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Plot Summary:

Plot: As a treat, Emma brings home some milk for her catgirl, little does she know that it’ll cause
her to grow bigger and stronger.

Notes for VA:

Chocolate is Emma’s catgirl, so the appropriate level of cuteness please :D thank you.

5 seconds of silence for noise cancellation purposes.
Evelyn Reads: Chocolate's Milky Growth - Written by SGA

I’m home!
Emma! Emma!
Oh hello you~
Emma’s catgirl, Chocolate received a warm pet from her owner.
[Chocolate] (being pet)
Nyahhhh~ Mmmm~
I’ve brought a treat for you today~
Oooh? What is it?
Hold on~
Emma knelt down and began to search through the plastic shopping bags, until she found.
Here it is! I’ve got you some milk~
[Chocolate] (going to ask a question)
Oooh! Emma…?
What’s milk?
Milk is a drink that helps catgirls grow up big and strong.
Oooh! Chocolate wants to be big and strong, nya!
Good! Well, if you sit quietly while I put away the shopping, you can have a glass.
Yaay! Thank you Emma~ Nyahh~
Chocolate did her typical thing of rubbing up against Emma, and Emma patted her kindly before
unpacking the shopping. Chocolate was surprisingly well behaved for once, and very soon she
had put the last few items away.
Emma! Emma! Milk! Milk!
Yes, yes, I’ll get you some~ Sit back down~
She ruffled Chocolate’s fine hair before getting a glass and pouring out some milk, then joined
her at the table.
There you go.
The catgirl lifted it to her mouth and took a first cautious sip.
*sip* Nyahh~ It’s so cool on my tongue.
Then she began to down the remainder of the glass.
*gulping down that milk*
Whoa, whoa, careful over there.
Ahh~ That was delicious, nya!
Did you enjoy your first glass of milk?
Oh yes! It was great, nyah! It feels cool in my belly~
Ahaha~ Okay, well I’ll put this glass away, just rest for a minute.

Hmm… Chocolate feels weird…
Oh I knew you drank that too fast. You got the hiccups or something?
No, chocolate doesn’t have hiccups, chocolate feels tingly… *m*
Whoa, what was that?
Chocolate… doesn’t know… *m* Chocolate just... tingly… *m*
*moans to go under narration*
As Emma stared in a mixture of concern and amazement, Chocolate’s body began to swell
outwards. Emma could see her skin shifting beneath her top, but upon closer inspection she
could see her arms swelling outwards and her shoulders broadening. It looked like she was both
growing taller and also gaining muscles at an absurd rate.
What was in that milk?
Emma said, dumbfounded as the catgirl continued to moan and grow taller and more muscular.
Even sitting down Chocolate’s face was rising up towards Emma’s own, her shoulders still
braudening. Emma could see a slight 6-pack forming on chocolate’s chest where her shirt was
now failing to cover her, along with other muscular details appearing all over the catgirl.
Chocolate however seemed to be reveling in her transformation as she watched with a massive
grin as her body swelled bigger and stronger, just as she’d been promised. After another few
spurts, Chocolate’s growth slowed to a stop.
C-Chocolate? Are you okay?
Yeah! Chocolate feels great, nya!
She hopped up out of the chair, effortlessly knocking the table over as she did so.
Whoa~! Be careful Chocolate!
Woow~ Chocolate is much stronger now, nya! Oooh~ Chocolate is bigger than Emma! Woow!
It was true, Emma was now looking up at Chocolate’s impressive physique. The catgirl was now
not only a head taller than Emma, but also visibly muscular. Sure, like most catgirl’s, Chocolate
had always been very active and fit, but she’d never had visible bulky muscles like these.
Chocolate quickly and impulsively wrapped Emma up into a hug.
[Chocolate] (giving a hug)
Ahh~ A bit tight! Too tight Chocolate~!
Chocolate let go again and Emma was free once more.
Ohhhhh, Emma Chocolate is sorry~
It’s fine, I’m okay, just you’re a lot, uh, stronger now, so you’ll need to be more careful.
Okay, Emma! Chocolate will be careful.
Good girl.
Emma reached up and ruffled her chin.
Despite her new bulk, she was still the same old Chocolate after all. Emma directed her to
carefully stand the table back up,
[Chocolate] (leading into a question)
Can Chocolate have some more milk?
Emma looked up into the eager face of her catgirl, beaming down at her.
I’m not sure if that’s a great idea, Chocolate.
Awwww, but it was sooo tasty! And Chocolate got soo big! Chocolate wants more milk!
Chocolate wants to get even bigger!
Yes, I was hoping you wouldn't say that. You’re already going to have to be very careful as it is,
you’ll be able to break things a lot more easily now and I know you can get a bit carried away
when we play.
Aww, but Emma~
Not right now, let’s just see how you get on at this size. If you manage not to break anything for
a while, then I’ll consider it.
[Chocolate] (sad)
Okay Emma…
Good girl~
Emma stood on her tiptoes to rub the catgirl’s head warmly.
[Chocolate] (head rubbings)

About a week later, in the back garden, Emma held the bottle of milk out to Chocolate.
I know this is a crazy thing to do, but you have been very very good.
Yaay! Milk! Chocolate wants to get bigger!
*downing the milk*
Chocolate full on downed the remaining milk in the bottle, Emma wasn’t sure she’d ever seen
her drink anything that fast.
Ahh~ It’s still so tasty, Nya!
There was a moment of silence while the pair waited for the milk to take effect again, which it
soon did.
*m* Yay, Chocolate gets bigger! *m* Bigger and bigger! *m*
*moans to go under narration*
Once more, Chocolate began to grow all over. Her height rose up taller, and her muscles bulged
out bigger, getting more and more defined. Chocolate once again revealed in the feeling, letting
out small moans as her body grew and grew. She watched in awe as her six-pack grew more
defined, her biceps swelled out and her shoulders broadened even further. Soon, her height and
her swelling muscles caused her clothes to give up and tear away, but Chocolate didn’t seem to
care, fascinated with her body as it continued to grow and grow and become stronger and
stronger. Her form had already taken on the look of a body-builder, but still her muscles swelled
and grew bigger and firmer. Even while this was happening, her height was still surging bigger
too, and Emma was now only level with Chocolate’s waist as the muscular catgirl swelled and
swelled up into the sky.
She’s definitely not going to fit back inside after this…
Emma said to herself as her catgirl continued to grow and moan her way bigger. Her muscles
bulged even larger, now larger than anyone would consider possible, but this didn’t halt their
progress. As Chocolate rose up and up to the height of the house, she felt her body tingling and
swelling all over. She’d been so careful even with her previous muscles not to damage anything,
but now with these she felt nothing could possibly stand in her way ever again. She reached
down slowly and carefully picked up her owner who now fit snugly in her still swelling hand. If
she had been a less well behaved catgirl, there would have already been so much damage, but
Chocolate loved Emma and so she wanted to be good. Chocolate was also very careful to hold
Emma gently, remembering all the hugs of the previous week and how strong she had been
then, even though now she was far far stronger and still getting stronger and stronger. The top
of the house was level with her waistline when, at last, the growth stopped.
Woow~ Chocolate got huuuge!
Yes, yes you very much did.
Even knowing it’s affects from last time, even Emma wouldn’t have dreamed it possible that
she’d have grown to this size. She was visible from the waist up from the whole neighborhood, if
not the whole town.
[Chocolate] (leading into a question)
But.. Emma~
If Chocolate is very good again, can Chocolate have some more milk next week too?

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