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Name: Stormi Berry July 15, 2021 LESSON PLAN GUIDE

TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

5.5B- demonstrate that some mixtures maintain By the end of the 2 day lesson students will be able
physical properties of their ingredients such as iron to observe and identify ingredients and mixtures that
filings and sand and sand and water; maintain their physical properties.
Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time
Grade: 5th Subject: Science

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: What skills must be


Assessment: (C5)

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Frayer model, modeling, hands on Padlet- student to respond.

Learning Styles Addressed: Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Formative assessment: IdentifyingPhysical howproperties,
to separate
mixtures, a mixture
(C6) VisualHands
– on with materials not soluble, maintainRice, pebbles, Paperclips, toothpicks,
sand, coffeeFrayer model
filter, strainer, bucket of
Auditory Mixture song
Ways to separate a mixture (strainer, magnet, boiling, etc)
water, magnet
– Hands on with materials

Higher Order Questions to ask:

(C6) 1.What
physical properties of an ingredient help determine a mixture?
How would you determine if a mixture’s ingredients maintain their physical


Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Foods at home: Mixtures Tchart as a class to classify the different

food examples into the mixture category.
Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Teacher models creating a trail mix and how the different ingredients remain the
same and can be removed if you didn’t like on specific part.
Introduce the tools that can be used: strainer, magnet, tongs, coffee filter, tank of

Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Independent Practice: (C6)

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

Students to complete stations in a group setting to determine the different ways to

separate mixtures. Students will start by listing the physical differences in the
ingredients and then mix them together. Then students will determine the best way
to separate.

Peardeck questions:
Students will respond with all the ways that they can separate the mixture.
Plastic paper clips and Metal paper clips
Sand and rocks
Fruit Salad
Marbles and ping pong balls
OBJECTIVE: By the end of the 2 day lesson students will be able
Rigor to observe and identify ingredients and mixtures that
maintain their physical properties.

Retrieval Open with class discussion of what students that a mixture is and have
students give different examples of mixtures around the house. Teacher to
record these on the board/in a chart for future reference.
Relevance Explain to students that a mixture is a combination of two or more ingredients. In today’s mixtures, we will
focus on mixtures in which the ingredients do not experience a change in physical properties.

Routing Teacher to create a trail mix with students and ask questions: Did the physical
properties change at all? What do you do if you don’t like a specific thing? Can
you still identify the different ingredients?
Retaining / Rehearsing

Students to complete stations with group to test different ways to separate mixtures.

Students to complete Peardeck samples.


Whole class review of peardeck questions/review other student responses.
Journal check of lab notes and completion of chart.

Rice, pebbles, Paperclips, toothpicks, sand, coffee filter, strainer, bucket of water, magnet, journal chart
print out, student device, other random ingredients to allow students to test with as time provides.


Discussion of household mixtures, which ones maintained physical properties. Add to

Tchart for maintained and changed. Can introduce term of solution to lead to next lesson.

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