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Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)

D. Nicholas Bateman

Contents Special Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Pregnant Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Neonatal Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Clinical Pharmacology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Patients with Myopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Grading System for Levels of Evidence Supporting

Modulators of Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Recommendations in Critical Care Toxicology,
2nd Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Clinical Presentation and Life–Threatening
Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Chronic Acetaminophen Overdose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Laboratory Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Acute Single Oral Ingestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Multiple Ingestions and Therapeutic Error . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Intravenous Acetaminophen Overdose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Prognostic Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Psychiatric Assessment Before Orthotopic Liver
Transplantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Coagulopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Renal Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Encephalopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Sepsis and Shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Hypoglycemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Sedation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

D.N. Bateman
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, The
University of Edinburgh-College of Medicine and
Veterinary Science, Edinburgh, UK

# Springer International Publishing AG 2016 1

J. Brent et al. (eds.), Critical Care Toxicology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20790-2_108-2
2 D.N. Bateman

Overview attributed to ingestion of acetaminophen with and

without ethanol, and an almost equal number of
Acetaminophen (paracetamol) was first discovered deaths involve ingestion of acetaminophen as part
in Germany in 1887. It was initially rejected in favor of an overdose [5]. Acetaminophen remains the
of the structurally related phenacetin, as it was con- most common cause of acute liver failure as seen
sidered too toxic. It was only when restudied in the in hospitals in the USA and UK, and is important
late 1940s that it was recognized as safer than in many other countries [12, 13]. Among over-
alternative agents [1]. It was first marketed as an dose patients, there are a number of patients who
antipyretic and analgesic in the USA, as Tylenol, suffer from toxicity due to taking supratherapeutic
and UK, as Panadol, in the 1950s [2]. doses. This is in part due to the confusion in
Toxicity from acetaminophen overdose was ini- labeling of acetaminophen-containing medica-
tially recognized in 1966, about 10 years after mar- tions, the availability of different types of prod-
keting, when the first cases were reported in ucts containing acetaminophen, a lack of
Scotland [3, 4]. At that time there were no effective understanding in the community of what products
therapies, and morbidity and mortality from acet- contain acetaminophen [14], and the narrow ther-
aminophen overdose climbed steadily as overdoses apeutic index of this compound. It may also be
increased (Fig. 1) [5]. In the 1970s there were a that factors such as acute starvation are as impor-
significant number of cases in the Royal Infirmary tant in man as they are in animal models of acet-
poisons unit in Edinburgh, and Laurie Prescott and aminophen toxicity. Repeat ingestion of
colleagues did important work, allowing rapid pro- supratherapeutic doses appears to result in a
gress in knowledge. Initial studies showed the rela- greater risk of liver damage than the same dose
tionship of plasma concentration of acetaminophen as a single ingestion [15].
to risk of toxicity (II-3) [6]. Animal studies had Although antidote therapy is effective if given
suggested both the mechanism of action of acet- soon after ingestion of an overdose, it is clear that its
aminophen and potential antidotes. Studies were efficacy declines over time and in patients who take
then done in the UK and North America evaluating multiple therapeutic doses in excess it is often too
three of these, cysteamine, methionine, and late for acetylcysteine to be effective (II-2)
acetylcysteine. By the end of that decade the evi- [16]. Although other approaches to therapy have
dence was clear from UK data that acetylcysteine been studied in animal models these are yet to be
(N-acetylcysteine, NAC) was the antidote of choice put into the clinic. In patients with severe liver injury
(II-3) [7], but for many years there were differences liver transplantation may be effective. Present issues
in the approach to giving this antidote, as intrave- in clinical toxicology of acetaminophen include the
nous formulations were at that time not licensed for use of safer, potentially shorter and simpler antidote
use in the USA [8, 9]. Despite an available antidote, regimens, better predictive tests for indicating which
which halted the increase in mortality, deaths did patients are at risk, and which therefore allow better
not subsequently decline. As a result, in the UK, risk stratification than the present nomograms that
changes were introduced in 1998 to the pack sizes have been in use for 40 years.
available for over-the-counter sale (maximum 16 g The introduction of modified release prepara-
in a pharmacy, 8 g in a general store sale), in an tions of acetaminophen has resulted in a problem
attempt to reduce mortality [10]. The magnitude of in overdose management, since these make risk
change in mortality and morbidity this has caused assessment more difficult, as the nomograms may
remains a topic of debate [11]. not be applicable due to delays in acetaminophen
Because acetaminophen is available without absorption [17]. In addition over the past few
prescription, “over-the-counter,” worldwide it is years intravenous acetaminophen has become
commonly used in overdose, but the precise num- more widely used, particularly postoperatively,
ber of deaths caused is uncertain. In the UK, for and sadly cases of toxicity have been associated
example, at least 150 deaths per annum may be with supratherapeutic use by this route [18].
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 3

a ICD-8 ICD-9 ICD-10

NAC Pack size Co-proxamol

800 restriction


Number of deaths

500 All Deaths

Para alone/+ EtOH



1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009

b ICD-8 ICD-9 ICD-10

NAC Pack size Co-proxamol

15 restriction
Deaths per million population

All Deaths
10 Para+/−Dextro
Para alone/+ EtOH
1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009

Fig. 1 Deaths from acetaminophen poisoning in England in 1998; and withdrawal of propoxyphene containing acet-
1969–2011, (a) total numbers; (b) per million population). aminophen codrug (coproxamol) over 2 years 2005–2007
Down arrows indicate potential influences on mortality: (Data from Bateman 2014 Clin Tox 52 821–23, with kind
introduction of acetylcysteine as an antidote in 1975; permission of Prof R J Flanagan)
reduction in pack sizes available for sale over-the counter

2 (COX-2) enzymes with a reduction in prosta-

Clinical Pharmacology glandin (PG) production [19, 20], its pharmaco-
logical effect appears to be primarily mediated via
Although acetaminophen has been used exten- inhibition of COX-2 and prostaglandin E2 syn-
sively for more than 50 years, its precise mecha- thesis (PGE2) [21, 22]. In vivo, acetaminophen
nism of action therapeutically remains unclear. has similar effects to selective COX-2 inhibitors,
While it has been shown to inhibit both cyclo- with only mild COX-1 effects [23]. Animal stud-
oxygenase 1 (COX-1) and cyclo-oxygenase ies have suggested that acetaminophen inhibits
4 D.N. Bateman

COX-3, a variant of COX-1 [23, 24]. COX-3 concentration occurring later than 4 h after over-
encodes proteins with different amino acid dose is rare but has been noted, for example, after
sequences to COX-1 and COX-2, and so it is coingestion of drugs that impair gastric motility,
unlikely that it plays a significant role in such as the opioid propoxyphene [33] and anti-
PG-mediated pain and fever. Furthermore, the cholinergic diphenhydramine [34]. A major con-
low level of expression of COX-3 in humans cern for clinical toxicologists has been the
suggests that it may be of little clinical introduction by pharmaceutical companies of
relevance [25]. modified release acetaminophen preparations. As
Despite similarities with classic nonsteroidal these are associated with peak
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), however, plasma concentrations delayed more than 4 h
the anti-inflammatory effect of acetaminophen after overdose they interfere with the use of the
is weak [24]. This may be related to peroxide standard nomogram approach to assessing acet-
concentration, as acetaminophen-induced COX aminophen dose, and hence risk of toxicity
inhibition is less active at sites of inflammation [35–37].
where peroxide concentration is high, but more In therapeutic dose acetaminophen elimination
active centrally at sites of low peroxide concen- follows first-order kinetics. It has a half-life of
tration, probably in the brain [19, 26]. Animal 2–4 h, which is prolonged in patients with acute
models suggest additional analgesic effects may acetaminophen-induced liver damage. At thera-
be mediated via serotonergic [27], opioid [28], or peutic doses protein binding is 15–20 %, and the
cannabinoid systems [29]. Animal studies using volume of distribution is approximately 0.9 L/kg
COX-2 knockout mice have also demonstrated [32]. It is obviously more difficult to study these
that COX-2 is responsible for the febrile aspects in patients with overdose, as the dose
response [30], suggesting that the antipyretic actually absorbed is often uncertain. With the
mechanism of acetaminophen may be mediated onset of liver injury the elimination of acetamin-
via COX-2 inhibition. In overdose none of these ophen is delayed [6, 38]. More than 90 % of
pharmacological effects are likely to be impor- acetaminophen is conjugated in the liver by a
tant in the majority of patients, although combination of sulfation and glucuronidation;
increased kaliuresis with resultant hypokalaemia approximately 4–7 % is excreted unchanged in
suggests an effect on renal function associated urine. The remainder (about 4 % at therapeutic
with the effects of acetaminophen on renal doses) is metabolized by the cytochrome P-450
prostaglandins [31]. mixed-function oxidase system [39], primarily by
The kinetics and metabolism of acetaminophen CYP2E1 with a smaller contribution by CYP1A2,
at therapeutic doses are well understood. Gastric to a toxic metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoqui-
emptying is the rate-limiting step in absorption, noneimine (NAPQI).
and, as acetaminophen is absorbed rapidly from
the small intestine, speed of absorption of acet- Pharmacokinetics of Acetaminophen at
aminophen has been used as a measure of gastric Therapeutic Dose
motility. Absorption is usually complete by Volume of distribution: 0.9 L/kg
60–90 min after a therapeutic dose. Liquid prepa- Protein binding: 15–20 %
rations may be completely absorbed within Mechanisms of clearance (at therapeutic
20 min [32]. With ingestion of excessive doses dose): hepatic >90 %, renal 4–7 %
of standard-release preparations, absorption may Toxic metabolite: N-acetyl-p-
be delayed but is almost invariably complete benzoquinoneimine
within 4 h. Coingested drugs that delay gastric Methods to enhance clearance: dialysis
emptying may delay absorption of acetamino- (may be appropriate to consider in massive
phen. Thus a peak serum acetaminophen overdose but is normally used in patients ther-
apeutically for management of renal failure)
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 5

Acetaminophen Quantity

Glucuronide OH Sulfate
Cytochrome Activity
Reactive N-acetyl-Benzoquinone imine NAPQI
Glutathione Metabolite Macromolecules

Glutathione Macromolecules
Cell Death

Mercapturic NAC ??

Fig. 2 Metabolism of acetaminophen showing main metabolites, mechanism of toxicity, and primary site of action of
acetylcysteine (“?? NAC” indicates unknown mechanism of benefit in liver failure prophylaxis, see text)

detoxifies this metabolite [39, 42, 44–47]. Mito-

Pathophysiology chondrial injury is a component of hepatic injury,
and agents that prevent mitochondrial injury
The basis of acetaminophen toxicity is its meta- reduce liver injury from acetaminophen in
bolic pathway and the availability of natural glu- animals [48].
tathione (Fig. 2). Acetaminophen is an example At therapeutic doses, acetaminophen is an
of a substance that undergoes hepatic metabolism extraordinarily safe drug with minimal adverse
to a toxic metabolite (other examples include effects. However, in an animal model of acetamin-
carbon tetrachloride, methanol, and ethylene gly- ophen overdose, NAPQI begins to bind to hepa-
col). The metabolizing enzymes are distributed tocytes and causes arylation, cellular injury, and
throughout the body, but the majority of these are possibly death when hepatic glutathione stores
found in the liver, with the highest concentration have been depleted to less than 70 % of normal
in the centrilobular region (zone 3), which is values [44].
composed of hepatic acinar cells. A secondary Similar reactions are believed to occur in man.
area of increased concentration is in the kidneys. Serious liver damage after a single 75 mg/kg body
Neither acetaminophen nor its conjugated metab- weight dose of acetaminophen is rare, even in
olites are harmful. However, the metabolite gen- patients at increased risk. In patients without risk
erated by CYP2E1 is potentially toxic factors, a dose less than 150 mg/kg body weight is
[40–42]. This metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoqui- unlikely to cause serious liver damage [16]. Chil-
noneimine (NAPQI), is very short lived. It binds dren younger than 6 years appear to be more
to the hepatic cell membrane and injures the lipid resistant to acetaminophen toxicity than adoles-
bilayer, if not neutralized by an antioxidant [43], cents and adults on a weight basis. This may be
and glutathione is the primary antioxidant natu- because the liver is a proprtionally larger organ in
rally present in the liver that conjugates and
6 D.N. Bateman

children than adults. Several large studies of overdose (II-3) [66]. Acute starvation also seems
young children have demonstrated that in this to increase risk of hepatotoxicity, as in patients
age-group, a single ingestion of 200 mg/kg or with acute dental pain. In contrast, concomitant
less is highly unlikely to result in significant tox- ethanol and acetaminophen ingestion may
icity (II-3) [49–52]. decrease the effects of acetaminophen overdose
Chronic supratherapeutic dosing of acetamin- because of inhibition and competition for
ophen may also result in toxicity. The manufac- CYP2E1 activity [67]. Phenytoin, which is not a
turers’ recommended daily amount is 4 g/day or CYP2E1 inducer, does not appear to increase the
less for adults and 75 mg/kg/day or less for chil- risk of acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity
dren. Toxicity has been reported with ingestion of and, in fact, may offer hepatoprotection by
more than these recommended doses for a day or increasing glucuronidation [68].
longer [53–55]. Retrospective case series in chil- Age is also a modulator of toxicity. Young
dren have reported therapeutic doses (20–25 mg/ children appear to be more resistant to the toxic
kg/day) being associated with hepatotoxicity [56, effects of acute acetaminophen overdose. Addi-
57], but the accuracy of these dose estimates is tionally, the incidence of hepatotoxicity is much
uncertain. lower than that observed in the general population
Whether chronic acetaminophen dosing at nor- [69]. The corollary to this is the increased risk of
mal theapeutic doses causes liver damage is a hepatotoxicity in the elderly (II-3) [15, 70, 71].
subject which has been raised by studies
suggesting small increases in ALT with chronic
dosing in normal populations [58]. The clinical Clinical Presentation
relevance of a small increase in ALT is likely very and Life–Threatening Complications
low, and others have suggested little evidence of
any toxicity from such dosing [59]. The clinical manifestations of acetaminophen tox-
icity can vary significantly, depending on the
dose, time of presentation, and whether the toxic-
Modulators of Toxicity ity results from acute or chronic ingestion.
Patients who undergo medical evaluation within
Toxicity results when the amount of NAPQI pro- several hours after an acute ingestion may be
duced from acetaminophen metabolism over- asymptomatic or have only minor symptoms.
whelms the capacity for glutathione-mediated Nausea, vomiting, and occasionally lethargy
detoxification. Theoretically, any compound that may occur early (typically within several hours
induces CYP2E1 could increase the amount of of ingestion) in moderate to severe acetamino-
NAPQI produced and thus increase the likelihood phen poisoning. In our experience, these symp-
of toxicity. Inducers of CYP2E1 include ethanol, toms usually decrease within 12–18 h and may
rifampicin, isoniazid, and carbamazepine (II-3) possibly reflect direct effects of the parent com-
[60]. Clinical series suggest that patients who pound (because resolution occurs with declining
chronically ingest drugs that induce CYP2E1, or acetaminophen levels). Metabolic acidosis is a
smoke tobacco, may have poorer outcomes than feature of evolving liver failure, but it and even
the general population after acetaminophen over- coma have been reported within 4–6 h of a mas-
dose (II-3) [61–64]. In addition coingestion of sive overdose, although coma is extremely rare,
opiates seems to be associated with increased and should alert the physician to alternative diag-
toxic effect in acetaminophen overdose noses or coingestions such as opioids or benzodi-
[65]. Patients with depleted glutathione stores azepines [72–74]. It is important to exclude
from malnutrition, such as chronic alcoholics, hypoglycemia caused by acetaminophen-induced
may also be at increased risk (II-3) [15]. There is liver injury. Patients who first come to medical
some evidence that coexisting conditions, in par- attention after the onset of signs of liver injury –
ticular myopathies, may increase toxicity risk in generally at least 24 h after acute ingestion – may
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 7

initially present with abdominal pain, encephalop- Table 1 Clinical characteristics of encephalopathy
athy, coagulopathy, and renal failure. Grade I Slowed thought processes, slurred speech,
Hepatocytes are the primary target after an untidy appearance, slight tremor
acetaminophen overdose. Given NAPQI’s ultra- Grade II Increased drowsiness, inappropriate
short half-life, its initial toxicity is limited to cells behavior, easily elicited tremor
Grade III Hypersomnolent, incoherent speech,
that synthesise it. Most of the life-threatening
marked confusion
complications of acetaminophen poisoning are a Grade IV Coma, no response to painful stimuli
direct result of acute liver injury and the systemic
complications of liver failure. The role of inflam-
matory response is also important in the patho-
genesis of liver damage, as inhibition of this
process in laboratory animals results in less toxic- periportal regions (zone 1), which tend to be unaf-
ity [75]. The clinical course most commonly fected by all but the most massive of acetamino-
observed with acute acetaminophen hepatotoxic- phen overdoses.
ity is hyperacute liver failure, which has been Hepatic encephalopathy is the hallmark of
defined as the development of encephalopathy ALF and develops in severe cases of
within 7 days of the onset of jaundice (although acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. In a series
rarely in very severe acetaminophen poisoning of 171 patients, grade II (Table 1) encephalopathy
cases death may occur before jaundice is appar- was noted at a median of 72 (range 38–120) h after
ent) [76–78]. Liver failure is the result of NAPQI- an acute acetaminophen overdose. Grade IV
induced hepatocellular injury. The early histo- encephalopathy was noted within 89 (range
pathologic finding after acetaminophen overdose 51–141) h following an overdose occurring
is centrilobular hepatic necrosis (zone 3) with 12 (range 3–96) h after grade II encephalopathy
periportal sparing [79, 80]. The centrilobular [83]. Patients with grade III encephalopathy are at
region is chiefly composed of zone 3 hepatic aci- significant risk for cerebral edema. Death is most
nar cells, the site of highest metabolic activity. likely to occur 72–96 h after an overdose,
Hepatic necrosis results in the release of a wide although it may be delayed for up to 10–14 days.
range of substances into serum and severe meta- Death occurs most frequently as a complication of
bolic derangements (e.g., acidosis, hypoglycemia, cerebral edema or sepsis. Patients who survive do
and hyperammonemia) from the loss of function- not have permanent liver damage.
ing liver. Renal failure in the setting of acetaminophen
It is also now clear that there is a consequent poisoning may be due to a direct renal effect of
molecular signaling and response with necrosis, NAPQI, prerenally mediated acute tubular necro-
apoptosis, and an inflammatory response caused sis, and/or hepatorenal syndrome. Because
by an influx of inflammatory cytokines [81, CYP2E1 is present in renal tubules, NAPQI is
82]. In animal models drugs that affect this inflam- generated in the kidney. Renal injury manifested
matory response reduce hepatotoxicity. by hematuria, proteinuria, and modest elevations
Coagulopathy and renal failure usually accom- in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine have been
pany liver failure, although the extent of different reported in as many as 8.9 % of patients [84]. It
organ involvement may vary. Sepsis (both bacte- typically develops within the first 24–48 h but is
rial and fungal), cardiovascular collapse, and ter- easily missed as the process takes a few days to
minal ventricular dysrhythmias may also develop peak. The injury is normally transient but may
in patients with ALF. The injured liver has an progress to anuric renal failure and require dialy-
ability to regenerate, and ALF is thus potentially sis [84, 85]. Oliguric renal failure necessitating
reversible if the patient can be supported through dialysis has been reported to occur in 1 % of
the acute phase of poisoning, particularly in the patients [86]. Renal failure associated with liver
case of acetaminophen poisoning, because hepatic failure is typically delayed 48–72 and is a feature
regeneration occurs from cells situated in the of severe outcome (II-3) [15, 85]. Clinically
8 D.N. Bateman

significant nephrotoxicity in the absence of hepa- have been reported in alcoholics after chronic
totoxicity has been reported but is rare [87–89]. acetaminophen excess, although the apparent fre-
Other clinical manifestations associated with quency may be due in part to ascertainment bias
acetaminophen toxicity include pancreatitis and [54]. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-con-
cardiotoxicity. Pancreatic inflammation, defined trolled trial of 201 long-term alcoholic patients,
as serum lipase three times the upper limit of the failed to show liver injury by conventional blood
normal laboratory value, may be found in 30 % or tests when recommended doses of acetaminophen
more of patients with acetaminophen hepatotox- were not exceeded [96].
icity [90]. However, clinical pancreatitis is rare The clinical presentation of chronic acetamin-
[85]. Cardiotoxicity, manifested by nonspecific ophen toxicity is variable. Many patients initially
electrocardiographic changes and alterations con- come to medical attention during routine medica-
sistent with pericarditis, is also rare [85, 91]. The tion review and are taking excess for reasons such
mechanisms responsible for these less common as acute or chronic pain disorders. These patients
findings are unclear but in some cases may have generally have no symptoms directly related to
been due to other undetected coingestants, such as excessive acetaminophen use. Rarely cases may
propoxyphene causing cardiac effects [92]. present as altered mental status from incipient
ALF, but these usually seem to have had an
acute recent increase in dose. This raises a possi-
Chronic Acetaminophen Overdose bility of adaption to regular excess acetamnophen
dose, and most experienced clinicians will have
The manufacturers’ recommended maximum come across patients who routinely take addi-
daily doses of acetaminophen are 4 g of acetamin- tional acetaminophen above recommended limits
ophen in adults and 75 mg/kg in children. Inges- without apparent harm.
tion of larger supratherapeutic quantities may
result in hepatotoxicity. This is most common in
the context of acute pain syndromes, as in dental Diagnosis
pain, where toxic risk may be increased by acute
starvation. In young children, although hepatotox- Patients normally present in one of three
icity has been reported after as little as 150 mg/kg/ scenarios:
day, the general experience is that due to a pro-
portionally increased hepatic mass in children (i) With a history of a single overdose as part of
toxicity is less likely than in adults [56, 93, an act of self-harm
94]. Medication error is an important potential (ii) With a history of multiple ingestions as an
risk in children [95], but Munchausen’s-by- act of self-harm
proxy must also be considered. (iii) As a result of therapeutic excess, as in the
Chronic acetaminophen excess is usually a case of an acute pain syndrome treated with a
therapeutic misadventure. Common scenarios cocktail of remedies, or confusion over the
include those involving patients who increase content and quantities of acetaminophen in
their daily intake because they believe that it is different cold remedies
safe, patients who use combination products such
as acetaminophen and codeine along with acet- Occasionally therapeutic misadventure may
aminophen, or caretakers who substitute adult for occur in hospital environments, as with excess
pediatric suppositories in a young child. The inci- IV acetaminophen, or from regular excess oral
dence of hepatotoxicity after chronic excess has dosing in underweight, nutritionally challenged
not been extensively studied. Certain populations patients.
may be at risk, including patients who are fasting Patients are often asymptomatic but with
or who have ingested alcohol in the preceding chronic therapeutic or repeat deliberate ingestion
5 days [55]. Numerous cases of hepatotoxicity may present with right upper quadrant abdominal
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 9

tenderness, vomiting, or jaundice. De novo pre- In the UK in 2012 policy was changed by the
sentation with hepatic encephalopathy is UK regulator, the MHRA, in view of the death of
extremely rare. a young woman who had not been thought to be
high risk. All patients in the UK are currently
treated using the 100 mg/L nomogram [101].
Laboratory Evaluation Whichever nomogram is being used it is
important to have an accurately timed acetamino-
Determination of risk in acetaminophen overdose phen concentration and be aware of the units
is dependent on the time from the ingestion. being used to report. Confusion can arise when
Within the first few hours the acetaminophen different laboratories use mass and molar units; in
blood concentration is currently the best predictor the UK there has been standardization to mass
of outcome (II-2). A number of nomograms were units (mg/L) to avoid confusion, and potential
produced in the 1970s based on a series of patients failure to treat [102] (Fig. 3).
in Edinburgh who were not treated for their over- It is generally accepted that the accuracy of the
dose. These lines start from the plasma concentra- nomogram for prediction becomes less reliable
tion taken at least 4 h after ingestion in an attempt beyond 15 h, since the original dataset used had
to avoid any misinterpretation due to measuring very few patients who presented late. Furthermore
acetaminophen during the absorption phase. All since the elimination of acetaminophen is reduced
have a half-life of 4 h, even though this is longer by liver injury [6] it would in theory be possible to
than that seen in normal therapeutic doses. The use estimates of the half-life of the drug based on
lines derive from graphs drawn by hand and eye two or more times blood samples to establish
that divide patients with and without hepatotoxic- whether injury to the liver had occurred. This is
ity as defined by a rise in ALT over 1000 IU/L. No rarely used in practice but may be useful in man-
deaths occurred in 54 patients in this series of aging individual patients, for example, those who
70 in those with a plasma concentration below a wish to self-discharge against medical advice, or
line commencing at 300 mg/L acetaminophen 4 h refuse antidote therapy.
after ingestion, with the proportion of patients A potential confounder is the accuracy of acet-
who developed an ALT over 1000 IU/L increasing aminophen measurement at concentrations below
from 23 % at 100 mg/L to 60 % at 200 mg/L 10 mg/L (66 μmol/L). Some laboratories have
[97]. Prescott used these data to develop a nomo- even higher cutoffs for reporting undetectable
gram for the UK with a 4 h concentration of concentrations, and this may cause problems in
200 mg/L (200 μg/mL; 1323 μmol/L) to deter- interpretation of results in patients presenting late
mine treatment at a time when antidotes were after their overdose. Some countries have also
being developed (II-3) [7]. Rumack and Matthew licensed modified release products of acetamino-
also published a similar nomogram that was phen, and the nomograms are not likely to be
reduced by the FDA to 150 mg/L for clinical use accurate in this situation [17].
(150 μg/mL; 992 μmol/L) [8, 98]. Subsequently in Other blood tests should be routinely measured
the 1990s in the UK a risk assessment approach at presentation, since these will be necessary to
was adopted in patients with concentrations interpret progress in patients who are determined
between lines drawn from 100 to 200 mg/L to require treatment with antidote. These include a
(662 and 1323 μmol/L) at 4 h (III) [99]. This measurement of renal function, normally creati-
assessment included determining whether patients nine, liver function tests, in particular transami-
were alcoholic, taking enzyme-inducing drugs, or nase activity, and prothrombin time, often
were malnourished. Patients with these features measured as INR. Admission tests may be predic-
were treated at the 100 mg/L nomogram line. In tive of outcome [15, 103]. Other tests have been
Australia a decision was made to move from the suggested to be abnormal in more severe poison-
200 mg/L nomogram to the 150 mg nomogram in ing, including urinary phosphate, urinary potas-
2008 [100]. sium, and plasma lipase. These have not been
10 D.N. Bateman

Fig. 3 Acetaminophen treatment nomograms. Treatment America and Australia. In the UK and Ireland the dotted-
is recommended if the plasma acetaminophen concentra- dashed line (100 mg/L at 4 h) is used to determine therapy
tion is above the solid (150 mg/L at 4 h) line in North with acetylcysteine

adopted in routine practice. Some patients will point to use in clinical decisions regarding the
have compensated or uncompensated metabolic severity of illness. Rate of rise of ALT is more
acidosis shortly after ingesting a significant over- important than its actual value, as rate of rise is
dose [104]. This acidosis has been associated with better linked to extent of acute liver injury.
increased lactate formation and has been postu- Prothrombin time (usually measured as INR) is
lated to occur as a consequence of impaired mito- one of the best readily available markers of func-
chondrial respiration at the level of ubiquinone by tional hepatic damage, since unlike ALT, which
acetaminophen or NAPQI [105, 106]. This early- provides information on cell injury, PT provides
onset acidosis tends to resolve spontaneously information about hepatic synthetic function. A
within hours [104]. In patients whose clinical rise in INR indicates a decrease in hepatic synthe-
condition continues to deteriorate, however, aci- sis of vitamin K–dependent clotting factors (fac-
dosis often recurs and is highly predictive of tors II, VII, IX, X). A rising PT in the setting of
lethality once ALF has developed. falling transaminase levels is an ominous finding.
ALT is a sensitive marker of liver injury, and Serum transaminase concentrations will generally
traditionally an ALT of >1000 IU/L has been fall in both a patient who recovers from hepatic
regarded as an index of “severe” hepatotoxicity injury and one who develops ALF and massive
in acetaminophen poisoning [107]. This definition hepatic necrosis. PT, however, will not usually
was based on the requirement at that time to dilute improve if a patient has progressive liver injury,
samples with ALT above this activity to determine and it generally continues to rise in cases of ALF,
the result accurately. It is in reality poorly corre- especially in the absence of clotting factor
lated with outcome, and ALT measurement is not replacement. The finding of a slightly elevated
part of the standard criteria now used to determine PT within hours after an acute overdose is com-
prognosis. However it remains a useful cutoff mon and usually the result of direct reversible
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 11

inhibition by acetaminophen of vitamin Heliotropium, Senecio (tansy ragwort),

K–dependent clotting factor synthesis and not a Crotalaria, and Symphytum (comfrey) species.
marker of hepatic injury (II-2) [108]. ALF may also result from idiosyncratic adverse
In patients who have taken a single overdose drug reactions from, for example, phenytoin,
and have acetaminophen concentrations below valproic acid, isoniazid, halothane, or nonsteroi-
the nomogram limits, risk of serious hepatic dam- dal anti-inflammatory agents. Idiosyncratic hepa-
age is low; they can normally be discharged. Care totoxicity is not dose related and may occur after
should be taken, however, in patients who have therapeutic dosing. Liver failure from methylene-
recently consumed more than one ingestion dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) has also been
(within a 24 h period) of acetaminophen, and in described and may occur in association with
those coingesting drugs that may alter gastrointes- severe MDMA-induced heatstroke, or be due to
tinal motility and delay gastric emptying such as contaminants in the tablets [114]. Other causes of
opioids or antihistamines [109]. It is wiser in these fulminant liver failure include viral hepatitis, sep-
patients, and indeed a sensible precaution in all sis, hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock, heat-
patients, to take account of the history of dose stroke, and Reye’s syndrome [115]. Serology,
ingested, and where there is disparity between clinical history, and occasionally histopathology
this and blood results clinicians should be cau- help differentiate these entities.
tious in their decision regarding early discharge, The time course and the clinical and biochem-
and double-check timings of ingestion and sam- ical characteristics of shock liver may appear
ples (III). Kinetic studies suggest a correlation remarkably similar to acetaminophen-induced
between dose and concentration across a wide hepatic failure. Shock liver generally results
dose range [110], and historic case series indicate from hemorrhage, hypovolemia, and the resultant
that history correlates with measured plasma acet- hypotension secondary to trauma and operative
aminophen concentration (II-3) [111, 112]. procedures. Differentiating between shock and
The product of acetaminophen and ALT has acetaminophen as the primary hepatic insult may
been suggested as a tool to better identify those prove challenging, especially in situations in
patients at increased risk of serious liver injury which hypotension may have occurred and the
[113]. Novel biomarkers are now being evaluated patient has been taking therapeutic amounts of
that appear to give earlier indications of liver acetaminophen.
injury than present laboratory tests; a lead candi- In light of the increasing number of reports of
date is the microRNA miR 122. Other biomarkers, hepatotoxicity associated with chronic
of apoptosis and cell necrosis, may also have a supratherapeutic dosing, acetaminophen should
future role (Fig. 4) [82]. always be considered in cases that might other-
wise be attributed to cryptogenic ALF. For any
patient admitted to the critical care unit with ALF
Differential Diagnosis of unknown etiology, the earliest available blood
specimen should be retrieved and tested for acet-
Although acetaminophen is currently the primary aminophen to assess whether it might be an etio-
cause of ALF, a number of other toxic and logic factor. However, depending on the timing of
nontoxic etiologies must also be considered. the last acetaminophen dose, the plasma concen-
Toxic causes include intrinsic, dose-related tration may be low or nondetectable and cannot
hepatotoxins such as carbon tetrachloride, chloro- reliably exclude acetaminophen as the cause. Fur-
form, cyclopeptides from fungi (α-amanitin), cop- thermore, in the setting of severe hyperbilir-
per sulfate, yellow phosphorus, and various herbal ubinemia (25 mg/dL; 1.46 μmol/L), some
products. Botanicals that have been implicated as conventional acetaminophen assays performed
intrinsic hepatotoxins include pennyroyal oil from by enzyme assay (GDS Diagnostics, Elkhart, IN)
Mentha pulegium, chaparral, germander, Jin Bu may cross-react with the bilirubin and result in a
Huan, and pyrrolizidine alkaloids from falsely elevated or false-positive acetaminophen
12 D.N. Bateman

Immune cell


overdose HMGB1


OH fragments

Protein adducts

Outcome Prediction
Sensitive and mechanistic diagnosis of acute liver injury (Recovery / Transplant / Death)

Fig. 4 Schematic diagram illustrating a range of novel liver injury, the use of this panel-based approach, alongside
markers that may have utility in prediction of hepatic current markers, may enable patient stratification for the
toxicity and hepatic recovery in acetaminophen overdose. treatment and assessment of efficacy of novel therapeutic
Measurement of biomarkers may identify acute liver injury intervention strategies (HMGB1 high-mobility group
early (miRNA-122, HMGB1, K18 isoforms) or provide box-1) (Based on Dear and Antoine. 2014 Expert Rev.
prognosis of liver injury (Acetyl-HMGB1). In view of the Clin. Pharmacol. Early online, 1–9)
multicellular and many aspects of acetaminophen-induced

determination. Measurement of plasma levels reduce their conscious level while activated char-
acetaminophen-protein adducts may be a useful coal is being given, as there is a risk of aspiration
adjunct tool to assess recent acetaminophen intake in such patients. In the past, there was concern
and may be of use in indicating that acetamino- about activated charcoal and use of the oral anti-
phen is a cause of acute liver failure of uncertain dote NAC, but the amount of acetylcysteine
origin [116, 117]. adsorbed was not considered clinically important.
Use of NAC is mandatory in all those patients
above the nomogram line used in the country of
Treatment treatment (II-2). This currently varies between
“150 mg/L line” used in most countries and the
Acute Single Oral Ingestion “100 mg/L line” used in UK and Ireland. Use of
this very conservative threshold in the UK has had
Decontamination with a single dose of activated major resource implications which have been
charcoal should be performed if the patient is seen questioned [119].
within 1 h of ingestion (II-2) [118]. It is unknown Acetaminophen intoxication by itself does not
if activated charcoal alters the outcome in patients typically produce cardiorespiratory compromise
who have ingested excessive doses of acetamino- unless the patient is in hepatic failure. Presence
phen. Caution should be exercised in patients who of such features should lead to a consideration of
may have ingested other substances that might other causes, particularly coingested drugs. Rare
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 13

instances of patients presenting in coma and the situation of IV dosing, as the dose is given
requiring endotracheal intubation shortly after an rapidly and the nomogram 4 h interval of assess-
overdose have been reported [72]. This procedure ment may not be correct. These patients may be
should, however, not interrupt or delay the use of subject to therapeutic errors, but also may be
intravenous NAC. Acetaminophen is removed by suffering acute starvation [18, 121]. There is
dialysis, but this modality has little role in most uncertainty as to whether the much higher acet-
overdoses given the efficacy of NAC as an anti- aminophen concentrations that result immediately
dote. In patients with renal failure haemodialysis following IV dosing have toxic significance as
will remove acetaminophen, and also NAC, with a more toxic metabolites could be formed if conju-
doubling of the dose of NAC recommended [120]. gation pathways are overwhelmed. In addition
many patients receiving IV acetaminophen have
been fasted preoperatively, or are in intensive care
Multiple Ingestions and Therapeutic units and not receiving full nutrition. Similar con-
Error cerns may apply to those in intensive care with
muscular dystrophies who are ventilated and
Assessing the need to treat patients in this scenario receive acetaminophen (oral or IV) therapy for
is more challenging, as there are no agreed criteria muscular dystrophies [66]. For these reasons
internationally. It is necessary to use a combina- some authors have suggested a lower dose thresh-
tion of history of dose ingested and blood tests old for intervention with NAC [18].
taken on admission to determine treatment. As an
example of the approach used in the UK, in Acetylcysteine (N-acetylcysteine)
patients who present less than 24 h after the last NAC is a highly effective antidote when adminis-
ingestion treatment with NAC is generally started tered soon after an acetaminophen overdose. It
if the history suggests an amount in 24 h greater was selected from a range of potential glutathione
than local guidelines. This dose may vary between donors in the 1970s. It acts as a glutathione sub-
75 mg/kg in 24 h and as much as 200 mg/kg in stitute in addition to enhancing glutathione syn-
24 h in different countries. In patients who are not thesis and increasing the amount of
jaundiced, do not have right upper quadrant acetaminophen that undergoes sulfation (see
abdominal pain, and have had their last ingestion Fig. 2) [45]. Its efficacy is primarily a function
of acetaminophen more than 24 h previously it is of time elapsed since the overdose. NAC is most
reasonable to withhold NAC therapy until blood effective when administered within the first 8 h
results are available, since the efficacy of the NAC after an acetaminophen overdose, and its effec-
falls with time. Treatment is then based on pres- tiveness decreases incrementally every hour
ence of acetaminophen in blood, or of evidence of thereafter (II-2) [8, 97].
liver injury using ALT and INR (prothrombin
time). Decisions on stopping treatment will Indications for ICU Admission
depend on the results of blood tests; if these sug- in Acetaminophen Poisoning
gest potential toxicity they should be repeated at Significant acidosis
the end of an appropriate time interval of NAC Any grade of encephalopathy
therapy, usually a full 21 h course of antidote. Coagulopathy requiring treatment
Significant renal failure

Intravenous Acetaminophen Overdose

Different approaches to using NAC were devel-
oped in the UK and USA. In the 1970s an intrave-
There is much less experience of use of NAC in
nous formulation of NAC was licensed in the UK
IV acetaminophen overdose, but this has become
for management of airways disease, and this was
more often as this route has become more widely
therefore used to administer the drug in
used. The usual nomograms cannot be applied in
14 D.N. Bateman

acetaminophen overdose [7]. In the USA an oral Table 2 Acetylcysteine regimens

formulation had to be used. The UK regimen devel- Regimen Loading dose Followed by Total dose
oped by Prescott and colleagues in Edinburgh was a 21 h IV 150 mg/kg 50 mg/kg over 300 mg/kg
20.25 h IV protocol, delivering 300 mg/kg of NAC over 1 h 4h
over the duration of treatment, with 150 mg/kg 100 mg/kg over
given in the first 15 min, 50 mg per kilogram over 16 h
72 h PO 140 mg/kg 70 mg/kg every 1330 mg/
4 h, and 100 mg/kg over 20 h. The regimen used in
4 h for 17 doses kg
North America was 140 mg/kg initially followed by
70 mg/kg every 4 h for 17 doses [8]. Case series
using longer intravenous [122, 123] and shorter oral acetaminophen (e.g., 4 h acetaminophen concen-
regimens have also been reported. The standard trations >600 mg/L) (III) [9]. Some toxicologists
North American IV regimens subsequently devel- advise a doubling of NAC in such patients; how-
oped use a 21 h protocol, with the first infusion, ever, this practice is controversial since the meta-
similar in dose to the original Prescott regimen, bolic interaction between antidote and
being given over 1 h (Table 2). Recently in the acetaminophen reactive metabolites at these con-
UK regulatory decision has been made to also centrations is unknown. Potential confounders
move to the 1 h initial IV dose [101]. In view of include substrate inhibition within the liver and
the relatively low lipid solubility of acetaminophen saturation of the capacity to generate glutathione
and the relationship between NAC dose and from NAC.
adverse event risk some authorities advise using a Adverse effects to NAC have been recognized
maximum weight of 110 kg in obese patients and since the antidote was first used. Major adverse
pregnancy when calculating NAC dose [124]. A effects seen are nausea and vomiting and anaphy-
recent study in comparing patients with weights lactoid reactions. Death has been reported, but this
above and below 100 kg did not show an excess is most likely due to overdosage with IV NAC due
of ADRs in the heavier patients [125], although to miscalculation and confusion in the dosage
detected rates of ADRs were very much lower form in the 1980s. Rates of adverse reactions are
than seen in prospective studies, throwing some variously reported and are likely to depend on the
doubt on the validity of these findings. methods used to ascertain them [129]. Prospective
The Danish approach to acetaminophen poi- close monitoring results in far higher estimates
soning has been very different to anywhere else than retrospective analysis [130]. Nausea and
worldwide. They have historically treated all vomiting requiring treatment with antiemetics
patients with paracetamol excess [126]. This is seems to occur between 20 % and 30 % of patients
not a cost-effective approach, and risks excess [127]. Symptoms of nausea are far more frequent,
NAC anaphylactoid effects in patients with low reaching 70 % in prospective studies
acetaminophen concentrations [127]. (I) [131]. The incidence of nausea and vomiting
NAC is effective if given early after acetamin- does not seem related to the quantity of acetamin-
ophen ingestion but is recognized to lose efficacy ophen ingested. In contrast, anaphylactoid reac-
the longer the interval between acetaminophen tions are inversely related to the plasma
dose and treatment (II-2) [8]. No parallel study concentration of acetaminophen (II-3) [132,
has been done comparing oral and IVantidote use, 133]. Thus, recent changes in the UK to treat
but comparing historical groups there is no strong patients with lower plasma concentrations of acet-
evidence of the major difference in the efficacy of aminophen have resulted in increasing risk of
different regimens (II-2) [128]. There is a theoret- adverse effects from the antidote [133]. Anaphy-
ical risk, based on calculations of the potential lactoid reactions seem due to histamine release
hepatic production of NAPQI in acetaminophen [130] and can be treated successfully using anti-
overdose, that the dose of NAC in the current IV histamines, with the addition of beta-receptor ago-
regimen is less than would be required to provide nists when bronchospasm is present. As the
full antidote efficacy in very large overdoses of mechanism is not immunological there is no
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 15

necessity to use corticosteroids in managing this measurements are normally insignificant clini-
reaction. In severe cases adrenaline may be cally [134]. Many clinicians will use a doubling
required, and in patients with hypotension addi- in ALT to determine whether hepatotoxicity is
tional fluid should be given intravenously. Nausea likely. Acetylcysteine interferes with the measure-
and vomiting should be treated with a standard ment of INR [108, 135], and thus a small rise (e.g.,
antiemetic, although it would seem prudent to to less than 1.4) with a normal ALT can usually be
avoid ondansetron in view of the signal of toxicity ignored. Acetylcysteine continuation should be
when used in acetaminophen overdose [131]. considered in those with a rising ALT, or other
A recent clinical trial studied the effect of a features suggesting impending liver failure. Hep-
shorter, 12 h, IV protocol delivering 100 mg/kg atotoxicity in acetaminophen poisoning was tra-
NAC over 2 h and 200 mg/kg over 10 h. This ditionally defined as an ALT over 1000 IU/L
study was primarily to examine effects on adverse [107]. This cutoff is rather arbitrary, and many
reactions to NAC and was not powered to assess patients will recover without liver unit care at
relative efficacy against the 20.25 h regimen used this concentration. Acetylcysteine can be
as control; however, it suggested no lack of infe- discontinued when ALT starts to improve and
riority of the shorter regimen [131]. Further work INR begins to recover. Extensive clinical experi-
using this protocol is needed before it can be used ence by the author in several thousand cases has
widely in clinical practice; nevertheless, it sug- shown that it is not necessary to treat until normal
gests potentially even shorter treatment may be values have returned. Jaundice is a late feature in
possible in selected patients. This is perhaps not acetaminophen-induced liver failure, and mea-
surprising bearing in mind the short half-life of surement of bilirubin is of most value in the man-
acetaminophen at therapeutic dose [32]. agement of acute liver failure.
Most patients who are treated worldwide will Interpretation of serum creatinine is also
now receive a standard 21-h intravenous protocol affected by the use of acetylcysteine since it
of NAC. The oral regimen should only be consid- impairs the synthesis of creatinine. Rising creati-
ered in those in whom IV access is impossible or nine above 10 % of baseline should therefore be
in situations where IV therapy is unavailable. regarded as potentially indicating onset of renal
Methionine [107], an alternative oral antidote, impairment. In this circumstance it is prudent to
seems of less efficacy based on historic studies, recheck the blood test since patients with renal
but is still used in some countries. damage may not show the full clinical syndrome
Blood samples need to be taken at the end of of renal failure until 3–5 days after acetaminophen
the treatment period to ensure that the patient is fit overdose.
to discharge. Mandatory tests include measure- In patients who go on to develop liver injury it
ment of transaminase (usually ALT), serum creat- is important to continue to administer NAC, as
inine, and prothrombin time. Many clinicians will there is evidence that this is protective in hepatic
also wish for a repeat acetaminophen concentra- coma (II-2) [136, 137]. Monitoring progress
tion to ensure that the drug has been eliminated. In requires regular measurement of liver and renal
the USA for patients who have taken a large function and clotting tests. As liver injury
overdose, or who have a prolonged half-life, develops synthesis of clotting factors is impaired,
such measurement of acetaminophen concentra- and those with the shortest half-life (factors V and
tions prior to discontinuing therapy is essential, VII) disappear most rapidly. Measurement of the
and the standard of care, to ensure that NAC is not concentrations of individual clotting factors may
stopped while significant levels of acetaminophen therefore be considered in patients with incipient
are still circulating. hepatic failure in an attempt to estimate severity.
Interpretation of blood tests post treatment is Patients who develop renal injury and hepatic
relatively straightforward. The rate of rise in trans- injury in combination seem to have a far worse
aminase is related to the severity of toxicity, and prognosis, and those who present with renal injury
therefore very small perturbations in have a high mortality (II-3) [15]. It is sensible to
16 D.N. Bateman

discuss patients with significant hepatic damage, with poorer outcome. The capacity for liver recov-
for example, rapidly rising ALT, clotting distur- ery is better in acetaminophen poisoning than
bance and renal injury, with a liver unit as some other causes of acute liver failure [138].
patients may go on to require hepatic transplanta- The search for highly sensitive and specific
tion. The King’s College criteria are widely used prognostic factors continues. Reliable indicators
as an assessment tool in this situation. are critically important because patients may have
sudden clinical deterioration and die before trans-
Liver Transplantation and Management plantation can take place. The window of oppor-
of Fulminant Hepatic Failure tunity for successful transplantation is often less
In patients in whom ALF develops from acetamin- than 24 h. In contrast, transplantation should be
ophen toxicity, the most pressing question is avoided in patients expected to survive because
whether orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is liver function recovers completely and transplan-
necessary for their survival. Patients need to be tation unnecessarily dooms the patient to a life-
discussed early with a local liver unit, and transfer time of immunosuppressive therapy.
of the patient will be determined by local criteria. In Auxiliary transplantation is a techique in which
patients with severe coagulopathy, renal failure, a partial liver graft is placed while the patient’s
acidosis, hypoglycaemia, and encephalopathy liver recovers, and which can then be allowed to
care in a liver unit is mandatory. Most hepatologists reject or be removed. It seems attractive in theory
will consider rate of disease progression, patient but is technically demanding and experience is
age, and laboratory markers. Thus a prothrombin limited in acetaminophen overdose [138].
time that is greater in seconds than the hours after
overdose is used in the UK as a marker of poor
prognosis. In patients with overdose there may also Prognostic Indicators
be psychological aspects to consider in relation to
managing patients post transplant that may influ- Several groups have studied prognostic indicators
ence decision to transplant. to develop criteria for transplantation. The most
To date there is little evidence that artificial widely published transplant criteria were derived
liver devices have a benefit in this clinical situa- at the King’s College Hospital liver unit in London
tion. Transplantation is therefore a key treatment (Table 3). According to these criteria, patients
methodology in severe cases. To make an should be considered for liver transplantation if
informed recommendation with regard to OLT it their arterial pH is less than 7.3 at 24 h or later
is necessary to consider the natural history of after acetaminophen ingestion despite fluid resus-
patients who do not undergo transplantation, as citation and treatment with sodium bicarbonate or
well as the utility of prognostic indicators. Most if they have a combination of grade III or IV
patients in whom ALF develops from acetamino- encephalopathy, serum creatinine level higher
phen toxicity survive and fully recover without than 3.4 mg/dL (300 μmol/L), and INR longer
transplantation. The King’s College group than 6.5 [138]. These criteria were originally
reported their experience in 1255 patients with derived from 310 acetaminophen-poisoned
ALF and 908 with acute liver injury (ALI) from patients studied between 1973 and 1985 [139].
acetaminophen toxicity treated at their center They were later validated by the same investigators
between 1973 and 2008 [71]. Those with ALF
were older, more likely to be female, and to have Table 3 Original King’s College Criteria for
renal injury at admission to the liver unit. The Transplantation
majority survived without OLT, and only PH < 7.25 24 h after overdose despite fluid resuscitation
147 were transplanted, survival from which and sodium bicarbonate
improved significantly over the 35 y period of Concurrent presence of grade III-IV encephalopathy,
the study to the order of 80 % [71]. The presence creatinine >3.4 mg/dL (300 μmol/L), and INR more
than 6.5
of overt encephalopathy was strongly associated
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 17

in a group of 120 patients treated between 1990 and close working relationship with the transplant
1994. The positive predictive value of these criteria team is essential to determine the likelihood of
for a fatal outcome is 88 %, and the negative long-term post-transplant compliance. Ongoing
predictive value is 65 % [140]. An alternative substance abuse is a probable contraindication to
scoring system is the MELD score suggested as this procedure. The long-term medical and psy-
an improvement, and more recently the Acute chiatric outcomes in those with hepatic transplan-
Liver Failure Group Index has been used. The tation for acetaminophen overdose seem similar to
latter includes coma grade, laboratory results other groups [144].
(INR, bilirubin, and phosphorus) and an apoptosis
marker (M30) and is reported as an improvement Medical Management
on the Kings College Hospital criteria [141]. Pre- Aggressive medical management is warranted for
sent UK criteria for emergency transplantation in patients with ALF in an attempt to stabilize the
acetaminophen poisoning are patient and prevent further deterioration. Medical
issues that arise include treatment of
1. pH < 7.25 despite fluid resuscitation coagulopathy, renal failure, encephalopathy, cere-
2. Severe coagulopathy (INR > 6.5) and renal bral edema, sepsis, cardiovascular collapse, met-
failure (anuria or serum creatinine abolic derangements, and respiratory failure.
>300 μmol/L) and grade 3–4 encephalopathy
3. Serum lactate >3.5 on admission or >3.0 after
fluid resuscitation Coagulopathy
4. Any two criteria from category 2 combined
with clinical deterioration in the absence of Coagulopathy will develop in many patients as
sepsis [141] demonstrated by an increased PT and INR. How-
ever, given the use of PT/INR as an indicator for
O’Grady has also suggested some criteria the need for liver transplantation, many recom-
when transplantation is contraindicated, and mend that vitamin K and factor replacement with
these include compromised brainstem function, fresh frozen plasma be withheld unless the patient
invasive fungal infection, rapid increasing need has frank bleeding or requires an invasive proce-
for inotropes, and severe pancreatitis [141]. Long- dure such as an arterial line, central line, or inser-
term quality of life is impaired in those receiving tion of an intracranial pressure monitor. The
transplants, further emphasizing the need to care- efficacy of vitamin K therapy in patients with
fully assess the use of this therapy in acetaminophen-induced hepatic synthetic dys-
acetaminophen-induced liver failure [142]. function is of uncertain value, and as the primary
problem is failure to synthesize clotting factors
this is not unexpected. Active hemorrhage, most
Psychiatric Assessment Before often upper gastrointestinal bleeding, necessitates
Orthotopic Liver Transplantation treatment with fresh frozen plasma and red blood
cell transfusion as needed. The use of H2-blockers
Psychiatric assessment for transplant feasibility is may reduce the risk of such bleeding.
an essential aspect of the transplantation evalua-
tion [143]. OLT is a major operative procedure,
and its ultimate success is in part dependent on the Renal Failure
transplant recipient’s compliance with post-
transplant care, including the need for lifelong Renal failure occurs in more than 75 % of cases of
immunosuppressive therapy. Although a suicide ALF from acetaminophen overdose and is an
attempt or a history of ethanol or substance abuse indicator of adverse outcomes [15]. Decreased
by itself does not preclude transplant suitability, urine output may be the sign of acute renal failure,
skilled assessment by a psychiatrist who has a hepatorenal syndrome, and/or undertreated
18 D.N. Bateman

hypovolemia. Fluid resuscitation in these cases release may all occur and lead to a clinical condi-
may inadvertently lead to fluid overload and pul- tion resembling septic shock. Because the only
monary edema. Hemodialysis may be warranted, early sign of infection may be worsening enceph-
although the criteria for initiation are not well alopathy or renal dysfunction, a high index of
established [120]. Venovenous hemofiltration is suspicion for infection, including daily cultures
an alternative therapy and regularly used to sup- of blood, urine, and other fluids, has been
port renal and metabolic complications. Low-dose recommended. The administration of broad-
dopamine (2–4 μg/kg/h) may improve renal per- spectrum antibiotics is warranted if there is evi-
fusion and function. Nephrotoxic drugs should be dence of fever or other signs of infection. Anti-
avoided, and dosing of medications undergoing fungal agents may also need to be given to
significant clearance by the kidney should be patients who do not respond rapidly to antibiotics.
adjusted for renal insufficiency. The use of prophylactic antibiotics and antifun-
gals in these patients remains controversial.
Hemodynamic collapse and sudden death may
Encephalopathy also occur in patients with ALF secondary to
acetaminophen overdose. Measurement of central
Because the most common cause of death in venous pressure may prove useful to optimize
patients with ALF is intracranial hypertension, fluid management. Continuous cardiac monitor-
with resultant brain herniation, the onset of ing is essential. Norepinephrine or epinephrine
hepatic encephalopathy is an ominous finding. infusions may be used to keep mean arterial pres-
Blood ammonia concentrations are usually ele- sure above 60 mmHg.
vated, but the degree of ammonia elevation corre-
lates poorly with the extent of encephalopathy.
Computed tomography of the head should be Hypoglycemia
performed if the patient’s mental status deterio-
rates suddenly to evaluate for evidence of intra- Hypoglycemia from impaired gluconeogenesis
cranial hemorrhage or cerebral edema. and decreased hepatic glycogen stores is one of
the most significant metabolic derangements in
patients with ALF. Hypoglycemia develops in
Sepsis and Shock more than 40 % of these patients, and therefore
frequent glucose monitoring is critical. Patients
Patients with ALF who survive the first 4–5 days with hypoglycemia may require 10 % dextrose
after an acute overdose remain at risk for compli- infusions. The delivery of more concentrated glu-
cations of systemic inflammatory response syn- cose solutions through a central line may be nec-
drome (SIRS), sepsis, and hemodynamic collapse. essary in patients with refractory hypoglycemia.
SIRS is associated with worsening encephalopa- Metabolic acidosis should be aggressively
thy and a poorer prognosis. Susceptibility to corrected with sodium bicarbonate infusion.
infection, both bacterial and fungal, appears to Hypophosphatemia is also common and should
be as common in ALF secondary to acetamino- be corrected.
phen overdose as in other etiologies [145,
146]. Infections are thought to be the direct
cause of death in around 20 % of patients with Sedation
ALF. The most common sites of infection are the
respiratory tract, urinary tract, and blood. Bacter- Careful consideration must be given to which
emia may be a direct result of seeding from a agents should be used for sedation in patients
catheter or from decreased integrity of gastroin- with ALF. No controlled studies have been
testinal mucosa. Endotoxemia, macrophage acti- conducted that address this issue. If drugs are
vation, and cytokine and tumor necrosis factor used, an agent that does not have active
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) 19

metabolites may be preferable. Offset of drug reported successfully in pregnancy in the second
effect may be prolonged. trimester, though with fetal loss in this case [151].

Criteria for ICU Discharge in Acetaminophen

Poisoning Neonatal Patients
Resolution of major metabolic abnormalities
Improving coagulopathy Neonates have been safely and effectively treated
Resolving encephalopathy with IV NAC. Data from a 55-day-old infant born
at 29 weeks of gestation indicate slower metabo-
lism in preterm infants in keeping with kinetic pre-
dictions [152]. Care must be taken to not give
Special Populations excessive free water, which can result in
hyponatremia, and specific regimens for managing
Pregnant Patients infants are published: for example, using 3 ml/kg/h
of 50 mg/ml NAC for 1 h followed by 2 ml/kg/h of
Acetaminophen is the preferred analgesic/antipy- 6.25 mg/ml NAC for 4 h and then 1 ml/kg/h NAC
retic during pregnancy because it is safe at thera- of 6.25 mg/ml for 16 h, normally given in either
peutic doses and there is no evidence that it is 5 % glucose or 0.9 % sodium chloride [101, 124].
teratogenic [147]. However, while there is poten-
tial for fetal toxicity after a maternal overdose the
major determinant of fetal outcome is the health of Patients with Myopathies
the mother. A Scandinavian study suggested an
excess of spontaneous abortion in those with a There are data suggesting that children with
range of acute overdoses in pregnancy and myopathies are at greater risk of liver damage
3 months before conception (13 acetaminophen). from acetaminophen. Both children in this report
Spontaneous abortion was 10 % more frequent, were in intensive care, one post operatively and
but there was no excess in malformations. Acet- the other having a chest infection. The reason for
aminophen freely crosses the placenta, and the the toxicity is unclear; starvation is an obvious
fetal liver is capable of elaborating detectable risk factor, and both children were under 60 kg
amounts of NAPQI by about 14 weeks’ gestation in weight (40 and 55 kg) [66]. Particular care is
[148]. NAC also crosses the placenta; after a needed in use and dose of acetaminophen to avoid
maternal overdose it was found in the cord blood toxicity in such patients.
of delivered infants (n = 4) at concentrations
equivalent to those in maternal blood [149]. Acet- Key Points in Acetaminophen Poisoning
aminophen overdose in pregnancy has been
reported to result in fetal morbidity and mortality; 1. IV NAC is a highly effective antidote
treatment delay is significantly correlated with when given shortly after an acute overdose
fetal loss [148, 150]. Pregnant women who have and is the treatment of choice.
ingested a potentially toxic amount of acetamino- 2. Decision to treat should be based on a
phen should receive treatment as per nonpregnant nomogram assessing concentration of
patients. It seems prudent to use the patient’s acetaminophen taken at least 4 h after a
actual weight when determining the dose of single ingestion.
NAC (to a maximum of 110 kg). Other interven- 3. In patients presenting more than 8–10 h
tions such as emergency cesarean section are not after a single ingestion history of ingested
usually warranted. However, cesarean section dose should be used to assess need for
may be contemplated for near-term infants if the therapy with NAC.
mother has substantial acetaminophen-induced
hepatic necrosis. Liver transplantation has been (continued)
20 D.N. Bateman

4. In those taking multiple overdoses, or acetaminophen toxicity, especially in the

therapeutic excess, the decision to treat is presence of acidemia, may prove
based on history of dose ingested, usually beneficial.
in the last 24 h, on blood results or on
presence of symptoms suggestive of liver
5. History of dose ingested correlates well Grading System for Levels of Evidence
with the plasma concentration of acet- Supporting Recommendations
aminophen in most patients. If in doubt in Critical Care Toxicology, 2nd Edition
(e.g., the timing or amount of ingestion)
err on the side of prompt treatment with I. Evidence obtained from at least one properly
NAC, and revise treatment once blood randomized controlled trial.
tests are available. II-1. Evidence obtained from well-designed con-
6. Oral NAC may be used in patients in trolled trials without randomization.
whom IV therapy is not possible, but II-2. Evidence obtained from well-designed
care needs to be taken in preventing cohort or case-control analytic studies, pref-
vomiting. erably from more than one center or research
7. Time to treatment is a key determinant in group.
patient outcome, and delay should be II-3. Evidence obtained from multiple time series
avoided, particularly more than 10 h after with or without the intervention. Dramatic
acetaminophen ingestion. results in uncontrolled experiments (such as
8. Most patients with significant hepatotox- the results of the introduction of penicillin
icity (AST >1000 IU/L) and treatment in the 1940s) could also be
coagulopathy after acetaminophen over- regarded as this type of evidence.
dose survive without liver transplantation. III. Opinions of respected authorities, based on
9. Presence of acute renal injury at presenta- clinical experience, descriptive studies and
tion is a marker of poor prognosis. case reports, or reports of expert committees.
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