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Project Report
Submitted by
1. Gayatri Koshti
2. Shital Shermale

Guided by –Prof .Santosh B. Nikam

Department of Computer Engineering

Department of Computer Technology

Certified that the project report entitled“ ONLINE COLLEGE INFO SYSTEM
USING ANDROID WEB APPLICATION ” has been successfully completed by:
1. Shital Shermale
2. Gayatri Koshti

as partial fulfillment of Diploma course in Computer Engineering under the

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai during the academic year

Prof .Santosh B.Nikam Prof. H. P. Bhabad

Project Guide H.O.D. Computer Dept.

(External Examiner) Prof. S.R.Upasani


With deep sense of gratitude we would like to thanks all the people who have lit
our path with their kind guidance. We are very grateful to these intellectuals who did their
best to help during our project work.
It is our proud privilege to express deep sense of gratitude to,
Prof.S.R.Upasani, Principal of SHATABDI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Nashik ,
for his comments and kind permission to complete this project. We remain indebted to Prof.
H. P. Bhabad H.O.D, Computer Engg .Department For their timely suggestion and
valuable guidance.
The special gratitude goes to Mr. S. B. Nikam , Mr. P. S. Kulkarni, , Ms. V.
C. Belokar ,Mr. A. S. Patel, Mr. C. R. Ghuge, staff members, technical staff members, of
Computer Tech. Department for his expensive, excellent and precious guidance in
completion of this work. We thanks to all the colleagues for their appreciable help for our
working project.

With various industry owners or lab technicians to help, it has been our
endeavor to throughout our work to cover the entire project work.

We also thankful to our parents who providing their wishful support for our
project completion successfully, And lastly we thanks to our all friends and the people who
are directly or indirectly related to our project work.

Sr. Chapters Pag
No. e




1.2 Brief Description………………………………………….

1.3 Problem Definition……………………………………….

1.4 Applying software engineering


Literature Survey
2.1 Introduction …………..……………………………………...


Software Requirements Specification

3. Introduction……………………………………………………..

3.1.1 Purpose…………………………………………………..

3.1.2 Intended audience and reading suggestion………………

3.1.3 Project Scope…………………………………………….

3.2.1 Database Management System…………………………..

3.2.2 Description and Priority …………………………………

External Interface

3.3.1 User Interfaces……………………………………………

3.3.2 Hardware Interfaces………………………………………

3.3.3 Software Interfaces……………………………………….

3.3.4 Communication Interfaces………………………………..

3.4.1 Performance Requirements……………………………….

3.4.2 Safety Requirements……………………………………...

3.4.3 Security Requirements……………………………………

3.4.4 Software Quality Attributes………………………………

3. Analysis Models………………………………………………….

3.5.1 Data Flow Diagrams……………………………………...

3.5.2 Class Diagrams……………………………………………

04 System Design
4.1 System Architecture……………………………………….....

4.2 UML Diagrams……………………………………………….

05 Technical Specification
5.1 Technology details used in the project……………………….

5.1.1 Android………………………………………………………

06 Project estimate, System Implementation Plan and team structure

6.1 Project estimate………………………………………………

6.2 Implementation Plan…………………………………………

6.3 Team structure……………………………………………….

07 Software implementation

7.1 Introduction………………………………………………….

7.2 Important Module ……………………………………………

08 Software testing
8.1 Introduction………………………………………………….

8.2 Test cases…………………………………………………….

09 Results (Snap shots of the results)

9.1 Results………………………………………………………..

10 Deployment and Maintenance

10.1 Deployment of Our System………………………………...

10.2 Risks and precautions……………………………………….

11 Conclusion and future scope

12 References
List of Figures:

Fig. No. Figure Name Page No.

4.1 Block Diagram

4.2 UML Diagram

4.2.1 Use Case Diagram

4.2.2 Activity Diagram

List of Tables:
Table No. Table Name Page No.

6.1 Project Estimate Cost

6.2 System Implementation plan

6.3 Team Structure

Main aim in developing College Information System is to provide an easy way not
only to automate all functionalities of a college, but also to provide full functional reports to
top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect of college.

Education is an important and traditional part of society. As time has progressed

education as also changed from traditional one. So according to the progress of education
level. It also required changing the way of maintaining the student information in the
The college management system is web base system. The system deals with the registration
of trainees, record updating and maintaining as well as attendance management system.

College Information System is software has the perspective of attaining

attraction of those colleges which don’t have one good performing software for
keeping their information secure and make their management easier. College Information
System provides one attractive environment where you can manipulate data and information
about students and staff easily. So we can say the Core purpose of designing “College
Management System” is to manage the task related to the college students/employees and to
reduce time to searching of appropriate candidates in college view.

This project describes the overall structure of project “ONLINE COLLEGE INFO
SYSTEM USING ANDROID WEB APPLICATION”” with block diagram and flowchart
.in this project we have shown that how we can identify the Information and easily manage.
A first form is to login window then registers the employee registration on database and
identifies the all available information of employee or student that is viewed. And also it can
view the another information of the student like Curriculam , Facilities proide by clg, manual
and etc. this project focuses on the technical issues specific to the system such as time
management, and space related issues.

Education is an important and traditional part of society. As time has progressed
education as also changed from traditional one. So according to the progress of education
level . It also required changing the way of maintaining the student information in the

The college information system is web base system. The system deals with the
registration of trainees, record updating and maintaining as well as attendance information

The topic of our project is very diverse as it will manage a college which itself a huge
organization which imparts knowledge but for its proper working many other things work all
the time along with studies.

The aim of the project is to manage each and every required section a software can
handle with accuracy eliminating many mistakes that a person on job performs due to any
reason and makes the operations even faster.

Every department for us is a module and has independent working criteria but in one
way or the other they are related with one other and collecting these modules a college is
formed which we have to manage.

This is a web oriented application allows us to access the whole information
about the college, staffs, students, facilities etc. This application provides a virtual tour of
Campus. Here we will get the latest information about the students and staffs. This generic
application designed for assisting the students of an institute regarding information on the
courses, subjects, classes, assignments, grades and timetable. It also provides support that a
faculty can also check about his daily schedule, can upload assignments, and notices to the
students. Here administrator will manage the accounts of the student and faculties, makes the
timetable, and upload the latest information about the campus.

Our android widget for OIS(online information system for our college)
project is going on. While i work on my ideas regarding this i wanna make it unique by
adding some interesting and new features which was never used in our college OIS.
Following are my ideas. By now i have developed the front end part of the widget. Server
side scripting part using PHP is gonna start soon.
By this android widget for OIS the students and faculties will be able to see
their attendance, timetable and notice. The timetable will be downloaded to local database
and can be browsed even if the phone doesn't get connected to wi-fi inside or outside
campus. Only those information will be displayed which are relevant to the particular
student/faculty. The widget can further be enhanced to avail features like setting up an alarm
for certain important activities like assignment submission final date, internal exam date,
class timings etc.

Brief Description
College information: Through this service one can access the complete information about the
college campus such as courses available, admission procedure, placements, college events,
achievements etc.

Student tracking: Any company or any organization that want to check the summary about
the student of the college, so that they will be able to choose the particular students for their
campus placement And for that purpose they will be given a particular link through which
they can access the information required.

Student attendance status: It gives the attendance status of students. Faculty will update the
attendance periodically and can be seen by students and parents.

Student’s performance in exams: This facility provides the performance of the student in
each exam which is conducted by university or college such as midterm performance. Marks
obtained by students in exams will be updated by faculties that can be access by students and

Exam Notification: This facility notifies students and parents about examination schedule

Problem Definition

The problem is to provide the complete information about the college campus. In which the
college staff members, students and parents can access the information and will be familiar
with college campus. It will provide interactive environment for the staff, students and
parents by getting knowledge of student attendance, remarks, exams performances, grades,
timetables, notices etc.

Today in college’s student details are entered manually. The student details in
separate records are tedious task. Referring to all these records and updating is needed. There
is a chance for more manual errors.

Problems in existing system

• It was limited to a single system.

• It was less user-friendly.
• It have a lots of manual work (Manual system does not mean that we are working with
pen and paper, it also include working on spread sheets and other simple software's)
• It requires more no of employees need to work.
• It was time consuming process.
• The present system was very less secure.
• It is unable to generate different kinds of report

Literature Survey
Literature survey is the most important step in software development process , Before
developing , The tool it is necessary to determine the time factor ,economy and company
Once these things are satisfied , then next steps are to determine which operating system
and language can be used for developing the tool.
Once the programmers start building the tool the programmers need lot of external
support .This support an be obtained from senior programmers , from book or from
Before building the system the above consideration are taken into account for
developing the proposed system.

Software Requirements Specification

System Design

1. System Architecture

College info
User Online Database

A timeline chart can be developed for the entire project. Alternatively, separate chartscan be
developed for each project function or for each individual working on the project.When
multiple bars occur at the same time on the calendar, task concurrency is implied. The
diamonds indicate milestones. Once the information necessary for the generation of a timeline
chart has been input, the majority of software project scheduling tools produce
 project tables
a tabular listing of all project tasks, their planned and actual start- and end-dates, and a
variety of related information (Figure 1). Used in conjunction with the timeline chart, project
tables enable the project manager to track progress

16-12-14 31 18 3 4
Phases To To To To To
30-12-14 16 2 3 30
Feasibility 
Requiremen 
t analysis
System 
Detailed 
Coding and 
Operation 

Figure (1):Gantt chart

Technical Specification

I. Technology details used in the project

The strength of any projects depends upon the technology on which the project is
based. Every new technology is provides some new benefits , but only small part of
them remains in the competitive world . ANDROID is a latest technology , which is in
use nowadays and proved
To be the most reliable development framework . The technologies we have used in
the development of the project are :


II. Language Requirements

i. What is ANDROID ?
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that
includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The
Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing
applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.

Operating Systems have developed a lot in last 15 years. Starting from black
and white phones to recent smart phones or mini computers, mobile OS has
come far away. Especially for smart phones, Mobile OS has greatly evolved
from Palm OS in 1996 to Windows pocket PC in 2000 then to Blackberry OS
and Android.

One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is ANDROID. Android is a
software bunch comprising not only operating system but also middleware and
key applications. Android Inc was founded in Palo Alto of California, U.S. by
Andy Rubin, Rich miner, Nick sears and Chris White in 2003. Later Android
Inc. was acquired by Google in 2005. After original release there have been
number of updates in the original version of Android.

ii. Applications
These are the basics of Android applications:

1. Android applications are composed of one or more application

components (activities, services ,content providers and broadcast
2. Each components performs a different role in the overall application
behavior ,and each one can be activated individually (even by other
3. The manifest file must declare all components in the application should
also declare all application requirements , such as the minimum version
of android required and any hardware configurations required .
4. Non-code application resources(images, strings, layout files etc.)

iii. Why to used ASP.NET ?

ASP.NET is stands for Active server page .Net and its developed by Microsoft
ASP.NET is used to create web pages and web technologies. ASP.NET is very
valuable tool for programmers and developers as it allows them to built
dynamic ,rich web sites and set application using compiled language like VB
and C# .
ASP.NET is limited script language, it’s allows you to make use of.NET
language like VB, C# and j# etc. its allow developers to build very complicated
Application by making use of visual studio . The development tool provided by
Microsoft ASP.NET is purely server side technology . it is built on a common
language runtime that can be used on any windows server to most powerful
ASP.NET website and technology .


1. ASP.NET drastically reduces amount of code requirement to build large

application .
2. With built-in windows authentication and per-application configuration
,your application is safe and secure.
3. It is purely server side technology ASP.NET code executed on the server
before it is sent to the browser .
4. Being language independent ,it allows you to choose the language that
best applies to your application or partition your application across much
5. ASP.NET makes for easy deployment . There is no need to register
components because the configuration information is built in.

Project estimate, System Implementation Plan and

team structure

1. Project estimate………………………………………………
The COCOMO II project has done much better job than other studies rigorously isolating
the impacts of specific factors on project outcomes. Most studies combine multiple
factors intentionally or unintentionally. A study might examine the impact of software
process improvement, but it might not isolate the impact of switching from one
programming language to another, or of consolidating staff from two locations to one
location. The COCOMO II project has conducted the most statistically rigorous analysis
of specific factors that has been implemented so although we prefer other methods for
estimation, we do recommend studying ‘COCOMO II’s adjustment factors to gain an
understanding of the significance of different software project influences

No. Events Count

1 No. Of Persons involved (p) 2
2 Time Duration(In Days)(d)
3 Time Per Days In Hours(h)
4 Rate per hours(In Rs.)(r)
5 Total Expenditure(o)
6 Total Cost(InR)

Formula for finding the Total Cost :

Total Cost=(p*(d*h*r)+0
Total Cost=()
Total Cost=

Table (a): Project estimate Cost

System Implementation Plan

Module name From date Company Guide

Remark With Date
Table (b): System

Project Team structure






Table (c)=Project Team Structure

Software Implementation

I. Introduction
Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned out
into a working system . Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving a
successful new system and in giving the user, confidence that the new system will work and
be effective.
The Implementation stage involves careful planning ,investigation of the existing
system and it’s constraints on implementation ,designing of methods to achieve changeover
and evaluation of changeover method.

 Actual implementation
We are also providing the main facility or feature that is the “ONLINE COLLEGE

Software testing
I. Introduction
Testing is one
of the
stage of system analysis and design .testing is process of executing a program explicit
intention of finding errors that is ,making the program fail. A test is successful when it
detects errors. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all parts of the system are
correct the goal will be achieved.

A system is tested for usability .Following the system tested is acceptance testing or running
the system with the input data, which is specified in the input design. The system’s
performance criteria includes the time required, file security facility ,backup etc.
For system to be viable, controls have to be developed to ensure a quality of product. This
can be said as Quality Assurance. The quality assurance specialists go through system testing
and validation before they get certification .The quality assurance controls are developed to
assure the integrity and reliability of the system

II. Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing is testing without knowledge of
the internal working of the item being tested. For example, when black box testing is applied
to software engineering , the tester would only know the “legal” inputs and what the
expected outputs should be , but not how the program actually arrives at those outputs. It is
because of this that black box testing can be considered testing with respect to the
specifications, no other knowledge of the program is necessary. For this reason , the tester
and the programmer can be independent of one another ,avoiding programmer bias toward
his own work . For this testing , test groups are often used. For glass box testing , the test
cases cannot be determined until the code has actually been written. Both of these techniques
have advantages and disadvantages , but when combined, they help to ensure thorough
testing of the product.

III. White Box Testing

White Box testing strategy deals with the internal logic and structure of the code .
White Box Testing is also called as Glass, Structural, Open Box Testing . The test
written based on the white box testing strategy incorporate coverage of code written.
Types of testing under White/ Glass Box Testing Strategy :

1) Unit testing
The developers carries out unit testing in order to check if the particular
module or unit of code is working fine . The unit testing comes at the
Very basic level as it is carried out as and when the unit of the code is
developed or particular functionality is built.
2) Static and Dynamic Analysis
Static analysis involves going through the code in order to find out any
possible defects in the code .Dynamic analysis involves executing the
code and analyzing the output.

3) Security Testing
Security testing is carried out in order to find out how well the system
can protect itself from unauthorized access, hacking-cracking, any code
damage etc. which deals the code of application . This type of testing
needs sophisticated testing techniques.

IV. Objective of Test Plan

We are testing the software and hardware part of our project to see whether its giving
the expected output or not .In testing plan we will see that what input we are providing
and accordingly what output we are getting .there may be many risks associated with
the disfunctioning of the system .If the expected output is not coming then there is a
chance that some connection might have lost , some wires may be broken ,some
coding and function used may be wrong.

V. Scope of Test
In our testing we going to test the power supply, transmitter encoder side, receiver
Decoder role and GUI and the software associated with is.
I. Publicity of College.
II. Easy way to have communication to students.
III. It is easy to maintain.

I. An Integrated approach to Software Engineering, Narosa publishers, Third
edition by Pankaj Jalote

II. "Android Code Analysis". Retrieved June 6, 2012.


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