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Josue Mena Ochoa

Professor Wyckoff

EDU 220-1001

July 3, 2021

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

To be admitted into UNLV, NSC, or UNR in the pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree in

Education you must first pass the Praxis Core Exam. If you do not take the Praxis Core

Exam, you will not be allowed to take any Education class through the University(s) until

you do. To pass the Praxis Core Exam you must first take three separate exams and must

pass all three sections to pass. The three sections are math, reading, and writing. The

passing score for math is 150, and you will have one hour and twenty-five minutes to

take the test. The passing score for reading is 156, and you will have one hour and fifteen

minutes to take the test. The passing score for writing is 162, and you will have one hour

and forty minutes to take the test.

Exam Preparation

For the exam preparation, I studied with my wife when she was studying for her

Praxis Core Exam. We got a book through Barron’s titled, “Praxis Core • PLT” by Dr.

Robert. D. Postman. I used this book for myself before taking the Praxis Core practice

exams to see what type of questions would be on the test. I found that I mostly needed to

refresh myself on my reading and studying some vocabulary and relearning some

suffixes. I also took the practice questions from ETS and saw what the Praxis Prep
websites had to offer. Besides this, most of my preparation was through the book and

studying with my wife.

Exam Results

Out of the three Praxis Core Exam options, I only took the Reading and Math

portion of the exam. On my math portion of the exam, I score in the 96% range, which

means that I am very likely to pass the Math section when I take the official Praxis Core

Exam. It said that I scored lowest in Number & Quantity and Algebra & Geometry, so in

the future, I will study this more. On my reading portion of the exam, I score in the 95%

range, which means that I am very likely to pass the Reading section when I take the

official Praxis Core Exam. On this portion of the exam, it said I scored lowest in Craft,

Structure, and Language Skills. So, in the future, these are the areas I will try to focus on

in my studies.

Future Exam Preparation

To help me with future exam preparation I simply need to study more. I will

purchase another study book and use it to quiz myself and study the subjects I need help

with the most. I will use the Praxis prep website before taking the exam as well to help

me see what type of questions will be on the test and to see if the practice material that I

have been studying helped. If not, then I will use whatever study guide available through

Praxis’s Website. I do not think I will take the C-Best exam, because I believe it easier

and simpler to just do the Praxis Core Exam. Overall, before I take the test, I just need to

study and get a refresher before taking the exam.

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