Academic Writing Pre-Test

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Academic Writing | Writing Pre-test

ID No: 20MPHPQA002 Time: 50 Minutes Name of

Candidate:..................................................................................................................... Maximum Marks: 60

Directions: This is an academic writing test. It includes four sections that measure
different aspects of your academic writing ability. The test lasts for 50 minutes.

Section Task Evaluation Criteria

1 Writing a Paragraph  Academic Writing Style

2 Graph Interpretation  Lexical range

 Grammatical Range and Accuracy
3 Paraphrasing
 Coherence and Cohesion
4 Grammar  Task Completion

For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for writing.

Section 1: Writing a Paragraph (10 Marks)

Directions: Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics. You should spend about 10
minutes on it.
1. Importance of Science Education in Schools 3. Challenges of E-learning
2. Benefits of Studying Abroad 4. Impact of Covid-19 on Economy
Challenges of E-learning
1) Lack of awareness
Major challenges of eLearning is that the learners are unperceptive of effectiveness of eLearning.
They might feel that eLearning is not as effective as classroom training and that the trainees would
miss the chance of face-to-face interaction.
2) Technical issue
Strong internet connection is required.
3) Motivation
Online learning requires motivation to complete tasks, stay engaged, and make progress.
4) Adaptability
Students find it difficult to adapt to an online learning environment immediately after
traditional classroom learning.  

5) Computer knowledge

There are many students who still cannot operate basic computers with MS word and
6) Communication

Students lack effective communication skills during online learning.

7) Feedback

Every student needs feedback for their performance during the learning process so that
they can improve their learning abilities.

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Section 2: Graph Interpretation (20 Marks)

Directions: The following bar graph shows the overseas students’ enrollment in higher education in
Australia. Write a report describing the information in the graph below. You should write at least 150
words. You should spend 20 minutes for this task.

 The graphs show the enrolments of overseas students in Australia over a ten year period.
 Overall, the overseas students have an increase in the total enrolments. The overseas students’
enrolments was not so stabilized in the starting.
 The overseas student’s total enrolment, they rose from about 202,581 to 398,563 in the span of 10 years
(2008 to 2018). Students are gradually increased from year of 2014.
 Highest students enrollment found in the year of 2018.
 Number of student enrollment in 2018 is almost double then 2008.
Section 3: Paraphrasing (10 Marks)

Directions: Paraphrase the following passage. You should spend 10 minutes for this task.

Birds, insects, fish and mammals migrate. They migrate to escape very cold or very hot weather, to
leave a dry place for a wetter one, to find more food, and to return to a favored place to reproduce
and raise young. Some animal species make epic journeys over extraordinary distances as part of
their annual routine. But how do they know the route to follow? Many species inherit the knowledge
of the routes from their parents genetically. Some bird species use the sun and the stars to orient
themselves as they fly. And a wide range of species make use of the Earth's magnetic field for

Birds, insects, fish and mammals migrate. They migrate to escape very cold or very warm weather, to depart a
dry location for a wetter one, to find more food, and to return to a appreciated area to reproduce
and elevate young. Some animal species make epic journeys over brilliant distances as phase of their annual
routine. But how do they recognize the route to follow? Many species inherit the understanding of the routes
from their dad and mom genetically. Some hen species use the sun and the stars to orient themselves as they fly.
And a broad vary of species make use of the Earth's magnetic area for navigation.

Section 4: Grammar0.
(20 Marks)

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Directions: Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate option from those given in the
brackets. You should spend 10 minutes for this task.

Vaccines h a v e (have/has/had) revolutionized our ability to improve health and save lives
(life, lives, lifes), resulting in the control, elimination, or near-elimination many(many, much)
life-threatening diseases. The path to disease prevention – the development of t h e (a/the/an/no
article) novel vaccine – is a (a/an/the/no article) complex and lengthy process that generally
take 10 to15 years. Usually, laboratory research is conduct for 2 to
5 years to identify antigens to include in a vaccine. Researchers conducts testing to assess vaccine
candidate’s immunogenicity, their ability to elicit the desired immune response. Other Area of focus
include short-term toxicology, formulation, and development of a scalable, efficient, and
reproducible manufacturing process. This data collection and analysis can take around 2 years. In the
United States, application for an Investigational New Drug (IND) is submit to the U.S. Food

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and Drug Administration (FDA). Only with an approval of the IND by the FDA does the potential
vaccine proceeds through 3 phases of testing in humans.
If the candidate vaccine have determined to be safe and effective, a Biologics License Application
(BLA) is submitted to the FDA, which may conduct its own testing. The FDA also inspect the
production of the vaccine candidate and monitor its potency, safety, and purity; this entire
process will take up to 2 years. Manufacturing scales up production of large quantities of the vaccine,
ensuring all product meets the necessary regulatory requirements, including current Good
Manufacturing Processes (cGMP).


Section 1 :

Section 2 :

Section 3 :

Section 4 : Total Score: __________________

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