How Did You Become Aware of The Turkey Scholarships-ISDB Joint Scholarship Program?

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I believe medicine isn’t just a degree but a platform to help the world in the best possible

direction. I always feel attracted to medicine because there is no field other than it that
helps to survive humanity as much as medicine can. My reason for choosing this field is
that my father was died due to cancer and I can completely understand how much a
doctor is important in a patient’s life. Studying medicine is my ultimate goal and also a
privilege for me.
To achieve my goal, I’m working very hard. Throughout my 12 years of education, I
remained a very active and hardworking student. I have completed my high school
studies with a 90% aggregate. But I’m not a person who is always engaged in studies, I
also took part in many extra-curricular activities. I was a good debater at my school. I was
also a member of the literature society and dance club. Besides, I’m a basketball player
and completed a 1-month internship that polishes my management and leadership
abilities. I also took part in many volunteer activities and won many awards and
certificates regarding curricular and extra-curricular activities.
I choose Turkey because of its world-class faculty and proper laboratories as turkey has
more advanced hospitals and educational institutions. I’ll get the opportunity to
experience studying in a global environment. Besides, I’ll also get a chance to explore
Turkish culture and can learn a new foreign language. I'm sure Turkey is the best country
to study regarding its education,culture, and good-environment.
The medicine degree that I’ll get from Turkish university provides me with a solid
understanding of the medical field that is further helped me research oncology. After
graduating from one of the important entities of Turkey, I’ll continue my studies in the field
of oncology. My keen interest is in cancer as the graph of this disease is increasing
exponentially in Pakistan. Pakistan lacks research in this field. On the other hand, there
are very few cancer hospitals in Pakistan, and the treatment is too expensive. Medicine
education from Turkey will provide me a framework to maximize my country's research in
oncology to eradicate this disease by providing excellent and cheap treatment.
This scholarship would be a great platform because it would help me provide a reputed
degree and enhanced my future educational skills. I’m determined to pursue my dreams
and this scholarship will help to achieve my goal. Besides, this opportunity isn’t only
related to my academic field, but it’ll also polish me personally and professionally and
make me ready for my future anywhere in the world.
Studying in Turkey on scholarship will be the most fantastic experience and have a
substantial impact on my life. I want to avail this opportunity for which I'm ready to do all
the hard work it requires.I understand,this scholarship is attracting highly competent
students,but I consider I have the determination and consistency,and it gives me a strong

How did you become aware of the Turkey Scholarships-ISDB Joint Scholarship

I came to know about Turkey Scholarships-ISDB Joint Scholarship Program through

Turkiye burslari social media accounts. Then I checked it out on Turkiye burslari official
website. After knowing the primary information, I visited the ISDB website and checked
out all the details like the application dates, criteria, and eligibility. Then I gathered all the
necessary information and instructions for applying for this joint scholarship. After a
careful review of the application portal and its method of applying, I have started my
application with all the necessary documents.

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