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The Neurobiology of Disruptive Behavior Disorder

James R. Blair, Ph.D.

Disruptive behavior disorder comprises conduct disorder, It is interesting to consider the present findings in the
defined as the persistent violation of the rights of others and context of the ongoing discussion about how we should ap-
of age-appropriate norms, and oppositional defiant disorder, proach the definition of psychiatric disorders. Should psy-
characterized by angry or irritable mood, argumentative or chiatric disorders be considered categorically distinct entities
defiant behavior, or vindictiveness. Conduct disorder and with separable forms of pathophysiology? Alternatively, should
oppositional defiant disorder are two of the most prevalent we adopt a more dimensional approach as envisaged by the
child psychiatric disorders. They confer considerable costs Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) (3); that is, should we
to society and are associated with relatively poor long-term consider neural systems and their associated functions and
prognoses. The meta-analytic review published in this issue how these, when compromised, give rise to specific symptom
(1) summarizes the findings of 24 functional magnetic reso- sets (i.e., clusters of behaviors that appear to occur together)
nance imaging (fMRI) studies of patients with these disorders that may be shared across disorders? The authors argue that
and provides useful information regarding the pathophysi- the hot executive function decision-making deficits may
ology of the disorders. The authors conducted several meta- be “key to conduct disorder” (1), potentially implying a
analyses of these studies: one omnibus analysis contrasting more categorical view. But decision-making deficits, or at
youths with disruptive behavior disorder or conduct prob- least reduced reward re-
lems across all tasks and then several sub-meta-analyses that sponsiveness, are seen not Previous work has
examined group differences on tasks grouped according to only in conduct disorder distinguished between
whether they involved “hot” executive functioning, “cool” but also in several other hot and cool executive
executive functioning, or emotion processing. Core findings psychiatric conditions,
functions as motivationally
of the omnibus meta-analysis are that, across tasks, youths with including attention defi-
and emotionally significant
disruptive behavior disorder or conduct problems showed cit hyperactivity disorder
underactivation in the rostral and dorsal anterior cingulate and (ADHD) and depression tasks compared with more
in the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral caudate. However, (4, 5). As such, we might abstract tasks.
the sub-meta-analyses revealed that these results were primarily want to consider these
driven by the hot executive function fMRI studies. It is perhaps findings from an RDoC perspective. The difficulty here,
worth considering here what hot executive functioning is. As the however, is that the symptom sets associated with reduced
authors point out, previous work has distinguished between hot reward responsiveness remain unclear. Reduced reward re-
and cool executive functions as motivationally and emotionally sponsiveness has been linked to impulsiveness in patients
significant tasks compared with more abstract tasks (2). How- with ADHD (4) and to anhedonia in patients with de-
ever, it is important to note that almost all of the hot executive pression (5). Moreover, there are other forms of decision-
functioning tasks were reinforcement-based decision-making making deficits that may be more directly related to the
tasks (participants are choosing whether to respond to objects expression of conduct problems. Specifically, there is evi-
based on whether their choices are likely to engender reward or dence that the relative inability to recruit regions involved
punishment). Indeed, as the authors state, this dysfunction “may in avoidance behavior as a function of expected value re-
represent the neural underpinning for evidence that perturbed lates to level of conduct problems (6, 7). In other words,
reward-based decision making is key to conduct disorder” (1). while healthy youths recruit regions such as the dorso-
The other two sub-meta-analyses examining the cool executive medial frontal and, particularly, the inferior frontal and
function and emotion processing tasks both revealed temporal anterior insula cortices as they are attempting to avoid a
abnormalities with emotion processing tasks also linked to con- poor choice as a function of how poor the choice is, youths
sistent underresponsiveness in the prefrontal cortex. with conduct problems do this to a significantly reduced
This review is important both for identifying consistent extent. Moreover, the level of impairment in youths is
regions of dysfunction in patients with conduct disorder or positively related to their level of conduct problems. In
oppositional defiant disorder and for concentrating attention short, further work is necessary to identify the symptom
on the neurodevelopmental nature of such disorders. Re- sets associated with specific forms of dysfunction in the
views such as this stress the importance of neurobiology in neurocognitive systems involved in reward-punishment
the early development of these pernicious disorders. decision making and to determine the extent to which

Am J Psychiatry 173:11, November 2016 1073


these forms of dysfunction, and associated symptom sets, reduced attention toward the underprocessed emotional
are seen across disorders. features.
The cool executive function and emotion processing sub- In conclusion, this meta-analytic review stresses the
meta-analyses both revealed temporal cortex dysfunction in neurodevelopmental nature of disruptive behavior disorder.
the disruptive/conduct problems group, albeit in different It strongly suggests that attention to the neurocognitive sys-
temporal regions. This is interesting because, as the authors tems underpinning reward- and punishment-based decision
note, structural imaging studies have relatively consistently making is critical. Moreover, it reminds us that, as the field
identified structural deficits in these regions (8). However, progresses, we concentrate on the functional implications of
while these findings, consistent within both structural and specific forms of dysfunction and the incurred risk for specific
functional studies, stress the neurodevelopmental nature of forms of symptom sets.
the disorder, their functional significance remains elusive.
The authors suggest that temporal lobe dysfunction might AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
reflect attention problems. However, it should be noted that From the Section of Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience, NIH,
regions classically implicated in either top-down attention or Bethesda, Md.
endogenous orientation (e.g., frontal and parietal regions) Address correspondence to Dr. Blair (
were not seen to be dysfunctional in the youths with conduct The author reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
problems in this meta-analysis. One possible explanation is Accepted August 2016.
that these regions reflect atypical development within the Am J Psychiatry 2016; 173:1073–1074; doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.16080971
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