Noor Agreement - 7 Oct 2020

Rumah Sakit dan Klinik Mata JEC Menteng

Laurentius Aswin Pramono Agreement - 14 May 2020
Alia Arianti Agreement - 16 Jul 2020
Soefiandi Soedarman Agreement - 20 Aug 2020
Florence Manurung Agreement - 16 Jun 2021

RS Sari Asih Ciputat

Jovita Maria Melania Setiawan Agreement - 4 Aug 2020
Hery Emria Agreement - 6 Aug 2020

OMNI Hospital Cikarang

Felmond Limanu Agreement - 19 Aug 2020
Rudy Kurniawan Putra Agreement - 3 Sep 2020
Mailani Karina Akhmad Agreement - 7 Jan 2021
Jon Prijadi Agreement - 17 Mar 2021

OMNI Hospital Alam Sutera

Andri Agreement - 20 Aug 2020
Londung Brisman Sitorus Agreement - 18 Aug 2020
Dhika Beankha Kusnaedi Agreement - 27 Aug 2020
Daniel Thomas Suryadisastra Agreement - 1 Sep 2020
Emile Tumpal Hombaron Parapat Agreement - 7 Oct 2020
Patricia Simandjaja Agreement - 12 May 2021
Alfred Sutrisno Sim Agreement - 19 May 2021
Nella Suhuyanly Agreement - 20 May 2021
Handy Wing Agreement - 27 May 2021
Novina Santoso Agreement - 20 May 2021
Eko Teguh Prianto Agreement - 27 May 2021
Tjhang Supardjo Agreement - 10 Jun 2021
Yohanes Arif Eko Nuryanto Agreement - 16 Jun 2021
Sudirmanto Agreement - 16 Jun 2021
Rony Marethianto Santoso Agreement - 23 Jun 2021
Irena Sakura Rini Agreement - 22 Jun 2021

RSUD Cengkareng
Yuli Suciati Agreement - 4 Jun 2020

Ichsan Medical Centre Hospital Bintaro

Yuli Suciati Agreement - 4 Jun 2020

Primaya Hospital Bekasi Barat

Deasy Erika Kurniawaty Agreement - 8 Sep 2020
Yulia Ariani Aswin Agreement - 10 Sep 2020
Ratna Soewardi Agreement - 21 Jan 2021
Annisa Sutera Insani Agreement - 21 Apr 2021

Rumah Sakit Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Novi Kurnianingsih Agreement - 9 Feb 2021

RS Premier Surabaya
Yan Efrata Sembiring Agreement - 29 Jan 2021
Manggala Pasca Wardhana Agreement - 22 Feb 2021
Budi Baktijasa Dharmadjati Agreement - 23 Mar 2021
Dwi Hari Susilo Agreement - 26 Mar 2021
Hadi Winoto Agreement - 30 Mar 2021
Liliek Murtiningsih Agreement - 1 Apr 2021

Siloam Hospital Surabaya

Oky Revianto Sediono Pribadi Agreement - 31 Jan 2021

RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya

Chikita Nur Rachmi Agreement - 17 Feb 2021
Eko Riyanto Agreement - 4 Mar 2021

RS RKZ Surabaya
Putu Niken Ayu Amrita Agreement - 3 Feb 2021
Robertus Dhany Prasetyanto Agreement - 10 Feb 2021
Ajeng Tribawati Agreement - 15 Mar 2021
Olivia Tantana Agreement - 28 Mar 2021
Hanny Aditanzil Sugianto Agreement - 24 Mar 2021
Lesni Untono Agreement - 28 Mar 2021
Heri Suroto Agreement - 27 May 2021

RSUD Dr. Soetomo

Putu Niken Ayu Amrita Agreement - 3 Feb 2021
Budi Baktijasa Dharmadjati Agreement - 23 Mar 2021
Magda Rosalina Hutagalung Agreement - 24 Mar 2021
Agus Turchan Agreement - 5 May 2021
Heri Suroto Agreement - 27 May 2021
Jifaldi Afrian Maharaja Dinda Sedar Agreement - 10 Jun 2021
Muhammad Faizi Agreement - 10 Jun 2021
I Gusti Made Reza Gunadi Ranuh Agreement - 17 Jun 2021
Alpha Fardah Athiyyah Agreement - 25 Jun 2021

Rumah Sakit Onkologi Surabaya

Beta Subakti Nata'atmadja Agreement - 18 Feb 2021
Dwi Hari Susilo Agreement - 26 Mar 2021
Bob J. Octovianus Agreement - 30 Mar 2021

RSUD Tarakan
Diaz Adi Pradana Agreement - 18 Feb 2021
Aulia Fitri Swity Agreement - 7 Apr 2021

RSIA Bina Medika

Christoforus Kozzy Handarming Agreement - 18 Feb 2021

Rumah Sakit Husada

Rita Naya Agreement - 24 Feb 2021

RS Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading

Sri Sulastri Katarnida Agreement - 8 Oct 2020
Arinto Bono Adji Hardjosworo Agreement - 21 Oct 2020
Faat Yudiarta Berman Agreement - 21 Oct 2020
Rita Naya Agreement - 24 Feb 2021
Walta Gautama Agreement - 8 Apr 2021
Cosphiadi Irawan Agreement - 28 Apr 2021

RSIA Bunda Aliyah

Purnawan Senoaji Agreement - 4 Feb 2021

Eka Hospital Cibubur

Purnawan Senoaji Agreement - 4 Feb 2021

Dermatology Clinic Dr Regitta Indira Agusni

Regitta Indira Agusni Agreement - 30 Jan 2021

RS YPK Mandiri
Herbert Situmorang Agreement - 27 Jan 2021
Alfa Putri Meutia Agreement - 27 May 2021

Mitra Keluarga Bintaro

Astri Diah Anandita Agreement - 21 Jan 2021

RS Antam Medika
Nanang Sukmana Agreement - 25 Nov 2020

Mitra Keluarga Kalideres

Hari Darmawan Agreement - 25 Sep 2020
Rita Naya Agreement - 24 Feb 2021
Nanang Sukmana Agreement - 25 Nov 2020

RS Hermina Kemayoran
Sri Sulastri Katarnida Agreement - 8 Oct 2020

National Hospital
I Gde Rurus Suryawan Agreement - 3 Mar 2021
Fidela Olivia Wijono Agreement - 20 May 2021
Gunawan Yoga Agreement - 19 May 2021
Robertus Dhany Prasetyanto Agreement - 10 Feb 2021

RS Al Irsyad Surabaya
Nova Primadina Agreement - 3 Mar 2021
Jifaldi Afrian Maharaja Dinda Sedar Agreement - 10 Jun 2021

RS Mitra Keluarga Surabaya

Rosita Sari Sutanto Agreement - 17 Mar 2021

RSU Royal Prima

OK Yulizal Agreement - 15 Mar 2021
Yeni Puspawani Agreement - 19 May 2021
Riske Eka Putri Agreement - 8 Apr 2021
Maesyara Adinda Sari Agreement - 5 Apr 2021

RS GrandMed
OK Yulizal Agreement - 15 Mar 2021
Kharisma Prasetya Adhyatma Agreement - 21 Jun 2021

Rumah Sakit Columbia Asia Medan

Eric Halim Sumampow Agreement - 1 Apr 2021
Rizky Adriansyah Agreement - 15 Mar 2021
Milvan Hadi Agreement - 26 Mar 2021
Muhammad Yusuf Agreement - 5 Apr 2021
Riske Eka Putri Agreement - 8 Apr 2021
Rizky Pratama Roesnawi Agreement - 25 Jun 2021

Klinik Sentra Medika Surabaya

Mulya Dinata Agreement - 22 Mar 2021

Klinik Sentra Medika Surabaya

Mulya Dinata Agreement - 22 Mar 2021

RS Husada Utama Surabaya

Lely Puspita Candra Dewi Agreement - 16 Mar 2021
Theri Effendi Agreement - 14 Apr 2021
Sarah Yunara Agreement - 21 Jun 2021

RS Pendidikan USU
Pebri Warita Pulungan Agreement - 22 Mar 2021
Tari Mediyanti Agreement - 31 May 2021
Carlo Maulana Akbar Agreement - 20 May 2021
Denny Ferdiansyah Agreement - 2 Jun 2021

RSU Muhammadiyah Medan

Pebri Warita Pulungan Agreement - 22 Mar 2021
Nina Miranda Amalia Lubis Agreement - 16 Jun 2021

Praktek Dr. Pebri Warita Pulungan

Pebri Warita Pulungan Agreement - 22 Mar 2021

Klinik Utama Dharmahusada Premier

Budi Baktijasa Dharmadjati Agreement - 23 Mar 2021
Ajeng Tribawati Agreement - 15 Mar 2021
Lely Puspita Candra Dewi Agreement - 16 Mar 2021
Liliek Murtiningsih Agreement - 1 Apr 2021
Karina Dyahtantri Pratiwi Agreement - 1 Apr 2021
Ivana Sajogo Agreement - 14 Apr 2021
Azimatul Karimah Agreement - 15 Apr 2021
Sarah Yunara Agreement - 21 Jun 2021

Klinik dr. Milvan Hadi, M.Ked (OG), SpOG

Milvan Hadi Agreement - 26 Mar 2021

RS Sarah
Milvan Hadi Agreement - 26 Mar 2021
Hera Agreement - 26 Mar 2021

RSIA Stella Maris

Milvan Hadi Agreement - 26 Mar 2021
Julita Adriani Lubis Agreement - 15 Apr 2021

Praktek dr. Eric Halim Sumampow

Eric Halim Sumampow Agreement - 1 Apr 2021

Praktek dr. Muhammad Yusuf Sp.S, FINS, FINA

Muhammad Yusuf Agreement - 5 Apr 2021

RSU Bunda Thamrin

Muhammad Yusuf Agreement - 5 Apr 2021
Indra Gunasti Munthe Agreement - 13 Apr 2021
Dina Lyfia Agreement - 10 Apr 2021
Indah Ayu Pratiwi Agreement - 12 Jun 2021
Meivina Ramadhani Pane Agreement - 14 Jun 2021
Mariyetty Kemuning Sari Nasution Agreement - 17 Jun 2021

RSU Sri Pamela

Maesyara Adinda Sari Agreement - 5 Apr 2021

RS Chevani
Maesyara Adinda Sari Agreement - 5 Apr 2021

Praktek dr. Riske Eka Putri, Sp.OG, M.Ked (OG)

Riske Eka Putri Agreement - 8 Apr 2021

RSUD dr M Soewandhie
Ashoka Sulistyasmara Agreement - 7 Apr 2021
Mochamad Faishal Riza Agreement - 25 May 2021
Sarah Yunara Agreement - 21 Jun 2021
23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

7 private number only

598, 601, 603, 605, 609, 610, 614, 616, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622

2 private email only

10 private number and email
1 private number only

Azhar Zainuddin
SG sent 0, CV 0, disco 608, Clinic 561, hospital 18
HK sent 2, CV 2, disco 596, Clinic 400, hospital 16
MY sent 2, CV 2, disco 1173, Clinic 94, hospital 116
ID sent 4, CV 4, disco 256, Clinic 8, hospital 76

fallout physcian
SG 636
HK 612
MY 1193
ID 258
SG 608
HK 596
MY 1173
ID 256

Rinanda Skin Care 08111721280 Dr Fennita Nanda

Dr Sarah Puji Tumanggor 081370817299
Dr Evita L Pinem, SpKK +62 81260045722 atau 087741195130
Dr. Donna Partogi, SpKK +62 82138190823
dr satria yanis Sp.KK, FINSDV +62 8126035100 Done

Widya Pasca Amir, Sp. KK 085320507097
Dr. Sri, SpKK 085261964599 Done

Dr. Bidasari Lubis, Spa 0811642810
Dr. Jony Hartono, Spa 085275753011
Supriatmo, spa 0811613029
Dr. Rizky adriyansyah, spa, RS Columbia, 081221517881
Dr. King chandra, spa, 085261028000
Dr Wisman D, spa, 08126470297
Dr Danny Dasraf, spa, 081362006481
Dr Sri Yanti Harahap, spa, 081269907678 Done

Klinik Aisyiyah Kepanjen, 08123319083



Dr. M. Fauzi, 0811366529

Dr Arif Yahya, 08179663770
Dr Suhariningsih 081334726593
dr. Siti Juhariah 081334390545
dr. Arry Budiarti 081252239299
dr. Farida Rusnianah, M.Kes(Mars) 0811360875
Dr Catur Suci Rustiani, 08123355094
Dr Sri Kartika, 081334727894
Dr. Benidiktus Setyo Untoro, 08123315237
Dr Ilyusi, 081334441999
Dr Sri Wahyu Widayati, 08125294521
Dr Dian Lestari Wulandari, 081233490155
dr. Arief Syukron 081252530911
dr. Erni Indriati Dwi Utami 085755005619 Done

dr. Lydia Putri 0811362525

dr. Suhartatik, MARS 082142801592
dr. Tuti Hariyanto, MARS 08123319002
dr. Wulandarti Wien Wijayanti 087859169167
dr. Ida Bagus Diksananda 0811366474
Dr Santoso Budiarjo, 081233111676
Dr Rudy Joegijantoro, 08125258588
Dr Sachariano, 08123981015
dr. Megawati, 081333855777
Dr Iva Prasetyaningsih 081334693814
Dr Yuni Astuti, 08155516160
dr. Sri Rahati, 0811368345
dr. I Putu Adi Santoso, 0811368921 Done

Dr. N. Erica Jahya, spa, Apotek Kimia Farma Mulyosari, 08123207934
Dr. Gede Utomo, spa, National hospital, 081234119065
Dr. Dina Angelika, spa, 081331008065
Dr. Andi Gunawan, spa, 08175008965
Prof. Dr Erwin Sarwono, spa, 08175008965
Dr. Tony Chandra, spa, 085103311189
Dr. Ariyanto Harsono H, spa, 081330433061

blepharoptosis she can treat

Natasha Lim
@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1
updated Facebook
added Pinterest and Youtube
added inactive specialty
updated internship specialty
called clinic, doctor available by appointment only

Vishwanath Padmanabhan

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

called clinic, doctor available by appointment only

Akira Wu

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

updated chinese name and given name
added website
added SMC
called clinic, doctor available by appointment only

Lim Beng Hai

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

added website
added SMC
called clinic, doctor available by appointment only

Vivien Lim Chin Chin

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

updated given name and description
added website
added SMC
consultation 200 above before GST, no info for the volume
called clinic doctor available by appointment only

Jarrod Lee

@fernandolacap1 @eduardotimbol1 @jonalyngrageda1

updated given name
removed twitter
added website
added SMC
called clinic doctor available by appointment only
Buddy Yat Kiu Otolaryngology Agreement - 31 Aug 2018
Matthew Tong Kwok Lung Nephrology Agreement - 12 Sep 2018
Lai Jak Yiu Gastroenterology Hepatology Agreement - 24 Jun 2019
Jennifer Sihoe Dart Yin Pediatric urology Pediatric surgery Agreement - 23 Oct 2018
Leonard Yuen Ophthalmology Agreement - 8 Apr 2018
Joe Lee Kin Tong Cardiology Agreement - 13 Dec 2018
Kevin Tsang Wai Yin Geriatric medicine Agreement - 13 Dec 2018
Tam Chun Hay Nephrology Agreement - 5 Dec 2018
Simon Li Wing Heng Gastroenterology Agreement - 13 Aug 2018
Marcus Ying Wai Leung General surgery Agreement - 19 Oct 2018
Raymond Ng Wai Man Plastic surgery Agreement - 29 Aug 2018
Lee Siu Hong Medical oncology Agreement - 27 Nov 2018
Lee Tak Hong Allergy and immunology Agreement - 23 Aug 2018
Cheung Wing Tak General practice Agreement - 13 Mar 2019
Tsui Wai Kin Oral and maxillofacial surgery Agreement - 16 Oct 2018
Eric Li Ting Ho Gastroenterology Hepatology Agreement - 12 Mar 2019
Tommy Ng Hung Kwong Orthopaedic surgery of the spine Agreement - 12 Mar 2019
Brian Wu Ping Ying Gastroenterology Hepatology Agreement - 12 Dec 2018
Ringo Chu Wing Hong Urology Agreement - 21 Aug 2019
Lau Tze Wing Otolaryngology Agreement - 14 Jan 2019
Nelson Lai Kwong Lun Otolaryngology Agreement - 14 Dec 2018
Virgil Yung General surgery Agreement - 12 Jun 2018
Fredriech Chan Kwok Wing Endocrinology Agreement - 20 Nov 2018
Alexander Kenneth Doo Obstetrics and gynecology Reproductive endocrinology
Agreement - 9 May 2019
Samuel Leung Neurosurgery Agreement - 12 Nov 2018
Woo Siu Bon Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 27 Nov 2018
Felix Wong Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 14 Nov 2018
Alson Chan Wai Ming Pediatrics Agreement - 5 Nov 2018
Leung Kam Fung General surgery Agreement - 16 Nov 2018
Wong Yuk Ting General surgery Agreement - 29 Jan 2019
Cheung Hay Man General surgery Agreement - 30 Jan 2019
Benjamin Chow Kai Pun Sports medicine Adult reconstructive orthopaedic surgery
Agreement - 25 Jan 2019
Joseph Tsang Kay Yan Infectious disease Agreement - 28 Mar 2019
Fong Chung Yan Gardian Neurology Agreement - 29 Jan 2019
Tang Man Cheung Internal medicine Agreement - 19 Mar 2019
Jennifer Myint Ma Wai Wai Internal medicine Physical medicine and rehabilitation
Geriatric medicine Agreement - 6 Dec 2018
Clement Lam Yick Wang General surgery Agreement - 14 Feb 2019
Dexter Leung Yu Lung Ophthalmology Agreement - 14 Jun 2018
David Ip Shing Fai General surgery Colorectal surgery Agreement - 28 Sep 2018
Walter King Wing Keung Plastic surgery Agreement - 17 Nov 2020
William Sharr Wei General surgery Agreement - 18 Oct 2018
Chang Shyh Jye General surgery Agreement - 9 Jul 2018
David Man Wing Ki Pediatric surgery Agreement - 14 Dec 2018
Vanessa Wong Psychiatry Agreement - 15 Oct 2018
Vincent Tsang Chi Yan Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 20 Aug 2018
Fan Chi Wai Urology Agreement - 10 Jul 2018
Ronnie Poon Tung Ping General surgery Agreement - 18 Oct 2018
Angus Lo Ho Yin Pulmonary disease Agreement - 18 Jul 2018
John Wong Tai Hung Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 18 Sep 2018
Chan Kin Chun General surgery Agreement - 7 Sep 2018
Michael Chor Chung Ming Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 25 Oct 2018
Cheung Wai Him Psychiatry Agreement - 30 Oct 2018
Kwok Ka Fai General surgery Agreement - 22 Oct 2018
Wong Chin Hong Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 10 Jan 2019
Bernard Ngai General practice Agreement - 28 Feb 2019
Leung To Wai Medical oncology Agreement - 21 Jan 2019
Anna Wong Wai Man Plastic surgery Agreement - 13 Sep 2018
Willie Leung Cheuk Wai Internal medicine Geriatric medicine Agreement - 7 Jan 2019
Kimmy Cheung Kit Ying Psychiatry Agreement - 27 Mar 2019
Patricia Poon Che Mun Medical oncology Agreement - 19 Mar 2019
Justin Lam Kin Man Urology Agreement - 9 May 2019
Angus Leung Kwong Chuen Medical oncology Agreement - 22 Nov 2018
Lawrence Lan Chuen Leung Pediatric surgery Agreement - 1 Nov 2018
Catherine Chan Hoi Yee Ophthalmology Agreement - 12 Mar 2019
Alan Fung Ho Wang General practice Agreement - 25 Mar 2019
Christine Lee Wai Yin Pediatrics Agreement - 21 Mar 2019
Joseph Lam Ming Kuen Neurosurgery Agreement - 8 Aug 2018
Lily Chuang Lai Geriatric medicine Agreement - 23 Jan 2019
Adrian Wu Young Yuen Allergy and immunology Agreement - 24 Aug 2018
Victor Tam Tak Yau Ophthalmology Agreement - 6 May 2019
May Yee May Mok Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 9 Jan 2019
Michael Cheung Ho Yin General surgery Colorectal surgery Agreement - 19 Oct 2018
Daniel Chu Wai Sing General practice Agreement - 27 Mar 2019
Tracy Yeung Wing Yee Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 17 Jul 2018
Wong Shell Fean Obstetrics and gynecology Gynecologic oncology Agreement - 16 May
Tracy Yeung Wing Yee Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 17 Jul 2018
Wong Shell Fean Obstetrics and gynecology Gynecologic oncology Agreement - 16 May
Aurelius Fung Wai Ching Pediatrics Agreement - 20 May 2019
Chan Ding Nai Dylan Ophthalmology Agreement - 29 May 2019
Ko Chun Yu Ophthalmology Agreement - 29 May 2019
Chun Siu Yeung Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 30 May 2019
Peter Tio Man Kwun Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 5 Jun 2019
Alan Ng Chun Kwan Ophthalmology Agreement - 5 Jun 2019
Tony Chan Tung Fei General surgery Agreement - 12 Jun 2019
Terrance Li Ho Lun Neurology Agreement - 20 Aug 2018
Lau Yan Kit Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic trauma surgery Agreement - 19 Mar 2018
Henry Ho Ching Lun Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 20 Jul 2018
Tinny Tsui Hon Yee Endocrinology Agreement - 26 Jun 2019
Chau Tai Nin Gastroenterology Hepatology Agreement - 2 Jul 2019
Vivian Mok Way Kay Plastic surgery Agreement - 2 Jul 2019
Derek Lee Man Kit General surgery Agreement - 2 Jul 2019
Chiu Ming Chee Pulmonary disease Agreement - 3 Jul 2019
Alvin Chan Yee Shing Pediatrics Pediatric neurology Agreement - 9 Jul 2019
Cheung Kin Wing Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 11 Jul 2019
Benny Fok Ka Lung Colorectal surgery Agreement - 20 Jun 2019
Alexander Chan Pak Hin Orthopaedic surgery Sports medicine Agreement - 16 Jul 2019
Benson Cheung Tze On Ophthalmology Agreement - 18 Jul 2019
Yip Pui Pui Ophthalmology Agreement - 20 Jul 2019
Ng Wai Tat General surgery Agreement - 19 Jul 2019
Edmund Wong Chun Wa Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 16 Jul 2019
William So Wai Ki Reproductive endocrinology Agreement - 18 Jul 2019
David Alan Chow Gastroenterology Hepatology Agreement - 11 Jul 2019
Joseph Hui General surgery Agreement - 26 Jul 2019
Wong Tak Chuen Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 18 Jul 2019
Wong Wai Ming Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 26 Jul 2019
Francis Lam Hin Tseuk Sports medicine Agreement - 28 Feb 2019
Kevin Chan Kin Ming Otolaryngology Agreement - 9 Aug 2019
Ng Yiu Wing Otolaryngology Agreement - 6 Aug 2019
Daniel Chan Chor Kwong General practice Agreement - 5 Jul 2019
Eddie Chan Shu Yin Urology Agreement - 15 Aug 2019
Thomas Chan Sze Tong Neurosurgery Agreement - 17 May 2019
Raymond Miu Kin Man Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 26 Jul 2019
Matthew Lo Kwok Wing Endocrinology Agreement - 28 Nov 2019
Steve Chan Wai Hee Urology Agreement - 12 Dec 2019
Darren Poon Ming Chun Medical oncology Agreement - 6 Mar 2020
Alex Chow Chi Ping Pain medicine Physical medicine and rehabilitation Agreement -
24 Apr 2020
David Ho Wai Tak General surgery Colorectal surgery Agreement - 21 Oct 2019
Kathy Lee Lai Fun Cardiology Interventional cardiology Electrophysiology Agreement
- 13 Dec 2019
Timothy Teoh Sim Chuan Urology Agreement - 3 May 2019
Cathy Lam Tse Fun Cardiology Interventional cardiology
Ian Chi Tat Tse Dermatology Agreement - 7 Nov 2019
John Daniel Hooley Orthopaedic surgery Sports medicine Agreement - 6 Nov 2019
Eric Tang Chi Ho Otolaryngology Agreement - 24 Feb 2020
Chow Hung Tsan Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic surgery of the spine Agreement - 14
Nov 2019
Andrew Ho Chung Yin Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 16 Dec 2019
Benjamin Fenn Urology Agreement - 9 May 2019
Ricky Lam Wai Fat Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 11 Dec 2019
Eric Chak Hing Chung Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic surgery of the spine Agreement
- 3 Mar 2020
Wong Cheuk Chung General surgery Agreement - 5 Jul 2019
Cyril Ko Yiu Kwan Cardiology Agreement - 1 Nov 2018
Ho Chin Hung Orthopaedic surgery of the spine Agreement - 23 Aug 2019
Irene Cheung Mei Ling Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 23 Aug 2019
Lam Chi Ming General surgery Agreement - 29 Oct 2019
Chen Chi Kin Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 1 Feb 2019
Mimi Lee Kun Min Medical oncology Agreement - 14 Nov 2018
Vincent Luk Ngai Hong Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 17 Mar 2020
Iris Ngai Sze Ling Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic trauma surgery Orthopaedic hand
surgery Adult reconstructive orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 2 Oct 2019
Peter Pang Ka Hung Neurosurgery Agreement - 12 Dec 2018
Lee Ka Yan General surgery Agreement - 29 May 2019
Boron Cheng Cheung Wah Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 16 Jun 2020
Ambrose Ho Chung Wai Otolaryngology Agreement - 2 Jul 2020
Daniel Kwok Keung Ng Pediatric pulmonology no agreement
Stephen Lam Tak Sum Clinical genetics Agreement - 8 Jul 2020
Alice Ng Wan Ying Medical oncology Agreement - 2 Jul 2020
Miranda Chan Kuen Yi Colorectal surgery Agreement - 10 Sep 2020
Chu Kin Wah Colorectal surgery Agreement - 10 Sep 2020
Suen Hon Chi Cardiothoracic surgery Agreement - 21 Sep 2020
Dawson Fong To Sang Neurosurgery Agreement - 20 Jul 2018
James Chim Chor Sang Hematology Agreement - 11 Nov 2020
Jennie Ng Ching Wah Obstetrics and gynecology Reproductive endocrinology Agreement
- 24 Apr 2020
Archie Lo Ying Sui Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 25 May 2020
Milton Leong Ka Hong Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 10 Oct 2019
Victor Lee Kar Fai Cardiology Agreement - 23 Aug 2018
Yeung Chun General surgery Agreement - 28 Oct 2019
Aaron Kwok Chi Wai Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 7 Oct 2020
Brian Kong Ming Fat Orthopaedic surgery Agreement - 8 Jul 2019
Yeung Chung Kwong Pediatric urology Pediatric surgery Agreement - 26 Jun 2019
Donald Greig General surgery Agreement - 26 Sep 2019
Peter Teo Man Lung Medical oncology Radiation oncology Agreement - 25 Jun 2020
Tse Hung Fat Cardiology Interventional cardiology Agreement - 10 Dec 2020
Michael Li Ka Wah General surgery Agreement - 16 Dec 2020
Sum Kai Hoi Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic trauma surgery Agreement - 3 Sep 2020
Robert Law Chi Lim Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 8 Mar 2018
Grace Kong Wing Shan Obstetrics and gynecology Agreement - 3 Oct 2018
Jane Chan Chun Kwong Pulmonary disease Agreement - 10 Jun 2020
Michelle F. T. Chan Medical oncology Radiation oncology Agreement - 15 Jul 2020
Kenneth Sun Lun Kit Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic surgery of the spine Agreement
- 12 Mar 2019
Adrian Leung Hon Bong Orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedic trauma surgery Orthopaedic
surgery of the spine Agreement - 15 Jan 2019
Liang Hin Suen Raymond Hematology No agreement

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