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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.

10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

A Study on Impact of Paradigm Shift in HR

Practices on Employee Life Style and Career
Development with Reference to Banking
Sector in India
Dharmaraj Arumugam, Department of Management, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
S. Ravishankar, Department of Management, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
C. Loganathan, Department of Management, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Abstract---Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the most important parts of the organization irrespective
of the nature of business. The main objective of HRM in any organization is to manage employees to enhance
quality of the work environment in a way to improve the productivity and sustainability. In other words, HRM takes
different measure to address the problems encountered by employees in order to provide a healthy working
environment to achieve the company goal more efficiently and effectively. These measures are often known as HR
Practices. In this study, the impact of paradigm shift in HR Practices on employee life style and career development,
with reference to banking sector in India, has been analyzed thoroughly. Banking industry, being one of the most
crucial parts of economy in India, has seen huge changes in the past few decades. Though, recently there have been
some improvements observed in the HR Practices conducted in different banks in India, there still is a long way to
catch up for them to achieve the potential performance. This study has pointed out some significantly influencing
HR Practices to be paid attention to, in order to bridge the gaps and see a drastic upswing in the overall performance
of the banks.
Key Words--- Hr Practices, Paradigm Shift, Employee Life Style, Career Development, Banking Sector, South

I. Introduction
Understanding HR practices and paradigm shift in its functioning: concept, features and parameters
Human resource management has been for decades considered as the major backbone of the organisations,
whether they are the part of service industry or the manufacturing and sales industry (Porter & Spear, 2010). The
organisation can acquire all variety of assets by different means but unless they do not have resourceful human
power they cannot cultivate their results. To define it in simple terms human resources are required to define the
values of the other entire assets with the system. Human resource can be considered to be concerned with the
dimension of the people working in an organisation (Nagendra, 2014). Human resources are required to govern and
control the rest of the assets available with the organization. It is also needed to manage the working environment in
the system and thus to assure smooth functioning and quality results (Beugelsdijk, 2008). Though, machines are
replacing human efforts but human brain still remains to be highly important to operate a firm and hence is the
importance of HRM in an organization. Thus, management of the people in the organisation is known as human
resource management. Since the organisation is created with its people the development of their skills, knowledge,
their motivation and making them resourceful to ensure quality results are essential part of any organisation
(Beugelsdijk, 2008; Prieto & Pérez-Santana, 2014).
Major aspects of Human Resource Management include acquisition of talent, training and development,
employee satisfaction or job satisfaction, performance management and retention of employees (Prieto & Pérez-
Santana, 2014). With change in time and with technological advancement the market is witnessing paradigm shift in
the functioning of the HR department. The structural and operational changes in the HRM have both positives and
negatives for the organisation. Social media has become one of the major causes of the shift in terms of human
resource development by the HR department (Tufts, Jacobson, & Stevens, 2015). Social media supports the HR
department in reaching out to the potential employees and getting them to work with the system. The recruitment
sites are another mode through which the HR department reaches the employees. Online exams, software for record

ISSN 1943-023X 821

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

keeping and continuous pop-ups to remind about the market as all in support of the Human Resource department
(Kooij et al., 2013). To study the impact of HR department and paradigm shifts in regards to the same organisations
use workplace place culture as the parameter to measure the results. Workplace culture defines a lot about the
chances of retaining key assets in the organisation (Warner, 2012). Another reason for the model change in HRM is
that the practices of HRM nowadays are either outsourced or fully automated (Kaufman, 2015a). There is a sudden
change in how the HRM used to work a decade ago. There are various internal factors that had led to the change in
the paradigm shift of HRM. All the practices of employee on-boarding, recruitment, remuneration, organizational
development, performance management, safety, succession planning, and wellness of employees, communication,
administration, training, and maintaining the motivational level of employees are all nowadays automated, software
based, managed using the social media or are managed by third parties thereby reducing the load of HR in big
companies (Fatema, 2014; Kaufman, 2015a).Quality reports like inappropriate salary structure, work-overload,
unfriendly environment and so on, whilst, reports like motivation from the management, appraisals, promotions,
team involvement and so on are analysed from time to time by the HRM to understand the reasons for unsatisfied
employees and thereby leads to paradigm shift too (Kaufman, 2015b).
Issues Related to employees lifestyle and career development in Indian Banking Sector
Lifestyle and career development is totally dependent on the type of work and job an employee does and the
techniques used by the management or HR for its employees with respect to retention and turnover (Ren & Chadee,
2017). It is very important to make sure that the employees with the organization are satisfied working with the
system. Also they should see prospects for future and better career in order to retain them within the organization.
The issues should be figured and resolved in timely basis to assure happy working environment. The major issues
which are considered to be having huge impact of the career and lifestyle of the employees in the Indian banking
sectors can be studied as–
Workload in the banking sector is a major issue that is found amongst the employees of banking sector (Fatema,
2014). Banking sector is a part of the service sector industry it is considered that it is not a labour intensive industry.
Serving the largest part of the population of the nation is not at all an easy task. Banking has been segregated into
different sectors such as, SME, retail, general operation, international banking etc. and as banks offer services to
large number of people the employees rest under the burden of work at all point of time (Bushra, Usman, & Naveed,
2011). Another workload related issue for the employees in banking sector is the uneducated audience visiting the
banks (Ghosh, Rai, & Sinha, 2014; Imran, Maqbool, & Shafique, 2014). The employees of the bank have to provide
personal attention to each of them to ease their visit. Long working hours and the stress involved in the work is a
major issue found amongst the employees working in banks thereby causing workload (Ahmad, Tariq, & Hussain,
Uneven distribution to the work is another factor or issue faced by the employees of the banking sector
(Sowmya & Panchanatham, 2011). People join at bank at either of the two stages, one being the clerical level and
other is the probationary level. These people are then trained at the same platform but after the positions are
assigned based on their level, the kind of assignments and their difficulty level changes as well (Ghosh et al., 2014;
Sowmya & Panchanatham, 2011). Thus it is important for the HR to take care of such issue and try to put job
rotation practice in use. The distribution of work in balanced manner is really important.
Salary Structure has been found to be another issue faced by the employees in the banking sector of India that
leads to poor lifestyle and career development (Davar & Singh, 2014; Sowmya & Panchanatham, 2011). The salary
of the public sector banks that are operating in India is not at all at par with public sector undertakings also when
compared to state government and central government employees we come across that the banks had not been able
to pay the employees with them at par with the rest of the sectors. If the issue is not resolved there will be brain
drain from the sector as the talent would prefer joining the sectors which pay for his work and talent (Davar &
Singh, 2014). Due to increasing needs and expenses people look forward to joining the job which pays them best
based on their skills, as the sector does not satisfy them enough in terms of money and they are not able to meet-up
with their necessities, employees choose to take over other fields of work over banking (Ahmad et al., 2015; Fatema,
2014). Thus, this salary related issue holds a big string in affecting the lifestyle and career development of
employees in banking sectors and hence leading to paradigm shift.
Stiff organisational hierarchical system in banks are prevalent thereby allowing the most influential in
rewarded with higher posts and recognitions (Ahmad et al., 2015). Banks are required to come out of their own
bureaucratic style in which they function and this leads to the poor lifestyle and lack of career development in the
banking sector of India (Sowmya & Panchanatham, 2011). Employees are known as the internal customers to the

ISSN 1943-023X 822

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

organisation and thus they should be gifted with their own proper space (Davar & Singh, 2014; Ghosh et al., 2014).
People can be developed best by the means of empowerment. People at all the levels in the system should feel
powerful. Employees should feel satisfied while they work for the organization and thus banks need to chop down
the level of bureaucracy which they had been practicing for years now (Ahmad et al., 2015). Also they should seek
better career prospects based on their talent, in order to lead a better life.
Improvement of enabler training system is another factor that lacks in the Indian banking sector whereby
leading to poor career development. Enabler training system in banks is the process that allows increased efficiency
of the banks processes and the employees in handling operations and financial systems (Ganesh, 2012). Though
banks offer training to their employees which are useful for the employees find useful but it had been witnessed on
large scale that individual focus is more effective to make employees more productive and efficient (Davar & Singh,
2014; Sowmya & Panchanatham, 2011). Job training is one of the generalised trends which most of the banks put to
practice but it is of no use unless the job is properly defined and thus everything ends up being a mess. Trainings
should be defined properly and should focus on all-round development of the employee and also should prepare his
for a stronger future.
Thus the main issues faced by the employees in the banking sector with respect to the lifestyle and career
development. These issues are related to the paradigm change in the HRM.
Need for the study
HRM has many loopholes in the banking system of India whereby the problems faced by the employees in
banking sector, leads to poor employee satisfaction and thus low turnover. Further, with improvement in technology
and globalization many changes have been felt to be taking place in the banking sector in India specifically in the
HR practices. Thus, it is important for the HR to assess the issues faced by the employees and lead to paradigm
change and also improve lifestyle and career. The main objective of the paper is to examine the effects of HRM
paradigm change in the banking sector in India. Also the study focuses on the impact of paradigm change on the
employees in banking sector of India. Another need for the study is that there are not many studies that indicate the
impact made by the HRM on employees due to conventional issues. The importance of paradigm with respect to
banking system in India also lacks acknowledgement and literature gap as to understand what changes were made by
the HR of banking industry in order to improve the employee lifestyle and career development. This study will also
help to bridge the gap in understanding the changing practices adopted by the HRM till date in the banking sector of
India. Furthermore the prior empirical studies helped in understanding the impact of HR practices on career
development and life style on employees.
Aim and Research questions
The main aim of the study is to assess the role and impact of paradigm shift in HR Practices on employee life
style and career development with reference to banking sector in India. The research question of the study is as
What is the role and impact of paradigm shift in HR Practices on employee life style and career development in
banking sector in India?

II. Literature Review

In this part of the chapter, various literature studies published on the similar topics has been assessed and
presented to address the research aim and questions. This section will also focus on the factors that impact of HR
practices on career development and life style on employees leading to paradigm shift in HRM.
Changing Practices in banking sector of India
There had been number of surveys, interviews and quite a lot of discussions which has been conducted with the
management with the staff training colleges, commercial banks and different banking institutes and colleges to
understand the working of the system. From the literatures found on the similar topic, various changing practices in
the banking sector have been observed that also leads to the paradigm shift in HRM. The changing practices in
banking sector are;
Electronic Payment System is the new age techniques and methods of banking adopted by most of the
international banks, private banks and nationalized banks (Hoehle, Scornavacca, & Huff, 2012; Miranda-Petronella,
2009). The technology is regarded to generation of E-cheques is under process in US which will be replacing the
commercial cheques in the banking industry. This, change in the banking practice has evolved to automated systems

ISSN 1943-023X 823

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

that allow employees towards easier and efficient banking processes (Cooke, Cooper, Bartram, Wang, & Mei,
2016). This also reduces the physical and manual stress. Decreased workload on the employees in the banking sector
leads to better work-life culture and hence improved lifestyle. However, the responsibilities of the HR department
increases as they will have to check the technical background of the person before employing them or even indulge
more on trainings and mentoring for the eligible candidates towards career development and cope up with the
changing operation of banking (Gomes, Angwin, Peter, & Mellahi, 2012). Also the expenses in regards to training
will also increase (Das, 2009). However, this paradigm change in the employee management had led to the better
employee lifestyle and career development.
360 Degree Feedback System is another banking practice employed by the HR with respect to employee
retention and reduced attrition (Cooke et al., 2016). The technology, 360 degree feedback system, helps in assessing
feedbacks from employees periodically whereby helps in changing faulty HR policies. This helps in bringing in
better human resource technique especially in regards to employees with the bank (Anitha & Begum N, 2016;
Gopika, 2016). It helps the HR to employ new methods and techniques that will bridge the gap found amongst the
employees. Thus, a 360-degree feedback system helps in not just by improving employee retention but also
improves employee lifestyle and career development too.
Management of Human Capital is another changing practice amongst the banking sector of India with respect
to employee satisfaction and retention (Mani, 2011). In this era of knowledge, it is very important to have a
competent stock of knowledgeable, social and creative labour in order to generate economic value. Considering the
same banks has adopted knowledge management which helps in developing competitive products (Gomes et al.,
2012). In India, the banking sector was facing a huge crunch in regards to human resources they have introduced
rewarding the employees for their work to retain them and also to attract the market towards the industry (Anitha &
Begum N, 2016; Mani, 2011). Thus, the shift of change in HRM to employ rightful candidates with characteristics
of knowledge, social and creative labour leads to economic feasibility of the banks and also in return allows
employees of the banking sector to improve their lifestyle and develop careers (Bhatnagar, 2007; Gopika, 2016).
Improving the skills of the employee will require training, which positively influences the career of the employees
and hence is an important paradigm shift in HRM.
Communication System is one of the best influences of technological advancement on banking sector has been
in regards to the effective communication system (Miranda-Petronella, 2009). Due to technological advancement,
the HRM is able to reach out to their employees and get to know and analyse their problems easily. In Indian
banking sector the system is pretty new and thereby allows the employees to directly share their feedback and the
issues faced by them to the HRM and even discuss with their colleagues (Bhatnagar, 2007; Sinha & Sinha, 2012). In
the banking sector of India, the internal communication systems and software designed to connect the people in
organization keep the HR department updated and response to resolutions to the issues found and assessed. Thus,
communicative systems not just help the employees to express their desire to development of careers but also help
them to express more on their exiting lifestyle and satisfactions (Anitha & Begum N, 2016; Sinha & Sinha, 2012).
Performance management is defined to be a process with the help of which mangers are able to ensure that the
activities and outputs of the employees are congruent to the goals of the organisation (Bhatnagar, 2007). In the
Indian banking sector the HR uses variety of tools and measures to implement performance management system
(Anitha & Begum N, 2016; Mani, 2011). With the use of this system management is able to rank the working of the
employees and take steps to reward and retain them and also apply techniques that will further improve their skills
and satisfactions. Thus, performance management is not just a tool to increase the efficiency of high performing
employees but also to increase the motivations and techniques to improve skills of low performing employees
(Cooke et al., 2016). This, new technique is thus responsible for improving the employee life style and career
development using the paradigm shift.
The preceding section mentions the changing practices in banking sector of India as identified by previous
publishers and researchers. Thus, new age technologies, better communications and better evaluation of employees
are the main practices or paradigm shift in HRM of banking sector of India. However, this leads to empirical
findings where the perspectives of the employees in the banking sectors assess the impact of HR practices on their
career development and life style.
Impact of HR practices on the career development and life style of employees
The HR practices with the organisation not only influence the working of the system but also define the
satisfaction level of the employees. Following are the empirical studies conducted by various researchers to
understand the impact of HR practices on the career and development of employees.

ISSN 1943-023X 824

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

Singh, (2004) studied the impact of HR practices on perceived HR practices on the banking/investment firm’s
performance in India. The researcher used online database containing information of more than 6000 banking,
financial and investment companies in India. The database helped in assessing various HR practices as independent
variable, however, the market and organization performance were considered as dependent variables influenced by
the perceived practices. The researcher found that market and organization performance improved for any of the
6000 banking, financial and investment companies chosen with the paradigm shift in HRM. Thus, in one the earliest
studies indicated there lies a positive relation among all the HR practices including training, compensation,
employee participation, performance appraisals and the process of selections.
In another research paper by Kundu & Malhan, (2009) also studies on impact of HR policies on employees’
performance whereby 218 respondents from four insurance companies were included in the study. The researchers
tried to study on competitive advantage of a company HR policies and changes in them affecting employee
motivations and retention. Statistical analyses of respondent’s perspectives indicated that flexible HR policies not
only benefit the organisation at large but also have impact on the working of the employees. These policies offer
benefits to the employees by giving them better opportunities for growth in regards to compensation, training,
benefits, career and development opportunities. This leads to self-fulfillment and job satisfaction. Better training and
appraisal opportunity keeps the employees charged and make them feel connected to the organization. It also helps
in improving the overall result of the system.
In more recent studies by Singh, (2013) studied on effective management of human resources in banks that led to
the development of skills and career development amongst representatives of management of various management
institutes and banking organizations. In this study, qualitative study was done with the help of interviews to assess
the changes of HRM towards impact of program implemented for skill development on job performance and
behavior. However, the studies indicated that factors such as training, management development, career planning
and development where most influential in the career and skill development of the respondents. Thus, it was
concluded by the researcher that changing HR practices are effective in Again, similar study was conducted by
Singh, (2013) where the researcher focused on impact of administrative skills and competitive advantage of
employees due to implementation of human resource development (HRD) policies.
The study was conducted amongst banking branches of state Punjab, Chandigarh and Delhi, whereby 289
managers and higher officials were considered for the study. The study implied that the Indian bank managers
perceive that HRD policies and changing models of HRM helped them have good administrative skills for industrial
Thus flexible HRD practices should be brought to practice in a suitable manner in order to achieve effectiveness
of the organization/banks.
In another most recent study by Kujur, Mushtaq, & Shah, (2016), explored the new HRM practices on the basis
the perceptions of the bank employees under public sector from six banks in Chhattisgarh. The research studied on
innovative HRM practices related to recruitment & selection, training and development, performance management,
compensation management, career development, employee motivation and employee security and found that
respondents were equally competent with the new banking practices with HRM policies. Forty nine innovative
HRM practices were identified that led to competitive advantage of the employees as a result of career development
Thus, these empirical studies implicated that flexible HR practices and responses help in the development of
skills amongst the employees of banking sector in India.
Nonetheless, the changing HR practices are responsible for improved employee life style and career
In the next section the methods used to study the perspectives of the employees and specialists in banking sector
of India has been presented.

III. Research Methodology

Research methodology is the comprehensive process that details the way in which the research has been
conducted (M Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). It includes the methods, design and approach towards
answering the research problems using different techniques.

ISSN 1943-023X 825

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

Table 1: Banks Name, Sector and Location Information

For the purpose of this research study, quantitative as well as qualitative data was collected using survey and
interview methods. In the survey method, quantitative questionnaire was administered to employees working in
banks of South India in different departments. This method was helpful in determining the impact of HR practices
and paradigm shifts on the lifestyle and career development the employees. Moreover, in order to understand the
non-quantifiable aspect of the impact, interviews were conducted of HR managers of 15 major banks in South India
in order to reflect the difference in the career development and life style of employees before and after paradigm
shift into HR practices. The sample size of 385 employees was calculated on the basis of the following formula:

𝑧𝑧 𝑝𝑝̂ (1 − 𝑝𝑝̂ )
𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 = �
Z = z-score for 95% confidence interval
P = judgment of the correct value of p
N = sample size
There were a total of 15 banks taken into consideration for surveying. Table 1 represents the name of the banks
and their locations along with the sector they belong to. The banks were selected from distinct places (within the
southern part of India) so as to collect the most true to population opinions and to avoid any prejudice. These banks
were preferred on the basis of their good customer satisfaction records in the past, as well as their annual turnover.
Measurement instruments and measures
Qualitative questionnaire was used to collect data from the employees. The questionnaire has been divided into
sections including demographic profile, general background and Likert scale measure on HR practices in order to
collect data on a metric scale. For the qualitative study, interview method was employed for collection of data
wherein an open ended and semi-structured questionnaire was used. The questionnaire involved questions of HR
approaches and practices as per contemporary market needs, challenges faced and future scope of development.
Procedure of data collection and analysis
The questionnaires were administered online to the respondents in order to facilitate quick and easy filling of
questionnaires. The data collected using the questionnaire was later analyzed using the SPSS PASW Statistics 23.0
software package. The email ids of the respondents were collected from the HR department of the respective bank
using which the questionnaire was forwarded to the respondents.
For conducting the interviews for the qualitative analysis, a pre-defined date and time was fixed with the HR
manager and a face to face discussion was done to collect the qualitative data on the set date and time.

ISSN 1943-023X 826

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

Research design
The research design with its elements of purpose, approach and strategy, was constructed, following the
establishment of philosophical stances. The researcher believed in association of general philosophy of science with
that of social science creating an interface between the natural and social world. Therefore, the paradigmatic
approach of critical realism was chosen to find out the shift in HR approaches in banking sector of South India.
Following the philosophical stance, a mixed approach has been adopted in the study, whereinboth inductive and
deductive approaches of data analysis have been taken into consideration.

IV. Results
In this particular section, the impact of paradigm shift in HR Practices on employee life style and career
development was analyzed with reference to the banking sector in India. Both qualitative and quantitative findings
are presented, where thematic analysis of qualitative data is presented. In quantitative, the hypotheses were tested
using bivariate correlation and multivariate regression in order to test the impact.
Qualitative analysis
Major issues related to career development faced while working with the bank
The major problem faced by the employees in banking sector in south India regarding their career development
was the inability of the HR department to deliver the planned shifts in HR policies. In regard to the same discussion,
respondent A stated that “HR managers do not have capacity to efficiently implement HRM, since they have other
meaningful short term operational responsibilities and limited skills and competencies in HRM due to a lack of
training. This impacts the career development”. Respondent F was of a different opinion and stated that “The HRM
policies are there very much present in the banking system functioning but it’s all on the paper.”Thus it can be
inferred that the issues in the banks in relation to HR practices is present at the implementation level. Either the
managers are not able to implement these practices and to apply them realistically. Based on the interviews of the
respondents it can be stated that banking industry needs to probably introduce HR practices and not just on paper but
at ground level as well in order to ensure proper implementation which will then facilitate the employees in their
career development.
Strategies that the management can employ in order to reduce career development issued in Indian Banking
Respondent B stated that the “biggest challenge faced by employees with respect to their career development
was the lack of training provided to them”. It has been seen that banks do provide training to their employees;
however, it has been found that individual focus needs to be provided to each employee in order to increase their
efficiency and productivity.
Respondent C further elaborated and stated that “the salary structure of employees working with banking sector
is not at par with other similar jobs in the job market like the ones associated with different MNCs and corporate”. It
has been felt that the employees feel unproductive on comparing it with that of other employees of different MNCs
and corporate. It has been observed that that the banking sector though starts with a respectable pay structure but the
growth in terms of the pay is very slow and difficult when compared with other jobs, This issue needs to be
addressed properly in order to make banking sector a preferred destination for harboring the best talent of the
country and foster innovative thinking in banks. Above discussed issues have affected the banking sector and has
made the related jobs less preferred amongst the other available jobs as well as increasing the attrition rate of
Thus it is suggested to the banking sector that firstly the focus should be on proper training and development of
the employees. Secondly the pay structure of the employees should be at par with other available similar jobs in the
job market so that the employees of the banking sector are motivated to work thus concentrating on their career
development as well in the same sector.
Paradigm shifts in HR policies- better or for worse
A majority of the respondents agreed that the paradigm shifts in HR practices related to talent acquisition,
staying up to date with the dynamic VUCA world, introduction of digitization in human resource practices,
redefining diversity within an organization, maintaining a continuous communication between the employer and the
employee with respect to performance management, changes in work space with respect to their privacy, increased

ISSN 1943-023X 827

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

emphasis on data analytics in performing HR activities, health and stress management – all had a significant impact
on their life style and career development.
Respondent Dstated that “the new sources of talent acquisition including online job portals and networking had
an enormous impact on their life style as it means that they had to learn new ways of applying to new jobs i.e. by
networking and creating an online job seeking profile amongst others.” Thus it can be stated on the basis of the
above discussion that the paradigm shift in the HF practices in banking sector is definitely for betterment of the
sector simultaneously leading to career development and improvement in the lifestyle of the employees.
Respondent B also said that HR managers nowadays, need to work on marketing in order to create a strong
employer brand in order to attract suitable talent for suitable jobs.
This means that the entire HR department needs to develop and spread a sense of moral code amongst the
employees in order to create a positive work behavior and work culture which has a direct impact on their lifestyle.
Respondent C observed that all the basic HR functions including talent attraction and acquisition, hiring,
training, retention, refreshing talent and benefits management can be effectively managed online which meant a shift
from the traditional way of managing people.
Respondent D informed that his company used social media, cloud computing and knowledge management tools
in order to effectively manage and retain fresh and appropriate talent in the company. It also adopted digital
collaboration in order to enhance the use of technology as well as teamwork amongst the employees of their
Change in your lifestyle as an outcome of the shift in the HR practices
The respondents were divided on deciding whether the paradigm shifts in HR policies introduced in the banking
sector has been for their benefit or disadvantage.
It was found that some of the policies like 360 degree feedback system, introduction of work from home
opportunity, paternal leave and emphasizing on health and stress management within the organization has benefitted
them. However, a few of the other practices like introduction of social media for recruitment, networking, and
diverse workgroups were not very well received amongst the employees of the banking sector.
More than 70% of the respondents agreed to have a healthier work life balance, increased mental health
awareness, spending more quality time with their family and increased awareness regarding their health and mental
well being before, during as well as after work.
Also, more than 85% of the respondents agreed to having increased confidence in accepting more challenging
projects, feeling more valuable within the organization and feeing good at workplace, feeling more satisfied with
accomplishing greater responsibilities. The respondents have also observed that the paradigm shifts in HR policies
has foster better relationship and cooperation between the employer and the employees as well as amongst the
employees themselves. The employees feel more satisfied with personal development, appraisals and find a greater
match between their skills and abilities and the demand of their current jobs.
Uneven distribution of work in your organization
On being asked about uneven distribution of work, respondent E stated that “Yes, definitely there was uneven
distribution of work in the organization”.

Similarly, other employees working in the banking sector were of the same opinion that they were exposed to a
huge workload and uneven distribution of work.

On asking about the ways that can be adopted to reduce the work pressure and uneven work distribution,
respondent G stated that “Introduction of the policies like job rotation and flexible work hours can facilitate in
proper distribution of work.”

This section has meticulously showed the management’s perspective on the employee’s life style and career
development getting influenced by different set of HR practices. To closely look and analyze the employee’s
perspective on the same, correlation and regression techniques has been deployed as a part of quantitative study in
next section.

ISSN 1943-023X 828

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

Quantitative Analysis– Hypothesis Testing

H01: The shift in HR Practices has no significant impact on employee life style with reference to banking sector
in India.
Table 2 : Correlation between HR Practices and Employee Lifestyle
Study Variables Employee Lifestyle
Pearson correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
HR Practices
TA1 .205** 0.00
TA2 .262** 0.00
SR1 .380** 0.00
SR2 .204** 0.00
SR3 0.082519933 0.11
D1 .409** 0.00
D2 .437** 0.00
D3 .216** 0.00
RD1 .315** 0.00
RD2 .109* 0.03
CD1 .170** 0.00
CD2 .314** 0.00
P1 .394** 0.00
FDA1 .405** 0.00
FDA2 .383** 0.00
HSM1 .384** 0.00
HSM2 .319** 0.00
HSM3 .348** 0.00
HSM4 .299** 0.00
HSM5 .304** 0.00
HSM6 .216** 0.00
HSM7 .249** 0.00
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
In Table 1, it can be seen that almost all the factors defining HR Practices have a significant direct association
with Employee Lifestyle except the factor “HR maps individual roles rather than designations so that employees can
visualize their career paths and become better leaders” (SR3).
Furthermore, it is clear that Focus on Data analytics and Digitization has a very high and significant correlation
at significance level <0.05 to Employee Lifestyle. These results imply that the actions taken by HRs and the shift in
HR Practices play a very important role in Employee’s Lifestyle. All the HR practices show a positive relationship
with Employee’s Lifestyle.
In a study conducted by Peus, C., Frey, D., Gerkhardt, M., Fischer, P., & Traut-Mattausch, (2009), it was stated
that HR practices in the organization impact the lifestyle of the employees via which the needs of the employees are
fulfilled. Thus this study supports the findings of the present study.
As the slope of the non-associated variable does not contribute to the overall impact on the dependent variable,
the aforementioned insignificant factor was removed from the multivariate regression analysis due to the low and
insignificant association.
Table 3: Regression model summary of Impact of HR Practices on Employee Lifestyle
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .864a .746 .731 .261
a. Predictors: (Constant), HSM7, D2, TA1, D3, HSM2, CD2, FDA1, HSM5, CD1, SR2, SR1, HSM6, HSM1, RD1, TA2, FDA2,
RD2, P1, HSM3, D1, HSM4
The above table (Table 2) shows the level of impact HR Practices have on Employee Lifestyle with the help of
multivariate regression analysis.
The regression model has shown quite a good fit by explaining more than 74% variance in the data around its
mean with R-square = 0.746. This simply depicts that the model was able to closely fit most of the data around its
regression line which in turn helps to explain the cause and predict much accurately.

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Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

Table 4: Analysis of variance of impact of HR practices on employee lifestyle

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 72.996 22 3.318 49.128 .000b
Residual 24.449 362 .068
Total 97.444 384
a. Dependent Variable: impact on lifestyle
Further, the above table presents a value of F (49.128) and high significance (.000). It can be stated that the
coefficients included in the model are non-zero and contribute to the model fit. Based on the above analysis, the null
hypothesis can be rejected and it can be stated that there is significant impact on employee life style with reference
to banking sector in India.
Table 5: Regression Coefficient Showing Impact Of Hr Practices On Employee Lifestyle
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -.134 .141 -.950 .343
TA1 .040 .022 .100 1.857 .064
TA2 .038 .021 .091 1.793 .074
SR1 .044 .021 .079 2.031 .043
SR2 .035 .019 .052 1.851 .065
D1 .079 .030 .187 2.669 .008
D2 .060 .032 .130 1.856 .064
D3 .052 .022 .120 2.411 .016
RD1 .036 .021 .087 1.738 .083
RD2 .047 .024 .113 1.949 .052
CD1 .053 .024 .125 2.198 .029
CD2 .071 .028 .165 2.551 .011
P1 .062 .030 .133 2.057 .040
FDA1 .039 .024 .100 1.654 .099
FDA2 .048 .022 .114 2.165 .031
HSM1 .030 .015 .079 1.926 .055
HSM2 .062 .032 .130 1.967 .050
HSM3 .061 .035 .118 1.759 .079
HSM4 .049 .028 .129 1.740 .083
HSM5 .065 .030 .157 2.154 .032
HSM6 .067 .016 .162 4.165 .000
HSM7 .032 .017 .073 1.868 .063
a. Dependent Variable: Impact_on_Lifestyle
Reading through the above table, it can be said that all the factors defining HR Practices have a significant
positive impact at (significance level <0.1) on the dependent variable – Employee Lifestyle. The variable “Flexible
working hours to allow for physical activity before, during and after work” (HSM6) shows the highest positive
impact on Employee Lifestyle with β = 0.162.
In a study conducted by Cooke, (2012), it was found that as the option for the flexible working hours is provided
to the employees, they perform better and are able to balance their work life in a more appropriate manner. Thus
flexible workings hours were found to be having a direct impact on the lifestyle of the employees. Thus the results
of this study are in sync with the findings of the present study.
Further, an unstandardized coefficient value of .067 states that for every 1 unit change in the Flexible working
hour’s factor, .067 unit changes takes place in the dependent variable that is on lifestyle of the employees
Further, it was analyzed that the variable “My organization’s HR has invested in technology and skills to
integrate data analytics with talent management, employee performance and predicting attrition.” (FDA1) has shown
the least significant positive impact with p-value = 0.099 (at significance level < 0.1) on Employee Lifestyle.
Overall the results showed that all the different elements of HR Practices impact the employee lifestyle with a
significant degree.
Since all the elements under HR Practices significantly influences the employee lifestyle, thus it can be stated
that the shift in HR Practices has significant impact on employee life style with reference to banking sector in

ISSN 1943-023X 830

Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

H02: The shift in HR Practices has no significant impact on employee career development with reference to
banking sector in India.
Table 6: Correlation between Hr Practices and Employee Career Development
Employee Career Development
Study Variables Pearson correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
HR Practices
TA1 .211** 0.00
TA2 .269** 0.00
SR1 .378** 0.00
SR2 .197** 0.00
SR3 0.078576374 0.12
D1 .398** 0.00
D2 .434** 0.00
D3 .205** 0.00
RD1 .305** 0.00
RD2 .115* 0.02
CD1 .177** 0.00
CD2 .307** 0.00
P1 .387** 0.00
FDA1 .412** 0.00
FDA2 .391** 0.00
HSM1 .391** 0.00
HSM2 .320** 0.00
HSM3 .350** 0.00
HSM4 .302** 0.00
HSM5 .307** 0.00
HSM6 .214** 0.00
HSM7 .252** 0.00
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The correlation of the HR practices and career development of the employees has been presented in the table
above. It can be inferred from the correlation table that the component “HR maps individual roles rather than
designations so that employees can visualize their career paths and become better leaders” (SR3) holds insignificant
relation with the Employee Career Development. However, Focus on Data Analytics, Changes in work ‘space’
(Privacy) and Digitization have a high positive and significant association (at significance level <0.05) with
Employee Career Development. In a study conducted by European Commission, (2017), it was found that as the
digitization increases in an organization, the skill set of the employees improves which leads to an increment in their
employee ability which then leads to their career development.
As the variable SR3 did not show any association with Employee’s Career Development, it was not included for
any further analysis in this part as well so as to avoid any of the results getting hindered because of it.
Table 7: Model Summary of Impact of Hr Practices on Employee Career Development
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .863a .745 .730 .261
a. Predictors: (Constant), HSM7, D2, TA1, D3, HSM2, CD2, FDA1, HSM5, CD1, SR2, SR1, HSM6, HSM1, RD1,
TA2, FDA2, RD2, P1, HSM3, D1, HSM4
In Table 6, the regression analysis has shown good fit by explaining the variability of more than 74% in the data
with R-square value = 0.745. This means that 74% of the change that occurs in the career development of the
employees is an outcome of the HR practices that have been included in the study.
Table 8: Analysis Of Variance of Impact of Hr Practices on Employee Career Development
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 72.577 22 3.299 48.799 .000b
Residual 24.472 362 .068
Total 97.049 384
a. Dependent Variable: impact on career development

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Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

Further, the above table presents a value of F (48.799) and high significance (.000). It can be stated that the
coefficients included in the model are non-zero and contribute to the model fit. Based on the above analysis, the null
hypothesis can be rejected and it can be stated that there is significant impact on employee career development with
reference to banking sector in India.
Table 9: Regression Coefficient of Impact of Hr Practices on Employee Career Development
Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) - .141 -.807 .420
TA1 .043 .022 .106 1.962 .051
TA2 .041 .021 .098 1.926 .055
SR1 .038 .021 .069 1.770 .077
SR2 .030 .019 .045 1.589 .113
D1 .058 .030 .137 1.947 .052
D2 .081 .032 .175 2.490 .013
D3 .051 .022 .117 2.342 .020
RD1 .034 .021 .082 1.633 .103
RD2 .049 .024 .119 2.041 .042
CD1 .053 .024 .125 2.198 .029
CD2 .070 .028 .165 2.551 .011
P1 .059 .030 .128 1.974 .049
FDA1 .038 .024 .097 1.605 .109
FDA2 .051 .022 .121 2.295 .022
HSM1 .032 .015 .085 2.064 .040
HSM2 .062 .031 .131 1.977 .049
HSM3 .061 .035 .117 1.752 .081
HSM4 .049 .028 .129 1.745 .082
HSM5 .066 .030 .161 2.204 .028
HSM6 .064 .016 .156 3.982 .000
HSM7 .036 .017 .083 2.122 .034
a. Dependent Variable: Impact on career development

While analyzing the results closely it was realized that most of the elements contributing to HR Practices seem to
have a significant positive influence on Employee Career Development (at significance level <0.1) except for the
three elements – SR2, RD1 and FDA 1. Nevertheless, the variable “Flexible working hours to allow for physical
activity before, during and after work” (HSM6) is also the most positively impacting component of the list for
Employee Career Development (with β = 0.156). In a study conducted by University of Edinburgh, (2014), it was
found that flexible working hours and other flexible policies in an organization facilitates the employees in meeting
and fulfilling their present and future needs. This helps them in improving the skill set and thus career development.
Thus this study is insync with the findings of the present study.
Based on the above discussion it can be stated that the shift in HR Practices has significant impact on employee
career development with reference to banking sector in India.

V. Discussion
The aim of the study was to find if there was any significant influence of HR Practices on Employee’s Lifestyle
and Career Development with reference to banking sector in India. Analysing through the comprehensive study of
association and impact from the interview questionnaire data of employees and HR experts from the banking sector
in India, it was concluded that HR Practices tend to have a strong positive impact on both – Employee’s Lifestyle
and their Career Development. Although, one of the elements – namely “HR maps individual roles rather than
designations so that employees can visualize their career paths and become better leaders” - did not show as
significant influence as others did, the whole set of HR tools showed a sure practical difference. Overall, HR
Practices were observed to have a significant influence on the lifestyle and career development of the employees of
organization in positive manner. Moreover, in addition to the overall significant positive impact, some of the most
important HR Practices like introducing and investing in technology & skills to integrate data analytics with talent
management, developing policies to improve workspace privacy for employees focusing on communication &
innovation, and using digital technology for handling talent management & teamwork among employees were found
to be causing the most significant improvement in employee’s lifestyle and developing their career within the
banking sector of India. This study also supports the fact that Human Resource Management tools help to contribute
to individual development of the employees (Mathivanan, 2013). Along with that each employee’s knowledge and
technical skills needs to be updated from time to time in order to see a positive change in their performances and

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Received: 20 October 2018/Accepted: 15 November 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018

development. The banking sector in India will see a huge positive change in their employee’s lifestyle and career
development in return to the introduction and integration of digitization. However, as (Lehmann & Sydow, 2015)
have stated that every different bank and company needs distinct and appropriate application of digitization
according to their respective situations and requirements. Besides the findings of the current study, HR Practices
should also take care of other important aspects - like reporting and analysis of employee information, introducing
training and performance development plans, creating job opportunities for current employees as a part of IJPs - to
see an effective change in the employee’s lifestyle and behaviour.
It can be concluded by saying that in the current times, it is imperative that HR professionals stay ahead of the
curve in order to dodge the pitfalls which they face owing to the new environment. It is evident that HR is
undergoing a momentous change wherein the traditional HR practices seem to be binding and the contemporary
paradigms are being challenged in the banking sector. Therefore, the qualitative analysis shows that in order to stay
ahead in the competition, the HR personnel in the banking sector need to increasingly focus on the return on
investment on their human capital. The HR practices should be such that their human capital should be taken to be
the most valued assets. In order to provide value addition with the organization, HR professionals need to stay in
touch with the current trends in the work marketplace and formulate and implement their HR strategies and plans
Implications of the study
The HR policies identified in the study that lead to improvement in the lifestyle of the employees and facilitate in
their career development can be adapted by the HR managers and the upper management of banking sector in India
to improve lifestyle and skills of its employees. This will in turn help the banks in enhancing the employee’s
performance and also for controlling the attrition in the organization.
It was found in the study that employees were not able to visualize their career paths based on the roles played
by them. This finding of the study canbe further used by the managers of the banking sector wherein they can build
and create and distribute the roles and designation in a wat that it facilitates the employees in their growth up in the
Limitations and future scope
While studying the impact of different HR Practices on employee’s lifestyle and career development, this study
suffered quite a few limitations like – limited sample size which restricted to do an in-depth study and did not allow
to do more tests for even robust results. Further, time constraint was another limitation because of which it was not
possible to detect the reason behind the insignificant impact of “HR assigning responsibilities instead of profiles to
the employees” on employee lifestyle and their career development, trying to focus on one particular sector and a
specific part of India lead to the availability of limited data only.
In future, the outcomes of the present study can be taken forward with adequate amount of sample data collected
throughout the India. Also, more tests can be performed in order to create a sturdier model and to gain in-depth

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