The Feasibility of Malunggay and Vinegar

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The Feasibility of Malunggay(Moringa Oleifera) Extract and

Coconut Vinegar as a Cleaning Agent


“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” but let’s face it - it is very

tiring to clean even the meanest corner of your guest room.Well,we

know all of us struggle about keeping everything tidy and away

from any mess. Wether in our homes or in public places ,we always

observe how everything looks good. Over late centuries, simple

cleaning materials was discovered. Even plain water can be

recognized that time. From the very beginnings of washing off dirt

and mud, to the start of the Middle Ages , most cleaning

compounds were made from mixes of ashes, animal or plant fats ,

and oils. From then on, during the early to middle 1800's, soap

chemistry was studied and improved. Costs were reduced , soaps

were even more affordable to all, and usage spread. In later

times , various cleaning materials and agents came up competed

with other rival brands, but they agreed risen up the market value

and price of their commercial products. Towards our present times,

we now have thousands of cleaning agents , but unfortunately ,

only few are being sold to the local market because of its
expensive price and some have issues about their toxic effects to

the humanity and environment. According to EWG Study , 53

percent of cleaning products under review contained lung-harming

ingredients. In addition, well-known carcinogens like formaldehyde

and chloroform were found in several cleaners. As our competitive

society continuous to improve our overall growth and progress, still

we need to determine a solution to our major concern -

CLEANLINESS. This year ,we conducted a research about certain

natural ingredients that can be potential in cleaning all around dirts

and stains that can give affordability to all costumers while have

the guarantee that it is safe and environment-friendly. Also , we

want to have an alternative cleaning agent that can compete with

commercial products. We focused on the the two main potential

ingredients that can be made as the natural cleaning agents ,

namely, MALUNGGAY (Moringa Oleifera) and COCONUT VINEGAR

(Cocos nucifera).This two materials have there own cleaning

properties which may be effective in cleaning dirts and stains from

all messy spots. Through this study, the researchers as well as the

readers can determine the effectiveness of the two main

ingredients as an alternative cleaning agent. This is why the

research study is conceived .

Literature Background

Cleaning agent refers to all composings intended to be used in

connection with and for increasing the effectivity of cleansing

activities. Cleaning agent includes but is non limited to hard

surface cleaning composings ( kitchen , bathroom , floor , and

other dirty spots ).In this case , MALUNGGAY can be one of the

effectual cleaning material. Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) ,is one

of the important plants that deserve national and international

promotion due to the many biomedical endowment and numerous

socioeconomic benefits that can be derived from it. Malunggay has

besides earned the name Nature’s Medicine Cabinet because of it

has 90 food essentials . 46 antioxidants , 36 anti-inflammatory

belongings ,18 aminic acids , anti-cancer belongings , anti-bacterial

belongings , anti-aging belongings , belongings that keep bad

cholesterin in cheque , omega-3 oils and chlorophyll. This is clearly

the area in which the preponderance of evidence—both classical

scientific and extensive anecdotal evidence—is overwhelming. The

scientific evidence has now been available for over 50 years,

although much of it is completely unknown to western scientists. In

the late 1940’s and early 1950’s a team from the University of
Bombay, Travancore University and the Department of

Biochemistry at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore

identified a compound they called pterygospermin a compound

which they reported readily

dissociated into two molecules of benzyl isothiocyanate. Benzyl

isothiocyanate was already understood at that time to have

antimicrobial properties. This group was identified

PTERYGOSPERMIN and performed extensive and elegant

characterization of its mode of antimicrobial action in the mid

1950’s. (They identified the tree from which they isolated this

substance as “MORINGA PTERYGOSPERMA,” now regarded as

an archaic designation for “M. oleifera.”) Although others were to

show that pterygospermin and extracts of the Moringa plants from

which it was isolated were antibacterial against a variety of

microbes, the identity of pterygospermin has since been

challenged as an artifact of isolation or structural determination.

In the other hand , let us see the coconut vinegar from the

coconut palm tree (COCOS NUCIFERA). The Philippines, being a

tropical country, is a rich source of coconut and coconut products,

including coconut sap vinegar. It is not difficult to buy this healthy

local vinegar. If you travel the country side, you will find bottles
and containers of sukang tuba for sale by local farmers. Sukang

tuba is also heavily marketed and widely sold in major groceries. It

is also an effective cleaning material. Vinegar’s acidity is what

makes it such a good cleaner. Because vinegar is so acidic, it can

counteract some icky buildups. It can dissolve away soap scum,

brines left by hard water, and glue left behind by stickers. Vinegar

is great for giving windows and mirrors (use a combination of

vinegar and water and wipe with a newspaper instead of a paper

towel to avoid streaks), no-wax floors, and wood paneling or

cabinets an extra-clean shine. Another use for vinegar? Getting rid

of stubborn stains. Lots of stains, whether from sweaty armpits or

grass, are slightly acidic, which means they will dissolve away in

the presence of another acid, like vinegar. Vinegar can even get

cat or dog urine out of carpets or other cloths and, bonus, that

pungent smell can keep pets away from places you don’t want

them to go. So we can say that it can be also a possible cleaning

ingredient which can be mixed by malunggay to become more

efficient natural cleaning agent.

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