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It is my goal as a teacher to recognize the special skills and creativity of

each student. Using dance to engage students both mentally and physically, I

encourage my pupils to use their whole body as an instrument to create art.

Dance technique is very important; however, my students must learn how to use

their own self-expression to fully enrich their lives through art.

In my class, I like to use a central theme to focus on throughout the class

whether it is body alignment, strength, stretch, balance, coordination, etc… All of

my dance combinations throughout the class will focus on that theme. This helps

reinforce the idea I would like my students to achieve during the class.

Furthermore, I will incorporate dance history in my curriculum aligned with GA

Standards of Excellence for Dance Education.

It is my hope that all my students grow to not only be better dancers but

better people. Dance teaches so many universal skills from leadership, team

building, awareness, and the list goes on. I hope to be a mentor to my students

not only in dance but also in life.

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