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Question: How can a business leader encourage employees to act ethically

Encouraging ethical behavior at work helps build a strong team and raise
productivity. It helps an organization maintain a reputation for strong values that
directly align with its mission. Research shows that businesses with strong ethical
cultures have shown a reduction Lead by example.Leaders need to model the behavior
they expect to see in their staff. If employees can see others, particularly the roles they
report to behaving ethically, the team is more likely adopt the same behavior and values.
Reward good behavior.Ethical behaviors, such as when an employee goes above and
beyond to put his or her personal interests aside to always do what is best for the client,
should be actively rewarded and held up as an example for other.
Training,Hold workshops and provide regular training on how to solve problems ethically.
Use examples, case studies and role play to discuss tough decisions that may arise, and
brainstorm solutions together.
Set clear expectations.Your organization’s Code of Conduct should define the
expectations for employees’ behavior in clear and simple language. This should
include how employees should interact with each other, customers, as well as what
is and is not considered acceptable behavior in the workplace. These expectations
also serve as guidance for managers, setting out when they need to intervene
and/or take disciplinary action. The Code of Conduct should be communicated to all
Feedback Mechanism.Fundamentally, ethical behavior is about “doing the right
thing”. Ensure there is a clear feedback mechanism in place through which
employees can report any unethical behavior they witness. These mechanisms
should allow staff to make reports anonymously and without fear of any adverse
action being taken against them.

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